wikileaks is a limited hangout, theory

7  2016-08-11 by dead_all_along

Posted in another thread but prolly buried so:

Has anyone considered that wikileaks is a limited hangout/ CIA honeypot and the entire point of it is to "control" leaks? Has anyone actually looked at the Clinton leaked emails? As far as I saw there was nothing there that could actually indict Hillary for anything. So what if (here's my conspiracy theory) wikileaks was set up in order to create a "safe space" for whistleblowers... but it's really a trap. When a leaker came forward with the Clinton emails, they felt they could trust wikileaks. Wikileaks then leaked only enough information to get people excited without actually revealing anything we didn't already know (limited hangout) or anything that is actually useful in a court case. Of course, keeping the REAL important files secret would tip off the leaker that wikileaks was compromised so to solve that they simply give his name to agents who murder him. But it doesn't look good if wikileakers are killed so to keep up the charade Assange comes out and acts upset over this death and basically tells the world that this guy was the leaker.... only he never directly admits it, only skirts around the issue. In other words, he wants us to know it without the words being spoken. Why? Because if the words are spoken then that will be used in an investigation for this guys death. It can be used to grant seizure warrants, etc. So just let the public know without giving anything law enforcement could possibly do anything with. Now Assange has effectively distanced wikileaks from the murder. So we all assume Clinton killed him (which is true enough) but we don't connect wikileaks role as the honeypot. And no information is actually provided which is DAMNING. checkmate.


100% through and through. I've been saying this since day one.
The only figure in this whole imbroglio who's actually the real deal has been absolutely rotting in prison w/the key thrown away and exactly zero MSM time being spent on them (on purpose). Meanwhile all the wikileaks figures and everyone even tangentially associated with it have been made into practical rock stars w/all the constant press, MSM time and frickin' movies made about them.

And think about it for a second. Exactly NONE of the Wikileaks information has been truly damning - damning in the sense that it's really revealed anything that wasn't already known or strongly suspected before.

They're all controlled opposition.

All except the one who's been silenced, ridiculed, marginalized, and tortured in prison. He/she wasn't part of the plan. So TPTB are really laying the punishment down hard in this case.

"You're only allowed to play by the rules of our orchestrated, limited hang out bullshit!!"

Yes, I've thought the same thing. I mean, I'm not 100% made up on this detail, but Manning if any of them is legit.

And Manning leaked through... wikileaks, no less. I had forgotten. So that's one wikileaker rotting in a cell, and another rotting 6 feet under.

It's honestly asinine to trust wikileaks at this point, isn't it?

It's honestly asinine to trust wikileaks at this point, isn't it?

Yes. It's been kind of asinine to trust them from the jump. However, so many people seem so desperate for anything that will take the elite down without the citizenry actually having to do any actual work that they (the people) will take almost any limited hangout bait TPTB throw at them and go "Yeh! This is it! That's the answer!!"


They need heroes.

It shouldn't be at the expense of creating false figures in the air that are not only empty and mean nothing, but that also bind you even tighter to the chains of enslavement you're already ensnared by.

Better to not have any heroes but be able to see the lies of the society you live in for what they are.

Edward even got his own Twitter account although the criminal complaint (06/14/2016) says:

—Theft of Government Property

—Unauthorized Communication of National Defense Information

—Willful Communication of Classified Communications Intelligence Information a Unauthorized Person

How likely is that? They don’t just stop him broadcasting his stuff to 2 million people because they can’t as he does not violate Twitter regulations? That just ain’t credible.

Assange is being sheltered in the Ecuadorian embassy.

Ecuador is a tiny, powerless country that is all but a client state of the US. If the US wanted to shut down Assange, all they would have to do is call up the Ecuadorian President and say, "give us Assad" and he'd be in handcuffs on the first plane to Washington DC.

So, apparently, Assange is useful to the US where he is doing what he does.

Exactly this. Both Julian Assange and Edward Snowden seem to me to be little more than two parts of a PTB limited hangout plan designed more than anything to get the citizenry to "fear big brother!" more than ever before. Neither have revealed anything really damning, and all they've done is simply get people more scared w/how much power the government and the three letter agencies really have (even though they have a lot more than anything Assange and Snowden have revealed or come out with).

In a sense, I'd say it's a good thing as well that this information has come out, however, even if it is in the form of a cointelpro limited hangout because it at least helps some people that were really in the dark open their eyes a bit to just how much power some of these groups have, and the extent to which they use that power for nefarious purposes.

This is one possible ascept of WikiLeaks, if not of the whole organized leaking, one should definitely think about. In public perception WikiLeaks became kind of an authority - which to me is an indicator for the fact that scepticism is necessary. Let me emphasize that I'm talking about alertness, not demonizing or prejudice. Same with the Snowden narrative. Most people here on /p/conspiracy don't like to think about a second layer beneath the WikiLeaks/Snowden phenomena - but to me it is mandatory. If in the end I'm wrong - fine! But this thing is too big. So what I assume is: the stuff they're leak is true but it's limited and its release is being timed. They're boiling the frogs. Maybe I'm wrong. If I am it doesn't matter.

