Why We Seek Truth

24  2016-08-04 by [deleted]



One cannot be free without knowing the truth!

Sometimes if I squint real hard, I can make the bars of the cage look like palm trees... But the rest of the rats really think they live in a paradise!

Thank you so much for writing this. Especially this part:

People think we're crazy, but we know better. The media has conscripted an army of individuals to discredit us, to label us as tin-foil hat wearing nuts, but we shouldn't care. We are in search of what matters most- truth.

This also serves as a study guide for beginners like me, so extra gratitude for that.

Very cool, yes. Do NOT let people who are asleep make you feel downtrodden. You see something that they don't, or at least choose not to. You can't help it that your consciousness craves truth and theirs is content with a lie.

Please do use what I wrote as a study guide, research in-depth every single topic I raised on there and you will be enlightened. Don't do it too fast though. The thing I've learned about learning the truth behind this stuff is that it's kind of like when Neo is first "reborn" in the Matrix. It takes time. If you overload yourself with it, it's easy to become very disillusioned with the world very quickly. I mean that. Baby steps. What I wrote is all true, and very disturbing. Do it at your own pace.

Some suggested documentaries: James Corbett - How Big Oil Conquered the World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySnk-f2ThpE (James Corbett is a bit of an idol of mine; his YouTube channel is a treasure trove of information, especially on 9/11 and other important topics) Adam Curtis - Bitter Lake Adam Curtis - The Century of the Self Francis R Conolly - Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick (link below) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1Qt6a-vaNM

A rare find you should watch about 9/11 before the government takes it down: There's video on Youtube of Lloyd England, the man who had the "light pole go through his taxi cab window" as the "plane knocked it over before flying into the Pentagon". When the camera is rolling, he sticks to his story 100%, but when he believes the camera is off, he essentially admits that he was recruited by the government through his FBI-employee wife to be part of a black operation to help stage the event. When he thinks the camera is off, he says something like "Do you know what history is? It's not the truth, it's HIS-STORY. Look man, I didn't ask to be involved in all this, I'm not supposed to be involved in all this. This is big-time, world event stuff. I'm a small man. I don't need to be involved in this. This type of thing is for people with money and all this. That's not me. As long as that camera's on, we can't be seen crossing the street together." The interviewer asks, "So this was all planned?" Lloyds Response: "It was planned" If you watch the video yourself and think about he implications of JUST that part being staged and a person admitting to it, the implications of 9/11 sink in very quickly and your stomach drops. Just type in Lloyd England Pentagon Taxi into the search bar on YouTube. I don't want to link it here.

If you find a subject you like, find books on it, find YouTube videos on it. But keep in mind, people are paid to write things, and the internet is not always a beacon for truth, though there are some nuggets of gold here and there. You'll get to where you can easily decipher what's true from what isn't.

Good books to start with: Mine when I finish writing it The Creature from Jekyll Island, G. Edward Griffin The Grand Chessboard, Zbigniew Brzezinski (read this later on) Tragedy & Hope, Carrol Quigley (read this later, later on)

Don't ever abandon your search for truth. There's a history we're taught, and then there's what really happened. This is kept from us for reasons you'll learn pretty quickly if you watch the starter documentaries I listed.

I appreciate you taking the time to write this out. I've gone down the rabbit hole a little bit already (e.g. 9/11 stuff, Everything's a Rich Man's Trick, some Adam Curtis, and my personal favourite, John Pilger); I know now to heed your advice about taking it slow. And I don't even know about half the stuff you mentioned in your original post.

Thanks again for the suggestions, advice, and encouragement. (Sadly) I currently live in a country that makes access to these things difficult (the books particularly), but there are no anti-piracy laws so I'll be working to hunt down everything I can. I just watched the taxi video (just wow) and am excited to see some videos from James Corbett to start off.

You're one of the good ones. The truth will make you free. If I might ask, which is your country of residence? If you'd prefer not to say, I totally understand.

