Fuck the Democrats & the Republicans!!! They are both selling us out to corporatism and WAR, INC.--so why are we even arguing about Hillary vs. Trump? We need a 3rd Party to bust up the broken system.

1163  2016-08-06 by smokinbluebear

In my opinion, Hillary is worse than Trump because she is a warmongering, power-hungry, well-seasoned politician who knows how to work the system and turn the Truth upside-down (while smiling and pandering to the masses). I place her on equal terms of evil with Dick Cheney. Hillary, having been in the White House and at the State Dept., knows how the power works in the very system Cheney (and the Clintons) helped to create. Hillary has proven this in Libya--her sociopathic tendencies on full display with her "We came, we saw, he died. (Ha Ha Ha)" comment.

The recently released 28 Pages "exposed" the Saudis as being involved with financing 9/11--well then WHY did the Clinton Foundation continue the Bush dynasty's close relationship with the Saudis (who gave millions to the Clinton Foundation--and then bought billions of dollars in weapons and jet fighters from the USA)? Why didn't Bush/Cheney turn the U.S. military/intelligence apparatus towards the Saudis?

Answer: Because the Saudis were partners with the USA (along with Pakistan and Israel, possibly others). But it was the USA which ran 9/11--at the very least let down the defenses and ran the cover-up via the "investigations" which took place. What was the reason for 9/11? Money, power, oil.

The "HOPE" and "CHANGE" that Barack Obama sold the USA (and the world) fell flat on its face the day Obama said he's going to "look forward, not back." Those very words changed my view on what is going on here--both parties are slaves to Wall Street and WAR, INC. So, there we are--both Republicans (Bush/Cheney) and the Democrats (Obama, Clinton) all caught in their own stack of 9/11 LIES.

BOTH PARTIES now have very similar traits: Lying to the American people about the economy, Using the media to sell us wars (and plenty of weapons, of course), Selling out to Lobbyists and corporate-sponsored Trade Deals, Allowing the corporations to write their own laws (Affordable Health Care Act, Tax Laws, Energy Policy, the SEC, the FEC, etc).

So, we can argue ad infinitum about Hillary vs. Trump--or we can decide that Enough Is Enough and send some real, actual shock waves through the corrupt system by VOTING IN a 3rd Party (maybe even a 4th Party).

(all of the above takes for granted that We, the People actually do have some control over who we elect and that the system isn't so corrupt that our POTUS hasn't already been chosen for us)

NOTE: This is NOT a one election changes everything type of fix--most likely, this will take at least 2 or 3 election cycles--but the message will be sent and WE CAN CHANGE THINGS.

Edit: adding a few links above & below + check out r/TSBD

Step #1 is to watch this Chris Hedges from 2012. When you're done, send it to your parents and be sure to tell them he went to Harvard Divinity School and worked for The New York Times.

2006 3rd Party Debate Green vs. Libertarian

9/11 Commission: Our investigation was “obstructed” The bipartisan co-chairmen all but accuse the White House of committing serious felonies in destroying the CIA videos. (by Glenn Greenwald 1/2/2008)

Rudy Giuliani Gets Exposed As Fraud by Firefighters

Opening Statement Of Eleanor Hill At The Joint Congressional Inquiry Into 9/11 - 9/18/2002 I guess Condi Rice never watched this before she tesitified in 2004

George Bush Takes Questions After Meeting With 9/11 Commission - 4/29/2004*** After screaming "9/11" everyday for years -- W's entire press conference lasts just 5 minutes

Sen. Tom Daschle Press Conference 5/16/2002

From 9/11 to Mass Surveillance: The Man Who Knew Too Much Whistle-blower & former NSA officer Thomas Drake

The Secret Government: The Constitution In Crises (1987) Using Iran-Contra as a prime example, Bill Moyers explains how the National Security Act of 1947 has led to a secret Government which operates in the shadows without any oversight

Journalist + author Stephen Kinzer discusses his book titled, "The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War."

  • During the 1930's, as war began spreading across Europe, Allen became involved in a secret organization known enigmatically as "the room." It was a private forum, based in an unmarked apartment on East Sixty-Second Street, where bankers, businessmen and corporate lawyers--a total of about three dozen--met to exchange the most sensitive information they had gathered about events unfolding around the world. Nearly all had either backgrounds in intelligence or unusually deep contacts in foreign capitals. Among them were Winthrop Aldrich, Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank; Vincent Astor, who had become "the richest boy in the world" after his fabulously wealthy father went down in the Titanic; the investment banker Theodore Roosevelt Jr., a son of the former president; David Bruce, a son-in-law of the banker Andrew Mellon who went on to become the only American to serve as ambassador to Britain, France and West Germany; the publisher and investment banker Marshall Field III; Sir William Wiseman, a broker at the Wall Street firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., who served as liaison between the British and American intelligence services during WWI; and William Donovan, a war hero who had become a Wall Street lawyer and was honing his interest in intelligence. These patricians not only advised the Roosevelt administration in covert operations abroad, but willingly arranged corporate cover for agents undertaking them. (Excerpt from Chapter 2 of The Brothers...pdf at r/TSBD)

We need a party that cuts ties with Israel, and leaves Iran alone.

most Libertarians support those things, but we got Gary Johnson, and he's a sellout on hardline libertarian positions

Here is the thing with Gary Johnson. I sat down and found this diagram that had Trump, Hillary, Stein and Johnson's views set as mostly yes and no with a few explanations.

I found that while I disagree with some things about Gary Johnson, I agree with him on most of his stances; ESPECIALLY when compared to Trump and $hillary

tpp is just about THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE

And let me guess. You think Trump DOESN'T support the TPP?

Also, let me repeat what I stated before:

I agree with him (Gary) on most of his stances; ESPECIALLY when compared to Trump and $hillary

Trump ties at Macy's: $50. The look on Trump's face when Letterman calls him out on the ties being made in China...priceless.

that doesnt prove he supports the tpp

Watch this kids video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=126&v=Ul-wafI4K4A I was a Johnson supporter but now I'm not so sure.

It is also vital to make friends with Putin, Trump will do that

Johnson is the best alternative in this election he's someone who is nowhere near a hardline libertarian like myself but is also someone who hasn't been bought and sold by the establishment...yet

He is bought. He supports the TPP.

Glad to see people pointing this out

Sadly his running mate is a CFR member who is supported by the Koch brothers, he bashes Trump while saying Clinton is a great person, he says things that are against Classical Liberalism, and more. I fear that he is bought and sold and this comes from someone who was really hoping he was the guy.

He just had an op-Ed where he repeatedly slammed Clinton and her corruption. However I do agree with you that bill weld is definitely worrisome. Johnson is at best libertarian lite but he is still worlds better than Hillary or trump.

Spot on, in the long run there are a ton of important issues to fight for, but right now we need to stop war vs Iran. It will hapen under any president because they are not calling the shots on that matter. But this is a disaster waiting to happen, and they will cover any bunder made by wathever candidates, to distract us, but they never talk about Iran, despite the fact that both Trump and Hillary are for an invasion. Like this is no big deal..

This is a good point. You can see that Obama has done a lot to bring us back from the edge of war with Iran with his nuclear deal. This pissed off the warmongers, but may have changed the flow, at least for while, on this war. But, I fear that Iran is still on their to do list.

Obama did nothing but invade the middle east during his term. His campaign promises were all about taking troops out of there and disarming nuclear weapons, well, that went well didn't it? Obama won a nobel prize despite his country being at war for every single seconds of his mandate, same agenda, different people... dems or reps, the important thing here is to stop the nazi-like invasion of other countries and avoid at all cost war with Iran, Isis stealing a nuclear weapon out of nowhere to justify the nuclear riposte wherever seems fit is definitely somethign to watch for. Steal it from Incirlik? Maybe somewhere else since they failed the coup, but one thing is for sure, politicians won't help. We need to change as human beings, and refuse the system we live in. We're pretty far away from that, but patience is a virtue

While he did not do as well as I had hoped, I do not think that he got a lot of help from the Congress and DOD on stopping the wars. I think he managed to keep us out of Iran. My guess is that it took him several years to figure out how things work and what to do. His major accoplishments have all come very late and are small beans. But, so be it.

It just goes to show how little the president of the USA actually has to say in these matters... also he didn't invade Iran, but he did invade every country surrounding them, building bases, setting it up for the next president (puppet) If I'm 100% honest here, I did hope for Obama to actually be a good president back then, the guy is one of the most charismatic president ever, and he used to know how to make a goddamn speech. But this is all irrelevant when all that talk is so far away from what the actions actually are... I have no illusions left in that matter (politics) I truly believe it is pointless to feel emotional about a candidate anymore (even Bernie supporters feel betrayed now) the end result will just be a continuity of the same old agenda, and the next president will have to abide or get shut down

It takes a long time and a concerted effort to change things, and both parties are part of the system so they do not want to change things. They are in control. They are in power even when they are out of power because they know that things will swing back to them eventually..

Obama lost me when he OKed murdering people on the basis of their movements. If I go to church every Sunday and meet my uncle who is a member of KKK, it does not make me a member even if I visit my uncle's house once or twice a year. They killed tons of people in Syria and Yemen on this type of basis. It is just stupid and wrong.

I get the impression that the 1% are going to do whatever they want, and we are going to get to pay for it. It is clear that they do not give a shit about us or anything else unless they want something out of the deal.

DOD is too big and too powerful. It is sucking up so much budget that the country is going under. When it does, as it will, it will take the DOD with it, unless the global 1% decides they want to use it to control the Chinese etc.

Anyway, we are fucked.

I refuse to be lethargic about ths. Talking psychology here for a second, the best way to deal with an absent parent that was unfit to raise a child is for the child (as an adult, when problems start surfacing) is to admit to all the things that were expected from said parent that never were provided (love, motivation, support, etc..) or in this case the government or the system (in this case, fairness, protection, equality, prosperity, the list goes on) and to let it go an realise that it's all about your own decisions now. If you don't do that, you end up thinking, what's the point? and become apathetic People have lost access to that kind of inner power because the system is rigged agaisnt them. But it does not matter, if you can find a fight (and change) in your own heart. You have a right to say NO, but most people fear this change. Main issues right now are war and the federal reserve scam, these are not conspiracies, they are issues, and we need to focus on them. Leave 911 or the aliens or whatever out of the picture for a moment, because ultimately this is not important, it doesn't matter to the issue at hand weather 911 was staged or not, you convince more people by focussing, rather than trying to convice them of somthing "distracting"... Anyway, I'm just rambling now, but don't give in to apathy, stay positive, be strong, despite everything they do to keep you demoralised.

Clearly, we have to leave aliens out of the picture. 9/11 is a bit harder to let go of, but Ok.

Clearly, we cannot rely upon the government. They are the disfunctional parent. But, in fact, they are worse. They are the parent who sets up credit cards in the child's name, and uses them to buy shit the parent wants, but cannot afford because he does not work. They are a negative, and an adversary. So, we need to view the government as a negative in the vast majority of cases. We need to try to limit the amount of taxes that they take from us, and try to limit the amount of interference in our lives.

You think you think you think you guess.

What did Obama actually do? He destroyed Libya, Syria, Sudan, Afghanistan and Iraq (plus more). His policies have continued us in the same exact direction as George Bush.

Obama is a neocon anyway you cut it.

Maybe you want a perfect world.

Imagine if McCain and Palin had won.

Where would we be then?

Another party is still Playing within the system. The system is already rigged. Think outside the Proverbial box.

That won't happen. America is a Jewish country. We belong to the wealthiest Americans and foreign interests, and they're predominantly Jewish. You'll have to convince the elite that Israel is a lot cause, and after the Holocaust, that is not going to happen. You're talking about convincing people whose families died in genocide that they shouldn't do everything they can to protect a state which they believe will protect their ethnicity from future genocide. This is a major undertaking, when we can't even get people to admit that Israel does, on occasion, like America, commit war crimes and has a vested military/business interest in continuing to inflame extremists.

jews are less than 2% of the population, and the majority of jews arent zionists.

american media wont show you this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMQ9C6vni0w

I would agree that it's possibly a minority in a minority, BUT, the few and powerful Zionists who control and manipulate the system have totally bought into Zionism. How do you reach a true believer of an ideology?

Iran needs a leash, and Israel is our only real ally in that shit part of Earth.

What has Iran done that now requires them being leashed?

What do we get out of our relationship with Israel?


Nothing. Well, except boat loads of cash for weapon makers.

Cash that we taxpayers will have to pay.

The idea Iran needs a leash, is some New World Order bullshit. There's so much disinformation about Iran, it's the same ploys we used to get into Iraq. If you believe in the Iran war already, mainstream media did it's job brainwashing you.


Fuck off, we need to get our shit out of their shit, and maybe the tension will subside. If you did any history research you know the only reason that area is a shit hole is because of us. FUCK ISRAEL.

How triggered of you.

Understanding of global politics in this thread... 0.

No, you aren't gonna label him a Tumblr princess over disagreeing with you that Iran needs to be leashed or that Israel is a leech

Israel is useless. It's a parasitic state/country/nation (whatever it is this decade/century).

Could you describe Iran for me?

Most People still think in terms of lesser of two evils. But even more important is the fact that the president is only halfway up the security clearance chain.


