If you search /r/politics for "Correct the Record," some results show up for the past year. For the past month or so? Literally nothing. The subreddit /r/politics is completed compromised.

3148  2016-08-24 by Interdisciplinary

No matter what your political alignments, or who you're voting for, this is a major issue that the Reddit admins and mods will not address. Ellen Pao received far more attention than this, yet look at the state of /r/politics, for example. Essentially the vast majority of threads are anti Trump, and are often posted by accounts which were created a very short while ago. The probability of their not being even ONE thread or comment in /r/politics that mentions Correct the Record in the past month or so, is impossible. Yet, literally any mention of it has been scrubbed altogether, similar to districts where candidates receive zero votes during an election. It's so extreme it's impossible.

Edit: I've removed some usernames so this post can't be flagged for witch hunting. Some recent accounts have obvious names, equating Trump to Hitler in all caps, or with capitalized "C T R" in their names. Two accounts which posted high ranking material this morning, bothing ending in "Ariel" and stylized the same, were created 23 hours ago, posting similar material. Note: Please do not vote or touch these accounts. This is not a witch hunt. I do not think this qualifies as such, though, because these are all obviously fake accounts not run by individuals, but organizations. On any given day, on /r/politics, you can find tons of similar accounts yourself. These are just some of many.

In those threads, the short-lived nature of these accounts, and their obvious shilling, is never addressed. Instead, some of the top comments are also by similar accounts. One account for example, which aimlessly goes along with posting a generic anti Trump comment, is 21 days old with 100k comment karma.

One group posts in mass, while another group's aim is to dominate top comments. This isn't about politics for me, but this tactic as a whole. And what's most concerning is how transparent and nonchalant it is. The tactics used are the very same ones found in /r/HailCorporate.

We should aim to have topics like this reach /r/all once in a while, so that there is a higher level of awareness. Similar to /r/the_donald, but minus the childish attention whoring. Thoughts?


Honestly I'm amazed that so many people still get involved in discussion there and don't notice that the sub is completely compromised. How do people not see that it's 99% anti trump, and all the comments are the same sarcastic jokes about trump. Are people that blind?

With propaganda, you don't have to convince anyone to agree with you. You just need to convince them that everyone else agrees, whether they do or not. Humans are very social beings and what others think weighs heavily into their own beliefs. That is the one of the secrets of propaganda.

This is exactly why they pose the third-party candidates as spoilers and publicize so many two-way polls.

If the average American citizen acted in their best interests, the two main parties would be the wacko spoilers. In fact, they pretty much already are.

Politics is broken, everyone knows it, and only few know how to fix it. We need to break the bi-partisan dominance. I don't foresee an honest Democrat or Republican ever again. What's the point, when we've already proven we don't care?

But if the message driven into your head is a 1v1 race with no outside chances or a "spoiler", you're getting played. Is it that tough to put together that the same people running the media are the establishment candidate's top donors? Is it that tough to put together that the corporations are driving your thoughts far, far away from an actual politician? One who can fight within the system to regain control?

They don't want us to get back control. They just keep feeding us these hilarious things that Trump is saying and doing as some wild distraction from the one true issue in this election: selecting a representative of Americans. Someone who will bring NEW issues to politics; preferably campaign finance, term limits, paper ballots, fighting voter suppression, replacement of the Electoral College, etc...

Nailed it.

I have far too many educated friends that fail to see this. "Better than Trump" shouldn't be a de facto reason to vote for Hillary.

It works both ways.

I'll let myself out.

This is so spot on.

"Normies are very social beings and what others think weighs heavily into their own beliefs"

fixed it for you

Same reason Democrats always lose elections. They think everyone else must surely agree with them and they stay home. It's what happens when you brainwash your party with crap like "reality has a liberal bias" "progressive/regressive" and "wrong side of history"

Same reason Democrats always lose elections.

... Haven't you guys had a Democrat president for the last 8 years?

Yea but the first term was the Bush effect and the 2nd was some idiot mormon. If McCain had won the nomination in 2000 we'd be in a different world right now. Its a shame two of the strongest candidates of the time couldn't get shit to line up, Colin Powell being the other.

Timing is everything.

Democrats have won 5 of the last 6 presidential elections popular votes... I wouldn't say that they always lose elections by any means.

Imagine posting on this sub and claiming popular vote victory like it fucking matters.

Yea the irony isn't lost on me at all.

Yeah but now the candidate is Trump. I'm sorry but the Mormon guy was way more rational. And I hate Hillary also. I was a Bernie person and probably voting for Stein.

You're always an idiot if you deny climate change and oppose gay marriage. Google shows he might have flopped since losing in 12 though, whatever, he's irrelevant now.

That was a trend more than anything.

Same reason Democrats always lose elections.

Yeah. Remember that time when Obama lost? Oh yeah, me neither.

Democrats always lose elections?

In the past 100 years, democrats have held a majority in both the house and the senate for 57 years. Republicans, 27 years. They held full control over the house, senate, and presidency for 35 years, Republicans 16.

u're so fucked m8.. should never be too tough on the clit!! dun told ya!!!!


I stopped going to r/politics when I got a 7 day ban for pointing out an obvious ctr account. Was all anti Bernie, anti Trump, everything else was constantly asking for people to prove without a doubt anything they felt about hilary that wasnt flattering. The account was 2 days old and had like 30k karma.

F that sub.

The asking for proof is the part that irks me the most. The DNC leaks showed without a doubt that there was collusion between the HRC campaign and DNC. How would there be any actual "proof" when there is a concerted effort to avoid transparency? Will anything ever actually stick or will HRC just continue on with her decades-long corrupt ways?

Asking for proof is a great way to waste people's time. People who otherwise might do things like phone bank. And if they have a set group of four or five people to respond then it can be discouraging. Even if you know you are right, having five people call you an idiot can be demoralizing and make you question your ideas.

What the FUCK. Literally that whole entire sub is nothing but stuff attacking Trump and all the sources are from known left-wing sources, no actual unbiased news sources...what the FUCK.

To be fair there are no unbiased news sources

If you guys think that sub is bad, just wait until you see real life.

Breitbart and Infowars are even less respected there than on Reddit.

Was trying to figure out this post until I saw the username. Now I think I get it.

Was my comment too confusing?

To clarify, I was saying that debunked conspiracy theories from alt right sources aren't highly regarded in real life, and it's not because of some huge conspiracy.

Naw, I've seen the both of those and can totally understand why.

I just don't get why the politics sub isn't just renamed the Hillary Clinton sub at this point.

Because one of the only two or so stories on the front page about her is negative.

They should rename it after Trump instead. News about him seem to be dominating the conversation.

So would you call out someone that was al anti bernie all anti hillary posts

Or all anti hillary all anti trump?

The difference would be that it hasn't been leaked that Bernie or Trump spent millions of dollars on a social media propaganda machine to mislead people without disclosing the fact that their support was payed for, so any pro Bernie or Trump posts are more likely to be genuine.

Anything positive posted about Hillary should be taken with a grain of salt or you're rewarding the anti-democratic muddying of public discourse.


Again is the donald paid shills because its only trump supporters

Not everyone is a shill ffs some people can support the person yoy hate calling them a shill automatically is stupid

I guess bernieforpresident also was just shills


You have fantastic debate and conversational skills

you dont really.

well im going to go ahead and say the dude realized he was a retard since he deleted his responses, which boiled down to hurr durr hurr durr.

Funny, that's what your comments sound like to me. And you say them with the same confidence as a child who is far too satisfied with his own poo.