That made me smile :) I've gotten somewhat discouraged lately because the more I learn, the further I get from the rationale of others I try to discuss things with and just keeping getting hit back with a bombardment of fallacies. But now I'm sure that the only way to get past that is to continue educating myself in all matters. AND I just watched Corbett's 9/11 conspiracy video which was incredibly hilarious and supportive haha

I live in Iran for the time being. I'll likely be moving to Canada soon and will have to get my hands on the books then. I look forward to reading yours.

Ahhh I would love to talk to you face-to-face and pick your brain sometime. Living in Iran during this time must be very interesting. You know the old Chinese curse ;) so it looks like you've won.

Yea tell me about it! From the belly of the beast (as Lee Camp puts it, D.C.) to Tehran, the curse follows me.

Haha I'd love to talk! Where do you live (if you don't mind me asking)? Perhaps once I move away (unless you wanna come to Iran heheh). In the meantime, feel free to PM me if you'd like. Thanks yet again for everything!!!

There's a second part to the curse that not as many know. "May you live in interesting times" AND "May you find what you seek". I love that second part.

I'm on the coast of Georgia, USA. Ironically, a stone's throw from Jekyll Island. The island is now owned by the state, but back in the late 19th early 20th century, it was a retreat getaway for America's elite. J.D. Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan's old beach mansions still stand perfectly preserved, and people tour them daily.

In 1910, America's banking elite and a representative of the Rothschild banking dynasty met in secret on Jekyll Island. To avoid media attention, they traveled in sealed railway cars and used code-names (no joke). They then did something truly evil. They sat down and penned a plan for America's central bank. America had tried the central bank concept twice before, and the people rejected it.

In devilishly clever fashion, they decided to call this one the Federal Reserve to fool Americans into thinking it was an arm of the Federal Government. Unfortunately, that tactic is still working to this day. They also wrote legislation for our IRS, an illegal, unapportioned federal tax on our income. There exists no law in the US mandating that we pay it, but everyone still does.

They had given our president at the time, Woodrow Wilson major campaign contributions in exchange for his promising to pass their banking act.

In 1913, just before Christmas, when most of congress was absent, the bill was introduced and passed. And per his promise, president Wilson signed the bill into law, sealing the fate of every American for generations. That's right. Bankers bought a president. Wasn't the first time, nor the last.

I didn't know it had a second part either! Makes me feel a little better haha

I remember learning about this stuff in a few documentaries but I'd forgotten the details! I also didn't know the part about them buying the president. Wow. Thank you.

I also remember hearing testimonies from people who haven't been paying their taxes for years because they know no law exists. Could you possibly elaborate on how that works? I think all the talk about going to prison for tax evasion is confusing me. And they've padded everything with so much confusing legal talk that it's difficult to properly learn about it.

That's exactly it. There's too much padding. Sure, no law exists, but there's sort of this unspoken "Go ahead wise-ass, don't pay. See what happens. At that point, it's 50/50. If you get in front of a judge who loves our constitution, and you say "Your Honor, please show me the law that I have broken." -you walk out of that courtroom with a nice little smirk on your face.

Get a judge who's been bought by--you name it--someone from our privatized prison system, for instance, and your ass is going to jail.

Those of us who know that there is no law don't want to chance it. Yes, it's robbery, sure, you might call me a coward for not standing up for what I believe in, but I can't fulfill my mission in life from a prison cell.

Oh I see. You have every right to feel that way! It's about priorities. What are you going to achieve by not paying and having to spend your life in jail? There are more important issues to address. And they'll probably make more money off of you in jail...

Is there not a big truth movement in Iran? :-)

This sub is a great place. Very supportive for the most part. I honestly didn't expect that! So if you run out of people to talk truth with in person, you can always come here.


It certainly does! You've given me an amazing glimpse into Iran. I often dwell on the US's role in shaping affairs in your country from about 1953 forward, and needless to say, it doesn't reflect kindly on Washington. And you know what? Many of my fellow Americans are quick to adopt a hostile stance toward the official enemy of the day, and lately Iran serves in that role more and more frequently. But virtually none of these hawkish types knows the first thing about US-Iran relations in the post-ww2 period. Nothing! How can they hope to make sense of the world without some basic facts?

