/r/politics proving yet again they are in the tank, bought and paid for by CTR shills.

131  2016-08-10 by ZapPowerz

Look at /r/politics front page right now. The majority of the posts are about Trumps statement about "2nd Amendment people". Now remember when the DNC leaks came out and they created a megathread for the DNC leaks so the sub wouldnt be filled with a bunch of DNC leaks submissions?

If youre an honest left leaning person and considering voting for Hillary you have to ask yourself why she has to lie, control and manipulate so much if she is good and if her ideas are good. Why the censorship? Why support a candidate that is so heavy handed and authoritarian? Just think of how much worse it will be once she is elected.

Dont vote for her or Trump. Vote for anyone else but the two actors the system says you have to vote for.


About a month ago the pro-Trump shilling was deafening. Now the pro-Hillary shilling is deafening. I guess the "native advertising" companies got hired by different people at different times. Reddit is propaganda now, fewer and fewer actual organic comments, and more shilling and propaganda. Not even just political but pro-war pro-authority stuff in general too. Reddit is great for false consensus-building, making it look like tons of people agree unanimously when they do not at all in reality. Everything is so broken, it feels almost hard to keep an even keel at this point.


Im not a Trump supporter but holy shit. If people and the political parties are going this apeshit maybe he really does intend to rock the boat..

This is going to be the most openly corrupted and rigged election in history. Americas democracy is looking like a joke right now. These rich people, fighting and lying over power. Its fucking hillarious.

Not a Trump guy either. The truly infuriating thing for me is that this slant is all over the airwaves as well. Hell, even the late night TV guys are making a point to talk about Trump as much as possible. There's nothing about HRC. Never. Unless they're talking about something positive for her. No mention of DNC members resigning, emails, or Clinton Foundation donations. It's like this shit (that she is accused of) only exists online and not out in the real world. A damn near blackout.

To be fair on the Late Night guys, they make comedy, and Trump is comedic gold whereas Hillary is frankly boring from a comedic standpoint. The fact that people get political news from them is far more an indictment of our society then an indictment of them specifically.

As another anti-Trump guy though, I have to agree on all the other bits about the media coverage. I think what he said is absurd and dangerous but the establishment as a whole does things everyday which are far more absurd and dangerous that just fly under the radar.

I agree that Trump is an easy target, I don't think the man can get out of bed without putting his foot in his mouth. My gripe is that the new bloods in late night TV aren't even trying to maintain the appearance of being neutral. Which is a pretty new thing as far as the broadcast stations are concerned. Those things, and the fact that people are far more persuadable when tired, makes me think this isn't an accident in the least.

If people and the political parties are going this apeshit maybe he really does intend to rock the boat.

This was my biggest selling point to vote for trump. You have both DNC and RNC. All media outlets (Except OAN and RT) trashing trump 24/7.

I see Trump as a guillotine from the French revolution. Everyone agrees the whole establishment is corrupt. Big pharma, government, the media are all up in arms terrified of Trump. Trying their damnest to convince us this guy is the next Hitler.

Its the oligarchy. They cannont to have a rogue billionaire standing up for nationalist values and fighting to keep guns in the hands of the people.

Something is going on. I'm not sure what it is but a lot of people are saying it. We need to find out what the hell is going on.
Never seen such obvious shilling. $6,000,000 at work.

well its admitted shilling. That's the worst part.

and unpunished shilling.

I feel like its sponsored shilling.

I love how when people say stuff against Hillary they have to preface it with "I'm not pro-Trump, but..." because people are so polarized they literally think there's only 2 sides and if they don't say that people will assume.

Huh. I think I'll say something.

I took a screencap of the /r/politics front page, but I can't figure out how to post it. I won't use imgur anymore now that it requires an account, and I can't figure out the new reddituploads thing.

*Oh, wait. I learned something when I went to voat. Here you go. PROOF

Its 100% anti Trump. Im no Trump supporter, but that shit is just ridiculous. And why no megathread about his comment like they did with the DNC leakS?