Was all anti Bernie, anti Trump, everything else was constantly asking for people to prove without a doubt anything they felt about hilary that wasnt flattering.

So exactly like literally everyone else to supports a given political candidate?

The Johnson supporters don't even believe you when you tell them what's on the Libertarian party's stated platform, for fuck sake. Nothing you described is new or unusual.

Yeah..... 2 day account, 30k karma posting like mad to make hilldawg look less unpopular... nothing out of the ordinary at all.

My mistake. Mind linking me to the account in question so that I can tag it for myself?

Sorry to bother you and all, it's just that no such comment seems to exist in your post history. Just this one, where you claimed that you failed to follow the rules clearly stated on the sidebar and how that's /r/politics fault, not yours.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with np.reddit.com.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


I delete annoying conversations most of the time

Sure you do, bud. Sure you do.

Are you seriously trying to keep track of them all? How exhausting and time consuming.

Do you not use RES? Simple as clicking the icon next to their name and writing whatever you want.

Robots talking to robots? I think that may be the situation to a great degree at this point.



By replying, you just give the subreddit legitimacy and make yourself look like the minority when that may not actually be the case. The best solution it to unsubscribe from /r/politics, and show other people why they should do the same. Also, it wouldn't hurt to find a new website. Reddit admins allow this shit, so why are we still supporting their corrupt website?


r/politics is legitimized by the fact that all new members are subbed to it.

Yes, and the admins refuse to change that even though it is obviously corrupt. Therefore, the admins are obviously corrupt and we should leave. There are plenty of alternatives, but people refuse to use them. Voat.co is one, but any time it's mentioned, it's criticized for being full of racists (IIRC). Well, if more non-racists start using it, we will drown out the racists.

Is it really full of racists or is it full of "racists"?

I've barely used it, so I'm just repeating what I've heard. I may also be misremembering what I heard. All I know for sure is that many people don't like voat.co's community.

It is full of people that are angry and can pick an easy target. That is what they do.

You're making the case that this site should not be used, but you're using it. I'm confused.

What's confusing about it? It's pretty simple. No one else is using other sites, so there's no where else to go unless more people start using the alternatives. Sites like reddit rely on having an active user base. It's like asking why people use Facebook. People use it because everyone else does, obviously.

There's 4chan, Tumblr, 8chan, Neogaf and plenty more. You don't go to them because this one works for you. Quit acting like there's some sort of a monopoly on the internet and just admit you actually like Reddit. All you have to do is stop following certain parts of it and you'll have a much better experience.

There's 4chan, Tumblr, 8chan, Neogaf

Those are completely different sites. Sites like voat.co at least have a similar layout and purpose.

Quit acting like there's some sort of a monopoly on the internet

I'm not.

admit you actually like Reddit.

No shit. I never said I don't like reddit. It's the admins that I don't like.

All you have to do is stop following certain parts of it

That doesn't change the fact that the admins are scum. I shouldn't need to unsubscribe from the defaults just to enjoy the site. The defaults shouldn't be shady and censored to begin with. There's obviously a problem. Why do you refuse to acknowledge it?

There's nothing to acknowledge because it doesn't affect me at all. The default subs have been unsubscribed for me for a really long time. I occasionally go visit them just to see the state of the default subs, but why would I let it bother me? It's a default sub. I view it like the mainstream media of reddit. When you have a shit load of people visiting your subreddit, it sucks. The bigger it gets the worse it gets. Everyone knows this.

Even worse is the ones that just troll. You make some basic factual statement about the Clintons taking more money than any republican and you get a bunch of downvotes and generated commentary like:


Do your research

Check your facts

That irks me the most. Nobody ever gives an actual response, they just mock you and make you look stupid for raising the point

I feel the same way about Reddit as a whole. It's a monetization platform designed solely around the ability to influence individual and public opinion through manipulation of apparent acceptance via multiple anonymized accounts. Some people aren't going to pick up on it, not necessarily because they are stupid or willfully ignorant (though there are certainly a fair share of those), but also due to issues with individual affinity for pattern recognition, short and medium term memory, cognitive deficits, resolvability of multiple incongruent events over a long time frame over multiple accounts and subreddits...

There's a lot of validity as to why some people don't pick up on it. Thankfully enough realize it, then talk about it, that it provides an initial push for more and more users to start questioning what they see.

I feel the same way about Reddit as a whole. It's a monetization platform designed solely around the ability to influence individual and public opinion through manipulation of apparent acceptance via multiple anonymized accounts.

If this is how you view it, how do you even justify coming to the site at all?

There are smaller subreddits which have very good communities.

Exactly. Some of the larger ones like /r/funny, /r/aww and /r/music are also pretty fun to scroll through to kill time, but what kept me here were the smaller subs.

Reddit as a whole isn't bad, but most of the shit that's pushed by default isn't great.

If this is how you view it, how do you even justify coming to the site at all?

Do we even have a choice anymore? The vast majority of smaller sites and communities have been absorbed or deleted. There has been a great push to consolidate all the users on the internet into a few key sites over the past 6 years.

You, we, do. It's like... Ok, think of older generation online multiplayer games, like Halo, or COD. Sure, you might find someone on there, but chances are you wont find the interaction rate appealing. Personally, I like being able to jump from one game to another, at odd hours, whenever... So I would be beyond frustrated just waiting in the hopes that enough people happen to group together and play when I could go for one of the newer versions and find a match consistently.

It's not exactly like that, but I think it's similar enough to be applicable. You do have other options, you've just conditioned yourself / been conditioned to direct your attention and interest in one of a few places. Ever find yourself closing the app or page, then going straight back to it thinking, "huh, wonder what's new"? That's a pretty good sign that it's become ingrained. Try to give it a break.

Or get in fights with people online until you're just bored / exhausted rehashing the same things over and over again to the point that you just ignore it, whichever works :)

The other guy literally just said that Voat is a thing. Go to 4Chan, Go to Voat. Go to 8chan. There's a reason you won't go to those places, though. Because you ultimately like Reddit because it's pretty user friendly and because of that, everyone is here. The problem with everyone being in the same place is that it's going to be very mainstream and be a target for monetization and everything else. It's a double edged sword. I personally like to focus on the positives of Reddit and just avoid the places I don't like. Why call for a Reddit revolution? Just so everyone can mass exodus to another site and do the same shit all over again?

I don't visit the others because the general atmosphere doesn't appeal to me, and I don't want to be bombarded by what is predominantly hosted on those sites. That, and the layout / organization / appearance of this site is markedly better, at least as far as my opinion goes. No revolution or mass exodus needs to happen... Just be aware that many conversations are manipulated.

Same way I view driving; I hate getting stuck behind people who insist upon going exactly the speed limit and no more, but it doesn't deter me from ever driving. Yeah, manipulation is going on, but I can still look for things that entertain me and interact with people.

Same thing with local government, schools, workplace drama and power trips... non participation is not your only answer.

It's confirmation bias. If you think trump is Hitler then anything bad about him is true anything good is false.

Suppose one reads a story of filthy atrocities in the paper. Then suppose that something turns up suggesting that the story might not be quite true, or not quite so bad as it was made out. Is one's first feeling, 'Thank God, even they aren't quite so bad as that,' or is it a feeling of disappointment, and even a determination to cling to the first story for the sheer pleasure of thinking your enemies are as bad as possible? If it is the second then it is, I am afraid, the first step in a process which, if followed to the end, will make us into devils. You see, one is beginning to wish that black was a little blacker. If we give that wish its head, later on we shall wish to see grey as black, and then to see white itself as black. Finally we shall insist on seeing everything -- God and our friends and ourselves included -- as bad, and not be able to stop doing it: we shall be fixed for ever in a universe of pure hatred. - C.S. Lewis

If you think trump is Hitler then anything bad about him is true anything good is false.

