Tranny Conspiracy

41  2016-08-17 by callmebaiken

So in NC they're are telling the teachers to no longer refer to students as boy or girl or any gender pronoun, but instead use gender neutral pronouns for all. And of course here in Austin you can't find a sex specific bathroom anymore, they're all uni, which is fine, actually works in the person who needs to pee's favor more often than not. But here's what I don't get: why the emphasis on erasing genders as the solution? Why not make getting people to accept transsexuals as being whatever sex they change to the goal? I mean if it's all for them, that's THEIR goal, right? To me that gives away that this has nothing to do with making .3% of the population feel comfortable. It's all about erasing gender as part of some bizzare psychological operation to break us down mentally and make us more pliable.


Speaking for those of us who live in the US: It's not hard to figure out. We're given this issue to fight about because the outcome doesn't affect profits one way or the other.

If it affected the material interests of extremely rich individuals or multinational corporations, I can tell you one thing with confidence bordering on certainty: it would be out of our hands and not on the table for discussion, much less change.

Every single one of us should be onto this kind of bullshit by now.

This issue has some characteristics that make it ideal as a tug-of-war toy for the public. It hits people in the gut and mobilizes all sorts of powerful conditioned responses that most people begin to learn before they can even speak, which are therefore difficult or impossible for most people to articulate. People's responses to this issue are based on strong emotions rather than reason, which is not a bad thing in itself, but it makes for a nearly irresolvable hot button issue and therefore a wonderful distraction.

If we change the signs on the bathrooms, the pseudo-left can congratulate themselves on making social progress without challenging the plutocracy that exploits, enslaves, lies, steals, and kills for profit. Indeed, the more wealthy among them (NPR donors, for example) can pat each other on the back while continuing to see "growth" in their financial portfolios concentrating on pharma, energy, banking, military contractors, and so on.

On the other side, whatever passes for conservatives these days can foment panic centering on this paper tiger of a leftist threat to Our Way of Life. They dig in their heels, buy more guns, turn up the heat on the rhetoric, go out to discount chain stores to guard the restrooms, and just generally increase the apparent level of discord in society.

All of this preoccupies the public in self-righteous fury without posing a single substantial challenge to power. And people are totally convinced it's a crucial issue. It's beautiful.

If we're serious about identifying and resisting conspiracies that materially detract from our well being and security by subverting notions of democracy and human rights and turning them against the people, then we absolutely must refuse to participate in this idiotic skirmish. Whenever and wherever it comes up, we should point out how funny it is that this little tempest just happens to challenge NONE of the priorities of our plutocracy, priorities they pursue at our great expense. Then we should turn the discussion to more urgent and important matters that are of real, material concern, here in the US and globally.

Very well put. I completely agree. When people bring up what a great president Obama has been, this is usually my response: he's been wonderful for social issues that essentially challenge nothing besides common sense - saying we shouldn't torture, saying that marijuana shouldn't result in caging human beings, and that gay people should be allowed to be together. No fucking shit. But the important stuff - wiretapping, illegal killings, bombing people with flying robots, and allowing corporatism to continue - all of that is dismissed as, "well, Bush started it, Obama is a good man". Anyway, well put, I agree, fuck.

Those people who blame bush are still plugged into the matrix. They are so anerd that they simply can't be saved. Their indoctrination is complete.

*inured (I think)

I wasn't sure on that one.

Those people who blame bush are still plugged into the matrix.


Then doing nothing to curtail the DEA.

B-but he can't just decide to reschedule it.

Even if he can't, he could still publicly come out in favor of it.

Fantastic response.

Perfect response, exactly how I feel just way better spoken.

In my opinion, it is just more about destroying the fabric this country was built on.

Traditional relationships, children after marriage, religious, etc.

They destroy what the country is about and Americans no longer have a heritage.

One big melting pot of selfish, ignorant fools.

It's the destruction of Western values being strong-headed by (((you know who)))

George Soros?


Rule 10 only warning.

