Chemtrail denying article on the front page, any thoughts on that?

0  2016-08-14 by 4thdimensionalshift

Most all of the top comments were deleted, personally I'm an avid believer in chemtrails and geoengineering. Seems like typical misinformation on r/science


I'm leaning toward the article is accurate.

Have you extensively researched all of the evidence on ? There is a ridiculous amount of evidence not to mention I've personally seen chemtrails turn into a hazy mist later in the day, I've watched them form, turn into clouds, then fill the rest of the day with mist, and I live way out in the woods, there are no other sources of this mist.

lol, the same geoengineeringwatch that has been busted photoshopping images, lying about what certain things are (ballast barrels) while simultaneously displaying a complete lack of knowledge regarding atmospheric sciences? This is your source? Seriously?

There is a simple scientific reason why contrails sometimes turn into a haze of cirrus cloud. You should find out what Deposition is and how it turns contrails into clouds. Jet fuel is a hydrocarbon which breaks down into carbon dioxide and water when it burns. Lots of water. Which freezes into ice crystals. Which then grow into snowflakes. Which then cover the sky in a sheet of haze.

Thanks for Correcting the Record!

Hydro-carbon. It's right there in the name...

I see. Well then. It's settled science then.

If observation isn't the first part of science- then what the fuck is?

Anecdotes sure as shit isn't.

Observation can be used to come up with a theory which you then test, with data and experiments, not with anecdotes.

I'm fairly sure the government admitted to it a while back, definitely to cloud seeding which equates to chemtrails.

Cloud seeding is real. Chemtrails are a conspiracy theory with no evidence to support them. Big difference.

Isn't cloud seeding a plane leaving a TRAIL of CHEMICALS in the air?

I guess if you count water as a chemical, then yeah.

Cloud seeding is not done by spraying water, they use silver nitrate and other chemicals, do some research.

You do some research. It's literally just the water vapour the jet releases. Before you start believing evidence contrary to science, you should first find evidence against the norm.

Ok, you don't know what cloud seeding is, thats fine.

Go look at that users profile who you responded to and what they comment on, they seem like such a shill, like it's their job to debunk "conspiracies" lol

This is my alt account, since I don't want /r/conspiracy to be on my main account. Just because I disagree with your nonsensical ramblings doesn't make me a shill.

Cloud seeding is done at 5 - 10,000 feet using aircraft to dive in and out of existing clouds, spraying chemicals like silver iodide, dry ice, and common builder's cement, into the slipstream of the aircraft. So-called 'chemtrails' are coming off airliners flying at 30 - 40,000 feet.


Glad you got it all figured out there, buddy

So you admit that chemtrails are real, right on.

No I do not admit that chemtrails are real. They are a paranoid conspiracy theory with no science to support them.

Note the usage of "so-called".

"spraying chemicals like silver iodide, dry ice, and common builder's cement, into the slipstream of the aircraft"


Cloud seeding is real. Chemtrails are a conspiracy theory with no evidence to support them. Big difference.