I'm not a Trump supporter either, but it's obvious the MSM is colluding to take down Trump. It's non-stop anti-Trump.

That's not how you take down Trump. You ignore people to take them down. Like they did Sanders and Ron Paul.

Trump is controlled opposition. If they really hated him, they wouldn't talk about him. But instead it's 24/7 coverage. Any press is good press.

That's yet more evidence a vote for Trump is NOT a vote against the status quo. He's just the prepackaged "rebel" option, for frustrated dumb voters.


definitely ridiculous, but it's always nice when they openly show their colors. I mean, I'm anti-trump too, but this is supposed to be America. Freedom of speech! Open democracy with heated debates! Rhetoric and brimstone! This propaganda bullshit needs to go back to Lenin and Stalin and sit in the grave with them.

That said, I'm just a drunkard watching from the bleachers. We need a Carlin Party, where we all just get together, get drunk, and point at all the evil people stealing our freedom.

Unfortuantely propaganda has been legal for a few years now

Yup. sip.

Carlin Party

I like the cut of your jib.

I hereby add my support for the Carlin Party.

As do I! Seconded. We have now adopted the Carlin Party.

It is official.

I hereby submit this material for review by the party: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9MnJqhcZvw

"Clinton said, 'Hi, I'm full of shit-- and how do you like that?' and the people said, 'at least he's honest.'"

Sounds like 'muricans to me. Carlin being awesome as usual.

I hereby approve of said Carlin video and adopt it as our mission statement.

"The table is tilted folks, the game is rigged... they don't give a fuck about you, at ALL at ALL, at ALL."

Seconded that the submitted video material is our mission statement. The vote passes.

There's a club, and we're in it. You and I are in the club.

There's a club, and we're in it. You and I are in the club.

YES! YES!!! I love it!

"I have certain rules I live by, my first rule, is I don't believe anything the government tells me. Nothing."

I submit this to be on our official flag, if the committee approves.

Sounds good to me, if it can fit nicely. Vote passes. :)

I'd fly it

Seconded, and approved.

I, as the self-appointed chairman of The Carlin Party, approve of this message.


megathread for what comment? The khan comment? probably because it was just a mean statement. Not a batch of emails proving media collusion, DNC cheating Bernie, and evidence of perjury.

One is massively illegal on ethics and civil grounds. The other no way compares.

Or are you saying having the megathread to compile all the articles about his one off colored statement?

The second amendment comment.

seems like the khan comment was a bigger deal with these people.

I posted here last week about the exact same thing! I unsubscribed from that POS sub but before I did I sent the mods a message saying that that 13 out of 14 articles were anti Trump and that they should be ashamed of themselves.... and "fuck you".

One mod wrote back and said "What do you want us to do about it lol."

That sub is not worth your time dude.

Still waiting for your answer: What would you do about it?

Hey! What would I do about it? I'd take a look at the users posting the material.... if they were NOTHING but anti Trump posts.... and their account history revealed non stop "correction of the record"...

I would ban them. But hey that's just me right?

Some users on Reddit are here because they have many interests... some "users" do not. Some do absolutely nothing but derail legitimate conversation.

Yah, I'd look at those users very carefully... warn them... and ban them if needed.

Would that solve anything? Not really. It wouldn't prevent the exact same users from registering new accounts and repeating their process. I realize this.

What it WOULD do however, is make it clear that this behaviour is unwanted.... but guess what? It's not unwanted... it's all going exactly to plan.


I don't think it needs fixing unless you just remove the upvote/downvote system ... but that's an entirely different website.

Do you seriously think anyone is going to upvote what Trump says? Trump: Lets Build a Wall along the border/Mocks a Disabled Journalist/Defiantly Rejects Calls to Release Tax Returns/Bombasts fallen soldier's family/Calls Obama and/or Hillary the MVP of ISIS/Gives Speech on Economic Reform that Benefits the Rich/Tax Cut for Nanny care for the rich ...

It's just not going to happen where reasonable, unbiased people congregate, so you get massive posts for the candidate that the mass crowd agrees with... Trump is the fringe and Hillary is the mass appeal. You're going to see a massive amount of threads in her favor no matter what

Hillary has no mass appeal friend. She really doesn't.