Not to mention the private entities that run the entire show outside of any accountable jurisdiction (ie Federal reserve)

You're preaching to the choir here. But literally everyone, I mean everyone, will need to go 3rd and 4th party for anything to change. Not just president - congress , senate, and local elections.

If we unify under 1 3rd party and get that 5%, then said party gets federal funding, which would allow said party to fund candidates in 2018 for house and Senate seats. We can take this country back if people start stepping up in their districts and run for the seats and challenge the status quo.

We can't unify under 1 party. That's the most absurd of all. Not even the two major parties we have come close to satisfying issues, and they are, in theory, opposites.

I'm a libertarian, classic liberal, but I will never align with or endorse modern liberalism. To me they are cancer and not worth preserving or entertaining.

This is why 1 party can't exist. I'm fundamentally and uncompromisingly opposed to liberalism. To some minds that makes me conservative, but not to mine.

Anyone whose solution resides in socialism, bigger government, an advocate of privacy invasion, anti property rights, unassuming of autonomy and who does not value the family, life, or the responsibility of self agency is not and can never be a brother of mine. I wouldn't piss on those people if they were on fire.

I'm pro gun, anti abortion, I want tax cuts across the board, I want to shrink government by 75+%, reduce our military budget by 60% and put it into schools and infrastructure (new roads, bridges, jobs/manufacturing). I want most of these government programs to go away.

The extent of socialist programs should be those that everyone benefits from (most of the stuff I listed above). In fact, I would contend that the extent of a republic government is to oversee and facilitate the infrastructure of its (ed: the) republic, to create responsible and not-overly-litigious laws, dress an entity to enforce them fairly and with the highest accountability and... little else. I shouldn't have to study law for 50 lifetimes to understand what it means to live in my country. Nor should I live in a country where there's an argument that anything I do is illegal. I should not, and neither should our infrastructure, inherit the hardships of others - or their sex change, birth control pills or abortion - against our will without choice. That's what strong families are for and there should be a movement towards returning to families, procreating with strength and strong values, and thereby weeding out the nefarious and deadbeat influences who, as opposed to adopting the litter of their deeds, we should usher to exile.

What we need is a movement that purges the willfully weak. A strong man will always protect the sincerely weak.

Ah, a social Darwinist. You should sign a DNR right now so no social safety nets are used on you.

Some people pay for that themselves too. DNR doesn't mean the government or and social safety net pays for anything. It COULD pay for that, but does not indicate that it DOES.

As far as social safety net my family is in bad straits due to Obamacare, most of them uninsured, huge medical bills for 2 days in the hospital, simply because we can't afford to buy the insurance now, pay the deductibles now, etc. Prior to Obamacare I had insurance for my entire family, and once I ended up in the hospital for 23 days and paid $500. Post Obamacare I am actually making more money but can't afford insurance for anyone... and the VISIT the website and see if you qualify for subsidies. I Don't.

More people than ever have insurance? Perhaps the ones getting it for free. Guess what they would not be refused emergency room treatments prior to Obamacare.

F$%#$ socialism can go stick it up it's...

There is no free, someone pays. It just turns out in the case of Obamacare is that MY family pays. Make too much for the subsidies, make too little to actually buy insurance.

You do realize Obamacare has nothing to do w socialism. It was, first the Republican plan to mandate insurance. It was a gift to insurance companies. It is nothing like socialized healthcare.

Thank you. Why does no one understand this?!?! In a few years, there will be news about Obama being in bed with some healthcare tycoons just like we saw with the Bush administration being in bed with Halliburton.

Lack of critical thinking. People believe what they want to believe. Commies and socialists are still bogeymen to some.

Anti-abortion, anti-birth control and pro-procreation? Why exactly?

I'm a Libertarian but whilst I oppose those views, many Libertarians are "pro-life" and "pro-humanity." They see abortions as killings. I disagree but I can understand why they say that.

What do you mean why? Do I really need to explain this to someone today?

I'll just leave it at this: we've not evolved past our tribal nature and we NEVER will. We need strong families and cultural identities. We should not kill our own and dehumanize ourselves in the process. If by not doing so someone doesn't have to explain why not killing our offspring is a good starting position, then the case for strong identities is self evident.

Also, nowhere did I say or even imply that I'm anti birth control. What I meant to say is I don't want to have to pay for someone else's.


I dont need any identity.

So what happens when a kid who can't afford a baby is forced to have one because you won't allow them to get an abortion?

If we lived in a healthy society with strong families this would be much less frequent. It would still happen, but tough love is in order. Once again, people need consequences, whether they take 18 years or a lifetime to correct or live with mistakes. And if they had a strong middle class family, their family would be there to help them through. They might be shamed a little bit, but so what. It's life. Deal with it.

In short, too bad. Go get a job and deal with it. Stop being a parasite. IF we can drive this mentality home, maybe girls will adopt some agency for themselves and make responsible decisions. "Hmm, if I behave like a promiscuous cumdumpster, I may be left out in the cold."

If you let one person be a parasite, all think they're entitled to be a parasite. Your family is everything. Not your government, and you have no right to expect that your misery will be socialized.

"Get a job and deal with it"? How the fuck is someone going to do that while they are dealing with a baby? Do you have any idea what the cost of child care is?

If they had a strong middle class family? Well what if they don't?

If we lived in a string society with healthy families? Well what if we don't?

What you're saying is that you're ok with certain women and children starving to death on the streets all because you don't like the thought of abortion.

I'm okay with people dealing with the consequences of their actions. Yes. Make good decisions, marry/reproduce well. If you're not okay with this, go donate your time and money. I would rather retain my choice to help those I wish to help.

That's crazy to me. I would rather live in a country where I don't have to see malnourished children looking like they are from Africa laying on the sidewalk slowly dying in the middle of the city.

Me too. I don't know what that has to do with anything I said, though. But at any rate, I'm done talking to you because it is not worthwhile.

Well when you force people to keep babies they don't want and can't afford, and cut government assistance to those people, what do you expect is going to happen?

Not to turn this into a men's right issue, but people surely don't have any problem making sure fathers who don't want the baby and can't afford it continue to assume responsibility for it, particularly financially.

The fact of the matter is the women drive the sexual social mating ritual. And if we live in an educated, strong society, this won't happen very often. Because if women behave with the understanding that they don't have a safety net and their choices can change their lives, then the idea is that they make better choices.

A guy has a natural incentive to impregnate a woman and leave, as much as possible. Society can't function if you give men a choice. Why do we perceive women being the only sex with free will to murder and behave without standards, and make decisions with concern to their ability, time, convenience, or finances? Or women as the sole holder of choice? If they have that "power" then they hold equal responsibility.

Why can't a guy just say "I don't want it. I can't afford it." And, walk away?

If you begin relying on the law to organize the way we behave, then society collapses into debauchery and decadence. Because, in order for women to maintain the sole right of choice, you have to entrap men. Yet, in order to give men equal choice, life and purpose loses meaning and only ever becomes a monstrous choice of money and time.

That's the path to a dead society. What we need, in the end, is a society which says "do what you want, but you're responsible for what happens."

Nice dodge

Didn't dodge anything. You're the one who moved the goalposts with your stupid interpretations.

I asked you a simple question and you went on a rant about men's rights.


What a ridiculous tangent you got yourself off on.


That's not an attack, it's a fact.

It seems you want the FREEDOM to CHOOSE for other people. And don't want others, such as women, to have a choice about what is particularly relevant to women.... giving birth and raising a child. If a woman feels she doesn't want or can't afford the time and resources to raise a child, its her choice to get an abortion. End of story.

Why people have a tyrannical need to teach other people a LESSON based on a flawed concept of their own morality is beyond me?

Adoption is always an option though all the government red tape makes it prohibitively expensive for most families. That and their screening process ie the not adopting to single parent or homosexuals or different races.

We should show these children love, community and family. Not a bidding war for their fetal parts.

I'll give you the example Dr. Ron Paul gave that forever changed me into a pro-lifer. While I do contend that birth control and contraceptives are awesome, actually aborting a fetal human "just because I don't want it," is about as hypocritical and evil as one can get.

His example was: If you are ON YOUR WAY to the abortion clinic, positive test in hand, and you get into a car accident, or someone hits you, they will be charged with manslaughter if your "gathering of proteins and cells" dies. Even though you were about to go kill it yourself, you can now press charges against someone who inadvertently did so.

You have one set of thinking that says it isn't a human yet, yet our very own laws state that it is. Both of which are recognized.

My views? Once you get that confirmation that your recent sex YOU HAD has created life in your body, you are under cosmic law to take care of it. You don't even have to raise it, but at least give the poor fucker a chance.

Now, if it comes out that you were assaulted and raped or something, sure, maybe abortion is ok.... because assholes that like do not deserve offspring. Still shitty for the little human though.

Society cannot exist if we encourage people who are not capable to raise a child with to do so. People are forced to care for their "accidents" at the expense of their opportunity to succeed in life, as well as the taxpayer. In many situations the prospect of raising a child while unstable financially creates stress that affects entire social circles and ultimately negatively affects the child psychologically. This damage can foster poor behavior, including the risky sexual variety that leads to unwanted preganancy. Eventually all these happy accidents become less educated and make for the kind of folk who thinks Trump is the best. And this lack of education leads to more unwanted pregnancies and accidents while more educated individuals (likely due to their pregnancy being wanted) end up statistically reproducing less! The outcome is a increasingly less educated democracy who will elect an unqualified con artist and ruin itself systemically

Nobody can force you to raise a child. There are many options to get rid of it from your life after it is born. My point was that the little goop of cells as it is commonly referred to, is in fact a human being, and that killing it because it is inconvenient for you, is disgusting. It is selfish behavior to need to have sex, then to not have the fortitude to endure childbirth.

It's not selfish when it's literally the most powerful human instinct and everyone is subjected to it. Everyone is programmed to fuck, but few are capable of raising children properly.

for the third time, never has someone been made to raise a child. they get given up for adoption all the time.

And if there is no one who wants to adopt what happens? They go to foster care? Who pays for that?

What are you arguing now that orphanages haven't existed in our society until now?

Privately funded orphanages? How many of those are there? How likely are the kids that come from them to end up in jail?

Your basically saying you want increased suffering and violence and criminal behavior all because you don't like the idea of abortion.

Yeah but adoption goes against biology. Most mother's who are incapable of rearing children will at least try to get by because they are programmed to not give the child up.

Also only like 15℅ of foster children get adopted in any given year.

so yeah, lets just kill them all since no one wants to adopt them right?

"Just because it is inconvenient for you" Nobody argued that, nice straw man though.

Never mind the fact that the most uneducated of society, blacks and latinos, overwhelmingly vote democrat. So, you're wrong.

To dismiss the white poor is just missing the point entirely. And of course they would vote Democrat because uneducated people need welfare and assistance because they didn't receive education due to either having unplanned children or being that child and thus do not find good paying work.

White poor are taught to be self sufficient. Blacks are taught to suck on the government teat by white guilted pussies like you. Poor whites still have higher IQs than blacks and hispanics of all classes and vote republican. Blacks have the lowest IQs of all and vote democrat.

IQ doesn't mean shit idk why you keep bringing it up. They'd do better on IQ tests if their annual school budgets weren't less than a MTV sweet sixteen party. And maybe if their society wasn't completely ruined by the war on drugs


Well it's financially beneficial to many people that they do go to prison.


Yeah so let's keep drugs, the most addictive substances known to mankind, which were made illegal due to misinformation and racism, illegal so we can continue to profit from these 'criminals' who have hurt no one.


Research the War on Drugs and you'll find the intentions were to treat blacks and Mexicans as criminals by outlawing parts of their culture (weed and smack)

And you were taught to be ignorant. If you really think that the Republican Party is your savior than you are a lost cause. That being said, if you think the Democratic Party is your savior you are a lost cause.

Great job with your useless Intelligence Quotient bullshit. I bet you took a paid test online and it said you were special.

There are no such things as accidents in the creation of life, every situation involving pro-creating is preventable. Your Argument assumes people aren't responsible for their behaviors.

There are no such things as accidents in the creation of life, every situation involving pro-creating is preventable.

I have to beg to differ. Not every accident is preventable, unless you're being completely unreasonable and expecting sexual beings to never have sex. Case in point: I suffered an ectopic pregnancy after having my tubes tied. I was in a stable, committed relationship, and practicing the best form of birth control available to me: sterilization. I still got pregnant. Tell me how that's preventable without being completely unreasonable and expecting sexual beings to remain abstinent indefinitely.

That is absurd. That's like saying there are no car accidents because they are preventable.

And if a person in Switzerland was just about to walk into Dignitas' house to receive euthanasia only to be killed by someone before that, the killer would almost certainly be charged. If someone commits a crime, they will generally be charged for it even if the result of the crime happens to be convenient.

My point is that it is indeed a human life form, if one would be charged with ending the life of a human for either an accident or a crime. It is inhumane to consider it to be otherwise.