Is it r/conspiracy policy to chastise people who call out Anti-Semitism? That person implied that Jews are somehow eroding American values. Doesn't that sort of terrible implication deserve punishment, or at least a warning?

If you think I was chastising you I would say you need some thicker skin. The other user did not break rule 10, you did. It's really that simple. Cheers.

voldemort didn't have a nose

One big melting pot of selfish, ignorant fools.

Perfectly put.


You can cut a pedophile and they'll bleed. You can cut a serial killer and they'll bleed. Hitler bled. So does Dick Cheney (I think).

I'm not sure the "new" and "great" thing you see on the horizon is not the false front of the facade of the Antichrist. Good luck.


the Christ is something like feudalism.

Don't see that AT ALL.


Is this sarcastic? Honestly I cannot tell


I often go back to how early humans would have behaved, or how mother nature works before our civilization told us how to be. I get my cues from nature. With that, I understand that some other creatures on this planet are homosexual, some change their sex depending on the availability of the opposite sex to procreate with, some are monogamous, some spread their love everywhere they go. Humans are no different, as we have seen through time and culture. BUT...humans, I feel, are being led to the destruction of our male and female genders, why I'm still not quite sure. I have always been supportive of the LGBTQ community and have been a staunch supporter of their rights and not being bullied and such. But recently, probably at the time of Bruce Jenner's transformation, I realized that there is definitely an agenda going along with this movement, and it's not to support the LGBTQ community. It's far more nefarious.

The main thing about culture is that it is influenced by biology but can never be solely or strictly determined by it. That's by definition. Plasticity, contingency, adaptation independent of biology-- these are the very things that distinguish culture from those innate traits and tendencies we call "instinct."

How cultures deal with gender norms and individual gender identity provides a great example. In the anthropological record, there is huge variety regarding these things. But in all cultures, there ARE gender norms of one kind or another, and there ARE also those who appear to just constitutionally not conform or fit into the general gender identity standard, and there ARE ways for other individuals to respond to those individuals. Culture provides the specifics of these norms and the standard responses to deviation from the norm.

There is very little biological determinism on the latter point especially. Some cultures punish transgression. Others see it in positive terms and deal with it constructively. Neither approach seems to appreciably increase or decrease the incidence or rate or prevalence of those who feel that they don't fit the standard gender norms. And neither approach is either mandated or ruled out by biology. It is really and truly up to us what we do with our trans people and other gender or sexual minorities. What is not up to us is whether or not they will exist.

Woah, that's a very big proclamation there, fella. There have always been atheists, people who were non believers of organized religion. And before there WAS marriage, people would leave each other if they could, women have been long stigmatized for wanting to leave their men or husband, and so stay based on guilt or pressure from other sources. I also don't know how wanting a divorce or being a non believer in ridiculous religions makes a person selfish? I think I get where you're coming from, but don't be too closed minded about things. Humans have gone through so many cycles of what they find appropriate and good, we are on a new cycle I guess.

This is dumb.

Um - I live in Austin. There are definitely plenty of gender specific bathrooms. Only places with all gender neutral are small shops/restaurants with only 1-2 bathrooms or the W.

I live in NC and teachers have been told no such thing.

read your talmud

Go on..

Religion of peace?

I wonder if there are these gender changes going on in Israel?

What scares me the most, is to undo the damage, it is like stuffing the genie back into the bottle. The fraction of a percentage, has been given the national stage, and now, to deny that group the spotlight, will be seen as homophobic(?), transophobic(?).

There are two genders. It's binary. A or B. 1 or 0. If someone cannot understand what they've been dealt, it's a mental problem, not an acceptance problem.

I'd read somewhere that this type of mental order, can be linked directly to birth control pills, that alter a woman's estrogen. Possibly passing this alteration down to the child, and, adversely affecting the link between the organs that they've been dealt, and the belief that they are rightfully assigned.

It's because Baphomet is trans. Everything is pushing a Satanic agenda.

This. Its Satan and Lilith in union as shemale. Babalon

Funny because as soon as I've mentioned the Bible and these elite worshiping Satan with their obvious occult symbolism before I get down voted. Apparently me waking up and studying the Bible for 5 months is the 'Ultimate disappointment of a freethinker' according to one member.

