I just realized what the most valuable resource on this planet is.

29  2016-08-06 by LightBringerFlex

It's us humans. When we work, we are putting in lots of value. The elite value us because we make them a fortune. There is an imbalance here. Our output is high value but what most get in return is low value (i.e. 10 bucks an hour). The economy should be a value for value exchange regardless if money itself exists or not. The issue is, they have found ways to harvest our value with sophisticated systems such as the federal reserve, local banks, education, health care, and through many other systems. They are taking a lot of value without giving any back. In reality, life should go on as is. I shop at your store and one day, you shop at mine. We trade value. The problem is that the middle man (the elite) has a magnificent vacuum that takes a huge chunk from the pot at every exchange.

Money acts as stored value when everything is legit but since it's not legit, money cannot represent how much value we post. Many people do fine work as waiters, plumbers, teachers, and other jobs. They deserve a healthy wage but there's one problem. For over 50 years, the money in the economic pot has shrunk drastically as the elite take value out of the pot. The elite love this. Why? Because now both parents have to work and sometimes they work 2-3 jobs. If one parent works 3 jobs, she is putting great value out there but getting chump change since the elite are taking a large chunk. Now, because of this, many fine employers who want to pay the employees what they are worth simply can't. They can't afford to.

Many try to open a new business but fail. It's not because the business wasn't valuable to the public. 9 out of 10 business are great. They provide value to the community. They only fail because people can't afford to buy. A lot of people would love a nice dinner at a nice ma and pa restaurant but can't afford it. Ma and pa shop opens are often grinding it out to survive.

The elite not only jacked the whole country but they also created more slaves in the process. Instead of 1 parent working 1 job like the old days, now you have both parents working 1-3 jobs each. Therefore, more value is posted in the economy but those that are putting on the value aren't getting much back in exchange. A good wage leads people to acquire what they value in exchange for the value they posted into the economy. A man who fixes everyone's plumbing problems deserves a comfortable life. We are all mostly posting value but the middle man keeps taking a big piece of the pie.

The Koch brothers make 100 billion a year and run horrible businesses that contribute to global warming. Why is this even allowed? Who the hell really needs 100 billion a year? Let's keep it real.

The point is that, in the end, humans have to put in value for value to even exist. Even if we make robot workers, we humans have spent ages coming up with the technology and the value made from robot work should justly be shared across the planet. I know what the elite wants to do. They want to make robot armies to create value and sell them to the people. They would essentially boot the human slaves for robot slaves. At this point, we would have to seriously rethink how we want to run the economy so that it serves the masses.

Until then, it is wise to keep in mind that humans are the most valuable resource, we exchange our value all the time, and the elite created systems that harvest our value secretly without giving anything back in exchange.


To me where it all went wrong was the implementation of hourly wages. People should not be paid for their time but rather for their work. If my hour of work makes the company 500$ why do I, who did all the work, get paid 10$? And why does the guy that didn't do half as much as me get paid the same? Piece work and salary should be the only options. When a company pays you for your time you are dehumanized. You become just a number. All that matters is how much work you can do in the given time frame.

We can go down the rabbit hole even further. Imagine if you could create artificial scarcity, you could get people to do what you want them to do.

I don't have to imagine. They are doing that now.

Eg peak oil

You are totally right. Humans are the most valuable resource on the planet for even more reasons...

our collective scientific achievements could easily take care of all these problems that are put upon us by authoritarian systems and greedy bankers.

That's what all this population control stuff is about- they need less people so they can have more for themselves.

After all, it's not US that consumes and hoards such vast amounts of valuable resources- it's the 1%.

I was once told by a wiser man than I, "You trade money, you spend time, spend it smart"

But the system is rigged and no matter how smart or frugal or productive, you cannot get honest return from the rigged system. At the heart of it all the money system makes you indebted more than you can overcome unless you have an 'angle' wherein you lie cheat and steal like the 'elite'

Very interesting perspective. But if you could change it, what would you change?

Just playing devil's advocate here but one could argue that the concept of a middleman is the essence of capitalism. Theoretically anyone could create a position for themselves as a middleman to create (or simulate) value and get themselves a chunk of the pie.

Like I said though I'm not saying I believe that line of logic but it could be argued. Me personally, I haven't done enough research into economics to even pretend to have solutions to the problems we find ourselves in. But I can say as a blue-collar worker from the lower middle class there doesn't seem to be an escape. If we want to survive and provide a life to our kids my wife and I both have to work full time.