I don't think Trump is Hitler; Hitler was actually moderate and toned-down during his initial rise. He didn't sound like a buffoon who spewed the first thing that popped into his head. He actually sounded like a normal politician if you read his early stuff.

The whole Hitler comparison has never made sense but there may be a reason for it

Shit, I wish Trump was like Hitler. Truth is, Trump is a half-wit by comparison (again, read some of Hitler's early stuff. He sounds highly intelligent and a lot of what he said made sense). And of course, Trump is more openly bigoted.

Ridicule is pretty much a normal reaction for Trump supporters (Trump is ridiculous), but I agree that /r/politics is compromised and has been for a while.

Shillary is just as terrible as Trump and she should be ridiculed equally. As a matter of fact, in non-compromised sureddits, $hilldog is as ridiculed as Trump. Like here.

Both candidates are dogshit.

And four years ago it was all pro-Obama, the bankers and Pentagons choice. /r/politics is no better than the MSM.

edit: r/politcs, and reddit in general, are MSM

Now they want the TPP. Last year people over there would have down voted you to oblivion for jokingly saying positive things about the TPP. Now you'll get hundreds of up votes for it and gold.

the bankers and Pentagons choice

Are you serious? The only thing that loves Republicans more than Wall-street and the Pentagon is the Church. All three would have loved Romney.

Excellent point.

Reddit === MSM, for sure.

Lol yeah I feel like if anybody genuinely wants either of these people to be president, they deserve to be ridiculed pretty hard

Just so you know there is another candidate by the name Jill Stein. She running for the green party. Media doesn't want anyone to know about her. This is a good time to consider a new political party in this country.

There are others running as a third candidate besides Jill Stein. At least one I can think of who is polling better than her. If you don't get into the 10-155 range, the press isn't going to spend their time covering you.

Seeing as how Gary Johnson seems to be the Aynn Rand type, I also consider Jill Stein the only viable option now that Bernie's out.

He's pretty moderate as far as libertarians go.

He does believe in some government regulations and interventions, does believe climate change is a pressing issue and thinks the government should play a role.

Wants to decriminalize and regulate drugs.

Thinks there should be much more transparency in campaign donations (doesn't go as far as bernie but it is a step in the right direction)

Is against continual drone strikes in the middle east, and intervention wars/ foreign policy of regime change.

Thinks gay marriage is fine.

Basically, he is a lite republican, with the social views of a progressive democrat. That might not be your cup of tea, but I wouldn't consider him as crazy as Aynn Rand type libertarians.

ninja edit - I'm still deciding between him and Jill, I was leaning towards him because of the anti vaccine stuff I had read about Jill, but I recently watched an interview where she explains she's not anti vaccine, so now back to deciding between the two.

Gary Johnson is about as viable as the green party isn't he?

Media doesn't want anyone to know about her

the media wants readers/viewers/clicks. Nobody gives a shit about Jill Stein, so she doesn't get coverage.

How do people not see that it's 99% anti trump, and all the comments are the same sarcastic jokes about trump. Are people that blind?

People have pointed out humans are social beings and go with the flow. Peer pressure, essentially.

Well, here's the thing - these people are blind. Not many of them do want to do research or form their own opinion. Not many want to do the "difficult" job of thinking out solutions for various problems and aligning with the views of a candidate. Example: Was downvoted yesterday in that Bill Nye calls out CNN video thread because I asked if Bill's idea to "completely go renewable immediately" was well thought out economically as well. "NO WE DO IT NOW". "But, what about the jobs of X people going to be fucked by this?" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW I DISAGREE WITH BAD POINTS AND ACT ANGRY AS FUCK IN MY REPLIES!".

I'm exaggerating a bit, but I swear, people make up their minds so fucking fast it amazes me. No thinking about the consequences of an action, DO IT FUCKING NOW.

They see media biased headlines of "TRUMP SAID THIS", and while he did, the connotation of the article always treats it as a negative and many times is taken WAY out of context. A good example is the "TRUMP SAID HE CAN GET 95% OF THE BLACK VOTE", and the comments at the top all acted as if he was a bumbling idiot.

I read down some more and one person who read the article goes, "He was speaking about the 2020 Election as if he was elected this year. It was hyperbole..."

Many of the times you can read the headline and get something completely different than the actual article. The article wasn't even anti-Trump IIRC, it was just reporting on the fact he said he can get 95% of the black vote come next election because he's going to do such a good job as president. Don't care if you think it's false or whatever, it's just a statement.

Essentially, they're blinded by their own ignorance IMO. They legitimately think they're an overwhelming majority and go with the hivemind. They think CTR exists, but it's only like one or two accounts, not a lot.

The entire sub is fucked.

Re: real /pol-esque people both online and in real life: I've noticed in recent years that when lockstep liberals are confronted with ideas or facts that conflict with their worldview (programming) rather than respond calmly or rationally, they scoff, become exasperated and condescending and instead of coming back with a counter-argument, just act bewildered and angry that you don't see things like they (and most everyone else they talk to) do.

Because these memes have become ingrained and are the accepted lines of thinking and because most of these people operate in an echo chamber, they start to turn into children when you challenge them and often resort to name calling or get overly emotional. Their response is basically "THIS IS THE ACCEPTED WAY THAT WE THINK BECAUSE WE ARE ENLIGHTENED AND IF YOU DON'T THINK THIS WAY YOU'RE AN IDIOT BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY TRUMP IS JUST LIKE HITLER"

Not only that, I've noticed they can't seem to take a joke.

Hell, the replies to my post and interactions with politics I've had with friends just shows me you're 100% right. It's no longer rational thought, it's quite literally "feels before reals."

I asked my friend why he doesn't like Trump and he said the Mexicans are rapists thing. I explained it wasn't true and showed him the speech.

"Well, I dunno. C'mon dude, he said it."

"No, he didn't - I just showed you the video"

"Whatever, I still don't like the guy?"


"I don't have a reason really just don't like him"

And it's not just with what candidate they support, it's with the policies they agree with too - I asked another friend about healthcare options being 100% mandatory in all companies in the US.

I asked them if they knew the effects of it, and then just said "Yeah it should happen it happens in Europe"

Europe has high small business prices and this change will fuck over the mom and pop shops that can't afford to pay for healthcare plans for their employees. Hell, it'll fuck over the summer-job type of places that you find all over America. Literally, this change should only affect large companies. After explaining this to them, their response?

"Don't care, they should all have it. Not talking about it, just how I feel".

I'm on a bit of a rant, but I'm in the demographic that demonizes Trump without knowing shit about him. There's no "rational" thought I've come to realize in my interactions, just blind hate without regard to consequences.

Not many of them do want to do research or form their own opinion. Not many want to do the "difficult" job of thinking out solutions for various problems and aligning with the views of a candidate.

Here's the problem I have with your logic - basically anyone who has an opinion that differs from you is going to be either a sheep or a CTR shill. There can be no in between, because if they had done the research like you, who is clearly the smartest person ever, then they would come to the same conclusions as you.

Here's my theory - the reason that it seems like so many are opposed to trump is not a conspiracy. A shitload of people are simply opposed to trump. I argue that it's because a lot of people have done their research and come to the conclusion that he's a buffoon and don't want him leading the country. They may even be people that think Hillary is crooked and refuse to vote for her, but still think a Trump presidency is an even worse proposition. By proxy, they're just uninformed, brainwashed, Hillary supporters to people like you because you're seeing it as such a binary issue.

