Google "Next election day" right now

76  2016-08-06 by [deleted]



Pretty fucked up.. I could imagine execs feeling they need to do this to beat trump maybe? Sometimes I think trump is more helpful to Hillary than anything


He's definitely doing something right.

Noam Chomsky is the first person I ever came across to suggest that a target of the media is often doing something those in power don't want. Chances are Trump is likely to "trump" modern trans-national trade rights and restrict imports, which means a significant increase in standard of living here, as well as job creation. That's just my perspective on it at the moment. However...

He's also been quoted as saying that he doesn't understand why we can't use nuclear weapons, and I think he is in general a loose cannon. So even though there's some aspects to his platform that fly in the face of neoliberal economic policy, I also think he's dangerous.

That being said, I think Hillary Clinton is far more dangerous for less obvious reasons. A true establishment politician continuing a dynasty is incredibly dangerous in a democracy. Especially one with a war hawk track record. Trump says a lot of insane shit, and probably won't accomplish a great deal...Clinton on the other hand can more or less do whatever the fuck she wants, because the Clinton's are arguably one of the most powerful families on the planet.

All of this theorizing does ignore some other points, though, like how there appears to be some criminal activities by the Clinton's and their foundation, and the recent deaths of people involved with them. I don't think either political candidate is necessarily good, but I am concerned that with a Clinton presidency we basically legitimize absolute corruption at the highest political levels.

He's also been quoted as saying that he doesn't understand why we can't use nuclear weapons

Regated did an excellent article about the misleading propaganda Joe's claim is trying to push. Even if the quotes are real (which can't be proven, but the media already acts like they have been), this article by Regated shows Trump's tweets from years before he started running that show he knows the seriousness and implications of nuclear weapons - which is why I believe the quotes are falsified, or at least misleading.

Also, it's not hard to understand the danger of nuclear weapons, and even if you thin Trump is stupid, he can't be that stupid considering how well he's been following his own directions laid out in "The Art of the Deal" to completely play the media.

You would assume that the MSM attacking someone means that they're a threat to the establishment.

Some people try to get more sophisticated in their analysis of the MSM, suggesting that they are manufacturing a spectacle which is a level deeper than what you see on the surface. The public has lost faith in the institutions of their control (media, congress, banks, etc.), so the establishment wants to run an "anti-establishment" candidate who will resonate with the public, driving them toward what is essentially "managed opposition".

I don't know, either way. Both scenarios sound plausible.

Kinda hilarious that this thread was the first hit for me.

These execs, and even foreign governments who participate in it have a LOT of money riding on the mass outsourcing of American jobs continuing. It will eventually end of course in America turning into a second world country. But all these execs hope to have made their personal fortune by then. Trump's proposals ruin their retirement plans.

This is what I got...on several machines.

I got the exact same thing

Same thing. I was logged.

Were you logged in or out of your Google account?

I don't have a google account.

You don't have Gmail? What do you use?

I've had my own email servers for 20+ years.

You mean your parents have?

My parents never touched computers.

Snapshot - 9:45 Central Time - Aug 6 2016

Hillary/Kaine sticker

All major software giants are run by diverse progressive liberal SJWs so it should be no surprise.


By Diversity they mean importing cheap Indian IT slave labor who if they complain get deported. Silicon Valley no likey the sound of Trump's plan to raise wages of H1B's to native levels to ruin all incentive for that scam.

no likey


Affirmative action on the front of diversity is very bad.

Annnd it's gone.

Literally just checked again, and now it just has a date.

Hahah me too. They fixed the "glitch"

in your face, goyim. the moneytrains rolls on to Diebold Station

I got a picture of hillary when I googled, "when is the election" image

Man if Clinton becomes president, I can't wait for all these reddit/4chan jokes to saturate the sites. it's gonna be george bush 2.0 lol

Is google, in any way, legally or otherwise, obligated to be unbiased?

That's what I'm thinkin. Google's gonna do Google, use it or dont.

Google is CIA. They got where they are now by being funded by the CIA.

The CIA wants Hillary. That's what this is about. Barack Obama is a CIA asset. We know because he worked for a CIA front company early in his career and has been working for them since. I mean, who other than a spook has several aliases?[1][2][3] We know Hillary is a CIA asset through her husband, also a CIA asset. Bill spied for americans abroad for the CIA[4], but we also know that Hillary had ties to CIA agents through her emails that have been recently exposed. Here is why CIA is endorsing her (and why Obama endorses her)

Twilight analysis

Morell retired from the CIA in 2013 after a 33-year career, having spent two decades in high-level positions in Washington. He endorses Clinton.

A "Morel" is a rare, slimy culinary mushroom that grows out of the ashes of a forest fire, which implies that it thrives after everything is burned to death. Which makes sense because it matches the steganographic implications of Hillary's global phoenix lapel pin that the conspiracy community would seem to have compelled her to stop wearing for it's darkfuturology and occultic implications.

I get it. But still, it's like Lisa Simpson said:

Interesting; it doesn't seem to show up anymore.

Yea wtf...

It is a Wikipedia link which is also generating the HRC logo.

The logo isn't even first or last on the Wikipedia page. That's normally what an algorithm (like Reddit's) would pull for the thumbnail of a snippet.

I don't see anything in the meta or image HTML attributes that would suggest the logo should be preferred by search engines.

Seems to be hand picked?

According to Google the Featured Snippets are programmatically selected...

Use Bing. Lol.

Even in Can't-ada I get a Clinton/Kaine image.

Type in H on literally any social media and Hillary Clinton is the first thing to pop up even though nobody searches that old hags ass.


goddamit, honda. how am I supposed to enslave the world now?

huh I just googled it and I didn't get the same thing y'all got. both logged off and logged into my google account it just said tuesday november 8 and the first few links were election times in my state.


I don't get anything, just the date sans any logo. I'm also signed into a google account.

Also, "When is the next election", but that seems to have changed because a post about this appears too.

Tuesday, November 8 Election Day 2016

I got 'will pot be legalized'. I'm filterbubbled

they changed it. won't get same now.

I recommend using duckduckgo.

ITT: paranoid people that don't understand automated content generation systems.

^ Practicing psychiatry without a license.

Hahah me too. They fixed the "glitch"