Train Wreck Ahead

38  2016-08-13 by Dhylan

I remember when Ronald Reagan became President, thinking that we had reached a new low in filling the office of POTUS, and he did not disappoint. But then Bill Clinton came along and I had to lower my expectations even further. And then came Dubya. Sheesh. And Obama. Fore. Well, now it looks like Hillary is inevitable. I don't even have a word for how I know this is going to turn out. I think it's pretty damn clear that the next 8 years are going to be the USA turning, finally, into the biggest train wreck in history. Ben Franklin was right when he opined that we would have a republic, but only if we could keep it. And we don't have a republic. Not any more. We lost it. It's gone, and it's not coming back anytime soon, if ever. I obviously couldn't put this in /news or in /politics, so I'll put it here, because conspiracy is how this all happened, so it belongs here more than it belongs in either of those two subreddits anyway.


I hate having to agree with you. The empire built on lies is done. Reagan was only proof. Project paperclip was a very bad idea.

Project paperclip

who would have thunk it that importing nazi into gubberment would be have been a bad thing...

it was American busi-nazis bringing over their buddies from the ruins.

But they all made lots of money, 'murika. Funny how them deals with the devil seem to work out for the vilest among us.

The Clintons have succeeded in demolishing the Republican party. Trump, their personal friend, has completely de-legitimized the GOP. Wall Street is open to lobbying Democrats rather than Republicans, because Clinton-type Democrats love the money, and don't have the low public approval rating of Republicans. They have succeeded in creating one central party with no legitimate challengers.

Also, if anyone tries to expose them or hold them accountable, they're subsequently murdered. Journalists are afraid to investigate or ask questions, because they will be murdered too, so they just report the police line - "looks like a suicide, it was a robbery, etc."

So we have a presidential hopeful that has created a central political party and murders political dissidents. If that's not a dictatorship, I'm not sure I know what one is.

They have also exposed the Democratic Party for the fraudulent scam that it is.

Those murders are real. I wish people could fucking get their heads around it.

I don't think you understand how public politics and friendships work. Just because you're brown nosing the powerful politicians doesn't make your their friend.

and he did not disappoint.

lol no

Well, now it looks like Hillary is inevitable.

Enjoy your defeatism. We'll be over here in reality.

I don't even have a word for how I know this is going to turn out.


It's gone, and it's not coming back anytime soon, if ever.

Keep your defeatism to yourself.

Wherever did you get the insane idea that you get to tell other people what to think?