Because of the significance of our shared history (and that's a euphemism!), I often wonder what it's like inside your country. What it feels like, what observations are available, etc. Therefore, I'd read a whole book of posts like the one you just wrote. Very cool, and thanks!


Thanks for the lengthy reply. Consider it read!

There are some surprises here. Myself, I'm not surprised to hear that much of the Iranian populace sort of idolizes America, but most Americans have absolutely no clue about that. It's embarrassing, but I'm afraid that what they picture is some bedouin jihadis in the desert chanting "death to America." They frequently conflate "Muslim" with "Arab." They fail to distinguish among nations and cultures. There is even a patriotic country song that is trotted out for pro-war occasions, and it takes on a boastful tone when it says, "I don't know the difference between Iraq and Iran." Yep, that pretty much says it all. There's a significant portion of the polity that cheers at this line. Hooray, I don't know shit! Let's bomb something!

What I am surprised at is that the US and UK are credited with starting the 1979 revolution that deposed the Shah. I knew that they were responsible for installing his father back in 1953, after overthrowing the democratically elected Mossadegh. And I knew that they were responsible for supporting and maintaining that rule in the decades following. But I always thought that the 1979 revolution was mainly a popular movement mobilized by the Muslim clerics, with whom the US had allied in reinstalling the Shah in '53.

What a sentence. I hope it's coherent. Anyway, my impression had always been that the US supported the Shah until it became clear that his cause was hopeless, at which time Washington simply stepped back. This is why it's so useful to talk to someone who's been there.

The Iranian people's pro-American sentiments provide me with yet another occasion to be angry with our corporate news media. They deliberately associate the Islamic world with images of Arabs firing rifles. And it works. As noted, that's how most of the public envisions Iran. At the same time, the news outlets scrupulously refrain from showing us any ordinary Iranians expressing a pro-American sentiment. In general, they also avoid showing any aspect of Iranian city life that might look cosmopolitan, sophisticated, progressive, or, as you say, hipster.

This omission of crucial details constitutes outright complicity in war crimes. Washington loves to rattle its sabers at Tehran. Hillary has said outright that she wants to use military force on Iran, and she explicitly added that she would not rule out the use of nuclear weapons in doing so. That's an impeachable offense, or worse, and she hasn't even taken office yet. (That check is in the mail.)

The people should be massing outside the White House and the Capitol with torches and pitchforks over this. But the news outlets aid and abet the dehumanizing of the "enemy," which is necessary in war, by strictly omitting any depiction of the Iranian people that Americans might identify or sympathize with. Given the stakes in terms of human lives, this is unconscionable.

Holy smoke, now I've written an epic. So I'll leave it there for now. :-)

Haha well I appreciate that! :)

I had no idea that song was a thing. Wow. Speaks a thousand words. This ignorance is really a point of pride with them, eh? See now if the Iranians knew they were being bundled together with Arabs they'd have a hissy fit, and that's not even considering the Sunni/Shia thing. There's such an inherent racism against Arabs in our culture for no reason whatsoever. That's the other thing. We often have to go out of our way to express love for Americans and make sure we're not mixed up with those 'grasshopper-eating' Arabs. Things are bad all over. I wonder how Americans would react if their media told them that there are Iranians that love and support America more than most Americans.

I guess that explains why people are so surprised to see Iran for what it really is. I guess, having been born in Iran, I'd taken for granted the image I have of this place and never really thought about the images news sources put out of Iran. I also always thought there was enough material everywhere showing the other side of Iran but I'd forgotten that you need to go after those specifically to find them. I'd love to link some interesting photos of Iran later on if I can find them; people would be shocked at how cosmopolitan and flashy certain parts of this country look. I'm still a little shocked, honestly, at some of the newer improvements.

