Honest question: Does the unanticipated ascension of Trump make anyone else question their beliefs about how pre-determined politics/elections are? Or is this all "part of the plan" somehow?

13  2016-07-31 by [deleted]



Like you surmised, the people, whether they'll get it or not, have been desperately desiring a break from the current status quo. Many believe Trump is the outsider who can achieve it.

People here will also say he's just like the rest, part of the establishment, and they may be right.

Agreed, a lot of people are fed up with the current political system and were looking for something different. Trump fits the bill but for a real difference to get achieved we would need to elect new congressman and senators while placing term limits and less pay for the fat bastards.

Anybody that gets the nomination is thoroughly vetted. The establishment, nationally and globally, simply has too much invested financially and personally to allow someone to roll the dice. It does allow for an interesting side narrative though..."See? Even an outsider can make a run! The system works!". Meanwhile, some slivers of society can get fired up and divided.

The interesting thing to me is that people infer differences based on the purely emotional arguments put forth by both candidates. No true platforms. No true statements of intended action. The debates will be interesting in the sense that the public will get to hear "Here's all the things I will claim to do as President, but then not do, after claiming its so hard to get something things done in Washington."


It's tough for me to say, because the people we're talking about are able to think about situations in ways that I never could. One aspect to consider is that Trump is not truly an outsider. He holds familial ties and his presidential intentions have been known. The other aspect is that those who sit at the revolving door of boards of control always need plausible deniability, so I'd doubt that there were very frank terms laid out. Instead, the best potential is to play to what you control and try limit the amount of unfavorable outcomes.

If some decision were made about Trump's run it was likely a discussion at Bilderberg. Thiel was there and, as a Trump supporter that also spoke at the convention, he could have served as a go between. But, as we see Clinton about as far to the right as Bush, it seems she was the victor so far as where support would go.

All those suggestions assume that Trump is as he claims to be and is perceived by many of his supporters to be. There is the potential to enter into discord that he has always been intended as a distraction and propped up to lose. His connections are near identical to Clinton: unwavering support for Kissinger's views on foreign policy, ties to Jeffrey Epstein, compounded by his affiliation with Ghislaine Maxwell.

I'm cynical. I don't trust anyone in politics. It's all a well-orchestrated game. Give the proles someone to put their faith into. Back in 2008, it was Obama, now in 2016, it's Bernie or Trump depending on your political views.

You really think that this one dude is a maverick that is the first one to successfully buck against the system? You think the political system and government is that "shocked" and "awed" over Trump? Anyone who is a real thorn in the side of the political system DO NOT GET ATTENTION. You won't see their name plastered everywhere. Examples include Ron Paul and Jill Stein. You won't see them ad nauseum on the mainstream media.

If you're a real enemy of the state you end up dead. You end up disgraced. The FBI finds some planted CP on your computer. They fuck up your car and you die in a logically impossible car wreck. You die with a barbell crushing your windpipe right before you testify against a major party's presidential candidate. You get shot right in the middle of the street. I refuse to believe that this country can be saved through the system that fucked up this country.

TL;DR: Fuck all politicians.


This is all conjecture, but I believe that both parties know and study the current mood of the nation. Knowing the mood of a nation can allow TPTB to pass measures and laws more effectively, similar to how The Patriot Act was passed almost right after 9/11. Like any system, the main objective is to survive, so how does the political system survive without the country going into chaos and setting up a possible election? The elites give the nation the illusion of choice. So they prop up "anti-establishment" candidates. I believe this is what happened with Trump and Bernie. They were already vetted.

What appears organic, is that the elites let the candidates perform as in a circus. It's kinda of like if the TPTB was hosting a horse race and all the racers were trained and supported by them, and whoever wins does so by luck, who the voters like more, etc. Regardless who wins the race, they are still controlled.

I hope that's more detailed than my original post.


Like I said, they study the nation's mood. Back then, it wasn't the time for him to be a nominee. Compare how the media covered him now to how they did the first few times he ran. The nation is angry. Whites are angry. Minoroties are angry. Young people are drowned with debt and low job opportunity. Healthcare is expensive even after Obamacare. Jobs are continuously being shipped overseas. Food is expensive as hell. Looking back in history, this is the prime time for revolutions to pop up, but the elites don't want that.

So what do they do? To soothe the majority, which are conservative whites IMO, they let Trump run a successful campaign without much real interference. The angry whites, who are angry for legitimate reasons, feel like they found a savior. Blacks will continue to vote Democrat. Latinos are miffed by the Republicans and will vote for the Democrats. The LGBT will of course vote for the liberals. Everything is going as planned.

I'm also cynical. I think Trump is a play along the same lines as Alex Jones - He profiles himself as anti establishment to attract those voters, but he is in fact bought by them. He will be a huge disappointment just like Obama.

And I think the powers that shouldn't be are controlling both Hillary and Trump, and are now maneuvering to get Trump elected (in a not too obvious way). That is the reason Hillary is getting all this bad press. And they have gotten the Sanders supporters so hateful of her that the might even consider voting on Trump. Well played actually. To bad the motives are so cynical and evil.

Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.


Remember being in elementary school and thinking 'wait a minute...are you telling me that Hulk Hogan is an actor and that wrestling is fake?' Yea. Santa, Hulk Hogan, Tooth Fairy, democratically elected president, easter bunny...all the same.

Copypasta time!