Hillary Clinton is so great and so is Ted Cruz. I am so happy we have true leaders like these two that are just in politics to help the people of world. They have done so much to better education, get us out of meaningless wars, curb hunger worldwide and so much more. We need more people like this in the government to help the real people out. I am so sick of all these rich lawyers taking bribes from lobbyists and wall street just to make themselves more rich and powerful. People should learn from these two folks and live by their examples. You dont have to be a washington insider to make a difference and if you dont believe me just look at Clinton and Cruz. They are just average people who want to make a difference and help the people, they are not powerful rich lawyers with powerful richer friends putting them into power to fulfill their own agendas (like Reagan and those guys). These two are legit, lets do what we can to get behind them and defeat Trump and all those weird people.

This is like the greatest satire I've ever read.


I didn't? Here I will upvote now to prove it to you. I could easily see this being downvoted into oblivion by gullible dummies fwiw

You know, most of that sounds quite reasonable to a highly-left progressive - until you get to the social darwinist anti-abortion stuff and call to "purge the willfully weak". Then your privilege just shines through - and you start sounding really White Power. You can't say you're about individual autonomy and then say people shouldn't have abortions when they need them (I hate to wonder what you think of rape-response abortions), or that everyone who wasn't born with the same advantages as you should just suck it up. Theres a brand of libertarianism that believes in personal freedom and autonomy tempered by offsetting initial disadvantages. You wouldn't just leave people in wheelchairs to fend for themselves, and similarly you don't leave a high financial burden on one gender just because theyre the ones who have to buy the birth control to prevent an even larger burden they may not be able to provide enough care for (certainly not in your world where undoubtedly child support programs have been gutted. I wonder what happens to orphaned kids). And dont go saying that's on the girl not being a "cumdumpster" (watch your language, that is fucking shameful) when there are countless incidents where girls have trusted the guy and thought he would be an equal part of the burdens (of birth control or family) and he walked out - it is not an easily predictable risk, and it's bad enough without it creating a huge financial burden because the state doesn't want to help. I'm also extremely skeptical that even costs much of the federal budget to support. There's probably some compromise solution there like an insurance industry but I digress.

Long story short: your beliefs would actually be largely supported by "liberals" who hate the system if you'd drop the sexist (and probably by extension of those ideas, racist) stance that everyone should just "got theirs" and be autonomous, ignoring the problem that people are often not at all on equal footing to begin with and you're leaving a systemic disadvantage that specifically white male christians benefit from most. Can we just agree on making the basic shit as equal-opportunity and individual-freedomy as possible and focus on the important stuff - like hanging the bankers and eliminating shitty beaurocracy?

I'm pro gun, anti abortion

So, you want to tell other people what they can do with their own bodies, but don't want anyone to tell you that you have no need for an automatic weapon best suited for a battlefield.

Sounds about right for every libertarian I've ever met. Egad. :/

You've been meeting some weird libertarians if they are all against abortion.

I agree, libertarians, as I'm aware, are "pro-choice" in that they believe the government shouldn't legislate morality. I remember a quote (no source) that Ron Paul was against abortions, but believes the government has no right to decide (based on religious grounds) whether it's OK or not.

The 2nd amendment is in place for battlefields. No comment on the first part.

Some families would argue it is in their best interests to require an abortion. Also, those same families pay taxes - just as you do.

Good. Those taxes should build/maintain our roads and pay teachers' salaries and making sure our futures are equipped and provided a quality education (not indoctrination). If they want an abortion the family should pay all expenses. And in general I will shun them socially. I'd rather have an educated middle class society connected by the nicest roads and fiber than a governmental-dependent, mindlessly-promiscuous trailer park trash society filling up dumpsters with baby matter and tossing to the curb their discount slushie cups.

People need to be taught that their consequences are their own and thus are encouraged to conduct themselves in responsible, self-aware ways. They are the agents of their destinies.

I would agree that good education and a culture that truly values the family unit would lead to happier and healthier society - one where abortions would be needed less. However, I do not believe I or you has the right to ban another's right to do as she and her family so choose. Imho

Nobody proposed as much. But they certainly have absolutely zero fucking rights to ask me to pay for murder, let alone exist with the expectation that I'm bound to do so by virtue that I exist.

I will further irritate the issue by saying that a pregnant female's body is no longer her's alone. A competent and healthy society, recognizing this, would also grant the prospective father rights in the matter as well (keeping ever at the front the life growing inside, before either mother or father). Being as we live in a society, and agree to its basic rules as being good for the society at large, we can omit nature as a governing rule as it pertains to the ethics of certain challenges.

We can open up a pandora's box of philosophy at this point, but it should be well enough to acknowledge that most about society is unnatural, and its tenets are to boil everything down to rules that govern how we behave. I like to think, for example, that I don't need a society to tell me "don't murder your fellows." But some within our societies do need that rule to prevent them from acting upon their desire to do so. And some do it, anyway. Society has no weight on a convicted man. Yet, some societies celebrate murder under the pretense of certain rights and convictions. And so if I asked you if you wanted to absorb elements of those societies into you own, you'd probably give me strange look and a "no."

If it makes you feel any better I'm sure most of your tax money is going towards murdering citizens of other countries.

A "strong man", politician is always a psychopath and has no conscience empathy or remorse. He protects no one and nothing but his personal greed.


nah ur just a lesser socialist.

Have you really never heard of the libertarian party? You have a lot of the same views as their candidate, whom I might add is the only third party candidate on all 50 state ballots

Yeah, your first clue should have been the first line of the second paragraph where I declare, "I am a libertarian."

But, that aside, I think the libertarian candidate is an absolute fuckup.

Abortion and gay rights are issues that actually effect a very small percentage of the countries population and the issues are promoted by the establishment and the establishment owned press purely to stop people from voting on the real issues of who controls the money and power in the country which affects 100% of the population. If you are discussing abortion or gay rights you have already been defeated.

The people who have enough drive to win against all odds are 100% sociopaths and psychopaths.

They are successful Politicians and CEOs.

The people who have enough drive to win against all odds are 100% sociopaths and psychopaths.

That is not true. They win because they don't risk everything. If Hillary does not become president. She is still rich. We saw FBI directory Comey incoherently claim that Hillary's handling of secrets as careless and not mishandling that is an indictable offense. She is above the law.

If Obama had not become president, he would still be rich. They risk a tiny amount.

What we have learned from history is that laws are just to stop poor people doing the same as rich people who use the same laws to game the system to stay rich because they are too stupid to do anything else.

... Who make every decision based solely on personal greed regardless of who or what gets damaged in the process.

They have major deficiencies in empathy, _ Conscience,_ and remorse

Yes, this is how they are raised. It's expected of leaders in business, among of certain classes of people. Do you expect the powerful and wealthy to be conscientious and care about what is right?

The people absolutely should not just expect but demand that all leaders have a history of demonstrating the possession of a conscience.

If they have none then they have nothing that causes them steer their subjects away from harm.

It's worth a try under present circumstances. Historically in this country I can think of only two occasions when a third party drew considerable notice; the Moose Party under Teddy Roosevelt and the Reform Party under Ross Perot. The Green Party currently has the potential to continue this tradition, but it doesn't seem like it's creating the same buzz...yet.

I heard this in 1980 with perot.

It will never happen. Time is not endless. You life isnt endless. 4 years is a long time. 20 years to do what you are saying is even longer and it still wont work.

Thats why trump dropped the run under the libertarian party a few years ago and knew he had to take over the belly of the beast in the republican party to actually win.

Vote for trump. He is the outsider and he is the only one who will be in a position to win the presidency in your lifetime. He is your only chance.

This is beyond a democratic solution.

Who's at the top of the security clearance chain?

The chart he posted has been floating around for a number of years as "proof" there were people above the president in the clearance chain. There's no hard evidence to support that statement. In all reality POTUS would have to be the highest rated clearance so that he and his offices could allow/acknowledge/build a cover in case of a backfire for secret operations.


All classified information is treated as "need to know." Just because you have a certain clearance doesn't entitle you to access to all classified information up to that clearance.


I mean it's not like there's a giant repository or drive with all the secret/top secret info that you can browse at your leisure. You really only get access to what's important to your job or the mission at hand.

Whoever is in charge of the program/mission decides who gets access to classified information.

I've heard that there is just so much for the president to keep in mind, that it doesn't make sense to tell him things that he doesn't need to know.

I remember watching a documentary about special operations overseas. It said something about the military continuing operations as normal until otherwise told to do so by the new POTUS, as his office still technically authorized the actions they take

Plausible deniability is internal too. It's best if the dumber figureheads don't understand the full breath and depth of the machine they think they're driving.

Back in the day, Vannevar Bush and Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter were among those at the very top (with a Majestic clearance). But they've been dead for decades. It's not known who's at the top now. It's not supposed to be known.

Snowden , the NSA sys admin guy who runned away with the encrypted hard disk to give it to russian mob. lmao

That pdf is so wrong I'm not even sure where to start, it's that riddled with false information

Preaching to the choir in r/conspiracy, maybe....

Reply this to any Trump/Clinton supporter outside of this sub and you will get downvoted- not that the points matter, but you're probably not going to find many people to present any sort of logical argument on why they are voting for Trump/Clinton.


here is one. there is a small (yet unlikely since he flashed mason hand signs) chance that trump is actually way low down on the totem pole and against the whole conspiracy.

since trump is the one more likely to win, since frankly, he has support that is unwavering among a large mass.

there is zero chance a third party will win, although I predict they will get their 5% this election -- one of them at least.

I support trump because, possibly, they didnt expect him to win since its clearly been rigged for hillary and just let him run as they thought it was a joke and hillary was already in like flynn from the beginning. if we get him in there by mistake and it really ISNT meant to happen by TPTB, then we did something right.

if not, then its still a precursor to some sort of action if he is lying.

still he is outwardly against globalism. which is indeed one of the causes of modern tyranny at home and abroad.

and hillarys positions are outright insane, while trumps arent really so crazy at all. they are fairly liberal and moderate for US standards, and the stuff that is 'crazy' is just spin because the other side is doing absolutely insanely tyrannic shit here people.

How could America exist without globalism? We make nothing here. Our labor force is woefully under-skilled.

Nations that don't allow their resources to be stripped or their markets to be entered by capitalists find themselves undergoing regime change. Why do you think anything we set up would be different?

I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer, it just really seems pointless to try to fix something that is large enough to control most of the world economy.

we need to start making shit. The idea is gradually tax globalist businesses out of existence,making it way easier to re invest here.

the economy will probably collapse, either because the globalists get mad and fuck the fed and shut it all down on us,

or because they refuse to re invest. But at that point, we begin working for ourselves, and if the government was with people, we could print new money and start businesses locally and take over starting again,

it isnt easy,

its hard.

we all have the become our own leaders and stuff. but the system can be destroyed and rebuilt, and if theres a chance of it, it has to be tried.

Dude/Dudette lets collaborate. What do you want to start making? Something that turns a modest profit and flies under the radar of the corporatocracy....

Need to get a 3D printer...or make 3D printers...fuck yes!

I'm twiddling with a thumb in my ear wondering why the discussion ended.. is this how the American people are.. get good ideas and let them smother out like a candle in December?

This is actually not a bad idea (3D printers though.. I mean you can but why not make something else?). It starts here, it doesn't start in Washington DC with their bureaucratic politically correct nonsense.. it starts with the people..

From the blue collar man who is sick of breaking his back and standing on his feet all day only to come home and watch on the news as corruption is flourishing, politicians are doing the usual lying and our country is going nowhere.. backwards maybe. But movement IS NOT progress.

To the white collar man who wasted X years of his life, is deep in debt from student loans.. thought he was gonna get a relatively good/high paying job only to learn he now has to work a 9-5 to make ends meet.

If one is $60,000 in debt from law school or something.. if you DON'T get that job, you're screwed obviously. After you pay back that $60k.. you realize.. with $60k I could've started my own company without outside investment. But I digress

No one takes America serious anymore.. just the other day the President of Philippines called one of our diplomats gay.. what the fuck is that? Do you think anyone is calling Putin or Russia gay? Do you think anyone is mocking Iran or say Hezbollah like that?

America has MANY problems.. we have leaders who need to go. I have to say it, they gotta go. From Bush to the Clintons.. to possibly even Trump. They HAVE to go.

I'm surprised Trump didn't speak out against that.. so we're gonna tolerate that? Is this what 'Murica is about? Tolerance, discussion and letting a foreign head of state disrespect a U.S. Diplomat/Ambassador like that.. without anyone saying a word.

Back to the business thing: there ya go, that's the key. Start making stuff here that is of good quality and don't sell the company.. pass it down to the next generation, which brings me to my next rant,

FEMINISM AND MARRIAGE.. wha- to be continued.


Hey bud.

You called for a Trump supporter?

I pity the fool.

Well that's not nice at all.

The problem with the lesser of two evils is that in order to win all someone has to do is be slightly less evil than the other guy. So every cycle they get more and more evil until you end up with Hillary and Trump.

i fail to see why trump is evil. its really all media spin and lies; his positions are getting out of foreign affairs that are bad for us either in danger or economically, and cutting out all this corrupt bs that is really destroying our social system for low class people trying to work up the system. the rhetoric and some of the means are extreme because TPTB have let these problems fester and intentionally worsened them.

the policies arent bad, they are working great, this is tyranny. terrorism IS our policy, our punishment, our cause and effect.

Just because his corruption isn't transparent doesn't mean there isn't corruption. The fact he's got a Goldman Sachs guy heading his campaign is concerning at the least.

Listen to his speech and analyze his personality. The things he calls for are extreme, even in an extreme country. He is unstable.

