THIS mfing lady right here's doing it RIGHT, y'all.

14  2016-07-30 by no1113

Her perspective, I would say, is more right than not. Additionally, the vehemence behind her words is powerful and very moving.

Dammit I wish more of us felt this exact same way.

Fuck'em all. They're all corrupt. It is WE THE PEOPLE who have to take this shit back - not these fucking super corrupt politicians.


She sounds oddly familiar! Yeah, I know OP, you thought all this time that I was a dude!

It isn't just hard-scrabble folk that throw down! She and I are so sick of people talking out the side of their faces, while they destroy this Republic!

The Clinton/Bush Train has got to be stopped at all costs!

I'm somehow a lot more glad that I was wrong about that than I thought I would be.

You're awesome, man...I mean lady. :)

Aye, life gives you a crooked path you rail and then you make peace!

Not certain I'm half there yet!

In darker moments I'm still screaming at Medicine and Science.

Just the same I love you for caring about me, my flesh and all the others just the same!

You make me smile!

Aye, life gives you a crooked path

I’ll frickin’ say…

you rail and then you make peace!

And sometimes you just…rail and rail and rail some more. I try to make peace…but sometimes (usually?) I just rail…

Not certain I'm half there yet!

Me either - although I often wish I was already done…

In darker moments I'm still screaming at Medicine and Science.

I scream at medicine and science so often that my darker moments seem pretty constant in that sense.

Just the same I love you for caring about me, my flesh and all the others just the same!

You make me smile!

Namaste. Your light shines through these words you type.

I think of this kid in DC connected to the DNC and my hackles are up from Aaron Schwartz, Hastings, Manning, black hat conf.

Who knows where it goes next?

Aye, just the same you love and love and keep loving!

Sorry for the ignorance but are you saying you are the lady in the video? If so, you're seriously awesome.

No. She's not saying she's the lady in the video. She and I have interacted quite a bit on Reddit here and there, and I thought she was a he for quite a while. She was correcting me. She's (to my knowledge) not the female in the video, but - over the course of the time that I've interacted w/her on here - I would say she has a pretty darn good head on her shoulders as well.

/u/ridestraight is good people.

Did you know you can fire ⅔ of Washington DC overnight? It’s not something that is talked about very loudly, but you can do it. One man. One pen. No legal need for approval from anyone.

Dan Peña mentioned that about Trump.

Can you pm how to do this

It’s within the rights afforded to the president as head of the executive branch of the federal government. Everyone who works for any agency under the executive–from the directors to the janitors–can be fired by the president at any time for any reason. They would thereafter only hold their position for a transition period until their replacement is sworn in.

No congressional proceedings, no committees, no votes, etc. The lack of accountability is a double edged sword; it’s just that the other edge hasn’t been sharpened for decades.

So then when you said "Did you know you can fire ⅔ of Washington DC overnight?", you didn't mean you as in us as in the US citizenry. You meant the US president...and since you meant only the US president can do it...then what you really meant to say is that it won't get done - since, of course, the US president is a corporate-controlled puppet.

since, of course, the US president is a corporate-controlled puppet.

Ooh, you’re in for a real treat in the near future. It’s called ‘hope’, and it’s going to be doing a comeback tour in early January. what are you saying? Are you being serious or am I supposed to be reading some sarcasm in this statement that's whooshing over me?

I KNOW you're not referring to Shillary. I know you're not referring to Shamders.

...and you can't be referring to Frump.

None of those corporate-owned cats are gonna change anything for the better if at all.

And regardless of whether you say "Frump's not corporate-owned!" I'll say "Yeah. You're right. He's not corporate-owned. He's CORPORATE - which I'm not sure isn't ultimately worse, actually."

So...what is it you're saying in terms of me/us being "in for a real treat in the near future"/January - implying that the next US president won't be the same kind of corporate-controlled shill puppet that they've all been for quite a while now?

Please enlighten us (no /s, btw).


You’re missing out on something big here. Corporations don’t control the world. Until you understand that, you can’t understand the ramifications of the stated positions of those running for the presidency.

You’re missing out on something big here. Corporations don’t control the world.

Well then I need to be enlightened BIG TIME - because as far as I can tell, they seem to be not too far from the center in terms of who controls the world.

I mean I know it’s not “corporations” per se that are the very center, but the people that own and control some of these global corporations most definitely have more power than governments themselves. It’s the whole “give me control of a nations money supply and I care not who makes its laws” kind of thing…and the corporate structure is a lot closer to that paradigm than the governments are.

Until you understand that, you can’t understand the ramifications of the stated positions of those running for the presidency.

So then Jesus. Stop acting like you’re some wannabe cryptic guru or whatever and lay it tf out. I mean if you supposedly know what’s all going on…then LAY IT OUT. I mean spell it out if you know.

I’m telling you outright that I don’t know. You keep saying in your responses that you do - or at least you’re definitely implying this in the tone of your responses.

Yet you’re not actually saying anything. You’re not actually spelling anything out. You’re just essentially saying “Yeah. I know what the ‘secret’ is”, yet you’re not actually explaining anything other than saying that you supposedly know.

So what is it? Again, PLEASE enlighten us/me - and, again, I’m not being sarcastic.

I’m continuing to be wide open w/no sarcasm to whatever it is you may be saying or meaning or may be referring to.

So lay it out. Spell it out.


EDIT: So...apparently the response is...

Al would probably have a thing to say as well...

EDIT: So…apparently the response is...

Holy fucking shit, people need to sleep, kiddo.

the people that own and control some of these global corporations most definitely have more power than governments themselves.