I wasn't saying they were opposed to Trump because they did no research, and I'm saying a good bit of them don't want to listen to the other side's reasoning when they're in a horde of people who don't like him.

I don't call anyone a sheep or a CTR shill, but thanks for projecting onto me.

By proxy, they're just uninformed, brainwashed, Hillary supporters to people like you because you're seeing it as such a binary issue.

This topic is about the people who blindly spew out untrue "facts" against Trump in the line of "HE SAID ALL MEXICANS ARE RAPISTS". Even Tim fucking Kaine is guilty of this. Really?

The problem I have with your logic is that you seem to not be able to comprehend the fact we're not talking about people with informed opinions, we're talking about those in these threads who repeate nonsense and consistently find the same bullshit narrative "funny" or "scary" or whatever the buzzword of the week is.

EDIT: I also liked this point:

Here's my theory - the reason that it seems like so many are opposed to trump is not a conspiracy.

I'm not saying people aren't opposed to him and neither are the people in here, fucking hell, thought you'd understand this in this topic. We're saying there are people who fucking really are paid by CorrectTheRecord to post anti-Trump/pro-Hillary articles on Reddit, by the PAC's own fucking admission. They're doing the same thing that you see pointed out in the OP and in r/HailCorporate. They inflate the comments to add on their "anti-Trump" stuff, and then the regular users take over from there. A shitload of people CAN be opposed to Trump, and there's also a pretty good fucking amount of people who are PAID to be opposed to Trump.

So, say someone says something ant-trump and it just happens to be what millions of other people are saying - does that automatically mean that they're brainwashed into having that opinion? Or is it possible that a lot of different people could have come to essentially the same conclusions based off of what they feel donald trump is inferring?

I gotta admit, I actually at one point was questioning my own opinions about Trump because I was worried of the idea of being caught up in the media bias, but I ultimately wasn't able to change my mind on the topic. He's a fucking buffoon. He's that douche bag in high school that publicly belittled you for not wearing name brand clothing. I don't want someone like that running the country. I wish people would be more honest instead of trying to bend the truth about about him, because it's irrelevant. I think at the base of it all, most people don't like him because he's a buffoon. There's no way you can bring out facts to refute this, it's just a judgment call. We could avoid so much debate if anti-trump people would just call him a buffoon and leave it at that.

So, say someone says something ant-trump and it just happens to be what millions of other people are saying - does that automatically mean that they're brainwashed into having that opinion? Or is it possible that a lot of different people could have come to essentially the same conclusions based off of what they feel donald trump is inferring?

There's a distinct difference here between "feelings" and "research". I'm not saying people can't dislike him, and I'm not saying there are no legitimate reasons to dislike him. What I AM saying is that peer pressure is an actual thing, and it can be abused by anyone willing to do what you see happening in r/HailCorporate, and IMO in r/politics. Top comments are posted with an opinion, fake replies agreeing are posted, and then real users buy in and post. Sure, some of those users can be real replying - but you can not deny there are most likely people who are falling for peer pressure in these sorts of places, just agreeing to be on the "popular side".

Now, I said there's a difference between feelings and research. You can feel Trump is saying he hates Mexicans when he claims that illegal Mexican aliens crossing our borders are criminals. But that's not what he's saying. He's saying illegal aliens crossing our borders are criminals. That's it. Later on in your post, you say you "feel" he's a buffoon and that I can't refute this. No, I can't refute what you feel. But I don't care about what you feel, that's where the meme "feels before reals" comes from.

Look, not gonna try to convince you to go back and change your view, but if you're going to vote against him because "he's a buffoon" from what you found, at least have something else to back it up with. Not one person in a legit debate is going to let that happen.

"Why do you not like Trump?"

"He's a buffoon."

"Okay, why?"

"I feel that way."

"Okay, but why?"

"Well, here's one reason why. insert reason".

That sounds much worse and unhelpful compared to:

"Why do you not like Trump?"

"Because reason".

You're not coming off like a jerk and you're explaining yourself. If they argue back and you don't want to argue, instead of explaining why, just say, "I'd rather not talk about it, thanks."

I dunno, rambled a bit but I think I answered your initial question and whatever the second paragraph was about.

EDIT: > We could avoid so much debate if anti-trump people would just call him a buffoon and leave it at that.

Debate is good. We want debate and not elections based on "WELL X IS A BUFFOON".

But that's the entire point - why do I have to explain to you why I don't like someone?

Me - "I don't want to date the girl you set me up with."

You - "Why?"

Me - "Because she's a buffoon."

You - "How is she a buffoon?"

Me - "She did x, y and z".

You - "None of things constitute being a buffoon to me."

Me - "Well, they do to me. Why don't you date her?"

You - "I want to."

Me - "You totally should, I aint mad."

Because we all know this is how the conversation actually goes. You're not just going to allow me to say 'because x,y,z'. You then want to debate every single one of these topics, which I can almost guarantee will never be "Ah, I totally agree with you here, Trump is a buffoon.". You'll just find a way to shrug it off to stick to your initial point that he's not a buffoon.

I can guarantee you'll never respond with, "Ah I changed my mind on Trump!"

The reason for debate is to show people why we disagree on certain issues, and we can clear up misconceptions.

Example: I like a girl, but to you, she's an asshole cause she walks a certain way.

After a debate, I tell you, "She walks like that cause she's more comfortable"

Maybe that might change your mind.

Debate is useful between parties who want to budge, and I guess in your case, your mind is totally made up.

If not, head on over to r/AskThe_Donald or r/AskTrumpSupporters if you wanna clear some stuff up.

Oh, I'm sure your mind is totally not made up. You've reached the conclusion that Trump is the best candidate off of pure logic and reason and can easily change your mind if someone presented the right evidence that he's not the best candidate? Totally believe this.

For the record, I've changed my mind on a lot of stuff about Trump. I don't think he's racist. I don't think he wants to ban all Mexicans or Arabs. I don't think he's Hitler. I've yet to be able to change my mind on Trump being a buffoon, though.

They hate Trump so they love that sub. It's cool though, they are thoroughly convinced Trump has no shot at winning and will continue to jerk each other off over that until the election is over.

I honestly hope he wins just so I can see that sub implode

Well the polls show he has almost no shot. But this is r/conspiracy, so you may be into "unskewing" the polls.

Not too hard to understand. Who did the polls?

The same people who did them in 2012, when they were also correct. And every election before that.

But I guess this time they are wrong right? All part of a unified global conspiracy against Trump?

CA Technologies were doing the polls in 2012?

I don't know or care, I know that 99% of polling companies do their own polls.

I suppose you honest to goodness believe the "silent majority" is going to rise up, and that all these pols are fake. Thats a special level of delusion man. Even Breitbart, the cesspool that it is, has Shillary winning.

All polls and everybody said Britain would never leave the EU.

Polls had a 1% lead for remain. And then a heavy storm hit London, suppressed the urban vote by just enough for leave to take a hairs breadth victory.

The situations are so radically different I'm surprised you would even make the comparison. Especially considering that multiple reputable polls had Leave winning.

Mother Nature is oppressing black people now? You are definitely on the right sub.

What? London was polling heavily remain, and the rain suppressed voter turnout.

wait... You do know that suppressed and oppressed are different words right? And you also know that Urban isn't synonymous with "minority" in England right? Good God man, read a book.

You're claiming Mother Nature is racist but you want me to read a book?

sigh. When did I claim that?

You're general population is more slow than a bunch of box turtles.

These are the same people who called bullshit on the nsa stuff until proven wrong and then bought hooklinesinker the whole "well, if you're not doing anything wrong..."line.