I think we should toss Clinton and Trump in a ring with some sharks and elect the winner.

no, trumps policies may not be perfect, but they are no different from earlier american policies, when shit at least had some integrity.

his policies would reduce taxes for businesses at home, but tax globalist businesses out of existence. everyone would have to move back here and pay higher wages (or risk paying a tax greater than all increased wages through tariffs)

it would bring back our manufacturing jobs, en masse. there would be made in america shit again. sure, copyright law might be a mess in that world, but we can at least bring the economy back.

trumps anti immigration issues actually were supported by clinton her entire career until now, when the agenda became becoming tyrant lord and bringing in radicals intent upon terrorist acts (with intention to blame the american people themselves) take the guns, and sell out the remaining jobs.

building a wall is standard issue in many countries. in fact, this has been a problem here for awhile. this isnt just about cherrypickers they are gonna give them full rights, so they will be lifelong voters of the democrats, even if the democrats have a forced suicide bill, they will vote for it in droves of millions because of the RIGHTS and GOODIES YAYYYA FREE SHIT@!!!!!

while the people here will be poorer, lose more rights, more social instability and violence.

to be honest, hillary is the racist. she kills women and black people, or at least directly funds and assists in the training and arming of violent psychotic rebels who kill based on genetics and religion.

trump just wants to kick out the people obama let in illegally, establish order like it was before the previous bush.

end globalism until the WORLD is ready for globalism.

this would mean, when the economy collapses you can buy businesses cheaper than ever. YOU can be someone. it means the return of social mobility, and rebellion against the world economic banking system, which is backed only in fraud, murder, tyranny, and satanic enslavement

Agree, Trump is a good guy, there for the people

HOLY SHIT! This made me laugh so fucking hard because it's probably 99.99% accurate, -- but I still have to argue: it's a fucking tower of Bablyon, and the base is getting weaker and weaker as it ascends higher and higher.

I think you mean Tower of Babel and the Tower of Babel "fell apart" because God gave everyone a different language so people had to spread across the earth.

You're right, and I think it's going to fall when it financially can't support itself, and you'll have various groups separated by their knowledge of the system before being bought out and replaced.

How about getting rid of the party system? We have the rights too https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x9MfNAQr8RJVOvZlQSCZxkeuyLqIVdJ6oYQ43krn35k/edit?usp=sharing

Trump has dropped hints. I'm voting for Trump. Third party isn't an option. Trump, for better or worse, is our option. I understand why you might doubt him, I have reservations, but it's our only chance. And even then we will have to beat the vote fraud against him, which will be a tall order just by itself.

And OP is here suggesting to go 3rd party. Which side does his subconscious support?

I support revolution. Here is my question for any Trump supporter: why do you think he gives a fuck about you? He has made his living exploiting people JUST LIKE YOU. He's a salesman at heart and you're being sold one hell of a story. He is NO different from Clinton.

Honestly I don't know. I can tell you he has displayed compassion through his life by doing many great things for other people in need. I also know exactly where you're coming from.

I look at it this way. He is the last chance to restore a lawful government for the United States.

I realize it's not certain. I also realize he is an excellent manipulator and could be telling people like me exactly what they want to hear.

For sanity, I choose to believe he is a decent human being.

Edit: He is MUCH different from the Clintons. As far as I know, he does not have blood on his hands. The Clintons have a hit team working for them.

I suggest you look into whether he really donated the proceeds of his show to charity. I guess employing undocumented/illegal immigrants Is a form of charity.

Lawful government? :)

Choosing to protect your sanity is simply taking an easy out when the evidence mounts to show you that things really are fucked up beyond belief.

I'm not trying to be an asshole. I was where you are, with Obama and then Sanders. There is no "savior figure" strong or smart or good enough to fix something this large and perverse.

I estimate you need about two more years of denial until you're willing to look critically at our society on a systemic level.

Proud to say I saw right through Obama and Sanders, so got you there.

Okay, let's try this on. Who has the better idea of "our society on a systemic level?"

-CIA assassinated Kennedy in 1963.

-GHB, head of the real CIA and also the criminal CIA, engaged in drug, weapon, and child trafficking. Clinton got in on the game when he was Govenor of Arkansas.

-Egypt, Libya, and Syria were all CIA run overthrows.

-Every major terror attack in the U.S. from at least OKC to Orlando (including 9/11) was in someway coordinated and used by them.

-ISIS was created by the CIA when they had al-baghdadi released and handed him $30 million to start the first camps.

-MKUltra, Monarch, Mockingbird, Paperclip.

Remember about that one time the U.S. Government was caught giving a briefcase full of cash away in Iraq?

So you see, I come from an educated point of view. It's just that few people are willing to talk about, so none of this ever happened.

Ok, great, yeah, I know none of it ever happened and we're some great moral authority. Hahaha.

So, ask yourself how anyone at all (dem or rep) would be allowed to be elected and make changes deviating from the way things are, that benefit the common folk? Trump would be a lame duck, his whole presidency, kind of like Obama in some regards.

That's a great question, and one I don't have an answer for.

Think about JFK. Why did the aristocracy hate the Kennedys so much (aside from them being utter trash)? Why did the CIA remove him?

I doubt anyone will read this, but if you believe you can fix the system with a Political Party, you are falling into to the same trap you're trying to fix. Fuck the system, the colonists said fuck the broken Britain system, we'll start our own. We should say fuck the broken American system, let's start our own.

But we can never truly organize without being subject to jail. Unorganized we will be stomped out or slaughtered, even the police are militarized. I agree this system is fucked I just don't know what we can really do with shit like the Patriot Act in effect.

I feel like this is one of the main things we should be discussing..somehow...

create an unrelated group that has random frequent events and celebrations totally unrelated as a cover, and discuss revolution in secret with all cell phones and electronics unplugged in private. bug each other and kill anyone who even thinks of ratting or takes the bug off.

or just read the CIA material they used as a source for creating cointellpro or whatever is available on what they do in other nations.

I could potentially dig this a disconnect from technology would be a given within said group but still the coward in me says we would all die, possibly of 'suicide' even.

if we are probably dying anyway at this point and being led to slaughter it matters not if we die trying. i find comfort in the fact that id die anyway or it would be worse

You want to die honorably. I want to die miserably, a long time after you die. Hahahafuckme.

its not only honor. its more about suffering. Id rather try and be honorable and run away, struggle to survive and fight back -- at least if the only alternative was getting microchipped and or thrown into a torture center.

a bullet definitely sounds better than possible unknown human lab trials, slave labor, internment, starvation, rape, torture... and if my crazy religious beliefs are real, going with them would mean certain doom in hell with satan, and dying human and normal would allow me to have an afterlife. especially since I kind of, even if I sinned a lot, feel sincerely guilty even if I cant stop, and that I would die making the right choice of not following the antichrist

Antichrist? Oh, fuck man. The American Evangelicals have been calling politicians the Anti Christ for decades. The Catholics have been doing it for two millennia. This guy is really fucking late.

So, you have a religion that tells you the next life will be better and you're no afraid to die. It sounds like a lot of naive Muslim young men who end up blowing themselves up. This is a great mindset for people who need unthinking soldiers.

not at all like that. man its christianity

I just believe this might be the time when the end begins, im not advocating extermism. just being a doomsayer.

I believe the forces of evil are behind it, and not man alone. if anything Its a comforting thought to hold on to.

its not that I dont believe life matters. Im just scared, that this currently free world could collapse, and be a holocaust waiting to happen.

im scared of total collapse, teh fema camps.

Im not saying life doesnt matter. im just saying, if it came to the choice of losing all freedom and autonomy and forever being interned to other human beings totally, against my will when I have done nothign wrong,

im worried about crazy shit going down, like total economic collapse and loss of human rights.

Im suggesting, with a basis in christianity and in not wanting to endure massive lengths of horrific torture,

that in the event of an end times event, its almost a cheap excuse for suicide, while avoiding the blame.

I mean, think about it, if you were going into the holocaust in germany as one of the weakest, most hopeless of the bunch, wouldnt you find that the easier way out too?

I have no intent on blowing myself up, I just have no intent to obey orders that strip me of my complete autonomy when I have not violated any laws or harmed any human beings.

I just kinda feel like, this is the end yo. the pope is indeed calling for a one world religion. which is kind of what the end times prophecy said... sort of...

the difference here is, like. what would you do if someone came and imprisoned you in a fema camp and stripped all free speech and began taking control of your life and autonomy, forcing things on you that you dont consent to?

if they told you they would microchip you, would you let them do it? Im suggesting that in circumstances leading up to such an event, I would let it happen to me. I could just sit that part of history out.

So, tell me what the difference is? The brand of religion you stamp on your suicide mission?

im not out to like, cause any disorder other than talking and acting politically and socially, im talking about real, shit hit the fan an hour ago and soldiers are taking people from their homes type of shit here.

like evil directly taking action upon me and requiring self defense. Im not really intent on being violent myself. I hate fighting, am super scrawny, have no weapons of any sort, and would pretty much just basically be forcing them to do away with me instead of imprisoning me or something

Oh shit yeah. And saying "im fine with going to jail, most black activists went to jail" well we dont have the same laws anymore, or the same police Force at all. Maybe we should try changing congress, over tuning Citizens United vs FCC, and bringing transparency. But it's gonna take a lot of overhaul, so it'll take a lot of support from the people. So let's make america 2.0TM lol

I'm just in a cynical stage or mood I suppose. Seeing the Leaks made public and see the focus somehow shift to Anti-Russia rhetoric combined with the news basically "editing" reality at the Democratic convention blew my mother-fucking mind. I'm still recovering.

After that suppression of the truth and peoples will, I'm not sure how anything short of some 1776 (or Red Dawn) type shit could really change things.

Problem is if we even attempt to organize and talk in detail some 1776 (or Red Dawn) type shit, we will be eliminated.

If that makes sense.

Very true, the anti Russia shit is just fucked up. Are they really gonna do Another cold war? I think reality right now sucks, but we're just dipping our toes in the shit bucket. It's a long ride, and I have hope we'll survive longer than the 70+ year olds running this system, and maybe, just maybe, the people under them wont fall into the same games.

But we're fucked. I mean we can't out live them if they own that Vault full of seeds and eat the best non 'fucked with' foods.

I dunno shits weak.

no, we wont, not if most of us went in armed to the discussion. they wouldnt bomb their own country just yet. not if we got to it early enough and discussed things in person and somehow got people together without expressing intent obviously.

not sure how it would be possible, and youd need a lot of people, like a hivemind.

mass noncompliance with the system may work as well, a peaceful nonviolent bloodless revolution, but thats also an equally impossible and insane dream

Your part of mass noncompliance resonated for a second, the one thing we truly truly have on them in a broad sense is pure numbers. If enough people say flooded the streets or something like that they couldn't kill them all right? The outrage would be massive but then again now that I think about it, this could play into their Martial Law goals.

I dunno maybe if we are all really one a hive mind could be formed... Haha a community based group think that meets up to discuss and enact some 1776 type shit.

No, they have us on pure numbers. Remember, most of the people are still asleep.

You don't have to kill all the protestors. Crowd control is about breaking down groups and demoralizing the rest of the people involved or sympathetic to the cause.

What food will you eat, during these mass uprisings? Where will your water come from? Your electricity?

These are the questions that keep me up at night.

They're already executing American terrorists by drone abroad. They execute people of color who step out of line with police here. If you're labeled a terrorist or a communist, they can kill you without anyone really paying any mind. Or they can use any number of covert means. Maybe you'll get robbed, have a heart attack, your car will fail you, or you'll be the victim of a mass shooting spree. This is America, and no one cares about anyone else. The news cycle rolls onward.

I'm really glad this exist.

I'm so happy you exist! thank you

For those who wish to join the conversation Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/418695348301058/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/Queen_ofthe_FSM Always looking for new opinions and members


amen to that, but i dont see peopel acting towards it, we need the herd no one man army can conquer the world and all armies and secret societies all by themselves.

At the very least we could try to separate somehow I guess? perhaps secretly dump large amounts of sand offshore....somewhere... create and artificial island, begin to ponder life as free society just before drone strike hits.

Since Johnson supports the TPP, Jill Stein is the only real bet. She wants to cut funding to many of the war machines.

Unfortunately still a wasted vote, but let us hope Bernie people vote for her instead of Hillary to pave the way for Trump

Any vote is a wasted vote when they make up the voting numbers come Election Day.:

A wasted vote is believing the two party system is the only option. Yes, Ralph Nader did allow George W. Bush into power but this election, everyone is fucked regardless once the TPP is passed by either side.

Aside from TPP, he's the first Candidate that wants steps in an opposite direction in decades. Yes, TPP is not ideal, but I think the goods far outweigh that.

TPP removes all power from Countries and gives it to a virtual Corporate Police force that considers all form of economic opposition as terrorism that can be suppressed through violence hidden from view. Because scared consumers hurt economic advantage. In other words they are hidden evil greedy Mother Fuckers each and everyone one of the secret lobbyists of the TPP.

tpp will destroy us and actually usher in a NWO as a first baby step

Certainly there will be no middle class hanging on. We will all be peasants or servants.

