reddit and millenial popular culture is full of authoritarian, conformist, brainwashed conspiracy deniers.

67  2016-08-21 by [deleted]

everytime you talk about anything involving any sort of actual conspiracy or supposed conspiry theory, millenials go into full blown denialism and mental breakdown.


My generation is totally brainwashed, living in echo chambers, safe spaces, and speaking politically correct bullshit to each other. Most of my friends eat horribly, and pretty much everyone suffers from some kind of unusual health condition already without getting proper treatment.

Even I drank the cool-aid for a while in my 20's. It's extremely hard not to, especially if you subscribe to any kind of western medicine, watch tv, and think what's happening on Facebook is an accurate window into reality.

It's taken me years and a lot of meditation and life experiences to wake me up. Unfortunately most Millennials will never wake up. They've been completely brainwashed and beaten into submission by their parents generation.

We've been set up for failure.

beaten into submission by their parents generation

beaten into submission by corporate propaganda masquerading as news. FTFY

Problem is many of the boomers themselves were propagandized growing up without realizing it and then instilled that same propaganda in their children. So now there's an entire generation running around who thinks anything the media says is true. Even worse they believe the shit they see on Facebook.

Eradicating true journalism and free speech was necessary to control the narrative in this country. These days, if the media tells you to do something or is pushing a certain narrative the reality is the opposite is likely closer to the truth.


I'm of a similar belief, but at the same time we cannot wait. We need to figure out how to work together to take leadership out of the hands of the older generations, especially those who don't understand the implications of modern technology (look at the shit show that is the DNC).

Waiting and being complacent is part of the problem. Do you think the founding fathers of America sat around waiting for someone else to succeed from the British? Fuck no, they were straight up writing in cyphers and code to each other setting the foundation for what eventually become America, and planning a revolution.

Not to mention Gen. X is just now rising to power, and although I love my Gen. X friends, they're equally as corrupted by propaganda, power and greed themselves. Many of them have had to wait until their 40's to acquire leadership roles and even then they're still disenfranchised and out numbered by Baby Boomers, especially in government.

Most Millennials with leadership abilities are not going to acquire true power until their 40's or 50's at this point, and many will end up furthering the agendas of their parents generations for reasons they don't even fully understand. Many of those who have risen up so far are currently sitting in jail, or have been labeled mentally unstable and are being heavily medicated. There's a straight up New World vs. Old World culture war taking place right now, and most people aren't even aware of it.



Our culture has been corrupted and perverted by the rich Jews like Soros until it is unviable. It cannot survive in its present state. It is dying and taking us with it. The family is wrecked. Fathers no longer support their children. Women no longer want to have babies or raise them. There is no moral center. Christianity has been reviled and defiled. In the modern socialist welfare state, the black bum who lives on food stamps has a better life than the poor working white man. Unless this is turned around in a radical way, we're not going anywhere but to hell, people. And I mean hell on earth.

I see it on more of a macro level then blaming one person or group over another.

Soros is obviously a fucked up puppet master, but the problem isn't universally Soros or the Jews, it's the corrupt system that enables someone like Soros to rise to power and have so much power and influence in the first place.

Falling for the "us vs. them" race war or religious mentality is exactly what people like Soros want. It's yet another distraction.

What we need to be focusing our energy on is transparency, accountability, and anti-corruption. How do we hold someone like Soros accountable for funding civil unrest around the world? How do we create a society where everyone can provide for a family, and maintain family values without having one religion pushed upon everyone? How do we create social safety nets or provide for enough well paying jobs for everyone?

These are the kinds of things we need to focus on.

I think millennial see things way more than any other generation. Many believe in the same thing but may not call it a conspiracy. We use the internet so much and have access to information our parents of the 60's and 70's hippie movement couldn't dream of. We see it, however most see it as something they can't change or they are just too complacent or see it as not affecting them (when it does)

That being said this generation grew up with 9/11 which changed the world from the time we were kids in grade school. We have been heavily propagandized into believing everything is fine and true that they tell us in school.