I'd assume most people cruise in from /r/all.

I know it's a losing battle, but there has to be someone there for others to find

Nope. People just love to hate on Trump. Easy karma and all that. Doesn't help the dude is a clown. Just wish they point the finger at Hillary as well once in a while.

Yes. Yes, they are that blind.

Cognative Dissonance

At this point, socialism is a religion rather than a political ideology. True believers don't question their priests, they don't blaspheme against their gods.

It's literally like Goldstein from 1984.

its been this way for nearly a month, it goes to show how stupid and sheeply people can be.

Yes, it was conspicuously abrupt. Initially, before it became clear what was happening, I thought something was messed up with my subscription.

Short answer : Yes

Long answer : Yes

Well donald subreddit made a great a job getting people against its subreddit itself

Also I feel like a lot of Redditors are millennials who are liberal . Trump is not liberal at all, at least he's not showing it off in his campaign. If I had to choose between Trump or Hillary , I'd have to go with Hillary just because at least she's not trying to overturn Roe V Waid and gay marriage . Good thing I moved abroad though so I can not vote and not feel as bad about it

It makes sense to me that /r/politics would he left leaning and hate Trump. When Bernie was still in the race everyone talked shit about Clinton and Trump, now that he's out the Bernie supporters have either left the subreddit or reluctantly began to support Clinton

Trump isn't trying to overturn gay marriage. He actually appealed to the LGBT crowd at the RNC recently

After the Supreme Court ruling, Trump said the court had made its decision and, although he disagreed with the ruling, he did not support a constitutional amendment that would allow states to re-ban marriage equality. He later said he would appoint Supreme Court judges who would be committed to overturning the ruling


To be fair, its not as if trump was a candidate you would expect a large majority to be supporting...

You talk as if people would actually be pro Trump and be able to use the internet.

Still I hate chillary so much I hope Trump does win and crashes the country, maybe then things will get better.

After all this people suck today,and been sucking since the beginning of the very first civilizations (we always been ruled,Kings,Pharaons,Gods,Presidents different titles same shit) you really gotta ask yourself that ?

Kardashians are on and there is a 70% SALE man !!!!

I still like to get into discussions there, but it is knowingly

I've wondered the same thing. It was conspicuously abrupt.

I wouldn't go as far to say 99% is anti trump especially considering I just read an anti Clinton top post this morning. I will agree that there is more anti trump posts than it is Clinton for sure. You get both biases and they're both annoying.

Hell....i could say this sub is compromised from all the r/the_donald subscribers shit posting anything Anti Clinton. Which are often time garbage articles.

As of now I went 20 posts deep in r/politics and like 18 of them are anti-Trump posts. Maybe I missed the anti Clinton one but I haven't seen anything good or bad posted about her at all. The only time her name is mentioned is when people talk about how well she's doing in polls

As of now I went 20 posts deep in r/politics and like 18 of them are anti-Trump posts.

Trump keeps saying stupid things while Clinton says damn near nothing at all, though. You can't be surprised when who keeps going off on twitter gets reported on more frequently.

There was no discussion at all when 15,000 more of Hillary's emails got out. That seems like bigger news than trumps tweets

You would think so, but it seems most people are fine with tweets being "big news" these days.

There was no discussion at all when 15,000 more of Hillary's emails got out.

One, two, three, four, five. Of course, the votes primarily went to this one because it was first to hit the front page.

Lmao the only link with real discussion is the one linked to r/hillaryforprison

It's hilarious that you used those posts as your evidence, when they have 0 discussion and prove my point. Thanks for doing the work for me

Oh, sorry. I didn't realize that your point was "the first submission to the front page gets the most discussion". Had I realized that earlier, I would have just said "no shit, Sherlock" and been done with it.

Strangely enough, this one has more discussion than the thread we're currently in, despite it being at >2000 upvotes. Funny that, eh?

Lol did you even read the comments? Once again no discussion. Not sure the point you're making

Sorry, I didn't realize discussions you like are the only ones which count.

Let's just agree to disagree. If you can't see the blatant shilling going on in that sub, and in the links that you provided, there's not much I can say to convince you otherwise.

If you can't see the blatant shilling going on in that sub

Stop changing the criteria. You claimed there were no discussions present, and everyone can clearly see otherwise.

The shills kill any chance of discussion by down voting dissenting opinions. 200 comments all saying the same thing doesn't not equal a discussion. Just stop commenting because like I said if you don't see the blatant censorship happening by now then you will never see it

Just stop commenting

responding two hours later

Alright, well thanks for confirming the fact that you only deem things which agree with you worthy of being counted.

And by the way, guess what shills just got caught?

Sorry I haven't been on Reddit in a few hours. And I don't care who has shills. I'm not supporting Trump here or saying he's better than Hillary. Only point I'm trying to prove is that HRC has taken over r/politics. Which is true. Case closed

Sorry I haven't been on Reddit in a few hours.

You literally replied to comments of mine that were newer than that one. Maybe you should just stop commenting.

Which is true. Case closed

Ah, the good ol' /r/conspiracy "if I say something enough that means its true, even if I've literally been linked to evidence to the contrary".

You have fun with your delusions, bud, but everybody can see what I linked, and everybody can see that you're lying.

Lol cheers. Everybody can believe what they want to believe.

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I'll definitely agree that it's obvious CTR is doing their job. Just that 99% is pretty exaggerated because they don't get up voted as much as anti Trump.

The majority of Americans supports Clinton this election, trump is the most disliked candidate ever, why is it so hard to believe that people are anti trump and unenthusiasticly support Clinton?

That's not hard to believe, I know that's the case but that's your explanation to why there's 0 mention of anything negative towards Hillary in r/politics? Just because she's the more preferred candidate doesn't mean nobody is going to say a bad thing about her. Normally both candidates get scrutinized, they don't just ignore one completely. If any other candidate had nearly as much baggage as Hillary, they would have been torn apart completely before they even made it this far.

Look at the top for the week, more Hillary negative than trump positive. Not many for either. There's just so much shit posting on trump because let's be honest there is way more bullshit in that campaign than the 1 or 2 things at a time with Hillary.

To be fair, reality is 99% anti-trump. I hate Hillary too, don't get me wrong, but Trumps even harder to support

I recommend you ask yourself why every conservative and Trump related subreddit is a safe space that bans dissenters of any type. Also why all media that isn't conservative is "liberal" media and composes 90%+ of the media out there. It has more to do with people's access to the truth and their willingness to rationally argue it to others than some grand conspiracy of shills and "liberal"  media elites. You should seriously consider maybe the majority are simply correct and you and your safe spaces  are incorrect. At the very least acknowledge it as a possibility. I am pretty sure those other people think you are just as blind as you think they are. Try to be objective.

I don't follow any trump or conservative subreddits. I don't know what safe spaces you're talking about. Maybe r/conspiracy is considered a "safe space", I guess I wasn't aware. I don't get involved in political discussion often, and I'm not a conservative Trump supporter. I'm also not sure if anything you said is relevant to me but I'll keep it all in mind in the future. I'm not some tinfoil hat wearer thinking the elite are after me, I just think HRC took over r/politics. Seems you're reading a little deep into it

R/conspiracy is not a safe space, I was referring to politically conservative subreddits that permanently ban people for having opposing views. I have a tremendous amount of respect for this subreddit and it's moderators because I consider myself a skeptic and I used to come here a lot to rationally argue against numerous theories espoused on this subreddit. I don't believe I have ever been banned here. This subreddit allows open rational discourse unlike so many.

