Since it seems Hillary Clinton health might be nosediving, what does this do to the idea that she’s already been “selected” to be the next president?

3  2016-08-20 by no1113

I mean will she become the next president and then quickly die after a week and a half in office? Hell, will she even make it to office before her body gives out?

Not that I give a fuck. Truth is she 100% shouldn't be in office. The last thing she needs to be is president of the United States under any circumstances. She's an evil motherfucker childfucker (thanks for the correction, /u/IanPhlegming). I'm just saying that it does indeed appear that the MSM is heavily pushing for her to be the next POTUS. It's bullshit to be sure, but the MSM is indeed pushing that angle.

So if TPTB get what they seem to be pushing for and she gets in the oval will the fact that she very well may be in pretty dire physical health affect their plans for her after she gets in? Kind of hard to implement their plans through their next puppet president if their next puppet president's dead.

Maybe they can do a Weekend At Bernie's style presidential campaign or something.

I wonder if TPTB planned for this or anticipated that their presidential candidate would like...die before they even get in office. lol.

Anyway...just thinking out loud...

EDIT: Very relevant article.


Out of curiosity what evidence is there for her health nose-diving?

Perhaps my view that her health is nosediving might be incorrect, but I've been seeing a lot of reports around here lately showing her being held up by assistants, her missing various public speaking engagements that she should have made, her being recorded shaking and moving erratically, etc. There seems to be a lot of evidence that at least indicates that something seems quite a bit awry w/her physically speaking. The top most popular OP in this sub at the moment even is about how long she's gone w/out showing up publicly.

There's a narrative being constructed based on very little evidence. Whether or not the evidence becomes substantiated, the question should be Why is there so much "support" for the new narrative being constructed, and who is behind such an intentional narrative, for what purposes?


I'm certainly not saying there's any sort of "definitive proof" that she's at death's door or anything, but there do seem to be some murmurings that something's not right.

Which I do with my mother who doesn't need assistance and is a little younger than her.

Your mother, however, is not (I presume, though I may be wrong, of course) any sort of global public figure who's constantly trying to appear to "have it together" and look "strong" and "confident" in front of the viewing public. If your mother had a multimillion dollar PR department making sure she appears "awesome" at all times in everyone's eyes, I will absolutely guarantee you that they'll make sure that she is NEVER ever helped up any steps, or held under her arms by body guards like she's a handicapped child as she attempt to walk here or there. An adept PR department would NOT have that happen. They'd know how it would appear and come across.

You helping your mother doesn't apply to H. Clinton being helped because it's a very different context and the circumstance. Clinton being publicly helped like she has been is in fact a noteworthy thing because, again, I know her PR department would never want to even hint that she needs some serious assistance or can't do basic, menial things on her own without assistance like walk up steps, open doors, or stand in front of a podium to give a speech or answer questions. The only circumstance under which a knowledgeable PR department would allow her to be helped like that is if they knew she was reeeaaallly fucked up and her guards absolutely had to help her or she might simply fall over and lose all semblance of propriety since she can't do these basic things on her own at this point.

All this is just basic two plus two critical thinking, and you don't really need some sort of "official MSM news source" to tell you this before you understand what it's pointing to. You should be able to figure this out on your own.

I don't mean this last statement in any antagonistic manner toward you, by the way. I'm just saying that one shouldn't necessarily need any type of "trusted source" to tell them what to think before they begin to understand the signs in front of them and see things for themselves is all.


unless you actually have evidence I don't make those assumptions about people in general based upon a picture of a gentleman conducting himself in a manner that his mother probably taught him, and would be proud of.

The validity of everything that I stated above isn’t evidence? Seems like common sense evidence to me. Is it “The MSM told me so, therefore I must believe it” evidence? No, but if that's the only kind of evidence one depends upon, then you're doing it wrong. Often time, that can be some of the weakest evidence around since the MSM is an agenda-driven propaganda department for the state. Anyone who doesn’t know that at this point isn’t paying attention.

In short I don't go oh my God Hillary Clinton's health is nose-diving because I see a picture or two of chivalrous Behavior.

And neither am I doing that. This seems like a pretty bad straw man fallacy actually. Thinking everything I’ve stated is based on “a picture” and that’s it seems willingly obtuse.

I just need a little bit more than that, maybe some medical documents signed by a doctor some health records...........

Do you think that some sort of medical documents signed by a doctor or H. Clinton’s health records would actually be released to the public? Is that what you’re waiting for? Is that what would qualify as “valid evidence” to you?

That seems like quite a steep and unnecessary qualifier to put on this topic before giving the idea that Clinton might be in failing health any validity. It ultimately ignores the other instances of valid evidence toward this that exist.

Evidence like what, you might ask? Well, I stated some of them in my previous post. If you don't buy that as evidence, then okay. As I said initially, these were just some thoughts I was having. I'm not stating anything here as "what is". I'm just stating them as what they seem to be is all.


The cognitive dissonance is going strong as fuck in this one, ladies and gentlemen.

You haven't seen the videos of her completely losing coherence? Or her aides rushing to her to tell her to keep talking?


Rofl, oh. Just saw the post below this. I didn't recognize that you were a shill. My bad.

Exactly this. Gave the benefit of the doubt, but they're seeming more and more like a hardcore Clinton shill. Oh well. Moving on.

^ Only posts to /r/politics, appears in /r/conspiracy new queue at the mere mention of the Death Queen.
Nothing suspicious here guys.


