Consider that the theory Pangea was misinfo because its bad business.

0  2016-08-14 by Lb3pHj

Going to drop some knowledge on you fine folks.

Real science is bad for business. So we have been trained since elementary to believe a certain scientific narrative.

Here is the deal:

  1. The earth and all things in our solar system are growing. Just like you or I, or your pets, or any living thing, it has growth. If you take our current globe and shrink it, the continents fit PERFECTLY. Sorry to say, pangea is in fact a lie. New earth and water are constantly being generated from earth's magnificent magnetic field using a process called pair production.

  1. Because of the gravity difference when the earth was much smaller, animals and plants were much much larger. In fact, many, not all, mountains are petrified trees. They lead you to believe the redwoods are the largest. They were far from it.

  1. Lastly, our ancestors didn't feverishly track the stars with giant monuments because they were in to star p0rn. They tracked them because it gave them some idea of when a yuga cycle was coming to an end. Every 26,000 years or so, let's just say the earth gives itself a little cleaning session they needed to be prepared for… This explains many mass extinctions.

Here is an article on the discovery of oceans under the surface from 2014. They state the oceans are locked in a mineral called ringwoodite. I don't think they are.

  1. Our solar system is a helical vortex orbit.

  1. The sun and planets in our solar system grow faster depending on our location in the milky way.

Flat earth is an active disinformation campaign to steer people away from Growing Earth. Your not the only one baffled by the stupidity of a flat earth.


This might be the dumbest shit I've ever read.

Glad it's not THE dumbest and just might be.

It's hard to rank things this stupid because it's mind numbing to read it.

Seriously, if you could even understand the basics behind the various science disciplines behind the things you call into question you'd realize how much of a flaming retard you sound like.

Like what? Let's discuss where our opinions differ...

Literally all of what you said is factually fucked. There's not an opinion to discuss here. In order to believe this you have to have zero understanding of anything in the related scientific fields.

Thank you for explaining that!!

Well I thought it was interesting until 411 and kingsalomon started talking shit, then my insecurity kicked in and I began to doubt the theory. Sounded real fucking interesting however I feel like you're just appealing to my blatant hatred of flat-earth.

Can you explain more on the mass extinctions or Earth's self cleanse?

The shills get crazy when you expose that pangea is bullshit and the earth is growing. We are led to believe that a meteor slammed into the earth and caused a mass extinction when in fact birds and alligators survived. I feel they survived because they could swim and reach higher grounds.

I think as the earth keeps growing more water is generated and new earth is generated. Look at the recent floods in Louisiana and Texas.

I think the water tables are rising and this will become the norm. I used to be very pro global warming but now I'm not so sure if it's that much man made as it is natural occurrence for the earth to go through phases of water rising and warm.

I'm speculating that depending on our location in the galaxy the earth goes through warming and cooling phases. Water and land and growth are also slowed or quickened depending on location.

Duuude. I am/was pro global warming but your post is the first time I've had an really alternate idea presented somewhat wrapped up with the 'earth is alive' thing too. I'm not sure how I feel about that, I don't think I fully comprehend it. If the Earth is alive or like sentient does that mean it's aware we are totally fucking things up and views us as a virus? Or is it alive in just the sense that it grows and floods motherfuckers every so often.

I have to admit it would really help explain past cultures hard on towards the stars, that's a pretty big deal (mass extinctions) they would definitely want to be aware of. The current explanation is: "Well them guys had to farm".

Damn this shit is fascinating food for thought.


Also, we were told in school that civilization started in Egypt for the most part. But now they are finding ancient ruins in syria and whole cities in WATER that are dating back 10-12k BC so the whole Egypt beginning of civilization goes out the window. Who knows how many lost cities there have been.

As far as earth being sentient... Idk.. does it feel pain? Does a plant feel pain?

Are we bleeding the earth and burning it's blood?

And yup.. as of a few weeks ago I would consider myself a militant atheist who though the corps were destroying our planet with carbon.. now, I'm not so sure. I think the media plays up the whole global warming thing.

As far as starting to believe in a higher power, this came from seeing all the elite hardcore worshipping Satan behind the scenes. Like, wtf?

Even if my higher power is life and love for the earth with gives me life and grows with me, to me that is something.

Also, I always thought of the Bible's flood stories just a myth, but now I'm not so sure... We got rising sea levels. We got people lying to us about why the sea levels are rising. And we got people who run the world worshipping Satan.

Not only this, but anytime I post anything about growing earth theory the shills come out of the woodwork sooo hard to discredit it and make you sound like a lunatic even though it makes more sense than pangea.

I got banned twice from 4chan and 8chan after people Started getting behind the theory. Thread was removed.

Oh I could of told you the flood totally happened bro. We got multiple civilizations/cultures talking about it, pretty sure its in gilgamesh or however that epic is spelt.

So check this out. Perhaps the water pressure under us is what makes the earth expand, or grow... And then when the water releases we get the flood.

Perhaps earthquakes are just little releases of pressure.

Interesting but does the Earth ever recede in size? Or is every expansion added onto once there's too much water.

Now we are just speculating. But if you look at sea floor maps, it looks like it is only growing one way.

What scares me is that the globalists aren't even trying.. the odd earthquakes we are getting... The floods in areas that never have flooded before... Could we be entering a new cycle? Is our earth about to burst with water? Shit man, i went from atheist to talking on the phone with my boy about building an ark.

Also, media related there was some buzz about someone building an ark replica in may.

I read about that ark it's very Religious I think you have to fill out a promise sheet in order to be hired, maybe a not so subtle cover though who knows. Is this shit going to happen in out lifetime is my question seems there's plenty of signs yet major "disaster" years go by and by.

Yea. I remember laughing in 2000 about the end of the world and then in 2012.... The thing is... The climate and energy right now just feels like something I never felt. Obviously your feeling it too and this is why we are having this discussion.

Just the down votes this topic is receiving tells me that they are censoring this info.

As of recent this theory has been going viral. It just makes sense.

wow ive never heard of mountains actually being trees.. amazing. those pics are crazy haha. are u saying ALL mountains ? thanks for any more info u have

No.. not all mountains. But ancient trees were huge. And as we know, a dead tree eventually becomes petrified. I'm sure some subduction exists but not as much as they would like you to think as they have a vested interest in not letting you know the earth is growing. Think of the implications if everyone found out the earth is a living thing and we literally are bleeding it dry and burning it's blood.





You post whatever video you want.


Bahaha haha. Deleting your comments? I can't delete your comments ... This is getting weird, help!!!!

Hold on, I'll go find the video and post it so you can level out...


Are you new here? Welcome.. also, you can just say "hey, post that Russian guys vid who touches on the petrified tree subject"..

I like to avoid his video because he is a flat earther. I feel that info is wrong and takes away from the truth being growing earth.

He may not be a flat earther. He says something like "if you believe the earth is flat then you are half right" which could mean that if your mind is open enough to entertain the idea of flat earth then you're on the right path. He doesn't explicitly say that the earth is flat.

Fair enough. His post is convoluted enough to question what he is actually saying and it is my duty to absolutely take a shit on all things flat earth.


Haha.. your comment is still at the top. I also posted a link to the video your talking about. Wew lad, what autism spectrum are you? Can you taste colors?

Lol.. I'm not claiming this work as my own you air glutton.



Your the first Reddit psychopath I've come across. I'm scared.