In one of his interviews he say he hasn't read it and would need to before he signs it. He also said if it's full of crony capitalism he would not sign it but if it expands free trade (which he's is being told it does) he would sign it. That sounds like an intelligent answer to me.


I've never bought in.

Elections may or may not be rigged, but the system is definitely rigged against third parties.

This is absolutely true and each element in the system is against adding new elements to the system. From the very bottom to the top each part will vehemently oppose any outside force that tries to change anything. (As in any serious contender from any party that is not Republican or Democrat.) Only two scenarios could possibly change anything of substance. A massive sweeping change that starts from the grass-roots and extends to every office in the nation. Or... An actual change of the system itself that puts into place safety measures to protect against the domination of the government by one or two parties.

/e Grammar

Trump and Hillary are working together.

We are watching a blatant dog and pony show to let people know they are screwed either way in this hyped election. FBI Director Comey let us know as well. "Hillary is "Careless". We have seen Trump and Clinton's together in a photo. They take "children like jabs" at each other that I believe have both planned out or talk on the regular. They are pros at manipulation. The government is run like a serious Mob / Cartel or whatever you want to call it. We have to remember that these two are just the "faces to the public" and someone else is calling the shots as we have seen with Hillary. If she gets off point or interrupted....she stops talking just like bubbling George W. Bush did when he was propped up for 8 years as president.

This sub understands whats really going on. That's why its best to stay informed and prep for "anything" that comes down the pipe.

Don't fall for the media Garbage Hype. Its all manufactured shit for only a special group of people. The Uninformed!

The "shit show" is real...this is not a dream.

It's not true at all, Trump is not meant to be there, he's broken the system. We now have a genuine candidate who speaks out against vaccines and wants peace with Putin. Any vote here which isn't for Trump only helps Hillary and the globalists

Just wait for Trump's long-scheduled "October Surprise" where he really puts his foot in his mouth and sours everyone to his candidacy. Then Clinton has a guaranteed landslide without vote-rigging and the "reality TV" actor Trump gets the immunity to prosecution or whatever extra-legal power(s) they've promised him.

You are the second person I've heard that paints Trump as a "fall guy". Interesting.

Personally, and I've voted in 9 previous presidential elections, I may abstain from voting. That's how disgusted I am by the candidates. :(

no they're not.

It's not far fetched. Neither of the fuckers care about you or your vote, freedoms, or liberties.

That's an entirely different argument. But look at how dominated by double think everyone is. No matter what part of the fence you're on, everyone is only going to consider a certain class of person capable of presidency.

They're not going to elect the baker who has 70 thousand dollars in the bank after 20 years of work, no matter how great his ideas are. But they might consider Sanders who didn't work for the first 70 years of his life.

People bitch and complain about the one percent, about how badly they've fucked up the country and how out of touch they are with us lowly peasants.

But they're surely not going to vote for someone from the 99%. Ever. In fact, half the population wants MORE of what got them here. Socialism, "safety" and bigger government.

But lo and behold here comes one candidate out of nowhere, who opposes the trends of the last 70 years, who liberals and republican professionals are denouncing left and right, and he's not good enough because he's not part of the political establishment.

So, what the fuck do people want? Jesus to return? I mean, the only candidate worthy of president I've seen in my lifetime was outright ignored (Paul) basically the entirety of his career. From the 80s to the 2000s. They decided Obama was a better option. Seriously?

Trump is saying the right things to my mind. And some of the things he is saying goes well beyond the usual softball rhetoric. He's outright calling out Clinton's corruption while the media is in a frenzy to smash him and prop her up. He's casting irrevocable, career destroying points (or what would be if we had an alert nation rather than an apathetic horde of whalepeeps). Of course, if we had an alert nation Clinton would not be making a mockery of our nation. Her presence in politics alone is a living illustration of how far we've collapsed.

That alone tells me they aren't working together.

It's more than what's being said, but what's being DONE.

DronePuppet's evidence is that they were in a picture together.

You're so right here. He saw the Facebook picture with the baby boomer childlike quotes where they decide to collude and took it as proof. This sub doesn't like Trump but doesn't really have a reason because he's literally a good dude. He cares about the country, he's an inspiring businessman, and he's okay with saying unpopular things.

This was actually a Republican theory from about a year ago, that Trump is working for Clinton.

I personally think it's highly likely, that after the chaos of the 20 candidate meltdown of the Republicans, the Democrats would invade and take over the party.

Consider this about $hillery: could she really get elected without running against a guy that reminds the lemmings of Hitler? She has no personality, she's a woman, and she's a Clinton. She's a train-wreck of a candidate.

tell me what's in it for trump then?

btw, everybody floats around this bullshit ONE picture of Hillary trump at his wedding. EVEN FUCKING JEB BUSH. if you think Jeb fucking BUSH B - U - S - H would let on about a top level election conspiracy then imho you're as gullible as the morons on r/politics.

I can't even take this sub seriously at this point. you are falling for the CTR shit so hard. You'll never ever even in a utopian society have a perfect candidate. Besides maybe Ron Paul, Trump is the first person frankly with the balls to attack the establishment and stomp on their throats. bernie seemed an anti establishment candidate but went on to endorse Hillary. explain it away anyway you want, but he sold out. end of. Gary Johnson, who I fucking voted for in 2012, is PRO TPP. I mean Jesus Christ. I like Jill stein. she's the only other actually outsider. but even the most persuasive tactics on earth couldn't convince enough of the electorate to vote for her before November.

in these treads it's always essentially "forget Hillary and trump" and then the user will go on to list all this negative shit about Hillary, and when it comes to trump they just peddle the same baseless bullshit. "they are working together. look at that photo." "he's in there to fuck up the R party" yeah because the establishment couldn't just fix the election in a similar way they were proved to have done THIS FUCKING YEAR ALONE in the DNC.

this sub loves to hate on the MSM bullshit and rightly so, yet they use the MSM's weak garbage hit points on trump. makes absolutely no sense.

EDIT: not to mention Donald trump has given serious rise to the inquiries of the clintons, including their rape scandals and even their history with FUCKING SATANISM. this sub would LOVE that story. would kill for that to happen. except it's happening, but with "fucking DRUMPF LOL" you all are the biggest hypocrites on Reddit.

-sincerely, active member of community for 4 years

I believe we have been infiltrated, this sub still wants Trump, there are dark forces at work here

I know we have been

Both parties are members of the same faction, the one which benefits from increasing globalization, and thus centralization of resources and reallocation to relevant members of that faction.

The devil is in the scale.

The vast scale of the federal government allows a few to control and exploit the many. Further, there is no 'opt out' option. If you're within the arbitrary borders, you're subject to the faction's social contract. There is no reasonable place on earth where a human can choose to opt out of a governmental system of some sort. The one thing that the more functional governments (think Iceland or Switzerland, for example) have in common is a smaller size which both increases the transparency of its interactions and limits its ability to accrue resources on a level which can be subversively manipulated to disproportionately benefit the political class.

There's no fixing the federal government. It's been broken since they ditched the Articles of Confederation and funded it. No amount of parties is going to change the premise that so long as an entity exists that is capable of resource extraction at that vast a scale, some sociopaths are going to jack that entity and use it to reallocate resources toward themselves.

It'll take liberation it seems. A literal uprooting of rotten weight.

are you saying trump is lying in his anti globalist stance? i thiought the kicker was he wasnt a republican even though he was running as one

I actually haven't spent much time getting to know Trump and his platform because I believe the election is and has been rigged to coronate HRC from the start.

That said, isn't Trump's wealth primarily derived from and held in real estate? There's less economic benefit to globalization for a real estate mogul, so I would imagine he's not lying but I have no idea really. Globalization benefits investors in war (the means to globalization), financial instruments (fictitious artificially bloated numbers on paper/on a computer when you come right down to it - and the more people who believe in the numbers, the larger the numbers can grow) and consumables (petroleum being the name of that game) more than people with actual physical wealth, i.e. "real" estate.

Also, it's politically expedient for him to polarize himself from HRC's platform in any way possible, so if she's for the TPP, of course he's going to be against it.

his platform is grassroots populism, and has thus far to me seemed quite genuine. Nationalism vs globalism, rebuild our national economy, open our borders to the people who DESERVE to immigrate here, and get rid of those people who arent citizens in the classical rite, this is important because it prevents one side from gaining a manipulative unfair advantage,

lyndon Johnson said he'd have those niggers voting democratic for years by allowing a civil rights bill he refused to let pass previously, altering it to be basically worthless.

ever since then, they always find one group they themselves can economically and socially benefit from -- they find illegal immigrants who are good people, say they deserve it, bu tunder the covers they have a bunch of militants just waiting outside that border already. then they give the right to vote to the masses they immigrated in who are in love with them even if they lie, they get a one issue voter (someone liberal in any sort and angry) to overwhelm the polls in their favor.

trump has seemed genuine from the start. basically bringing out the whole conspiracy wide open. yes it could be hes a plant, but if you follow his platform, hes the darned best plant ever second only to antichrist themself.

he pretty much has stood openly against whats happening. he has said what all us 'crazy right wingers' have said for years.

way I look at it, theres a chance. yes he could be an actor, programmed to say exactly what we want to hear. but he also seems really genuine and sticks to his guns. americanism, not globalism will be our credo? he is a THREAT to them, they are SCARED RN.

look into the publications by the economist saying globalists must rally behind hillary for the liberal world order.

this shit is insane man. you really should look into this, and open yourself to the possibility hes for real.

if not we have 100% chance of apocalypse with hillary. why is betting 50-75% worse? its already happening for sure, and if people didnt think like I am right now, the cold war wouldve already ended in nuclear fires years before we were born.

i defend my use of the n word, as it was actually a paraphrased quote from lyndon b johnson, truly and can be historically referenced even. I just didnt use citations or quote it

Please edit to use the actual quote, with quotation marks, or I'll have to remove your comment. Let me know when it's done. Thanks.

I'm open to the idea that he's for real, but I believe HRC's been the chosen one since the start. I'm believe that the election is fully rigged and whether he's for real or not is irrelevant because he doesn't stand a chance of winning. Maybe he's a plant, maybe not. Doesn't matter. HRC will unfortunately win either way. The system is that fucked up.

Ultimately, I think Trump's primary concerns are Trump's wallet and Trump's ego, not necessarily in that order. This seems about right insofar as describing Trump's presidential motivations.

Why would you trust any politician to be genuine? Platforms exist to convince you to vote. Do you really think that half the shit on a political platform is actionable, much less desirable by candidates? They speak to what you want to hear, not what they will do.

idk if I said this to you, but somewhere I said hillary has a 100% chance of dooming us, and trump probably is around 75. maybe 65-85% range in my confidence.

the thing is, hillary outwardly lies and intends upon things I know will damage our lives and this country.

trump on the other hand, has made statements opposing the status quo and telling the blunt truth that no politician will say.

not because it cannot be done, or they think its a bad decision, but because it was a decision made above them without their consent, its either go with it, or lose everything.

trump has no reason to lose everything, so even if he is lying outright, he has brought up mainly truths, as much of the truth as hasnt been totally hidden from us.

there is a CHANCE he will actually try to set those goals in motion. Or, even if he cannot do it, theres a chance he can throw wrenches in the cogs of the machine and direct the people.

Im making a bet on the about 20-25% chance of him being genuine about the platform he preaches, if he is, or even has ANY belief in what he is saying, then there is a WAYYYY better chance for us to have a better position going into the insanity the worlds about to drop into.

because we could make the first steps of anti-globalizing, and maybe even have a secret act against the fed somehow, before they collapse us, if we fucking plan against it, and remove the people in our government who are actively destroying the people who do that.

think of this, why is securing our borders instead of allowing MASS IMMIGRATION and why is Anti-Globalist economic rhetoric evil or bad?

why have these things been accepted as of the past, and wrong except pure and simple brainwashing?

these are standard issue first class political problems for us, and no politician is willing to stand against it because the few make sooo much money, and have an opportunity of establishing a government beyond government and shaping society so totally...

controlling our politics and way of life, whether we like it or not, whether we consent.

its like being raped all your life but taught rape is the normal way to say hi. you think its fine and normal and dont even know your being violated. You think your free.

the truth is, they gutted our economy almost totally, and soon it will be completed. the debt will rise beyond our ability to pay -- not that the money was ever real or backed by anything anyway -- or ever could reach a balance of zero.

they just say the charade is up, and no matter how much money we have, there wont be more food, more economics.

then they come in as heros.

really they are the devils own seed. mark my words.

we need to start the pirate party like those smart northerners.

yarr it's something.

Let's face it. At this point, these globalists are a breakaway civilization. They have no interest in our country or politics besides keeping us hypnotized and furthering their goals. At best, we can get a few Trojan horses in there and see how things bounce around or just be stupefied by the whole charade.

They're the meta civilization. Beyond the states they use.

trump is anti-globalist, he is the last hope

He'll sell out too.

A third party is not going to be able to dethrone the vested corporate, financial, and warmongering interests embedded in American democracy.

It's been 100 years since The Jekell Island Club planned and created the Federal Reserve System, and with the total control the elites now have over the monetary system, no "elected officials" will ever have the capacity to change this. Hell, Ron and Rand Paul can't even get a simple audit of the Fed to pass...you think a third party is going to have the support needed to wrest control away from the elites and give the government back to the people?