Also many people are PISSED off in America. The revolution is growing. I just think we are running out of time to reach a conclusion peacefully

Yes. I believe a lot of us are just starting to really piece everything together, we grew up literally watching 9/11 on live TV just before school that day. The following propaganda that swept up literally the Nation into a mobilized "yes man" to the Gov was subjected to us as Children that can't be understated.

As a generation we have/had to collectively get over one of the bigger Red Pills out there. I think we are..well...just really apathetic we know everything sucks, have ideas to what lengths the may suck go to and have literally everyone telling us how shitty things are now and that it all really sucks.

That begs the question then:

What do you believe about 9/11? It was obviously a conspiracy, as there was more than one person involved. But who or what was the driving mechanism behind the conspiracy? What do you and your friends think?

I believe it was a pre-planned and somewhat of an inside job possibly to cover up what an audit may or may not have found. I really struggle with if this was just US Elites + Bankers trying to push their own agenda or if it was the US Elites + Bankers trying to push "others" agenda.

I question if it was by design simply due to human wickedness/greed or by design for some sort of Evilness.

Very well said

The millennials came of age in a post 911 world. That's all they know.

This is sort of true, but I think it has more to do with reliable evidence. I think a lot of millennials are receptive to the recent accusations against the DNC.

When you're talking about the majority of stuff posted here... there is little to no valuable evidence that calls for little more than entertaining the idea.

It is possible that many of those millennials are paid to feel that way. But that would be a conspiracy.

I think there definitely are people of all generations that inject their righteously indignant views into people around them. But in my experience, most of that - telling people they are wrong and why - behavior settles down after 25.

Where do I sign up then? It's widely known we're broke as fuck, there's a whole market of us untapped not being paid to feel some type of way. haha.

This careless attitude is helping lead us to our own demise.

Oh wow.

You made a shitty assertion.

No thats my generation and most of them lack critical thinking skills. I blame standardized testing and pandering to keep everyone at the same level for this

There's a lot more social pressure to conform nowadays, too, with friends keeping track of every thought on social media (and thus keeping them in line). People feel better when they get 1000 likes than they do with 3. You won't net quite as many likes with isolating conspiracy theories that make people feel bad. Better to chastise, get validation through likes, and go back to being hip by listening to corporate pop music.

People feel better when they get 1000 likes than they do with 3

BOOM!!!!! I don't think people realize the significance of the massive conspiracy of how Facebook is a construct that is Molding and Shaping modern culture in a very distinct way.

Its creating 'Self Policing' in people where they fear to speak to truth based on the reactions of their peers, and so they remain in this sort of 'cultural status quo'. Its a sheep making machine par excellence in terms of Globalist agendas.

Just like all other generations, the majority have always been Automaton knee jerk status quo reactors with ZERO critical thinking.

We are hundreds to thousands of years from a true global awakening, though it might not be this globe that it happens on

Agree 100%. Propaganda efforts have ramped up exponentially over the past few years. Why? What journalistic news stories are being hidden? We need to wake up before it's too late - before climate change has hit and our corporate-governed world is ruled from underground bunkers next to water and fertile land; that is, until our rulers move to Mars and rule from there. It will all be possible because of the self-policing. Dissent, critical thought, and not working hard are all pretty uniformly looked down upon.

I don't use Facebook, listen to pop music or do anything whatsoever with the intention of conforming to social standards. I also don't believe most conspiracy theories. What does that make me in your opinion?

An independent thinker. Kudos to you.

but this psychological model is seriously stifling humanity's progress... so whats to be done to counter it?

Most are too young to remember pre-911 days, and even pre-2008 days. They've grown accustomed to part time, low pay, technical temp jobs and invasive policies. I'm older so I remember when people had money and job postings made sense. If this era is all you've known then the "everything is getting better" narrative sticks more.

