If you've failed one of these rules and complain you're poor you should be euthanized (thought)

0  2016-08-07 by [deleted]



A mother has a son, the son breaks his leg. Friends and neighbors give their condoloences about the misfortune. The mother is neutral, saying that you can never know if a thing is bad or good until afterwards.

The army comes the next day, drafting soldiers. They pass over the mother's son because of his injury. Friends and neighbors congratulate her on the good fortune. The mother is neutral, saying that you can never know if a thing is bad or good.

The next day, the son dies from an infection in his leg. Friends and neighbors grieve for the mother. The mother is neutral, saying you can never really know if a thing is good or bad.

Edit: looking through your history OP, you could probably use a little more philosophy in your life.

A mother has a son, the son breaks his leg.

Err...I was worried about where this was going.

It's the arms, broken arms, that's what you need to fear.

Waiting to get married until after 21 and do not have children till after being married.

Oh no, people exercising their right to have kids, going against the grain of everybody else that probably won't be having kids until they're 40, because growing income inequality. It's also totally their fault that they didn't receive a proper sex education.

Spend money on recreational drugs when you're in debt.

Oh no, people want to retreat from the shittiness of the world.

Maybe we should euthanize you.


Or people want to expand their minds and deprogram themselves. Maybe it's time you tried recreational drugs then you might know what you're talking about.


Aren't we all poor these days? I know most of my friends who are college grads aren't working in their chosen field. Quite a few of them are unemployed. Your thread seems really condescending. I think you need to do some research and maybe talk to some of these people. They are humans, no one deserves to be euthenized by another person.


True but, your entire post hinges on monetary prosperity. Have you ever thought some people didn't graduate cause they were helping get money for their poor families or parents? Have you ever thought maybe people under 21 didn't choose to have a child? Have you ever thought some "recreational drugs" might help people with metal illness or other health problems?

If you think people don't choose to have children, you need the birds and the bees talk.

I'll agree people choose to have sex. Actually, choosing to have a child is beyond human control. Example: people that choose to have children but, are physically unable.

Completely false. Watch this. Ignore when Obongo speaks. Keyes’ part is the only thing that matters.

I'll have to watch it later when I have wifi. It's about homosexuality though so, I am assuming your saying gay people are choosing to have children? I can't disagree but, heterosexual people only choose when they adopt or straight up try over and over again.


Just move to the Phillipines already. Youll fit right in. Hell with your lack of human compassion you'll be a police officer killing drug users in less then a week.

"Finishing HS and getting a job is 100 times more effective for taking care of your family."

Not when you're parents can't pay their rent and your going to end up in a shelter or on the street.

"Putting a child up for adoption / abortion."

Maybe these choices are against their religious or personal beliefs?

"The vast majority of teenagers who use recreational drugs are not for "illnesses"."

So, now you want to euthenize teens?

I truly feel sorry for you. You make not one valid point. I won't be commenting on your post any further. Your either the most dispicable person in this forum or you're a really dismal troll.


It looks like you didn't have any to begin with so, your point is moot

Get your full indoctrination or off with your head is what you should of said.

Good friends of mine both dropped out of high school, got married before they were 21, and spent money on recreational drugs when they were in debt. They opened several businesses, put plenty of people to work, raised three great kids, and have been happily married for 38 years. Should they be euthanized?


Haha, your boyfriend Donald would have to be euthanized. He's taken plenty of government hand outs.


You are so misinformed. Your boyfriend has built his shady empire on the back of government handouts. He brags about it. He doesn't know how to start any business without government money. Seriously, do you not know how to read, or has r/TheDonald warped your mind that bad?


You hate welfare we get it. But youre ok with bankruptcy being used as a tool to make more money? Both take our tax dollars...

Please explain you're "logic".


First off, talking to the wrong person...i didnt lie about welfare. Second, i dont care if he had a million successes my point is about using bankruptcy (taking our $$) to fix his booboo. But my mom needing welfare(for a very short time) when she was single with 4 kids deserves to die even tho all 4 kids are now tax paying adults contributing to society.