Given the context of this post I don't think I am reading too much into your comment. You and the post are saying that r/politics is NOT full of legitimate, left leaning, Hillary supporters and that they are all or mostly shills. The more realistic conclusion is that they are legitimate users just like how most media outlets are legitimate news outlets and not some vast liberal conspiracy("liberal media"). They both draw strong parallels with one another in that the majority views are being written off as disingenuous when they aren't.

Obviously I know that most/ nearly all of the people on r/politics are real people, not shills. Im not saying theirs thousands of people out their working for HRC, But from what I've seen recently, I'm convinced that the HRC campaign has a lot of influence on that sub. It doesn't take that many people to snuff out dissenting opinions. Just going into new threads and watching how quickly anti-Clinton statements are ridiculed and downvoted make it pretty clear. I know that Reddit leans left, but a month ago, the same sub was tearing Hillary apart. Now all of a sudden nobody has anything bad to say and they just want to shit on Trump, and leave Hillary out of the convo. Well, there are people saying bad things about Hillary, but it gets downvoted to shit and ridiculed unless it's here or r/Hillaryforprison.

It makes sense that a bunch of Sanders supporters have joined the Clinton/Democratic presidential side which would account for this dramatic shift. Sanders supporters/progressives should support the Democratic nominee as Sanders himself told his supporters to do. If you look at the comments upvoted you will still see a lot of begrudging Clinton support and anti DNC comments. If you were a Sanders supporter you would probably downvote arguments and comments made by Trump supporters due to Sanders supporters most likely disagreeing with them. This shift is better explained by natural changes than deliberate efforts from the Clinton campaign.

How do people not see that it's 99% anti trump, and all the comments are the same sarcastic jokes about trump.

What does that have to do with "being compromised"? Reddit has always been left wing.

Reddit has been a continuous circlejerk since its beggining, so "it's a clear pro-Hillary circlejerk" is hardly evidence of anything.

Because r/politics had just as many negative Hillary posts as Trump ones until like a month ago then it shifted and there was no mention of Hillary and it was all anti-Trump. And I don't wanna hear the whole shpeel about how that happened because Bernie endorsed Hillary. That didn't cause a bunch of Bernie supporters to all of a sudden love Hillary, which is the reasoning I often see people using to explain the shift in attitude on that sub

Get this to /r/all before CTR brigades it.

Actually, I think getting something from here onto r/all is the most surefire way of getting CTR attention lol

They tend to leave topics here alone if they don't have very many upvotes.

We fffooooound you...

Yeah, complaints about CTR from this sub will surely make all the difference!

/r/politics is an absolute disgrace. Is there a better news aggregator or online community dedicated to political discussion outside of reddit?

There's a lot of new subs dedicated to this but all the support is split between them so none of them can compete.

/r/politics is an absolute disgrace.

and it was before long before there was CTR too

I find it absolutely amazing that these guys never complained when it was the constant pro-Bernie posts dominating it, and now that it's not, THEN their jimmies get rustled.

That is because Bernie isn't Hillary.

She is truly awful.

It was never leaked that Bernie had a Correct The Record initiative. If that were found out then people would probably up in arms. As it stands though the Bernie and Trump posts seem more legit while the Clinton posts are assumed to be work of CTR. If CTR was never announced then most people would probably think more of the pro Clinton Posts were from fans instead of employees.

That was because of voting by the community. You can critisize the hive mind mentality, but it's not remotely comparable to vote manipulation and paid astroturfing.

Yes, but if you're looking for one that is friendly toward Trump you'll have a hard time finding it.

Just watch out for the white supremacist bullshit that flys around there.

Oh, I do. Voat hates me because I'm not a bigot. Reddit hates me because I like the 2nd amendment. I can't win.

I like using /r/politicalvideo since they allow everything. As for news try /r/uncensorednews.

Edit: Whoops. Nevermind.

uncensorednews is run by white supremacists.

yep. sad that such a great idea was fucked over so easily

Post proof? I'm unfamiliar with the sub and that's a pretty big accusation without any evidence to support it.

Looks like they managed to hide their trails already. Almost every mod on uncensored news is 2 months old or newer.

I don't really see any white supremacy when I look at all the moderators and their history. I guess if it was there it's gone now.

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I think there was some stuff on r/SubredditDrama when r/uncensorednews started gaining traction breakdown of the mod team and what else they modded.



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But that image doesn't prove anything about being white supremacist. I am just asking for specific quotes and examples of things the mods have said endorsing a white supremacist ideology.

You can read the rest of the thread for more anecdotes if you like. If you think /r/european and its' like aren't white supremacists then this conversation was pointless to begin with.

I don't really know shit about /r/european. I am just asking for direct quotes backing up the allegations

Quit throwing the term white supremacist around - it's leading me to believe you guys don't even know what that means.

Uncensored news was good for maybe half a day

Yeah I'm really getting bored of constant anti-mulsim and ISIS propaganda posts.

The people there are just as stupid as the /r/politics crowd.

My main account was permanently banned for implying that someone might be a shill. I had gotten to the front page a couple times legitimately with around 10k post karma, which I think is impressive because I only posted a handfull of times. The mods there seem to be bought and paid for and anything anti-Hillary is grounds for a ban. This shouldn't be the case at all, and it should not be a banable offense to imply someone is a shill and even to call someone a shill. Shill is not even close to being offensive, yet calling someone retarded for not backing Hillary, bullying, shaming, and using extreme language is ok? They don't ban these Hillary bullies which the site is full of (just look at HAGOODMANS ama today). The entire site has been compromised and it's a complete shit show now.

This morning There was a pro Hillary comment gilded within seconds of making it and I commented "look at that shiny CTR gold money at work" and I got banned.

And CTR Gildes a ton of stuff that they want to be the top comment.

That should be a bannable offense. If you can't rationally argue your points and prove yourself correct it doesn't matter if you are talking to a shill. It is an ad hominem people use to protect their ignorance, it is a cop out. These are public forums, you should be eager prove yourself correctly through rational discourse.


You are deluded and are confusing being downvoted into invisibility as being banned. I doubt anyone was banned for being called a shill in r/politics since I am still called a shill there on a weekly basis. Whatever comment was made, it probably included something racist or Islamophobic and the OP is spinning it as them being banned for calling someone a shill.

You are a fucking shill.

People have in fact been permanently banned for calling others shills and even implying that someone might be a shill.

"it probably included something racist or Islamophobic"

I am not a racist or an Islamophobe, I am infact a true die hard liberal and former Bernie Sanders supporter turned green. To accuse me of being such things is really quite sad and pathetic. But this is what Hillary supporters do. Anyone that's not on board with her corrupt agenda and terrible track record is accused of being something they're not: sexist, racist, or in this case Islamophobic (that's a new one). Oh, or a Bernie Bro, which the shills still use for some reason. You see, they can't defend their own candidates horrible track record and blatant corruption so they have to attack others and even outright lie about other candidates track records. This is what they did to Bernie and his supporters and this is what they're doing to Jill Stein and her supporters now.

People have in fact been permanently banned for calling others shills and even implying that someone might be a shill.

I suspect you are lying because of your screen name, lack of evidence for this, and the fact your account is mysteriously a two day old account and only anti Hillary comments. This wouldn't be hard to prove.

A "die hard" liberal wouldn't throw away their vote by voting Stein, which is the equivalent of voting for Trump. I suggest you learn how to think objectively if you actually care. Stein has zero chance of winning, so for every one vote that otherwise would have went to Hillary, it increases their difference between her and Trump by 1. For every two liberals who don't vote for Hillary, that is the equivalent of one full vote for Trump making the vote difference between them two votes.