The family unit is the bedrock of a civilized society and is the main line of defense between the individual and the state. The blurring of genders makes both sexes disgusted with one another and families start to dwindle; the lack of proper authority figures in the mother and father also make it an easier choice for people to rely on the state for support. It's also an attempt at population control (which is also true when promoting homosexual lifestyles and pushing for subsidized birth control and abortion). One effect of gender blurring is how everyone becomes androgynous. Prepubescent children are androgynous. You may have noticed leftist rags like Salon asking people to understand pedophilia. We can only guess how many political elites engage in this behavior, but I'm willing to bet it's a fuck ton. Another population control strategy as little girls would be unable to bear children of their own. It also destroys them psychologically, becoming easily malleable to authority.

You may have noticed leftist rags like Salon asking people to understand pedophilia. We can only guess how many political elites engage in this behavior, but I'm willing to bet it's a fuck ton

You sir/madam are an oracle

Well of course, that's because it never had anything to do with acceptance. The idea is to pursue ultimate "equality" by tearing down everything that can possibly differentiate one thing from another. That absolutely weakens our foundations and makes us more pliable.

Meh, it's an issue that divides which can be seen as social progress. A calculated bone to toss to the wolves as a distraction. As long as we discuss it and not something of value that impacts the status quo, well...

Welcome to the Brave New World.

A lot of this also in the book Starship Troopers, if I remember right. It's been ages.

I think they use social issues way too much now but that's what they want to do. All this terrible shit going on around us, why not distract everybody with a person using the wrong bathroom?

People need to wake up and realize we shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves and stand up to a corrupt government who is manipulating these stories.

I'm open for unisex bathrooms. They have been doing this in European countries for a long time now. Any form of separation works against us.

Its not even about transgender. Its about unity and as funny as this sounds, unisex bathroom breaks down divisions.

It's a leftist agenda to destroy cultural norms

Speaking as a leftist (if that term even means anything anymore), the idea of destroying norms-- to the extent that I can make sense of it-- is repulsive to me.

It seems like a sort of generalized, pervasive normlessness in a society would be very destructive to group cohesion, not to mention the well being of ordinary individuals, especially the most vulnerable and exploited members of society. Can you explain why I should want this?

Because one of my objections to the current social arrangement is that society is not providing individuals with much moral guidance at all. It's distressing and alienating for most people.

Now, there is also a harmful situation where norms are too stringent, and the behavior of individuals is too rule-governed. But I don't think the US suffers from that condition at the present time.

Maybe what we're seeing is a mismatch between some rules of behavior and the reality that most people perceive, so that the old norms lose their sense of meaning or relevance or purpose. In that case, I wouldn't be inclined to celebrate the decline of the old norms and leave it at that. I'd put a lot of priority on discovering new norms that are meaningful to common people.

I can see why authoritarians or even radical individualists might want to weaken norms, but I can't relate to it as a leftist. Just the opposite. I'm pretty sure it immiserates the people. Why would I want to do that?

In terms of transgenderism, I see 1 of 2 theories which I will explain, and possibly both.

The first is that our industrialized society is producing a ton of food/water/air supplies all tainted with leached plastics (BPA + Others) that have shown to be endocrine hormonal disruptors. Same goes with all the glyphosate and other insecticides and what not, are also showing in studies to disrupt hormones, all of which gets leached into the food supply, the drinking water, and the air coming off of surrounding farms, with various studies to prove that almost all American children have glyphosate in their blood/urine.

Another theory is that our culture is close to collapse, and when it does so, as seen in rat colonies that have limited space to procreate:

When the rats reach their procreation peaks in terms of space/resources, you start finding some rats become asexual, homosexual, narcissism (the Beautiful ones) and the colony over all stops procreating with many of the females becoming sterile.