Your logic is flawed.

First off, you're still lying.

I have not lied about a single thing. Maybe you misread.

using bankruptcy (taking our $$) to fix his booboo

You don’t have a fucking clue 1. what bankruptcy is 2. what Trump, specifically, did.

Dude. Im with trump. But i still think hes done some shady business tactics including taking advantage of bankruptcy to gain more money. And if you dont think corporate bankruptcy costs us tax dollars then you're the foolish one.



Rule 10. Removed. 1st warning.

Rules 4 & 10. Removed. Final warning.


Rules 4 & 10. Removed. 1st warning.

Euthanised? This is a trolling shitpost OP, and if you post any more like it, they will be removed.


Whatever program you are using for your "translating" is a Beta release programmed by a chimp.

You seem to be broken. You are missing humility, human compassion, and selflessness. You are lacking key human components. Should you be euthanized? Of course not. Life is about learning and growing. Not destroying others to fit into your vision of the world.

Ive always known you're a loud, selfish, hot head but until today I didn't know how deeply your illness went. You really should work on that. Its a poison that will kill you.


Sorry if you cant address reality. You keep living in your hate filled world where you dream of others dieing because they live differently then you. You need to grow the fuck up and learn to help others not destroy them.

Typical progressive smear tactics that don't address the argument by side-stepping it altogether by attacking the messenger.

You can't even see past your own programming.

Hi there Whitey. I could have said this same exact thing about you. You 2 seem like the same peas in a pod. You and him exude hate. I dont usually talk to hate mongers...

You just did it again. Unbelievable.

Ditto. Its believable tho. We all know your true colors, Whitey.

You just can't help yourself. Always pulling the same, ineffectual, tactics. Hilarious.

I cant help myself from reminding people of your true colors. You are an insidious element in this sub. You also have to have the last word apparently. Your turn...

He's white. That's his true color. Gaijin is being a nutcase, but if you think there aren't certain irreconcilable groups that need to be removed, you're completely uninformed about the state of humanity.

I dont think the groups he chose are ones that deserve to be murdered. Who do you think are worthy of being murdered?

I don’t think the groups he chose are ones that deserve to be

Of course not.


No one said anything about murder.

He keeps saying "euthanized"

Then you change it to "groups that need to be removed".

You can soften it all you want but the point i was addressing was murdering by euthanasia.

Jack lives here, can't stop whitey, and gijiant whatever are three sickos. Woah dude wtf!

Yep. Real class acts.

You're still doing it.

You are too.

No. Address his arguments.

No. Address mine.

  1. The governments measure of your ability to follow their directions
  2. Falling in line to established practices of partnership
  3. The effect of being involved with drugs often distorts one relationship to reality and their finances leading to wreckless behavior until they are helped

have compassion. Everyone deserves an oppurtunity

Do I get to live if I don't complain about being poor?

What a chicken shit. I showed proof your boyfriend Donald Chump is a welfare queen, and you quit answering. You are as big a pussy as that draft dodging wimp Donald Trump.

At least I don't complain about being poor.

You are a douche (thought) Buddha begged for his meals, should he have been killed?


He didn't graduate high school, did he? Don't you realize making these distinctions between those that deserve life for certain actions and those that don't, is not moral in any way. You might as well say people that don't graduate college should be euthenized?! Or people that have to repeat kindergarten. It's arbitrary. Also, what the fuck does marriage have to do with anything? Your inserting Christian values about pre marital sex now?

Do you have the stuff you need to euthanize people? I don't agree with doing it to others - but I'd like to be euthanized personally.

OP is saying people who fuck up their lives and complain about should be killed. Not people who did what they could go succeed, even tho it wasn't enough.

I'd be happy if people tried their damnedest just to find a job. Any job.

You just did it again. Unbelievable.

Ditto. Its believable tho. We all know your true colors, Whitey.

You are too.