No, you being here is though. Don't forget to vote for /r/jillstein for a corrupt warmonger free America.


Oh sorry, you weren't asking me the question as I'm not OP. That's my second response as it's never too late to do the right thing and vote against corruption.

As you deleted your reply asking me to 'move along for being rude' I'll just paste my reply here:
Your candidate's suggestion that if elected she'll shut down a news source that annoys her is directly against the First Amendment of the Constitution, that's not rude, that's treason.
How about you move along back to your hive of globalist vultures subverting democracy, you're definitely not welcome here. See ya.

Damn. Came back here to post an edit on my OP, and realized dude deleted ALL of his replies in this thread. lol. Yowza. Cowards gonna coward I guess.

Weird, they had the 'totally legitimate upvoters' on their side, maybe they don't want people knowing they're a shill so they can come back again. Shame somebody did this haha.




I think your thinking is broke, textbook CTR diversion though, kudos.


Either she's gotten poisoned with botox, is having seizures, or her symbiote is dying. Not sure which.

Or she's dying.

I mean we're all "dying", of course, but I mean she might be a lot closer to it than others is what I'm saying.

The health aspect is likely a red herring. Its a point of distraction. Instead of criticizing some component of the platform its meant to personally condone the person. Its like the naked Trump doll. The intent is not to criticize an idea but rather the individual and thereby suggest any idea they hold is bunk.

Perhaps others do this, but that's not what's happening in the OP as far as my posting it goes. I literally was just wondering how the possibility of her being really incapacitated would effect things if (God forbid) she actually were to become president.

I'm not trying to distract from anything else, and wasn't even thinking about any other issues but the one I stated when I posted the OP.

That may be. Much of this falls into the category of fear of idea contamination. There have been various iterations of the concept. I'll make the communist analogy because it was the one upon which I was raised. The process was a short one but absolute satiation was apparent when conversations centered on questions like "What if the communists get a sleeper agent into the White House?" The question itself is absurd and based on a false concept but it facilitates maximum distraction.

fear of idea contamination

I…don’t even know what that is. ELI5?

The question itself is absurd and based on a false concept but it facilitates maximum distraction.

I guess I see what you’re saying…but it seems to me you’re mistaken in your interpretation because there very much does indeed seem to be a viable reason to think that H. Clinton is possibly in quite ill health. It is no type of “distraction” to wonder if her health is in such bad shape that she may not even make it to the presidency - let alone be able to hold it if she (again, God forbid) actually gets it - since there do seem to be quite a few indications that she is in fact not well physically, etc.

By using therm idea contamination I simply meant that polarization can cause an individual to avoid certain ideas because considering the idea might influence them, i.e. 'contaminate' them.

Are you saying that bringing up this issue of her possible ill health can distract people from focusing on her rampant unscrupulousness and criminality? I don't know if you are or aren't saying that, but if you are, I would say that I in no way was ever attempting to do anything of the like, and I don't think bringing up such an issue should to any extent take any attention away from said rampant unscrupulousness on her part.

I was just wondering if her getting in office might all be a moot point if she's in such ill health that she croaks not long after getting in.

The health aspect is likely a red herring.

Are you kidding? Did you see Hillary's bobble-head impression? That woman is sick, sick, sick.


The old lady also said the anti Christ would have a major head injury and survive... HRC! Coincidence? I think not.


The lady is called Baba Vanga,I think. Look up her predictions on the end times.


Maybe it was someone else's predictions. I will have to figure out where I heard that one. Edit: it is in the bible. Revelations 13:3


Haha! I am a naturally curious person, but working in accounting is very eye opening to how things work With regards to how businesses shuffle money to avoid this or that.But can be very very monotonous; which leads to boredom.

Poor health is a bullshit angle to push and all it serves is to distract from the actual dangers of a Hillary presidency.

Kennedy had progressively worsening Addison's disease that would have become visible if he had been in office longer. Reagan was clearly developing Alzheimer's in his second term. All of this was kept secret, and yet people don't flame about this stuff.

There's weren't as obviously imminent as Clinton's seems to be.

I also addressed this very issue elsewhere in this thread as well. There's zero attempt on my part to distract from Clinton's criminality. If I had anything to say about it, they wouldn't be president. My point was that if she does become president, it seems that she may die on or before she gets in office. That's all.

Soros and the other billionaires who manage and control the Democratic Party don't care if Clinton gets elected -- they just want their boy or girl in the White House. If Hillary gets in and then drops dead two weeks later, they won't shed a tear, because the vice-P will take over and he is still their boy.

Of course. They don't gaf. They just want whatever puppet they chose in there.

Not an evil motherfucker. Evil childfucker. She and Bill both.

Yeah. You're right about that actually. Thanks for the correction. Noted.

Think about how little we've heard about her VP selection. Tim Kaine? Maybe when she kicks the bucket after a week in office he'll take over without most of the public having a say?

Yep. Whoever the VP would be would be a shoe in at that point.

Obama's already made remarks about sticking around for a third term.

Wouldn't rule it out.

Don't know why this comment got downvoted. Not saying anything like this will happen, but who knows at this point.

There's a narrative being constructed based on very little evidence. Whether or not the evidence becomes substantiated, the question should be Why is there so much "support" for the new narrative being constructed, and who is behind such an intentional narrative, for what purposes?