If you say so.... ok but.... she really doesn't.

She needed Super PACs and election fraud, and corrupt superdelegates to take the primary. The DNC has never lost so many members... the seats at the convention were bloody empty.

Trump just filled a 10,000 seat venue for his latest speech.

The ONLY way Clinton can win is through clear and present fuckery.

But hey.. let's agree to disagree shall we?

"What do you want us to do about it lol."

No seriously, what would you do about it? Do you really think people are going to upvote what Trump's supporters say?

I believe with everything you're saying, but I've had left leaning friends who completely support Hillary, and completely support this status quo.

They find it typical and probably even acceptable for a politician to use whatever means to win, even if it means being corrupt. So how are we supposed to change US politics if our own citizens don't see that there is a problem? I don't get it.

As a left leaning person, I don't think we need to lie to or trick people. We need to educate them. Corruption hurts the cause, not help it.

We need to educate them.

What do you do with all those people that are, in fact, "educated, and are quite familiar with left-wing rhetoric - and STILL don't agree with you?

You seem to have this presumption that left-wing ideas are automatically right, and anyone who doesn't agree just needs more "education."

Why not be honest and say what you really mean? You want to indoctrinate people.

Woah, I think you may have taken that person's comment in the worst way possible.

I think I took it exactly the way it was intended.

What's really staggering is that this is all done with less than 6 million dollars.

Is anyone else sick of hearing the word triggered when used to describe people who can't deal with reality?

I'm triggered when I hear people being sick of hearing shit.

It's a clinically accurate description of people who are set off emotionally by simple realities... not unlike saying you are sick of something because it accurately depicts you.

Holy fuck, even I felt like I was gonna get shot, that was one hell of a barrage.

Hello, can anyone recommend good places on reddit for political news? apart from this.

Not a Trump or anti-trump supporter, i used to browse /r/politics since it was briefly a good alternative to finding anti-clinton news considering the MSM is almost completely pro-hillary.

Now its been taking over by CTR.

I've liked




They're all a little different but it does kind suck they're low traffic. It's nice to actually interact with people. r/POLITIC is basically most in the spirit of r/politics in that you can say what you want (and bonus: no roving downvote armies). The other two are more serious places.

If youre an honest left leaning person and considering voting for Hillary you have to ask yourself why she has to lie, control and manipulate so much if she is good and if her ideas are good. Why the censorship? Why support a candidate that is so heavy handed and authoritarian? Just think of how much worse it will be once she is elected.

That all day. Great point.

Do most people here even care about /r/politics? I don't. Why is it that every post complaining about /r/politics is upvoted higher than most other posts one would imagine would be more interesting, like for example a fictional reboot of They Live trailer

Being anti-both candidates is only helping the majority leader. Have fun throwing your vote down the drain.

Its 100% anti Trump. Im no Trump supporter, but that shit is just ridiculous. And why no megathread about his comment like they did with the DNC leakS?

Not a Trump guy either. The truly infuriating thing for me is that this slant is all over the airwaves as well. Hell, even the late night TV guys are making a point to talk about Trump as much as possible. There's nothing about HRC. Never. Unless they're talking about something positive for her. No mention of DNC members resigning, emails, or Clinton Foundation donations. It's like this shit (that she is accused of) only exists online and not out in the real world. A damn near blackout.

If people and the political parties are going this apeshit maybe he really does intend to rock the boat.

This was my biggest selling point to vote for trump. You have both DNC and RNC. All media outlets (Except OAN and RT) trashing trump 24/7.

I see Trump as a guillotine from the French revolution. Everyone agrees the whole establishment is corrupt. Big pharma, government, the media are all up in arms terrified of Trump. Trying their damnest to convince us this guy is the next Hitler.

Its the oligarchy. They cannont to have a rogue billionaire standing up for nationalist values and fighting to keep guns in the hands of the people.

seems like the khan comment was a bigger deal with these people.