Realistically, you couldn't be more wrong...and close-minded. At least in my life, there are very few (if any) of my friends who don't understand how manipulated our culture is today.

I've had a much more difficult time breaking through the gung-ho 'Merica idealism of the Baby Boomer generation...and why not? The government allowed a middle class to exist at that time, albeit shortly. It's easy to miss or ignore the truth when you're living a comfortable life.

Most millennials are struggling, and even the ones with no debt (like myself) are barely scraping by, because we entered the world during the worst Depression since the Great Depression...and that's the key -- when you're on the verge of poverty, you start to ask questions. You start to seek out why things were better for the generations before you, and why it seems like the government just takes, oppresses, manipulates and kills more and more each year.

Keep your head up. Far more of us know what's really going on than you're giving us credit for.

Well they fucking love conspiracies. "Republicans want to bring back slavery. Corporations want babies to die and all work together as one. Every global warming skeptic is paid by a corporate conspiracy." Etc. No, the problem with millenials is that we live in an era of transparency. The government has always lied. A lot. But we finally notice more. And so progressive types have trouble in this era. Because their whole ideology falls apart with a realistic view politics. A democratic process that checks a central control of all the wealth in the nation? Yeah right. The government should run health care because unlike corporations their motives are pure? Yeah right.

So progressive types have to follow a bunker mentality and hear, see, and speak no evil about the establishment they're hoping will give them all the free shit.

Not sure this is true. The Internet is loaded with bots and shills to make you think that, though.

I think there is a cleaving among Millennials, much like the cleaving of our society in general. There are many, many young people who are VERY suspicious of the "official story," but the bigger problem for them is that they are financially beaten down and feel like there is nothing that can be done.

"We're just waiting on the world to change," as one former generational pop music spokesperson-type sang.

My bigger concern is that when they do finally mobilize, it will not be from a spiritual God-centric viewpoint but a narcissistic self-centered one. I think TPTB have been more successful squeezing God out of Millennials' minds and hearts than suspicion of authority.

You have hit upon the biggest problem.

In the context of society and community it hardly matters as to whether religion, and Christianity specifically, are true or not. What matters is that despite all it's issues it tied people together, checked morals, and unified at least SOME people together in positive ways (yes, including immense problems too).

Science, technology, nihilism, and atheism are the new religions, and we are seeing their fruits bared in society's rapid decline.

The constant "all religions are the same" trope with the pathetic sjw excuses for Islam further serve to exterminate empathy. The expectation of hatred towards the peaceful Christ severs hope. Technology severs community and human interaction while building phony relationships trumpeting abject individualism.

The triumph of selfishness brought about from all of this has severed the spiritual connection, leading to divorce and all other interpersonal problems downline.

It is "every man for himself" social Darwinism and it is a triumph only if you are a Satanist who reads The Art of War.

its the facebook generation ...

there is power in numbers, and we all know it.

and therefore there always will be a much higher number of people rallying behind one goal, accepting one leadership, believing one narrative & having one outlook on life then there are critical thinkers that are willing to organise with others for a common goal. (e.g. choosing a leadership for an anarchist movement)

So for every nice, critical, Reddit post, there easily are

25 "shills for the sheeple" willing to organise against it.

Then add all people who are just having a bad day or like to troll around, and you can do the math why very rarely new ideas and insights get picked up.

the best thing to do is by not trying to 'broadcast' your posts but to 'narrowcast' them, dilligently moulding your argument, for that one upvote, that one simple 'message understood'-signal so that you know that somewhere, in someone, the enlightened advancement of humankind has been propelled...

It's the cognitive dissonance between the panopticon they live in and self-righteousness afforded them.

Seems like a natural consequence of the widespread Prussian School System.

yes. we know.

Public education does wonders

An independent thinker. Kudos to you.

This careless attitude is helping lead us to our own demise.