I see this in many of the people I grew up with, many of the women can't get pregnant, many of the men said 'F*ck it' after their first divorce and are refusing to have kids and remarry, choosing to spend their free time in various hobbies and opting for porn and/or the occasional one nighter. We see narcissism given a stage via selfies and facebook, and so forth.

No I am not against trans and fact I've counseled such folks in my past job and have a very close gay friend who admitted he wish he could be normal like all the other guys, but hm being molested by an uncle has created is association for sex with the male gender. I taught to at least accept and go from there, and I know not everyone is like that.

In terms of social norms, there is something valid to a couple staying together and working through their problems and doing their best to raise the next generation as a family where the children have a strong sense of feminine and masculine, and there are various studies that show that kids can have a variety of issues without a strong male role model in their lives (a specifically big problem in gang infested minority neighborhoods)

In terms of religion, I agree its shit as an exoteric outer shell, but if you dig deeper in most religions you will find a deep inner esoteric core that deals with transformation and direct experience, and is there specifically because we are all souls and need soul based teachings and transformation in order to be whole and content/complete.....and I speak from experieince from my own massive spiritual awakenings that lead to an inner contentment that could never be found in what the world has to offer: job/money/sex/relationship/materialism/food/travel/etc.

Not too long ago the stay at home mother was a basis and foundation for the children being raised and someone was always there for them. No, everyone is too busy at work to raise their own kids, so that culture and television and schools raise the kids and program them differently than the stay at home mom did.....and I can tell you that raising a kid and keeping the household in order is a full time hard ass job.

Now I'm not saying women should all be stay at home moms.....I understand women's rights and equality and all that...but even feminists and pro-womens rights women end up taking lengthy time off to raise and spend time with their kids.

With these strong cultural norms that used to be in place, you can argue that there was a deeper set of morals/values/conscience which is slowly disappearing. You can also Google George Soros with his leaked foundation emails and see that him and many globalists are behind a variety of cultural warfare techniques to destroy social norms for the sake of destabilizing a country from within.

All good stuff to think about. I'm more right the left.....but more so independent and see a variety of strengths and weaknesses from both sides

I agree with a good bit of what you say about the inner teachings of religious traditions and so on.

As far as your two theories go, I haven't got quite past the question forming phase and therefore am not in a good position to consider possible explanations or models yet. But what you say seems plausible enough on the face of it. Overcrowding certainly seems to affect reproductive behavior profoundly.

My main question was why should I, as a leftist, want to destroy social norms? It sounds like you're pointing to George Soros and his desire to destabilize society as an example. But that's just it. I consider Soros a plutocrat, not a leftist. A centrist at most. I can understand why he would like to inflict a sort of anomie on the general population. But garden variety leftists? I think most of us would rather relieve the suffering of common people than inflict more of the same. Just my thoughts.

My main question was why should I, as a leftist, want to destroy social norms?

The globalists use the left to manipulate and destroy cultural norms under the guise of various programs and movements. Its easier to manipulate the left over the right and Soro's organization leaks are showing he does exactly this.

You may think the 'left' is the best position because of X reasons but those same reasons can be used to manipulate you to vote for the Left and and to support destructive causes....but the same goes for the right

You're right that garden variety lefties aren't necessarily wanting to destroy culture at least unknowingly. If you are conscious of your decisions and how your programs and 'change' affect the whole then you're good, but most are unaware.

You can see this in the terrorist based BLM movement which at heart has a positive position about change for Blacks, but has resulted in murders, violence, destruction of their own neighborhoods, racism, and negative energy that will not get them anywhere close to the change they want, and I'm half black and grew up partially in the 'hood' so I know exactly why and how to solve this.

You need father figures and male role models in the ghettos with after school programs and incentives to join and be part of these programs. Then blacks should form a society as was in 'Black Wallstreet;,_Tulsa

Also you need programs that teach about consciousness, spirituality, and the awareness of the brainwashing and influence that thug/rap culture bring into these neighborhoods.

But they are not fixing their own ghettos, instead they are just yelling really loudly and causing chaos while nothing ever changes while pointing the finger at others

I think most of us would rather relieve the suffering of common people than inflict more of the same. Just my thoughts.