The only thing that can change things is a unified American populace storming government buildings across the country and physically taking control back. And sadly, that ain't gonna happen anytime soon either.

we're so fucked.

Control doesn't lie in government buildings.

Because Gary Johnson is pro TPP and that makes him as bad.

What I have noticed is that Clinton hasn't been asked much since her nomination. It's more about Trump on all of the left leaning media outlets. Nothing about what the DNC has done and the mass exodus of the top DNC officials.

Lets see what Snowden has for us today.

There is only one major party in America. The money party and it has two branches Democrats and Republicans.

Now including Green and Libertarian!

Well Green has been part of it for a while. Is libertarian joining now?

Yes, Gary Johnson endorsed the TPP.

So glad to see this here finally! All the pro trump posts always bothered me since he is obviously controlled opposition. Two party system is broken and completely corrupt and controlled.

Not this time, Trump has seized control of the Republican Party, they are furious, that gives us a real choice for the first time in years. Either vote for Evil or for Trump

The Trumps and the Clintons vacation together. They use the same tax havens. He is controlled opposition.

Why is Gary Johnson supporting TPP?

Because he is corrupt and sold out

Government doesn't work.

Google 'voluntaryism'

ancaps unite

*Libertarians unite.

There is only one way, realizing that you can take care of yourself and not in need of lifelong guardians. Why is a state needed?

Dr. Jill Stein is always an option!

Anyone who is thinking of voting Hillary please switch to Jill, if you are voting Trump stay as you are

Vote for whoever you think is best for the job? This is supposed to be a republic, so freedom of speech/vote is supposed to be a right. Telling folks who to vote for takes away the same rights that all the DNC leaks revealed the Democratic Party had taken from their voters. Albeit on a much smaller scale, but same fundamentals.

Lol no she isn't

vote for a literal jew, goyim

Trump isn't a Republican though. Look at ask the globalists in the Republican party STILL trying to stop him

Exactly. Lot's of the Neocons/Globalist are still trying to get him to drop out they are so mad.

Yes precisely, this is not the time to do a protest vote, Trump is the protest vote, remove the globalist from power, get Trump in, stop psychopath Hillary

Trump will still preserve many of the things that the globalists need, keep fooling yourself into believing that the elite would just let Trump stomp all over their plans.

You're obviously still brainwashed.

Strike the root, the problem is global.

Destroy the globe! Problem solved!

a) elected president
b) learn truth and choose:
- i) accept $250M bribe and continue presidency business as usual
- ii) expose everything, destroy all footholds, contracts, political goodwill
c) remember JFK
d) choose b) - i)

no. the true answer is to lie, accept the bribe, expose it quickly and efficiently and unexpectedly when you cant be interrupted or lose live feed. give the people main targets for assassination and wealth redistribution, then allow yourself to die and go to gods right hand as a martyr

Most of the elite, including their puppets, don't believe in our religions. They live for this life. That's why they're ok with all the evil shit they do to their fellow man.

it actually appears this may not be true of a small minority. what say you of the cremation of care ceremony, mentions of bohemian grove and moloch (god of child sacrifice) which were briefly mentioned within the leaks, as well as when alex jones infiltrated bohemian grove.

what of the pope and his fulfillment of bible prophecy as the false prophet calling that the bible was a lie, jesus died on the cross, and we need a new one world religion and leader to save us.

basically, at its core, this is some social engineering plan that is evil, the cause of both world wars, the best minds of both sides of the cold war and the nazis combined, secrecy, global domination, and manipulation are rife in the politics and economics and even every day life of this world.

and the sad part is, the evil is so unneccessary, we could all be happier, smarter, better off, if only the evil didnt exist in the world, the problems it claims to solve by killing us wouldnt even exist. it was them that oversaw the destruction of human intellect, culture, freedom, and countless civilizations for their own benefit.

we are witnessing the fall of rome ourselves now, before the new techno-dark ages, and satanic empire of false gods that lies in wait for us. its false miracles and deceit may enchant people, but some of us know better.

man has no ability to process eugenics, not knowing the order of the universe or purpose of life. by uniformly being perfect, you could be perfectly evil or abhorrent to god and the natural order. by transcending humanity through science, you are creating and becoming abominations, regardless of the capabilities which you gain.

dark sciences are studied by man, equivalent only to mythological soceries of ancient times. sciences lost, forgotten, not out of evil intent, orginally, but of good intent, to make sure it never happened again.

but slowly and surely, times have revealed many opportunities to remove human rights, test on subjects unknowingly, and run society from the shadows.

the people never realizing the nazis, the soviets, their own government, and the papacy are all controlled by a dark, ever present conspiracy, as old as civilization itself.

and now the time will soon come to pass where the curtain will fall, and they will rule in reality, not as puppetmasters.

their idea of saving the earth through death is abominable and evil, their idea of slavery and total ownership of all life,l on this planet, and even later in the universe, is an abominable and inhuman sociopathic concept.

to dominate all before you, and to be god yourself, through the false means of mankind. destined to fail, where otherwise you couldve done such good.

the reason why, is what really perplexes me. there must be some greater force coercing men to do these things in high places of power. something inhuman and terrible, that has convinced them evil has won, and god is dead.

my theory is that they took the folk religion movement of yeshua, or jesus (if he existed historically, which I believe)

or if not, that rome saw ability for total control through judeas theocratic style influence. sort of as the first cointelpro lol.

I believe the former and that jesus was real, but the truth was suppressed about his true message and usurped at the council of nicea, likely after they extermined those groups of christians having the most knowledge and posing the biggest threat first.

but anyway, they usurped that power, intentionally killed off the intelligent and ruling classes of rome and let it fall. hence a lot of peoples more belief in orthodoxy than catholicism, and hence the far less corruption, papal orgies, and murders in church over that way (at least in the beginning)

I think it was all a cover, to intentionally burn the libraries of egypt (there were two, one was underground, no accident) then poof. dark ages.

we are witnessing it again, the fall of society through liberalism and wussyness. the destruction of social structure, men as women, women as men, the same phenomena that happen before every collapse.

they are using us as an experiment, learning through our sciences. we are one big manhattan project, and when we get too smart and too many, we are done, they will continue this process of playing god forever until they destroy all that is holy and organic an natural in this universe.

until they rise themselves to the seat of god, not through some sort of true evolution or transcendence of mankind, but through becoming a beast of genetic engineering, chemical alteration, mechanization; a true abomination in the image of a false idol, under the pretences of false and temporary power that cannot transcend through the great collapse of this universe. who cease to have a soul, who are not written in the book of life, which all things belonging to this universe are written.

I believe these people took the religions of the people, and created the opposite of them. I believe it began early on in brutal societies in early life. people put themselves through immense pain and torture, and also through greatest pleasures. imagine a life of drugs, murder, sociopathy, where its ritualized.

so you no longer fear death, or care about your actions. you can easily order soldiers to rape and kill en masse, or even starve populations off with no guilt.

its useful, among the elite, who often have to make hard choices, or did early on in the world.

but it became something evil, in their secret society, or bloodline, they and theirs believed in genetic purity, and those evil things in the bible being real gods. the false gods of the ancients, not lucifer but true gods.

at first it was innocent, those indoctrinated into the evil religion taught them to be sociopathic only for its usefulness. rituals of horror to desensitize them emotionally.

then they introduced the real goal, probably through whatever alien contact has been linked to this magic agenda, pleiadians, whatever crowleys dude was I forget the name, Pan maybe? Zan? something 3 letters.

they even said hitler was talking to aliens who told him of the pure race and superhumans, and atlantis and all that crazy shit, and he did try to build vimanas and travel the earth looking for ancient spirituality, there was a magic thule offshoot of golden dawn OTO too.

I think they presented themselves as something they werent, told lies and ended up indoctrinating all those among our leaders. the creaters of the financial institutions that enslave us were probably the first and highest controllers of this knowledge of false gods, they ended up rigging and tricking societies into their system, and takign control of all sides and playing mind games with people to further the agenda.

I believe this was all written in the bible, and is coming to pass, I dont know if we as people can change it through knowledge, or if it cannot be changed.

or if I am absolutely insane.

yes I believe all this, but I also believe either god will directly save us and the true messiah will come again, or that he already has in spirit and mankind will somehow rewrite history before it happens.

mostly, I think we are screwed and have to wait for the real jesus though. but I still think people should try to act for the common good, democracy, justice and sanity, and that we should all encourage each other to have good critical thinking and awareness, and to embrace the individuality that makes each of us unique.

none of us know which among us will make it to the next level of life, or existence. whose offspring will live how long, and become what kind of being? what happens after life? none of us know any of these things,

and maybe, there is no purpose to it all, but still, the absolute horror of whats happening, is so stupid, even if the world ends, it should end with us together and happy. not struggling in vain to live eternal when that was never the point of life.

but I think critical thinking, awareness, individuality, and being genuine are very important. not giving up your free will, not letting yourself be corrupted to the extent at which you no longer have the ability to choose right from wrong.

I believe it is of god to smoke weed, whether it is or not. in a NWO situation, I cant smoke weed because it is illegal, and the government has made this decision. they are my god now. they can do whatever they want to me, with no respect or decision from me.

they can try to operate eugenics plans, not as a backup in case the species dies of variant genetics, but only of their own image of perfection and fitness, which have no knowledge of the realities of future existence.

they can do anything, because they own everything. controlled by one entity, one religion,

either this IS the book of revelations, or they are trying damn hard to make it appear that way.

jesus died on the cross opposing this evil force, and these current crew's ancestors. if he comes back, I dont think they will have any more time for forgiveness anymore.

You need to put a campaign cap on fundraising for elections if third parties have even a chance

oh gee u just figured this out? the whole system is made by them. you'll never get a president u want. shitlery's gonna win

Lol, I know, right? People still think that for the people by the people crap from school wasn't propaganda.

Gary Johnson, Libertarian. Not ideal but 10x better than the other two.

He supports the TPP, so he pretty much is the same (which is for increased globalization). The only one that I'm capable of considering is Jill Stein. I'm pretty hesitant on that too. I'm pretty much hoping either Jesus 2016 or Giant Meteor 2016 win. This shit is crazy. God bless and stay safe!

Vote for Giant Meteor 2016!!!!!!!!!!

Trump is the only one against TPP and the globalist agenda, he is the only option

Pro TPP, Pro BLM, Pro Background checks?

No thanks.

So you'd rather vote for Trump or Hillary? Should I type out the pages of negatives they have?

yes please do. type them out.

Johnson is clearly bought and paid for, only genuine option is Trump

... but if you decide to vote for him this time, Hillary will probably win, which seems worse to me. That's why I'm not voting. I do not consent.

The most unequivocal way to demonstrate non-consent is to write yourself in for every office for which you are qualified. By not voting, your silence could be construed as tacit consent to be ruled by whoever wins.

Construed by who? Votes are secret.

The fact of your having voted--at least in New York, where I've lived my entire life--is not secret, because they print out a book (or several books) of all the registered voters who can vote at each polling place. When you go in to vote, they look up your name, and you countersign next to the specimen they have on file. This is how they verify that you are who you say you are.

Further, each ballot has a unique serial number, and they write down the serial number of the ballot they give you next to your name! So if one were so inclined, one could look up the ballot number and see which one you got - and then, if you work for the Elections Board, you could go and grab that particular ballot; because even though the votes are "tallied" by electronic machines, they save the paper ballots for auditing purposes. Technically speaking, you need a judge's order to do that, but those orders are just a piece of paper.

So I suppose our votes aren't secret either.

I know he probably won't win but the 3rd party needs that 15% for federal funding. We might finally get it this election if everyone who hates the other two would vote 3rd party instead.

5% nationally for federal funding. 15% to get into the debates.

It's a good thing we have time between now and the elections to offer our opinions in polls so people can see what a vote MIGHT look like if you vote your conscience.

They don't need you to, hon. Voting is not about consent, it's about the illusion of democracy.

Said the very thing. Got downvoted for it. smh

No, this is the one time when it's actually worth voting for one of the main two parties, for the first time in a long while, we have Trump who's single-highhandedly taken over the Republicans, they are furious with him, the controlled media is going for his throat every day, it's clear who we need to vote for, it's clear who isn't under globalist control. Everyone here needs to vote for Trump, anything else is a wasted vote and only helps Hillary and the globalists.

Couldn't agree less. Again, they both suck. People voting for either one are just being lemming/sheep (yet again), and are allowing themselves/ourselves to go further down the whole of despair for this country. A LOOOOT more than voting for either one of these two evil idiots is needed in order to help this country, and so long as we keep pining to the ways of this shit system without coming together and helping each other as one people, we will remain fucked and enslaved.

you didn't give any reason other than


So the reason for the downvotes is because I didn't give a reason behind the fact that they both suck? Really? You really need a detailed description of why they both suck at this point in order to know that they do? otherwise you just won't get it? Is that it?


take a look at the announcement it backs it's claims with sources and it comes off as mature your post comes off as a angry child.

But Trump? Fucking seriously?


It doesn't fucking matter which one gets in office.


Doesn't matter what it might come across like to you or anyone else. If a 4 year old child came up to me and said "Nya nya. 2+2 is 4. Boo!" then it doesn't matter that he might have been an asshole about how he said it or that he's a 4 year old child or not. The point is that what he's saying IS RIGHT. And if you yourself get lost or caught up in the fact that he said "Nya nya" and "boo" in the process, and you end up nit picking on that, then it's ultimately YOU that are the child here and you who aren't really getting the ultimate point being made.