Trump has done more in half a year to publicly smear the media than anyone else has managed in decades. The media centers–the news aggregators like Fox and MSNBC–are the primary means of controlling the population. If Trump was controlled opposition, he wouldn’t be taking a massive steaming dump on the Jew’s best and primary means of getting what they want in America. The news networks know nobody watches them anymore and the Democrats and Republicans know that nobody wants to vote for either of them anymore. But they need the people to believe otherwise, because that’s how the Emperor’s New Clothes charade is maintained. People who question or attack the parties and the media machine that promotes them are by definition eroding the Zionist control over America. Trump isn’t controlled opposition. Old videos of him show him holding the same general opinions and political leanings that he does now, and he is directly attacking the things that allow Jewish elites to maintain a stranglehold on Washington.

Recall Tolkien’s works. “I think a servant of the Enemy would look fairer and feel fouler.”

If Trump was controlled opposition, he would superficially appear to be a bad goy, but his policies would all serve Jewish and Israeli interests.

The exact opposite of this is true. He superficially appears to be a good goy, but all of his policies are bad for Jews and Israel–or at least, bad for the Jews and Israeli interests who wish to directly control and influence us. He’s not controlled opposition. He’s a Jew-wise bull in a china shop. The worst possible enemy of the establishment. He threatens to break the monopoly of both sides of the aisle. That’s why both parties are attacking him, just like both sides attack the Tea Party because it threatened to wake up the 60% of the US population that doesn’t vote, the vast majority of which are conservatives. Even worse, his mere presence and standing up to the monolithic machine has caused some of the Neocons to start uncucking themselves.

Huckabee has spent the last three decades hiding his power level because he knew it was the only way to get anything done, and now he’s coming out swinging on Trump’s side. We saw something absolutely unprecedented during the GOP debate. We saw the entire Republican lineup shitting on the moderators and their bullshit agenda. Trump has now even called out, on television, the fact that news stations play loops of footage of events and call it “live”. Not only did they immediately stop doing this once he said it, he even got the anchors to agree with him. That has literally never happened before. And who started the fire? Trump did. Does that sound like a good goy to you? If the GOP wants to snub Trump, they’re going to have an internal struggle to manage it–between the people who had given up hope and become part of the machine and those who were willing accomplices.

And if they do snub him for someone like Bush or Rubio, they’re going to risk not only a political schism that would split the conservative base between the progressives and the traditionalists, but also further risk an Independent winning the Presidency, which is the one thing that would spell certain doom for both parties.

Because once the people realize an Independent can actually win again, the Emperor’s New Clothes charade is over, the false dichotomy is broken, and the genie can’t ever be put back into the bottle.

Short version: Read the damn thing. Shorter version: He’s a loose cannon, Callahan!


Yes, insofar as he can be.

Did you know the president can fire roughly two thirds of Washington DC overnight?

How about that.


Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.


3-12 requires Congress, which means people will be voting in likeminded individuals there. Shouldn’t be too hard, though. 15 and 16 are a piece of cake. 17 and 18 come naturally from the preceding. 19 is supposed to be law in the first place. The only really hard things to do would be NATO and the silver standard.

Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.

Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.

Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.

Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.

Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.

Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.

Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.

Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.

Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.

Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.

Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.

Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.

Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.

He hasn't gotten in yet...

Trump is the nominee of the American military.

Clinton is the nominee of the American intelligence and globalist scum.

Neither is independent. Neither can be "taken out" or the other will soon follow.

Once one or the other is in, then you might see some movement. If it even gets that far.

What do you mean by "if it even gets that far"? I'm curious.

I'm sure one of the potential scenarios is to postpone/cancel the election and let Obama hang on.

Both these candidates are so so so horrible that if it was attempted in the wake of inter/national chaos or terrorist attack or nuke (dirty or not), the public might not mind that much.

Thanks. I've been entertaining the theory that there will be some sort of major event (nuclear attack?) and/or war and/or economic collapse right around election time. Since Hillary and Trump seem so extreme on their ends, the public won't mind more of the same old when faced with uncertainty, instability, and threat.

Not to say I'm claiming this will definitely happen, but it seems like a not too far fetched possibility.

I think a variety of scenarios are gamed out by the so-called "elite."

Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.

Such a great time to be alive!


It was obvious he was going to be the candidate. Ask people around the world how often they heard about any of the other candidates.

Do you think he’ll actually be elected


what do you think he’ll actually do and/or manage to accomplish once he’s actually in office?

  1. The Wall.
  2. Deport 30,000,000 illegals. Goodbye blue states.
  3. Repeal all gun laws written since 1990. Goodbye gun violence.
  4. Repeal Obamacare; force companies to cover people anywhere in the nation.
  5. Tell the rest of NATO to go fuck itself.
  6. Tell the Japanese to remilitarize, with our blessing, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  7. Tell the Koreans to grow their ballsacks back, because we’re done paying to be their protection.
  8. Same with the Taiwanese.
  9. Same with the Filipinos.
  10. Same with the Australians.
  11. Same with the New Zealanders.
  12. Tell Israel that if they want a bouncer, it’s going to cost them.
  13. Force colleges to foot the bill for loans; this will 1. destroy all leftist degrees because they can’t get any money and 2. cause the cost of college to fall by an order of magnitude.
  14. Repeal the separation of politics and church. Not the separation of church and state, but the law that says churches can’t speak on public issues and remain tax exempt. This will end leftist ideological encroachment in America and begin a push back.
  15. Shred NAFTA.
  16. Shred any other “free trade” deals.
  17. Sanction China if they don’t put North Korea on a leash.
  18. Sanction China anyway.
  19. Audit the IRS.
  20. Begin to formally discuss the return to the silver standard.

Among other things.

Haha if it was that easy...