Look at the pic above, a quote from a Buddhist who are a culture that are about as pacifist, loving of others, helping others, peaceful as you can get, and even they know from experience that you 'can't sleep next to a rabid dog.'

That's what many people and movements are like, rabid dogs that can't be helped, and therefore we need quarantine and avoidance

It's so the extraterrestrials can blend.

It's the breakdown of competing value systems to the power of the state. Truth is now relative. There is no one truth, there is only your truth or my truth, and we have to feel good and be tolerant - as we bomb people on the other side of the world. The psychological abuse causes us split from aspects of our personality turning us into zombies. Even being reactive is part of the trap. The trick is to watch what is happening and to stay awake.

Welcome to liberal logic 101 son. As long as someone feels warm and fuzzy from the results and you get to stroke your liberal friends in the circlejerk for doing this deed, it is automatically awesome and you are a better person because of it.

Third gender to sell to becasuse we've exhausted all other fashion ideas

I accept someone as a gender they are not is placating a mental disorder. It is the exact same thing as telling a schizophrenic that the voices in the radio are in fact speaking to them, or their invisible friends are real.

It's fine to act out your mental disorder, it is not fine to force me to accept you as something you are genetically not, and never will be, no matter how many pills you take or plastic surgery you have.

Exactly. The powers that be actually despise LGBT people but want to ram it down our throats because subconsciously, it's a drain on us. Why do I say this? In reality, we all sort of cringe away from obvious opposite gender individual because of natural feelings buried in our subconscious. Forcing us to make a conscious, fake acceptance of them because of the added political correctness pressure induces a mildly stressful situation and this is what they are shooting for. Anything to put the 99.7% even slightly off balance in our daily lives.

Long story short, the powers that be themselves can't stand the agenda that they are pushing on all of us, but they do it so that we are on occasion put off balance in spite of what our natural thought process tells us.

Because having no gender identity creates mass androgyny. No sex, no race, maybe cover up with a burka to avoid being harassed, and then have you keep focusing on identity politics full time like a good little idiot. The content and subject of one's fight/issue is equal to one's intelligence.

I think this analysis wildly overestimates the extent to which gender identity can be socially conditioned.

Granted, specific aspects of gender identity are very much socially conditioned, and this is an extremely powerful mechanism for shaping behavior.

But I seriously doubt that "no gender identity" or "mass androgyny" can be engineered into the public consciousness. And I'm not a person who knows nothing about this. I'm so confident in the human drive towards gender, that if you say they're going to train it out of us, I'm tempted to respond "let them just try!" Because they will fail. Human behavior may be pliable, but it's not infinitely so.

But I don't really want to "let them try" because I think it does a lot of damage to individuals when some illegitimate authority tries to force artificial, arbitrary, and ill-fitting gender norms on human beings. I think our society already has that problem! The last thing we should do is more of that.

All of which is to say, I have no doubt that the self appointed social engineers would try to manipulate gender norms for their own benefit, including (possibly) in the way that you propose, by trying to erase gender identity altogether. Hell, I wouldn't put any program of dehumanization past these spooky bastards. I just doubt that they'll succeed in that one.

You're right, it's very hard to erase millions of years of predisposed traits and instincts. Kinda like how boys usually reach for the toy trucks first, and girls usually reach for the dolls. But god bless the manipulators of public opinion for trying to normalize an extremely marginal occurrence, by portraying it as commonplace.

Yes, and some of the gender norms of a given society are going to be more arbitrary, and some less so. Hair length is one of those that I think is pretty arbitrary. Preferring toy trucks (as in your example) or toy weapons over, say, dolls-- that's less arbitrary, I think, and has some direct link with biology. Though I think it's still important to say that culture heavily conditions these tendencies in all cases.

So yes, I think that in our culture for example, most boys prefer the truck and most girls the doll. But even in our population, there's a lot of variation among individuals. There's an expected degree of variation among individuals in the strength of the preference for the sex-normative toy. And of course, at the far end of the distribution, you have some whose preference may represent a full-blown transgendered identity. I suspect that the distribution of such a trait in a given population follows a Bell curve or normal distribution, and this is pretty much the case, no matter how you reward or punish conformity or deviation from the expected gender norms.