It's the ground level work you do that counts. The elite work behind the scenes where they can move mountains of money to generate more money without adding any value to the economy. This is possible when someone has billions. For example, I remember when Walmart pushed out oceans of ma and pa shops by propping up huge shopping centers that house Chinese made goods. They pay employees chump change and send billions of dollars to China which means the little money that's left is disappearing from our economy and into China. Also, the unemployment rises because the Chinese took many jobs. Now, the burdened middle class is desperate to save money so they shop at Walmart because it's cheaper. Walmart is literally the only person that wins. Everyone else loses. They keep building more walmarts to vacuum more money and more money. It's never enough and there are no legal caps to how much money you can make per year. This can't go on because eventually the elite will own everything much like Fidel Castro owns everything in Cuba. The people of Cuba are suffering because of this. Now, America is feeling the early effects of 3rd world living because most people have been asleep and unaware but that is finally changing this year.

Bottom line. We ourselves have to learn to barter in some new way that circumvents the broken capitalistic system.

What would I change? leaders should be able to regularly demonstrate the possession of a conscience. The ones we've always had have none.


We're sold at birth.

[I take no responsibility for the ridiculous reverb on his voice.]

Time is the only resource that matters. You don't know how much you have, you have to spend it, and you can never get it back. Stop giving it to rich assholes who don't care about you.

We are indeed owned, our value goes to the benefactors of the inflationary monetary system.

Humans are the most valuable resource within a human society. Part and parcel to that mode of thought is envisioning, much like the dominant world religions, that humans were a predestined achievement. This is typically the basic belief of most modes of thought. Even self-proclaimed environmentalists who emphasize "saving the Earth" really mean "keep the Earth hospitable toward humanity"...it's an underlying prayer for the Elite as well. I'm sure their motives have become far darker but its a natural consequence of such hubris. The planets care not.

"global warming" you have to educate yourself. Right now particulate matter is counter acting the effects of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases work in the same way as lead blocking radiation. Certain materials can trap certain types of radiation. Thermal radiation escaping gets trapped. But the high frequency radiation passes through to the earths surface. Basically chinese cities are cooling right now, thats why they cant call it climate change, because its not getting warmer. You would need a super computer a million times larger than the biggest to even get a descent weather model. Data is very inconclusive. Overall we can attribute most change to solar flair activity. The amount it has changed is totally within experimental error. Nuclear war caused by hillary clinton with russia is greatest threat to mankind. America Needs Trump.

Why would I need to educate myself? To be like you??? You don't know anything dude! Global warming is a hoax, nuclear weapons are a hoax...yep they never existed. You've been fooled. Trump is part of the elite assholes....why would USA need another one of these creeps?

Nailed it.

I've been thinking a lot about this exact thing

Civilization creates human value. Without civilization you have the value of the natural world to creatures that live within an ecological system and you have to admit these creatures also have their values, whatever degree they may appreciate them or their frequent/occasional lack.

But yes, good observation, the way humans can also create symbols and derivatives of their values. Promises for value in the future, in systems of exchange. Stores of value for future use. All this depends on agreements that are forged out of civilization.

And yet, always, just below the veneer of human civilization, the values of the natural world also continue. The human added values are a veneer over the values in the natural world.

I was waiting for someone to mention the other species. It is true. They are very valuable as well.

Hence the term , Human Resources, my birth certificate reads Nevada department of human resources, right across the top, it's a bond, a social security. I am so happy I found another person this far along that isn't trying to cash out a straw man account, Now what will really bake your noodle is "Why" before paper it was gold, why? Gold is heavy and shiny, but it's a hell of a conductor, oil pipelines? Gas pipelines? Or do these project have more to do with gold and tesla? Oh man, I just went full retard, you never go full retard.

Humans are but a useful tool in extracting Au.

It's the ground level work you do that counts. The elite work behind the scenes where they can move mountains of money to generate more money without adding any value to the economy. This is possible when someone has billions. For example, I remember when Walmart pushed out oceans of ma and pa shops by propping up huge shopping centers that house Chinese made goods. They pay employees chump change and send billions of dollars to China which means the little money that's left is disappearing from our economy and into China. Also, the unemployment rises because the Chinese took many jobs. Now, the burdened middle class is desperate to save money so they shop at Walmart because it's cheaper. Walmart is literally the only person that wins. Everyone else loses. They keep building more walmarts to vacuum more money and more money. It's never enough and there are no legal caps to how much money you can make per year. This can't go on because eventually the elite will own everything much like Fidel Castro owns everything in Cuba. The people of Cuba are suffering because of this. Now, America is feeling the early effects of 3rd world living because most people have been asleep and unaware but that is finally changing this year.

Bottom line. We ourselves have to learn to barter in some new way that circumvents the broken capitalistic system.

What would I change? leaders should be able to regularly demonstrate the possession of a conscience. The ones we've always had have none.