I don't get how any "die hard" liberal can mindlessly contribute to the creation of a Conservative Supreme Court in this way. Nothing would be worse for progressive policy than to have conservative for the next two decades(this next president could appoint 2-3 Justices).

If people are still calling you a Bernie bro it is probably because you are being hard headed and in denial of what is the best course of action to realize progressive policy ends like overturning Citizens United for example. The best course of action is obviously not throwing away your vote by voting third party.

Her "corrupt agenda" was BASICALLY the same as Sanders' before he even decided to run, she didn't have to move left on much. Her horrible "track record" surely isn't her voting record or policy initiatives which are incrediblly progressive, of which many Bernie bros are in denial of till this day. They voted the same while in the Senate on most issues.

I recommend you get your head out of the sand and educate yourself on the importance of the Supreme Court.


Your post fits the shill handbook perfectly. Let me make this very clear so you can understand. I don't care if you think I'm lying and I don't have to prove anything to a random stranger on the internet. Judging from your comment history it is blatantly obvious to me that you are paid to make these idiotic comments. My account is 2 days old because my main account with over 10k karma was perma banned for implying that someone like yourself was a shill. Let's go over your points now.

"A "die hard" liberal wouldn't throw away their vote by voting Stein, which is the equivalent of voting for Trump."

A "die hard" liberal is more likely to vote for Jill Stein because her policy positions line up closer to Bernie Sanders. A vote for Stein is not a vote for Trump. A vote for Stein is a vote for Stein.

" I suggest you learn how to think objectively if you actually care. "

I suggest you do some actual research into your candidate for once.

"Stein has zero chance of winning, so for every one vote that otherwise would have went to Hillary, it increases their difference between her and Trump by 1."

The people that are voting for Stein would have never voted for Clinton anyway, so it doesn't increase or decrease her chances. The fact that this race is so close should tell you that your candidate is terrible.

" For every two liberals who don't vote for Hillary, that is the equivalent of one full vote for Trump making the vote difference between them two votes."

Clinton's not a liberal so I don't fault others for voting for a true liberal. If Hillary loses that is her fault, she's not even reaching out to progressives.

"I don't get how any "die hard" liberal can mindlessly contribute to the creation of a Conservative Supreme Court in this way. Nothing would be worse for progressive policy than to have conservative for the next two decades(this next president could appoint 2-3 Justices)."

I don't see how any rational human being could vote for Clinton after seeing that the primary was rigged against Sanders. I'm not going to vote for someone when they are not the legitimate nominee. Plus she has huge corruption scandals going on in the background that if exposed could sink her campaign.

"If people are still calling you a Bernie bro it is probably because you are being hard headed and in denial of what is the best course of action"

You sound like a programmed robot. Voting for Clinton is in no way the best course of action. If Trump wins, maybe next time the Democrats will put a real liberal on the ticket.

"Her "corrupt agenda" was BASICALLY the same as Sanders' before he even decided to run, she didn't have to move left on much. "

Her "corrupt agenda" is in no way shape or form the same as Sanders and to suggest that is absolutely hilarious. Her corrupt agenda is gaining as much capital as possible into the Clinton foundation to buy off power people and even place them in power all across the globe.

Ah yes, let's talk about her voting record. She has nearly flip-flopped on every single issue. Clinton goes where the wind blows politically. She is not a leader but a follower. Bernie Sanders is a true leader because he actually holds his positions and doesn't change them.

"I recommend you get your head out of the sand and educate yourself on the importance of the Supreme Court."

I recommend that you go screw yourself. I'm tired of getting into shitty arguments with robots.

Did you seriously just link me the dailykos? Jesus

Educate yourself about the importance of the Supreme Court buddy. Don't be willfully ignorant.

Educate yourself about Clinton. Don't be willfully ignorant

I am far more educated on Clinton's voting record and whether it an be determined to be liberal or not. So I am not willfully ignorant. I suggest you educate yourself on the importance of the Supreme Court because then you will realize how you must vote for Hillary if you are in fact a liberal.

Apparently you know nothing about Clinton

Even if that were true I wouldn't need to based on my knowledge of the importance and value of who controls the Supreme Court. All I would need to know is that she is a liberal and will appoint liberal judges. That means you should hit the books because you are lacking essential information.

All I would need to know is that she is a liberal and will appoint liberal judges.

Do you know that for a fact? It seems like I'm not the one that needs to "hit the books"

We are in r/conspiracy so of course you are going to believe the conspiracy theory she is not a liberal despite her liberal voting history(11th most liberal Senator when she served) and her liberal husband who appointed liberal Supreme Court Justices all of whom voted along liberal positions including against Citizens United...

She is not some secret conservative in it for the long con be real.

I wouldn't bother. You're talking to a 2 day old account.

rational discourse.

GTFO with your logic and reasonable thought.

Though, I can't say I agree with banning people over the offense. Downvote and point out how weak of an argument it is. Not ban.


We know that the Clinton campaign has sunk millions of dollars into doing this on reddit... The FEC says so.

Right. Which is why it's so odd that it flipped to being pro-Hillary overnight...

About the same time that S4P was unceremoniously shut down.

They like using capital letters within their names e.g. CorrectTheRecordShill

If they make it obvious they're a shill, they'll get users to call them out on being a shill. Once this happens, the sockpuppet reports the legitimate user and the /r/politics mod team has a "reason" to ban the legitimate user while taking no action against the obvious sockpuppet. The CTR users know that they have the implicit endorsement of the mod team, so they have nothing to fear by making it obvious they're shills.

Happened to me. I was banned for a week. I just unsubscribed.

Same here. That moment made me switch my vote as well. They're literally treating us as though we can be bought. My one vote to Trump may be joined by countless others who feel the same. Time for a change... cheating bastages...

lol im on the same exact page... I accepted Bernie loss and was giving Clinton a chance, then I saw the DNC leaks... they can suck my hairy ass if they think I'm filling in the box next to Hillary Clintons name.

Amen. Fuck the Democrats!

Isn't it a default sub, though? There need to be SOME real voices, or new users will fall right into it.

I think that's kinda CTR's aim isn't it?

Don't call them out on it directly. Just make insinuations:

How much does CTR pay? Do they have benefits? Correcting records all day must seem like a job to you. Boy you sure are passionately invested in this conversation for only being here 2 days. You're sure earning your $6million.

They ban people for this too. Apparently even just alluding to the fact CTR is astroturfing reddit at all can get you banned. Personally, they permanently banned me for no reason at all.

Although, I should point out, CTR shills won't get banned for doing the same. The mods seem to take context into consideration, so if a CTR user implies someone is a shill repeatedly, they won't get in trouble for it.

I guess I've just gotten lucky so far.

Yeah, that's really subtle. You guys are very mature in your approach to this totally serious conspiracy theory.

Truly 4D Chess players.

Mentioned that a post was by a CTR shill and was down vote scripted instantly. Place is cancer.

The practice is commonly called CamelCase, formerly known as "medial capitals".

You're thinking of PascalCase, camelCase has a lowercase first letter.

Source: programmer

The article says:

Camel case may start with a capital letter (called PascalCase or UpperCamelCase) or, especially in programming languages, with a lowercase letter.

Not sure why that earned a downvote, though.

Oh interesting, didn't know Pascal was a subset.

I didn't down vote you by the way.


Perhaps they make the obvious ones use an easily identifiable trait like that so that we're less likely to take notice of their more subtle accounts? Something like a decoy to get us all concentrating more on /u/CorrectTheRecordShill and less on /u/olderaccountbelongingtocampaignstaff.