But it sadly is exactly as you said and they cannot risk showing anything that may humanize the enemy. Let them see us as Call of Duty targets. (Insert god/s here) have mercy on us once that psychopath takes power. So many thoughts racing through my head right now but I should get some sleep. I'm also gonna take the part I wrote about the revolution and PM you because a lot of it was getting into some murky waters. Good night for now :)

Such an amazing thread. Thank you guys for that dialogue. Priceless insight. There isn't enough of that ANYWHERE. To my American friends, please read everything in this thread because you are not getting this type of raw, unbiased information from such a highly educated source anywhere else. Read it damn it.

EDIT: aaaaaaaand it's deleted. Why am I not surprised?

You're seriously too kind! I'm so excited to be having this sort of discussion and learning from you guys. This sort of thing definitely does not happen enough.

Edit: I unfortunately had to quickly remove my posts at the insistence of a friend (security reasons). I'll get a second opinion later and perhaps put them back up. sigh Sorry :( (oh the irony)

Truth and freedom are 2 sides of the same coin... once you lose that coin its very hard to find it again, it must be protected !

Evil and greedy know this very well and will do ANYTHING to take it and misuse it as they see fit.

Very nicely written.

You've reminded me that I need to dig deeper into my own countries history and see the goings-on.

Thank you. That's what I was going for with this post. I'm writing a book that briefly covers everything I mentioned above. It's a sort of "Unspoken history/fact book of the U.S. for beginners". And unfortunately, nothing I mentioned above is speculation or conspiracy theory. It is all 100 percent fact. Never forget that history is written by the victors. The problem with books about these issues is that they tend to dive so deeply into a single issue, the reader becomes bored. But if you can explain these things just enough to keep the reader interested, you'll cause them to research on their own and find the truth for themselves. That's my goal--for people to know the truth despite what they've been told their whole lives.

You know the fastest way to get someone to remember you?

Piss them off and tell them the things they don't want to hear or read about how they were lied to.


Haha wanktown. Dig it.

or because we are bored


Thumbs up from me.

I'm always playing what-if, trying on unusual or heretical views for size, flipping things upside-down or backwards. Helps me get my mind around a problem. A lot of times, the what-if is fun, but it doesn't stack up to reality. But now and then, holy smoke!

Do this enough, and you start accumulating observations that most people find really inconvenient. I get a charge out of the exploration and discovery.

You want the truth..... Ha you are so self consumed you really don't even know what the truth will do to this planet. The few within this culture care nothing of the world. They care about their own self serving mindsets.

You want to know what the truth will do to modern day society? Destroy it completely. Sure the handful that have prepared will make it for 72 hours if they are lucky. I say this because 99% of the "truth seekers" are always bolstering how they are prepared. Where do you think those huddled masses will go to?

It will be the prepared ones. Now they in turn will kill those that will overrun them in the end.

No truth isnt what this world needs and those with power understand that same as I have realized in my time within this place and the conspiracy forums.

Always gloating how they have it figured out. No you don't because the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. Your concern with the truth is insignificant compared to the ones that just want to have the 3.4% home loan that they will never pay off.

Be happy you think you know what's best. This world has what it needs. Distraction in its finest forms.

Let them have it.

The last thing I am is self-consumed.

My concern is educating about the past so that maybe, just maybe, my great-great-grandchildren won't be born into absolute bondage and slavery with NO distractions to which they might retreat.

If the men who established this country shared your mindset, we wouldn't have a place to call home.

Sure, you could counter that with all sorts of arguments, and I'm not saying your points about what would happen during a societal collapse aren't valid. I can tell you're educated and I can tell you've thought this through.

The bottom line is, we are all in debt. Money is debt and money runs the world, as much as I wish it didn't. And debt equals one thing, and that is the slavery of the many by the few.

"But we're basically all slaves already." Right, but the type of slavery to which I'm referring isn't indentured servitude. It's all-out forced labor. It's meager rations. It's hell on earth worse than we could ever imagine, and you must concede the fact that that's where all of this is headed if people aren't told the truth and get angry enough to do something about it.

Like Bill Cooper said, I'm not calling for a revolution, I'm praying for a restoration.