Snowden is also limited hangout, for sure.

Thing about wikileaks is they still push "the narrative," for example Assange scorning 9/11 truth.

And you're right; wikileaks has become an authority in the same way Infowars became an authority. I hadn't looked at it quite like that, but it's naive not to.

I don't know if we should assume what they leak is true though... I'd personally assume most of it is- but wouldn't it be the devil's playbook to slip in some lies as well? A little poison at a time, as well as suppressing the truth deluge.

i don't think snowden is a shill.... i don't doubt CIA sometimes tries to control the leaks and does them themselves but you don't need a whole wikileaks to do that... all they have to do is call a reporter and give him some info to write about

same with wikileaks ... cia wants to leak something? why not send it to assange anonymously and have him write about it? same effect and you don't need to control the whole of wikileaks

and snowden did leak a few interesting secrets, so why would NSA want that released? unles of course it's completely irrelevant and depreciated technology for decades, i seriously doubt they would willingly leak business practices they still use

but who knows, all i knows is, I don't trust anything any politican says, not just in US, in EU it's the same story, they're all corrupted lying bastards, every single last one of them.

Snowden is more obviously a limited hangout than wikileaks is. I recommend this to you, it's a great breakdown:

Agreed. Also, they've admitted to monitoring all internet traffic to WL.

having Assange insinuate that a possibly unrelated death was the result of the DNC leaks effectively warns would-be future leakers that they too will be killed.

True, true.

then again, I also suspect that cult raised Julian is the son of Brzezinski, the CFR man - which completely fits the theory.


I knew Julian was raised in some silly white-hair dying cult but I didn't know about any CFR relations. Thanks for that info, I'll look into it.

You you have any leads, timelines, corroboration to go with this?

I'm not sure how it would be possible to confirm without DNA evidence. Do you think they look alike? Surely someone as prominent as ZB could have more influential kids than just Mika on CNN.

As old as I am, your posts the past few days are the first that I'm hearing about this.

Admit, I had never entertained, nor even heard smatterings about this!

Any links or is this just original theory? Quite interesting now that you've pushed my buttons, fucker!

The first thing that put me on this trail was a video talking about Eyes Wide Shut, and the reason that Kubrick may have been 'taken off the project.'

The speculation was that Kubrick had identified the guy that pimped out his kids - IIRC. I think in the final movie it was an Asian? I'd have to go back and check. Anyway, I recall reading/hearing that the guy was identifiable as ZB and that's why they took out Kubrick.

The thing that most convinces me is the resemblance, more so as he ages. The government connections to the cult don't seem to be unlikely either.

Link to Kubrick saying his kids were pimped out. Let's start there.

Edit: I'm missing two Nieces and my baby sister to Hollywood slime so this is not in jest.

here's the video I mentioned.

I do not have a youtube account.

Neither do I. Can’t watch that video.

you can't watch a video on youtube? why not?

It's restricted.

This post is disinformation. It looks like "correct the record" as invaded this subreddit.

No it doesn't. The theory of wikileaks being a limited hangout has been discussed numerous times on this and other subs. It's entirely rational.

This theory is disinformation whose purpose is to cast doubt on wikileaks.

wikileaks is doing a fine job on their own from my perspective.

Wikileaks showed there was collusion in the DNC and exposed the weapon "rat line" from Libya to Syria. This is not in the best interest of the coming unelected global governance. This post is classic disinformation that is being upvoted by paid political operatives.

The collusion in the DNC goes much further than those relatively tame emails. DWS was rehired at once.

I don't see how it's disinfo. Wikileaks deserves the moniker of limited hangout in the opinion of many.

Well if it's disinformation it's not intentional. Please show me a specific document wikileaks has provided which showed us information that was not previously available and then show me the resulting actions of said leak.

I'm asking you with an open mind to show me why I should trust wikileaks.

edit: If it helps, I'll disavow Clinton. I'm no fan, I'm just open to the possibility there's more than one monster in the closet.

This theory is disinformation whose purpose is to cast doubt on wikileaks.

Snowden is also limited hangout, for sure.

Thing about wikileaks is they still push "the narrative," for example Assange scorning 9/11 truth.

And you're right; wikileaks has become an authority in the same way Infowars became an authority. I hadn't looked at it quite like that, but it's naive not to.

I don't know if we should assume what they leak is true though... I'd personally assume most of it is- but wouldn't it be the devil's playbook to slip in some lies as well? A little poison at a time, as well as suppressing the truth deluge.

They need heroes.

As old as I am, your posts the past few days are the first that I'm hearing about this.

Admit, I had never entertained, nor even heard smatterings about this!

Any links or is this just original theory? Quite interesting now that you've pushed my buttons, fucker!