And who are they, because they own banks, they own media conglomerates, and they’re in the government itself. Who are they. What do they do and what do they believe. Call them out.

[long bit that makes me think you’re at least relatively genuine]

Answer the following questions.

Are the Jews in control of Israel? Do the Jews feel completely assimilated in America (like Germans, Italians, Irish, etc.), or do they maintain a distinct national identity within that nation? Is this national identity neutered of its sense of self-preservation, or is its sense of self-preservation alive and well? Does this mean they have an agenda to act upon this self-preservation?

Are the Jews drastically overrepresented in the highest levels of politics and business? Did all of these Jews just happen to reach these positions by their individual competencies, or is there a self-perpetuating Jewish culture at the upper echelons of America? Could the Jews hypothetically use these positions to sway public opinion? Do the Jews have anything to gain by using their positions of power over media, politics, and money to sway public opinion? Does it look like public opinion has been swayed? Has it swayed in favor of the Jews?

With this in mind, go watch some Jewish-produced blockbusters and listen to Jewish-American politicians. Does it sound like they are pushing propaganda? Do you detect a pattern in what you hear? Is that pattern in or out of alignment with the direction in which society has changed? Have otherwise respectable people spoken out against this in the past? Have people who you believe (or have been told) are not respectable spoken out against this in the past? Where did you get the impression that they are not respectable? If you do your own research, do you still find said people to be unreasonable? Who are you allowed to criticize? Who are you forbidden from criticizing?

Khazars have caused and continue causing much harm on the planet. However, it is very important for us to not throw too many if any stones, lest our own glass houses come crashing down.

Call out evil. Call out racism. Rage against it. Yes. I agree. But if you’re going to do it, do it against racism and injustice and prejudice of EVERY kind - not just of a selective aspect of it that benefits you and your specific group only. Otherwise, you are then being no better than the worst aspects of those you criticize.

Racism of any kind is bad and should be railed against, and I see a white American or European or black American or African as being no better than the worst, most racist Khazarian Jew when they engage in racist, separatist mindsets themselves.

We become no better than those we hate if and when we do what they do.

We are all one people. We are all one species.

We are humans - Homo sapiens sapiens.

and the more that we keep ourselves divided and apart from one another - the more we keep from seeing ourselves as the one human species which we most definitely are - the more damage we do to ourselves; the weaker we become as a species; the more harm we do to our ability to move forward and evolve together, and the easier it becomes for others - jackals or whatnot - to come in and rule over us, take advantage of us, use our ignorance and weakness against us.

It is bad for all of us.

We must learn to come together. We must not be afraid to criticize each other and fight against ignorance - yes…this is how we learn and teach each other - but we must also do all of this in the spirit of ultimately coming together as one species…not separating and being apart from one another.

However, it is very important for us to not throw too many if any stones, lest our own glass houses come crashing down.

They’re useful idiots for the jews. Period.

Call out evil.


Call out racism.


do it against racism


and injustice


and prejudice

Mmm… nah.

Racism of any kind is bad and should be railed against,

Complete and utter bullshit. Reality is the exact opposite.

and I see

You see wrong.

We are all one people. We are all one species.

Total fucking nonsense.

We are humans - Homo sapiens sapiens.

“ONE RAZE DA HUMA RAZE” is a jew lie. Stop perpetuating it.

and the more that we keep ourselves divided and apart from one another

The better off every single last one of us is, statistically.

we most definitely are

CITATION. NEEDED. Don’t bother, you’re wrong.

the easier it becomes for others - jackals or whatnot - to come in and rule over us

That’s funny, because the jews say literally the exact opposite.

They’re useful idiots for the jews. Period.

Who are? Non-Jews? So then you’re talking about yourself like that?


You talk against Jews, yet you have the exact racist mindset of the very people you supposedly hate and despise.

The irony and ignorance here is deep - nearly unfathomable.

Who are? Non-Jews?

Yes, their shabbos goy puppets.

You talk against Jews, yet you have the exact racist mindset of the very people you supposedly hate and despise.

You don’t comprehend racism.


Only to the illiterate.

Have a legitimate argument or don’t post.

Says the person who hasn't had a legitimate argument from the jump yet keeps posting. The irony in all this passed epic proportions long ago.

Again, stay insular.

who hasn’t had a legitimate argument

[citation needed]

You wouldn't understand legitimacy regardless of what's put in front of you. You've proven that much.

This is exactly how frightened, insular minds work.

You’re mentally ill and have no citations for your claims. You can’t even back up your own ludicrous assertions when cornered and you have no refutation to anything anyone else posts. Just fucking give up already.

His only retort is a desperate attempt at a weak ad hominem.

It's pretty obvious that your fragile ego and deep, deep level of insecurity absolutely need to have the last word in order for you to sleep at night. Such is the life of this sad type of psychosis I guess.

Okay. Have the last word then, little one. Hope you enjoyed thinking you had a point in any of this.

Here's a hint: You didn't.

You’re mentally ill and have no citations for your claims. You can’t even back up your own ludicrous assertions when cornered and you have no refutation to anything anyone else posts. Just fucking give up already.

Your right corporations dont own the world the people who own the banks own the word. Basically almost all figure heads such as our president take orders by these people.

Can we get Obama to fire Himself? Nope!

I might be suffering from heat stroke or garden over load here! Can you clarify your supposition?

PM? Hell, lay it all out in the open for everyone to hear.

His basic argument comes down to "The Jews did it. Down with everyone but the white race." smh. Dude's an ignorant, ass-hat racist of the worst order. Spare yourself the waste of time.

How does this work and when can we implement?