The fact that this entire conversation right here is not about what I said but about how I supposedly said it shows in part how easy it is to dupe citizens.

Too many people don't pay attention to the substance or the actual point of things. They only pay attention to the superficial window dressing and miss everything else.

No, you don't need a 3rd party, you have to uncuck the mainstream parties. Support the least Zionist-controlled candidate or just don't vote, that's my opinion. 3rd parties are just another way to waste your money, time, and energy.

Also, don't listen to candidates hellbent to call their opponents racist Nazis; they're the most bankrupt.

make your candidates known, how do you think Trump is so popular? his supporters are basically advertising him 24/7 look at /r/the_donald

Most of /conspiracy are already over at /the_donald, we want Trump as he's anti-Globalist

he's anti-Globalist

We don't know that for sure, we know he is anti-establishment. You just have to assume establishment = globalist. Not so sure about that. Establishment is self-oriented, globalist is dominance oriented.

Glad to learn this. Much thanx.

no problem.

I agree with OP for the most part. I was legitimately shocked and disgusted when I started to realize that so many people I know that were supporting Bernie Sanders are now supporting Hilary Clinton in the name of beating Trump. It made me realize that most of those people were probably only supporting Bernie because he was popular, not because they actually believed in his ideals. Yet, whenever I try to explain to people that Hilary becoming president is arguably a worst outcome than Trump winning, and that if we really want change we should be supporting third party candidates, I'm always met with "IF YOU DON'T VOTE FOR HILARY YOU'RE HANDING THE ELECTION TO TRUMP!". Everyone's so scared of Trump that they're just going to vote Hilary without even putting any thought into or doing any kind of research into alternative. It's really frustrating honestly.

There was one candidate.. he was called: Deez Nutz

I think we need two alternative candidates. One who will appeal to Conservatives, and one who will appeal to Liberals. If there's only one viable third party candidate, too many people will worry that he or she will simply split the votes on one side, guaranteeing a landslide victory for one of the mainstream candidates.

We should go for at least six major parties. That way the wealthy have to spend more.

It is impossible for a third party to succeed in our system. If it ever does succeed, it will be because its leaders have been coopted as well. The system itself is sick. 

So you replace the system. Then that one gets taken over by a coup funded by the same interests from abroad. There is nothing to do.

Smash all systems. Global anarchy now.

I mean it's not going to happen, but it's nice to dream.

Well, not going to happen on its own, but none of our current systems are sustainable, so we'll have it through collapse eventually if we don't get there voluntarily.

Global anarchy=how many violent deaths and how much starvation?

The first thing civilized humanity did, even before it had governments, was produce food. We're heading for mass starvation anyway from weather disruptions to our current systems of food production and distribution. We should have every community producing food on location for that community, instead of moving it all over the world, because if that movement stops people die anyway. And violent deaths? How many of those are because of conflicts between governments. Anarchy is simply a lack of imposed false order. If you think that without that forced order we'd turn into Mad Max, you have to realize that those same violent lunatics can today simply find an outlet for their violence in the employ of a government, often visiting it on a population of foreigners on the other side of the world.

Give this a read: Mutual Aid by Peter Kropotkin

I'd argue that we need a second party, because the Republicrats are cut from the same cloth. They can front like they don't like each other, but if you pay attention to who benefits from bipartisan obstruction, it's the people at the top of 'both' parties donor lists.

Hey there, can you tell me where I can access the 28 previously redacted pages of the 9/11 commission report? I didn't realize they have been made available already.

Thank you in advance.

It's easy to google. There are still some blackened redactions.

It doesn't matter, it was released for some agenda-supporting reason that's TBA. Don't get brainwashed into believing that the government would release all their secrets

there IS a third party

Trump is an enemy of the globalists which effectively makes him the best shot for president.

Bingo, he's the one that /conspiracy needs to vote for

This would be a great option to change things up in Congress... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proportional_representation

No, you need proportional representation.

Can anyone tell me some bad things about Jill Stein? I might be voting for her, seems like the best candidate.

Is no one acknowledging Gary Johnson?

Didn't he just come out as pro TPP?

That's the only flaw I've seen. I think everyone wants a perfect package but this is a really big step in the right direction despite TPP. I wouldn't even call it the lesser of two evils in this scenario but rather a symbol of our country waking up and realizing the two party system is broken

Its a pretty big flaw. Considering its the biggest issue. You know it is because no one is talking about it as Obama makes strides to finish it up.

I've since educated myself on it as I wasn't fully certain what it was. I feel like it 'could' be a good system but chances are it will end up just as corrupt as everything does.

Thanks, I'll check it out

No problem man.

I was on board with Johnson - till he started shilling for the TPP - he revealed himself as just one of them.

Maybe it's not broken, maybe what we see is a predictable outcome to giving people power over others?

Yes, it's a predictable outcome of generations of power consolidation. It's not broken at all, it is just as it should be, if you like the way things are. Do you like how you live? Do you like how your neighbors live? What about the people in jail and living on the streets? The people who aren't making it? I suppose the system isn't broken for them?

I'd love to make some videos similar to the recruitment videos in Starship Troopers.

Would you like to know more? You too can participate in change, Citizen!

Trump is actually like a third party. His views on globalist stupidity put him firmly outside the republican party, though he has been shoehorned in, to give the establishment republicans an excuse to vote for Hillary, their true love in this era of globalist stupidity.

You are spot on, but there are Hillary posters trying to convince us to waste our votes

never hillary NEXT?

Imo, the ideal political shift to shake Americans out of their stupor would be for the Greens and Ron Paul libertarians to replace the worthless political shitshow between D & R. Warmonger neocons and elitist neoliberals should be left to yap in the corner like annoying rat-dogs whom everyone ignores

The whole point of US intervention in Syria has been to create a tri-profitable DMZ between Israel and Saudi, eventually. Step one, take Syria, then Jordan, now you have Syria jordan and Iraq. Lebanon's all scared because....aaaannd youre gone also. Something like fleeing Syrians are raping Israelis in Jordan or some kind of bogus made up thing.

So then you'll have the sovereign state of Jyraq, where all the final scraggling half injured kids are rounded up and put into kuwaiti internment camps and then an errant drone strike 'glitches' and blows them all up. Hillary snickers as she backs off the joystick handed her by some random soldier.

Now for Iran. But we can relax for a while and enjoy our oil, guns, abandoned toyotas, dates, undeployed chemical weapons we sold syria initially, and smoldering death

Hillary snickers as she backs off the joystick handed her by some random soldier...

omg this is so telling you got it so right i see it

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This illusion of democracy exists everywhere. Usually a catastrophic event like 3rd world war or mass revolt can create an environment to change the system. But i have an idea to solve this issue without any khaos. A federal world government, like UN but more effective.

  • Establish an organization
  • Create a world citizenship database and issue identity records, make it volunteer, anyone can reg.
  • get money for only costs, the bank account transactions will be transparent, every transaction will be visible online.
  • just grow with numbers and prepare a world constitution.
  • All citizens of most advanced countries like Czechia, sweden, norway would register themselves.
  • If all citizens of a country regged for world gov, then those countries are defacto merged.
  • imagine the rest.

The people who would vote for Trump are angry people who want to flip the bird to the social justice, pc brigade who think he's everything that's wrong with American people.

The people who would vote for Clinton are angry people who want to flip the bird to the racist, homophobic, bigoted brigade who think Trump is why they have a platform.

Either way, the people that Americans are actually voting for have their own agendas. So whichever camp you're sticking your flag in there seems to be little if any fallout for the candidate and a shit storm for the people...

Edit: Who would you rather vote for, a baffoon or a criminal?

What you forget is that Trump ran to stop the corrupt sobcs in the republican party and he did it and is now running to stop the corrupt democrats. Its only beciaseof trump that we arent looming at choosing between jeb bush and hillary clinton.

The answer is to give the one who came from outside and defeated half of them the chance to do the whole thing. Thats trump.

All this third party talk is classic establishment misdirection to stop you from voting for tje one that theeatnes the establishment..donald trump.

And dont giveme that nonsense that "trump is rich or gave money to clinton and politicians therefore he must be establishment". Lot of real estate developers are rich. Its one area you can still get rich without being corrupt. In fact because you have lenders and equity partners auditing your books every month it is extremely difficult to be corrupt.

You will never ever again in your lifetime have an outsider be able to take control of a major party and have a real chance at winning the white house and stopping the national corruption. You damn well better take a chance an vote for him now while you have the chance.

Because no homeless man is every going to be a serious candidatefor president and if trump loses you can bet both parties and the media will do even more than superdelegates to make sure no outsider like trump can ever win the nomination again.

And the corrupt controlled meida will NEVER allow a thrid party to grow enough in strength to win and if one does that thrid party will quickly be corrupted.

So trump is your chance for an outsider NOW. You damn well better stop screwing around and vote for him to give him a chance. You have absolutely nothing to lose by seeing if I am right by voting for trump. If i amright then Trump may...may... save us from the corrupt globalist corporate neocons who have taken over both parties and may actually put some in jail and help reclaim democracy. If i am wrong it wont be any worse than hillary clinton

You deserve gold for that

There is no way this can be true. B/c Trump has perfected putting his foot in his mouth every other day. You can't reasonably expect to win a Presidential election saying such things. And he has to either know it, or be the biggest idiot on the face of the planet. I don't buy the later. Therefore it can only mean one thing. His candidacy is designed to give victory to Hillary. Which shouldn't really be all the surprising since it really is the same game plan as last election -- McCain and Palin were clearly a faux candidacy, though in that case I don't think either of them knew it (but their handlers did).

There is no way this can be true. B/c Trump has perfected putting his foot in his mouth every other day.

No he hasnt. If you watch the full speeches what he says alwaus makes perfect common sense. Its only the media pulling things out of context and distorting his words that has reached the point of ridiculousness. The whole thing about " calling for the assassination of hillary" was absolute nonsense as anyone who sees him talk about the 2nd amendment in ALL of his speeches knows. The press has gotten desperate and given up all pretense of logic and reporting.

We need to remove both major parties before a third party can run. Honestly, I'd rather see this happen before this election but it's near impossible now.

It will never happen as long as Wedge Issues exist. They will likely never cease to exist.

NOTE: This is NOT a one election changes everything--most likely, this will take at least 2 or 3 election cycles--but the message will be sent and WE CAN CHANGE THINGS.

Why the fuck would you vote for a concept that destroys your representation? Great going.

I think we need to protest and crash the system because the system infects anyone who joins it so a 3rd party isn't enough.

Wow, it's like you're the first person to ever think of this!

Yet at the worst possible time, for the first time in years we have an anti-globalist option in Trump, let's not waste it

Jesse Ventura

He's voting Trump like we all should

You had one, Sanders was your man.

He appears to have been a fraud

How so? From england so please explain to a confused brit!

his rhetoric was about all he had, other than a vote against Iraq war (he voted FOR most other wars and spending bills)

also he is now aggressively telling all his supporters to vote for Hillary

Maybe it was all a big plan, deliver the people to Hilary. Then trump is just not the right personality to be POTUS, so go vote for Hilary! She does not really need to votes though. Rigged ballet boxes, Goldman Sachs as a donater. It's a right rogues gallery!

OP you poor sap. You really think our votes matter? Lol

As long as the electoral college exists, we will never get what we want. Our vote is only a popularity vote. The electoral college then votes on who they think is best for us. They are asked to follow the people's wishes but they aren't forced to, which is why Bush and many other presidents have won when clearly the public never wanted them to win. Unless we revolt, we will never change this corrupt system. Problem is, no one is willing to make a move, including myself.

As for vote rigging, majority of our voting machines use outdated technology. They are so old, they still use floppy disks to record vote data. All it takes is a few of those floppys to disappear and all of a sudden a candidate that was losing is now making a miraculous come back.

Don't believe, look it up. Wanna prove me wrong, go for it. I ain't stubborn. I'll listen.

Jesus Christ people. We have a third party. The candidate is Gary Johnson.

A wasted vote unfortunately, Trump is the only way to stop Hillary

Everyone that says this is wrong.

Coooooonnnngratulations! You win an all expenses paid permanent trip to Guantanamo Bay. Hope you like being fed through your ass while someone electrocutes your scrotum. This view is to die for.

The system is set up in such a way that it can be controlled by the few. That means that our desires will never be reflected in the system. This means that we are slaves.

So if Bernie won would you be saying the same thing? Trump is very not part of the Republican party it was a hostile take over. Trump is for the people and Hillary is ... well I don't even need to go there. Everyone should realize that Clinton would have never won unless it was a 3 way race in 92. Right now we have pretty much a 3rd party candidate in Trump. I'm all for 3rd parties when there is no clear choice, and both sides are sold out, but that does not appear to be the case here.

It's the Hillary people who tell pro-Trump subs to vote liberal, don't trust anyone pushing this agenda, they know they won't convince us to vote Hillary, so instead they try to get us to waste our vote.

This smells incredibly bad to see such a thread at the top on /conspiracy

I would vote third-party but is there anyone who has policies similar to Trump? (protect the first amendment type stuff) Gary Johnson seems alright but last I heard he was pro-TPP.

