You guys don't seem to understand how important Fethullah Gulen (Turkey coup plotter) is

25  2016-08-07 by [deleted]




You are very seriously! misinformed if you believe that bullshit.


Rule 10. Warning.

Removed. Rule 10.

Why are you allowing this same shit post every few days ?

It's a legitimate conspiracy theory, and one that makes more sense than the notion that Erdogan organised the coup against himself. It seems pretty clear that the US has now had enough of Erdogan, and that they would like to install Gulen in his place.


What is your problem? Why does this theory wet your panties with rage that you must abuse every post and comment referring to this cia- Gulen obvious Turkish Coup? There must be hundreds of theories that we don't agree with on the sub but for you this one is special? Is langley hurt they fucked their Turkish plot?


You would be credible if you had not so feverishly attacked the theory from the beginning. Also if you just look at US actions, and Media about Turkey, you would see this connection

Did you get the tone mockery in that NYT article?

"In various interviews and statements, Mr. Gulen has strongly denied involvement in the coup" Straight from the article..."Yet because he lives in the United States, and because of other salient facts — including that a former C.I.A. official and a former American ambassador to Turkey helped Mr. Gulen receive a green card — many Turks believe Mr. Gulen is an American agent. From there, it is a short step to the conclusion that the United States conspired with him to bring down the Turkish government"


Rule 10. You're not very good at this, are you?

Gulden has thousands of schools setup to teach Turkish Islam in America using our tax dollars to do it.

no doubt Gulen is a gear in the cog of the NWO. sounds like a cult.

This dude apparently lives in a very heavily guarded place about twenty minutes from me in the Poconos. I had no idea he even existed until the Turkey coup. When that happened, our local news did a story on him.

Elaborate on your new religion theory please

The reason I didn't explain that in detail in my post is because I can't provide any evidence of it besides in Turkish. The key thing for getting information on very secretive things like this is look for them in different languages though; because the English ones will be removed. This is a very important issue so they might even be tracking the whistleblowers on the Internet.

I am basing my information from a 5 hour interview on Turkish media with Nurettin Veren, who is an ex "high ranked" Gulenist who helped create the organization and has had to move to a different location to live 10 times since he started leaking what he knows about Gulenists (this is a fact.) He also claims that Gulenists inside Turkey tried assasinating him many times.

Turkish media has been in a very interesting state as of late, everybody just goes on the media and talks about everything like it's no big deal. Ex-police, Ex intelligence members go on shows and talk about assasinations, bombings and other massacres in the past like it's nothing - it's like there is a new form of freedom in the media now that Gulenists are being purged.

  • He says that the Gulenist organization started as an Islamist cult; but as time went on and Gulen got closer with the US things started changing. Gulen got closer with Christians and Jews and earned the respect of many religious leaders around the world (there if proof of this online.)

  • He says that especially after Gulen moved to the US in 1990s, he started losing his mind and became a paranoid, crazy person. This is very important because this is not just his claim; but the claim of numerous other people. This is also proven as you can see by watching some of his videos. I think that him going paranoid and crazy is a part of CIA's brainwashing methods.

  • He says that Gulen wants to create a new religion around the world that unites all religions into one and wants to rule that way. Now remember that this is a whistleblower that left Fethullah Gulen's side in 1996, so I don't think he has the whole context here or maybe didn't want to cause panic. But this theory especially is what connects him to George Soros I think.

He already has known connection to George Soros like in the Albania case and is very obviously sheltered in the US for a reason. The reason being his connection to CIA.

I think in this case the whistleblower is being naive and thinks Gulen wants to create this new religion himself. But in reality he is just a CIA puppet and his "hizmet" movement is being used around Eurasia and Africa by George Soros to push his New World Order, which is what this whistleblower thinks is Fethullah Gulen's new religion.

.. I know I am being very confusing here; but this situation is super complex for obvious reasons. Actually bright people like you guys on /r/conspiracy should really focus on this issue instead of focusing on the staged US elections. You are missing a goldmine here.

edited for grammar reasons

Interesting post, I learned about Gulen by watching James Corbett's interview of Sibel Edmonds which was really instructive.

Where do you suggest we start research? What are we looking for? Point me in a direction.

I can update this topic with information I find over time, for now not much sources I can provide on this. Maybe look into the past of George Soros and Fethullah Gulen and see if this makes sense.


Is this posed supposed to soften the image of the dictator Erdogan? This post is fishy.

Erdogan is not the only one using dirty methods to get power in turkey. What if both the anti erogan and pro erdogan propaganda has some truth in them?

Remember what the West uses the "dictator" framing for. It's a cold war era trick that still works, you associate the entire country with one person - you make people hate that person as much as possible. They are more subtle with it now.

Just saying that this is a distraction ! Speaking of old tricks, he used one of the those that work well more than others...staging that coup and ''luckily escaping locked on missiles from two fighter jets''-WTF do people like this think ?-that the world consist of bunch of retards that will not see throught he BS? Get it together !

Or he is a nice excuse for someone to get rid of the opposition in the country. If the coup plotters were that directly connected to Gulen and as many people involved as are now being accused the coup wouldn't have failed.

He is not getting rid of any opposition in the country, in fact the opposition supports him fully.

You really shouldn't buy into very simple conspiracy theories like that especially if they are being pushed by your media.

Condemning the coup and supporting Erdogan are two entirely different things, currently anyone says anything negative about Erdogan is likely to end up in jail

Again, untrue

Erdogan may be an ass; but after this coup it couldn't be more obvious that the Media is intentionally trying to push a narrative on him and exaggerating things becaues it's convenient.

edit: By the way, those "journalists" mentioned in the article you linked are known gulenists inside Turkey. This isn't some small cult, they are everywhere and very active on social media.