So yeah, whatever the gender norms are, most people will probably identify mostly with the ones that are associated with his or her sex. But there will be some variation. And you will always get some transgendered people. If any part of gender identity is a heritable biological trait, then that's just a simple matter of statistics.

So I guess I'm back to saying that I (almost) dare any authority figures to even try to mass engineer androgyny into the population. They will fail! Just my thought. :)

Well of course, that's because it never had anything to do with acceptance. The idea is to pursue ultimate "equality" by tearing down everything that can possibly differentiate one thing from another. That absolutely weakens our foundations and makes us more pliable.

Yeah, definitely a psychological tactic. Just like in a cult, you destroy everything the makes the person an individual, then you have control over them.

Just fyi, most of us don't like the term tranny. But I also get what you're saying. For the most part, trans people just want to be recognized as the gender we feel appropriate. Abolishing gender kind of defeats the purpose IMO.

Typed this in another thread somewhat relevant.

This whole LGBT(Q?) thing thats been going on for a while now. Teaching kids in school that it's okay to be gay is one thing but when we're teaching kindergartens that it is NORMAL to be LGBTQ that's where I start to have a problem. It is absolutely not normal and to those who believe that you can be born gay or lesbian I would say this. You have to be careful making claims like this that cant at this point be proven or disproven with science because once you say that people can be born gay you open up the door to EVERY other minority group looking to get there hands on some legislature. Next thing you know people will be coming out of the woodwork 'I was born a pedophile', 'I was born a rapist, thug, murder etc'.

It's because both embryos are female, but men are molded by testosterone + behavior. If you try to introduce BPA and other quasi-estrogens in the environment along with suppressing typically male behavior, you've successfully negated both factors that make men men and turned them into feminized bitches.

In the end, you've created a society in which men are genetically supposed to be men, but don't act like it. Do you see now what is the reason behind the entire LGBT movement and why it's so heavily endorsed? It's legitimizing this horrible decade-long genetic, biological and psychological experiment and making it as in-your-face as possible, giving a release valve and channeling the creative energy by telling men that "it's okay to not act like a man, gender is a sociological construct anyway" etc.

In the end, it's all about quashing revolutions before they happen, because women don't rebel against the government; men do.

Unisex bathrooms breaks down mental barriers. No segregation. We are more cohesive for it.

Who cares? If someone referring to you as the wrong pronoun makes you have a mental breakdown then that should only make you have more sympathy for trans people.

Yes, and some of the gender norms of a given society are going to be more arbitrary, and some less so. Hair length is one of those that I think is pretty arbitrary. Preferring toy trucks (as in your example) or toy weapons over, say, dolls-- that's less arbitrary, I think, and has some direct link with biology. Though I think it's still important to say that culture heavily conditions these tendencies in all cases.

So yes, I think that in our culture for example, most boys prefer the truck and most girls the doll. But even in our population, there's a lot of variation among individuals. There's an expected degree of variation among individuals in the strength of the preference for the sex-normative toy. And of course, at the far end of the distribution, you have some whose preference may represent a full-blown transgendered identity. I suspect that the distribution of such a trait in a given population follows a Bell curve or normal distribution, and this is pretty much the case, no matter how you reward or punish conformity or deviation from the expected gender norms.

So yeah, whatever the gender norms are, most people will probably identify mostly with the ones that are associated with his or her sex. But there will be some variation. And you will always get some transgendered people. If any part of gender identity is a heritable biological trait, then that's just a simple matter of statistics.

So I guess I'm back to saying that I (almost) dare any authority figures to even try to mass engineer androgyny into the population. They will fail! Just my thought. :)

You may have noticed leftist rags like Salon asking people to understand pedophilia. We can only guess how many political elites engage in this behavior, but I'm willing to bet it's a fuck ton

You sir/madam are an oracle