Does Donald Trump not know about Wikileaks? [serious question]

0  2016-08-09 by 911bodysnatchers322

I spoke with a mechanic today and he kept saying 'donald trump is asking russia to release hillary's emails'. And I said, you know wikileaks has released most if not all in searchable form, right? He just kind of looked at me like he didn't hear me.

Am I missing something? Maybe I'm turned around. Are there even more emails that haven't been released by wikileaks that russia is hanging on to or does trump not know about wikileaks?

If the latter, then it's clear there's a neocon news filter and a /r/conspiracy news filter. And everyone but /r/conspiracy is trapped in a neocon bubble where they are incapable of finding their ways to hillary's emails, that have already been released for a while now.

Or is it that wikileaks' emails just aren't trustworthy or something?

Please let me know how I'm all turned around. Thanks.

bonus question is assange a russian agent and that's why they can't kidnap him so easily by dropping blackop mercs into an ecuadorean embassy?


Isn't Trump against Wikileaks? I seem to recall Trump calling Assange (and Snowden) traitors who should be tortured. Perhaps he doesn't think Wikileaks would appeal to the people he sees as his current followers.

Anyway, Trump doesn't seem to have a consistent policy. He goes back and forth on issues, and says whatever he feels like at the moment, contradicting himself, perhaps adjusting his message slightly for each specific crowd he's talking to, etc. The only predictable thing about him is his tendency to lie and be inconsistent. But hey, at least he's "anti establishment" ...

He does think they are traitors. He supports the NSA and the patriot act and wants to lock down the internet, and he wants more funding for Israel. H also supports the H1B program bringing in more foreigners to take american jobs and drive wages down.

Just don't tell any of his ignorant supporters that. They still think he's got their best interest in mind. In reality he just wants to give himself and other wealthy people massive tax cuts like George Bush did and wreck our economy.

Yeah, I know. It's kinda funny how Alex Jones and most other "conspiracy theorists" support the guy. He might be a scarecrow the globalists are using to make people vote for Hillary. Compared to Trump, she'll look like the best candidate in the eyes of most people. Despite her obvious corruption and evil. (Glossed over by the MSM, of course.)

How would tax cuts wreck the economy? You realize the US is the most taxed nation?... and people wonder why companies go offshore. Lower taxes and the money comes back in many different ways. Damn, people do not even understand basic business or economics. Now, what Bernie wanted to do and what Hillary will continue doing, will continue ruining our already devastated economy....


Don't tell anyone here that Taxation is theft. You can conspire to believe that 911 was an inside job but taxes? Muh free shit.

Yup. Trying to get people to open their minds, but even here, it seems like a lost cause... sigh...

Whats funny is 9/11 cost this country 18T dollars

taxes are irrelevant,. i bet you couldn't get that amount from taxpayers in a decade

some shitty napkin math says

318,000,000 * .628 * .39 * 26695 = 2.0791283e+12 = 2,079,128,300,000 or 2.079T per year to IRS if everyone is average and honest

make that 2 decades. Hah, or at the rate of this country is going down the pooper, infinity

I realize this doesn't include corporate taxes, which are probably on average negative, which means they get money from the government....and then cost the government in terms of environmental cleanup.

I love how all the candidates talk about taxes like it's this dial they can turn up and down and that will fix things. It's lunacy. They never of course talk about the glaringly obvious most expensive thing we spend our money on and it's the security industrial complex we don't need, doesn't work, and never wanted, and never asked for.

ex: Putin, did you write to your congressperson and say, "gee I would like it if at least 10 guys were trying to break into my computer and my iphone at all times, and I want to pay for it. Because that will stop terrorism"

I'm sure you didn't because I know you're a smart guy

I'm not talking about what our tax dollars are being spent on (I think what they are is wrong). I'm talking about taxes and the inevitability of government to waste said money. This is something you, and others are not realizing. Fuck the federal government. Stealing is stealing. I don't care if my money goes to war or for a SAP who is leeching off the system. It's theft, and the government are the perfect thieves. Fuckin' hell. Stockholm syndrome.... They are stealing from us! Get it through your thick, heads. You were on here talking about Commie Bernie, look what he did buying his new mansion (You changed your tune - lmfao). You are being lied to and mislead.. Fuck...

I'm dropping the mic now. WAKE THE FUCK UP. They don't care. Why would they? Fuck the government. Look inward and to love ones and neighbors. They actually CARE! Fuck.....

I'm done. Seriously, thinking about ex-patting....

You realize the US is the most taxed nation

thats bullshit.

we arent even in the top 25

some places have over 50% tax rate.


What happens when you include all types of federal, state, local etc taxes?

we would still be behind northern europe.

We pay out far more to private entities than would've been spent by people in other countries, but those aren't taxes- such as healthcare. Other countries get that as a natural right but we have one of the most expensive systems in the world.

You can't even get your teeth worked on without money.

There are many glaring examples of Americans paying through the nose for such things.

Corporate tax (ie. businesses - thank god the individual tax is where it is (should be lower, though. Much lower)): Shows how little you know about what the grown ups are talking about.... Where do you get your money? Probably from a company... Well, US companies are taxed the most. Read up, and educate yourself on basic business and economics....

there are so many tax loopholes that huge companies can get away with paying next to nothing. the panama papers proved that.

Panama papers didn't prove shit (not surprising - if you are intelligent). Also, where there is a will there is a way. You think tax loopholes will end if you tax companies 99%? What about 100%? Do you think thieves care if a house has a lock and sign on the front door? No. Your childish understanding and thinking is what is wrong with this country. Less taxes == less people hiding money. It's basic human logic. God damn, this country is a fuckin' joke...

He also said Tiananmen Square was a riot.

Riot like it was funny?

No like riot as in Mike Brown riot.

Trump said he was joking about Russia hacking Hillary, but this is /r/conspiracy and any attempt at a joke has to be a coverup.

If he was joking, then his adherents didn't get the joke. Father and son mechanic have the tv on fox running all day and they were asking me like I somehow knew about trump. I don't keep up with trump news, sorry. I think he's a fool. I think Hillary's a criminal. I'm probably not voting unless something happens between now and then. Dark horse of Bernie perhaps.

Either way thanks for your input

Kidnapping someone from an embassy could spell unnecessary tensions between countries.

People are not as informed as you so be gentle.

No I wasn't mean to them, I just said I honestly didn't know but would find out. These are my friends.

And whereas that's very true that it would cause problems with ecuador, kidnapping someone and extraordinary renditioning them is nothing new. I'm surpirsed they haven't poisoned his pizza or snipered him or exfiltrated him in some way.

I mean if they really wanted him, they'd have him in a blackops site is my point.

Thats why I conclude there is something else. Some extraordinary leverage he has on them as a dead man switch, or he's a hangout (I am on the fence on this---he was forced to grow up in a weird cult as a kid by iirc his stepfather or moms new lover or something... and I'm sure it screwed him up, made him want to lash out about the types of people who create these cults...and yes they do create the cults, usually as illegal human experimentation)

Could be true but going that far might caused a lot of back lash

Panama papers didn't prove shit (not surprising - if you are intelligent). Also, where there is a will there is a way. You think tax loopholes will end if you tax companies 99%? What about 100%? Do you think thieves care if a house has a lock and sign on the front door? No. Your childish understanding and thinking is what is wrong with this country. Less taxes == less people hiding money. It's basic human logic. God damn, this country is a fuckin' joke...

No like riot as in Mike Brown riot.