Guess what? If you didn't know the presidency (not just Obama) is handing over the internet domain naming schematic and all rights therein to the U.N. (United Nations). What a coincidence, goes hand and hand with the TPP and other global schemes. What say you?

40  2016-08-21 by i_reddit_for_lulz


They will most definately make Wikileaks unreachable. Mark these words.

Agreed, along with TOR and any other thing they can thing of. Probably cats too.

this is the modern equivalent of the federal government signing away its right to print money in 1913.

What types of policies do most of the countries in the U.N. have toward the internet? Look at China (The Great Firewall) and also Russia as examples.

These powers will allow the U.N. as well as the member countries to filter the internet as they see fit and totally cut of portions of it as they see fit.

The world and internet is slowly turning into a cyberpunk novel where we will jack into the grid to meet a contact for xyz reason.

Two is not "most". It's barely even 1%.

Everything I've read states terms of the handover mean that no govt organisation--UN included--can be a stakeholder in the newly-autonomous ICANN. So, no, the internet won't be under the control of the UN. I'm not sure how this is getting perpetuated.

I'm glad you shared this because I haven't heard anything about the terms of the "handover." But I'd still caution skepticism because we've all seen how our federal government has circumvented the Constitution.

Ah, the good ol "invisible hand" of the internet, eh?

It's either that or govt oversight.

As far as I know, ICANN has never been known for censorship, manipulation, or deceipt. So it's not a big deal to me that Obama is removing any and all US govt involvement in its running (which has been pretty mundane).

Yep. ICANN is not "The UN" and it's just fear mongering to say they are. What I find funny is that I often see the exact same people that talk about the US Govt manipulating the Internet and how they shouldn't be involved in controlling it, freaking out because the government is relinquishing control to a private, non-profit entity with a history of keeping the internet generally free and open.

I say its about time the internet was taken out of the hands of the US government.