For now if we vote anyone other than Trump is only helps Hillary

You don't need a third party. You need self-ownership.

Also, the democrats + republicans are effectively ONE party = the satist party.

For now Trump has taken over the Republican party, it was a coup, if they get rid of him they'll go back to being warmongers, but for now it's a Republican party which /conspiracy can vote for

we need votes cast to be counted end of story and many parties not just two not just three

Trump is speaking out against vaccines and wants peace with Russia, he's obviously the one to go for, if not just to stop Hillary

What was the reason for 9/11?

Operation Dupe the Sheeple into fighting/paying for, Israel's war against its neighbors. Thanx a trillion, MOSSAD. Uh, make that 4 trillion.

Allowing the corporations to write their own laws


Our anti-establishment 3rd party is on task, but covert as such... Russian Federation, it's president, you know who. https://geopolitics.co/2016/08/08/fissures-in-the-empire-paul-c-roberts/

Give u/smokinbluebear 6 (out of 5) stars for this SMART-THINK post.

Drum roll for the "Own the means of production" communist brigade in 3...2...1...


That third party needs to be the people - the citizenry itself coming together and supporting one another together against the rampant evil and corruption that exists in this country.

That's really the only thing that's going to work. Pretty much anything else will either not work at all, or get us eventually right back in the same shit hole we're in now.

It's up to us. It's up to our responsibility; our stick-to-it-iveness; our ability. If we don't rise up to the challenge and, again, come together as one and help one another, then we're fucked.

We're already fucked. We need to become un-fucked.

everything you just said we got to make our presense felt

And we need to come together as one united people to do this also. TPTB fight hard to keep us from uniting and coming together. They use all kinds of divisive propaganda - usually covert, but powerful and manipulative nonetheless - to keep us antagonistic toward one another and very much divided.

We fight this by not giving in to the manipulated racism they foment. We fight this by coming together as the one people we are.

no i know it suits them to keep us fighting ourselves and not them ... there are way more of us than them btw your right unitied like this yea no other unity acceptable

No other unity is acceptable or viable. No other type of unity will yield actual results.

exactly i know its the end of summer but we beset be gettin real busy being visible in september


give them a september to remember ....

Since when does 3rd party equate to not corrupt? It's just a fuckin label guys...

Trump is anti-TPP through and through shills, sorry.

That's what I try and tell people. It will take longer than this election for 3rd party.

Shit post, you are wrong. Trump's our nation's salvation. Don't give me that 'they all do it' crap. No they don't. Let me ask you something, do you think Trump drinks, or uses drugs like every other politician?

Nope, he's an exception to your rule. At this point we've got to go with the good guy.

Exactly fucking this. When I first became politically aware I thought that, a certain party, was the cause of all that was wrong with America. That they were leading us into an abyss.

After researching and broadening my horizons so to speak, you realize it's the entire system. Both parties are power-hungry and willing to sell us out for their own agendas, so long as it benefits them.

But hey, if Trump can get in there and lay waste to "politics as usual" like everyone is saying he can then why not let him? He could be our Trojan-horse!

libertarian my man

Unfortunately, those whom come to power are guided by almost invisible puppet masters. Those who are in power will do anything to protect their own position and the existence of the "container" of their position to legitimize those who come after them.

"I see elections as so much of a charade" here - Ron Paul

We need rand paul

maybe they are a little scared of Trump. since AFAIK, the most he has done is sleep with a 15 yo girl.

so he might be harder for them to control. plus he is anti globalization.

Politicians broke the system. In what world do you think electing yet another politician will fix the system?

That is why we need Trump, a business man, not another paid off politician

Holy fuck an actual voice of reason here.

Sure, why not? Let's just keep the craziness going by electing more professional politicians. Awesome. Excuse me while I just go off into the corner and die. Dumbasses.

do you have an alternative?

Trump is not a professional politician

Very nice write up, but your solution is flawed. There's two things that need to be fixed before a 3rd party has a chance at being elected, and then if elected, not be corrupted by the same forces.

1) First past the post voting. The majority of people rightly see a third party vote as a vote for the guy/girl they hate the most. If democrats vote for a progressive independent, Trump will certainly win, and if Republicans vote Libertarian, Hillary will. Because of this, first past the post voting is doomed to fall into a two party system, invariably. It's unavoidable, and happens every time, everywhere it's used. As you've rightly identified, a two party system has the same problem as monopolized industry. The parties become corrupt, inefficient, and ineffective and there's no way to correct them for it. There are many alternative voting systems like "Instant Run Off" voting, that allow voters to support small parties without indirectly supporting the party they hate.

2) Campaign contributions. You can't allow corporations to directly give millions of dollars to political parties and then be surprised they are corrupted by it. This is just common sense. Most countries limit campaign contributions to something sensible like $1000-$2000 and forbid them from anyone but private individual citizens. A happy coincidence is elections are shorter, have way less nasty commercials, and other nonsense. This is a real easy fix that would solve a lot of problems.

These two issues should be at the forefront of every election. Both president and congress. Without solving these problems, you can never have lasting change in American politics. People should be writing letters, protesting over them, and bringing them up at every debate, rally, and press conference. It also wouldn't hurt to support a non-profit media to navigate around the MSM agenda and speed reform along.

Any vote that isn't for Trump is a vote for Hillary.

Trump is the only peaceful shot at change that we have left.

And that is why CTR are pushing this new narrative to Trump supporters

Trump will end the corruption

They're out there. Gary Johnson has the best chance. All it would take are enough protest votes from both sides. A three way split would mean 34% would win. Assuming that the electoral collage cooperates.

A lot of flak comes towards Gary Johnson for two reasons. One: he said he would sign TPP. There was a post on his sub explaining why he is for it and to sum it up; it puts harder restrictions on envrionmental, workers rights, and health as the things a sovereign nation can not be charged with a tribunal over laws that effect those things. One example was that we already have something set up like this is the US, we've been hit with 6 tribunal charges, all of which we won. It also takes previous trade deals, and brings them up to date. The reason for it's secrecy is because there is a lot of negotiations that could destroy the whole trade deal if another party within the deal caught wind, and pulled out because of it. Am I pro TPP? I'm not sure, it's a huge fucking document and I don't know enough legalese to disypher it on my own; but I trust Gary Johnson, and the post I read had a lot more thought out responses backed with sources, as opposed to speculation I've read against it.

And private prisons. Gary Johnson wants to end the drug war people. Let me ask you; if people stop getting locked up for victimless drug crimes, are private prisons really that much of a blight on society anymore?

Meh, sounds like nafta to me.

Which needs to be repealed, not added to.

It basically is a revised version of it. Sort of a patch to fix things that nafta doesn't cover. Im not trying to change your mind or anything, but there is a reason Gary said he would sign it; and I think it's a bit less notorious then people think. At least he's honest about he stance and is sticking to his honest approach even if his stance isn't very popular.

It looks like the TPP is going to happen no matter what. I think even if a president vetoed it and the public protested it they would still pass it. So that is not much of a reason to be against Gary.

Yes it is. Trump is against it. I would rather my potential President be against it than for it if were trying to stop it. If you can't make yourself vote Trump, and want to waste your vote then vote Stein as she claims to be against it too.

But the intier reason your are against it is speculation from the people who oppose it. All I can ask is you take a second to read the pros and make your own assessment based on the pro anti arguments. I trust Gary Jobnson, I read a really good argument for why he would sign it and he's the only candidate that has told the truth on an unpopular decision. Say what you will, but at least have an argument for why you are against the TPP other then "people say it's bad and I agree with them". Why is it bad?

That's not how the presidential election works. If any candidate fails to get a majority of votes, the House of Representatives chooses the president.

Exactly. Shills are trying to encourage 3rd party votes because they can't sell Criminal Clinton.

Problem is, they're also having trouble selling Trump. So it's not the usual split ticket. A third party might get votes from both sides.

Johnson pulls votes from both pretty evenly.

That's what's going on, not at all pleased to see this top in /conspiracy

Gary “let’s buy these guns back” Johnson has zero chance.

Feel The Johnson

When the establishment says someone too popular for them to control is the wrong candidate, they're probably the right candidate. Vote Trump.

Completely true, the agenda of the Hillary posters is to convince us to waste our votes

Unpin this post! Mods are trying to push their political agenda. It is absolutely impossible for 3rd party to win this cycle, they can do well and possibly win next cycle. This forum is for people that don't trust the establishment and their voting machines, etc. trump is the candidate for this forum.

Smokinbluebear is likely a nevertrump shill

The republicans are awful they are trying to destroy trump so they can run in 4 years

Something smells very bad in this sub right now, we need to demand changes

A third party would just sell us out to "corporatism" and WAR Inc. So we'd be no better off.

Besides, what the hell is "corporatism" anyway? It's a made up word.


Exactly. Lot's of the Neocons/Globalist are still trying to get him to drop out they are so mad.

Understanding of global politics in this thread... 0.

No, you aren't gonna label him a Tumblr princess over disagreeing with you that Iran needs to be leashed or that Israel is a leech

Oh shit yeah. And saying "im fine with going to jail, most black activists went to jail" well we dont have the same laws anymore, or the same police Force at all. Maybe we should try changing congress, over tuning Citizens United vs FCC, and bringing transparency. But it's gonna take a lot of overhaul, so it'll take a lot of support from the people. So let's make america 2.0TM lol

create an unrelated group that has random frequent events and celebrations totally unrelated as a cover, and discuss revolution in secret with all cell phones and electronics unplugged in private. bug each other and kill anyone who even thinks of ratting or takes the bug off.

or just read the CIA material they used as a source for creating cointellpro or whatever is available on what they do in other nations.

But we're fucked. I mean we can't out live them if they own that Vault full of seeds and eat the best non 'fucked with' foods.

I dunno shits weak.

They're the meta civilization. Beyond the states they use.

Honestly I don't know. I can tell you he has displayed compassion through his life by doing many great things for other people in need. I also know exactly where you're coming from.

I look at it this way. He is the last chance to restore a lawful government for the United States.

I realize it's not certain. I also realize he is an excellent manipulator and could be telling people like me exactly what they want to hear.

For sanity, I choose to believe he is a decent human being.

Edit: He is MUCH different from the Clintons. As far as I know, he does not have blood on his hands. The Clintons have a hit team working for them.

I suggest you look into whether he really donated the proceeds of his show to charity. I guess employing undocumented/illegal immigrants Is a form of charity.

Lawful government? :)

Choosing to protect your sanity is simply taking an easy out when the evidence mounts to show you that things really are fucked up beyond belief.

I'm not trying to be an asshole. I was where you are, with Obama and then Sanders. There is no "savior figure" strong or smart or good enough to fix something this large and perverse.

I estimate you need about two more years of denial until you're willing to look critically at our society on a systemic level.

yes I believe all this, but I also believe either god will directly save us and the true messiah will come again, or that he already has in spirit and mankind will somehow rewrite history before it happens.

mostly, I think we are screwed and have to wait for the real jesus though. but I still think people should try to act for the common good, democracy, justice and sanity, and that we should all encourage each other to have good critical thinking and awareness, and to embrace the individuality that makes each of us unique.

none of us know which among us will make it to the next level of life, or existence. whose offspring will live how long, and become what kind of being? what happens after life? none of us know any of these things,

and maybe, there is no purpose to it all, but still, the absolute horror of whats happening, is so stupid, even if the world ends, it should end with us together and happy. not struggling in vain to live eternal when that was never the point of life.

but I think critical thinking, awareness, individuality, and being genuine are very important. not giving up your free will, not letting yourself be corrupted to the extent at which you no longer have the ability to choose right from wrong.

I believe it is of god to smoke weed, whether it is or not. in a NWO situation, I cant smoke weed because it is illegal, and the government has made this decision. they are my god now. they can do whatever they want to me, with no respect or decision from me.

they can try to operate eugenics plans, not as a backup in case the species dies of variant genetics, but only of their own image of perfection and fitness, which have no knowledge of the realities of future existence.

they can do anything, because they own everything. controlled by one entity, one religion,

either this IS the book of revelations, or they are trying damn hard to make it appear that way.

jesus died on the cross opposing this evil force, and these current crew's ancestors. if he comes back, I dont think they will have any more time for forgiveness anymore.

Yes precisely, this is not the time to do a protest vote, Trump is the protest vote, remove the globalist from power, get Trump in, stop psychopath Hillary

trump is anti-globalist, he is the last hope

no i know it suits them to keep us fighting ourselves and not them ... there are way more of us than them btw your right unitied like this yea no other unity acceptable

Trump will still preserve many of the things that the globalists need, keep fooling yourself into believing that the elite would just let Trump stomp all over their plans.

You're obviously still brainwashed.

give them a september to remember ....

You deserve gold for that

There is no way this can be true. B/c Trump has perfected putting his foot in his mouth every other day. You can't reasonably expect to win a Presidential election saying such things. And he has to either know it, or be the biggest idiot on the face of the planet. I don't buy the later. Therefore it can only mean one thing. His candidacy is designed to give victory to Hillary. Which shouldn't really be all the surprising since it really is the same game plan as last election -- McCain and Palin were clearly a faux candidacy, though in that case I don't think either of them knew it (but their handlers did).