Edit: or perhaps it doesn't matter since there are so many of them that every thread is completely dominated anyway.

Do you know what satire is?

That was incredibly frustrating to read.


What's even funnier is he usually makes posts just like yours calling his main account out from an alt and then tries to get people banned because people are curious or say something that triggers his psychosis.

He's not a shill. He's just a fucking pyscho, I have interacted with him and his multiple accounts before. He threatened to report me to the admins and swears he is getting my account banned. I replied to one of his Alts with a comment and he pm'd me saying he baited me. I'll post a screen cap of the exchange if you want.

He uses sock puppet accounts to get around bans, and has even gotten a couple modded in subs that he is adamantly against politically, just so he can be a fucking doucher.

Seems shill-ey, but is really just a cancerous presence on Reddit, I've had him tagged since before the election cycle began because he is such a massive twat.

Ps if this is you on another alt; fuck you asswipe.

Guy also posts in web/tech security related subs while having a bot autopost in the subs where he buggers the mods.

And I can garruntee he sees this and starts reporting you and any that discuss him.

Holy fucking shit are you serious? Why would any normal human being be like this? This guy is clearly fucking nuts. I've already seen him everywhere reposting bullshit stories from "news" sources trying to smear Bernie sanders and now Donald Trump.

The worst part of this cancerous retard is that he posts on non related subs political shit. I don't mind if he keeps his shilling to the hillary sub but he tries to spread his bullshit everywhere which is why he is a literal cancer.

lol dude I just went through 20 pages and you're right. almost all pro-hillary articles were posted by people WithNamesLikeThis


I don't dispute that there are nefarious things going on in that subreddit but if you think accounts with CTR or some form of obvious connection in their name aren't just people trying to troll you you're a goddamned moron.

What kind of moron would troll for free? There's $6million to be made.

Hello it must be your first day on the internet. There are millions of trolls who are not getting paid by anyone but mom and dad or Burger King


i feel like a whopper

Lol seriously folks...

That would describe the majority of people on this sub


Another non-political sub just found the same, without even intending to do so.

It is a programming sub that just looked at the most downvoted posts in /r/all.

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I didn't even know there was a /r/shills sub. I'll go check it out. Thanks!

Whoa! I didn't know to what extent manipulation was occurring . Thank you for that.

This is a must see

If you want to see a textbook example of CTR in action just visit the H.A. Goodman AMA happening right now. CTR Blitz


Holy shit.

So I've been RES tagging users who I think are CTR shills (and maybe some normal users who constantly push CTR talking points). I went into that thread and did CTRL-F the RES tag and... 134 results found. Fuck me, that's the most I've ever seen in one thread.

Can we get a screenshot? That sounds serious.

Here you can tag one more. One of the biggest and most active shills I've seen. https://www.reddit.com/user/michaelconfoy. Even goes on to post on lots of subreddits with pro clinton and anti trump propaganda.

I'd very much like to see that list of users if possible so I can do the same thing.

You do that search in many threads or just the one?

All this tells me is that you're seriously paranoid.

Oh wait I just saw what sub I'm on.

There's a middle ground between paranoia and naivete.

Clinton is firmly in the tradition of a secretive, trans-party interventionist government that goes back at least as far as the early 80s and the Iran-Contra situation. Relative to that tradition, CTR infiltration would be a trivial propaganda effort.. That's not paranoia.

I used to think all the talk about CTR's influence on Reddit was crazy, but I've been starting to think otherwise, and this solidifies it. How is it even possible people are so pro-Clinton on that subreddit?

If you look at /r/Hillaryclinton, the subscribers are pretty low, and every link on there has barely any comments. Even less that /r/garyjohnson. Then if you head over to/r/the_donald. Way more subscribers, and the comment section is always extremely active.

If Reddit's Trump supports are obviously way more outspoken that Hillary's, then how can /r/politics be so over run with pro-clinton opinions. It makes sense when you consider CTR though. Of course they're not gonna be active on the Hillary sub Reddit, that's just a waste of money, preaching to the choir. Plus, there's nobody to oppose, since it's moderated to keep anti Hillary sentiments from being posted.

It also makes sense when you notice there's no Gary Johnson support on /r/politics, at all. Like, none. They're keeping his name out of there. Libertarian is usually closer to Republicans, but GJ is more moderate than most libertarians, and would definitely draw in votes from Dems who aren't happy with Clinton.

Classic echo-chamber. Humans are very social creatures and we tend to cluster together. I don't think this is a great example, and I'll give another, but if you've ever lived overseas, you'll find eventually you start hanging out with more expats like yourself and you might even hang out with people you wouldn't under normal circumstances because you have a common bond. Alienation or becoming the outsider makes people more wary and likely to stay in a comfort zone. So Lots of pro-hillary people are going to congregate together just like the Donald sub. Every time you post something about how great trump is and how bad crooked Hillary is, you're gonna get smothered in validation and good feelings. All these people agree with me! You're ALWAYS going to come back because this is a safe space for you where you can talk to likeminded people. A great example is liberal college campuses, I came from one and I saw it first hand. Hell I was part of it until my fourth year when I started actually doing studies and reviewing decades of data showing certain trends and notions propagated in the media were blatantly false. The greatest thing I learned from college is how to see another point of view, and whether you agree with it or not, try to engage in a civil discussion. It's really hard sometimes and I can be totally guilty of being a dick, though I really don't like acting like that, all that anger and hate is baggage and it's not necessary. But it's out there, I'll see people rationally discussing why they support trump and people why they do not and it's really nice to see that take place. It feels really good to talk to someone who disagrees with you and you can hear their side and step into their shoes for a minute. But that requires a likeminded individual. Someone stuck in the echo-chamber isn't likely to be nice to you when you disagree and this absolutely applies to both sides of the spectrum EASILY. The trouble comes when you leave your echo-chamber and you're confronted by all these other people you haven't ever talked to before who have a wide spectrum of views. So when you post a view that in the Donald would receive praise, the blowback you feel is immense. The longer you stay in an echo-chamber, the more extreme your views become and the more stubborn you become in willing to accept, "hey maybe I am just wrong." Echo-chambers are terribly toxic places to be. This sub is an echo-chamber. And it's perfectly fine to browse through, hell here I am right now, and often times I don't agree with what I see, but sometimes I do. I almost always get down voted though because I put forth a different view that the echo-chamber doesn't like. If you start to only associate with those people, your views don't grow. It's intellectually stifling I would venture to say.

But anyway, back to why there are more pro-clinton views, I think CTR plays a role though not as great as is posited here. Hillary is just more moderate than Trump. Trump appeals most heavily to evangelicals and far right wing people. He's a demagogue, relying on fear to garner support. The founding fathers were really afraid of Demagogues, for the sole reason that it's so easy to amass a following doing that. They're dangerous to democracy.

Even though I don't like Hillary and will not be voting for her, I'll sometimes find myself defending her because of something put forward that is non-sense and I'll even think to myself, "why the hell am I even defending Hillary!?" I'll certainly be voting for Johnson myself, but I've been seeing more of Johnson on Reddit than when I first decided I would vote for him.

Just like polling doesn't take into account how many Trump yard signs there are on blocks, none of this makes any sense.

Wow... Amazing how that entire thing is dominated by the same message over and over from a hundred different mouths. I wonder how much they had to spend on that one post alone in order to flood the airwaves with mockery for anyone not Clinton and downvote anything remotely anti-clinton.

And to think that happens in every post now.

I just puked in my mouth.

I haven't been perusing politics lately and thought all the talk about shills was hyperbole. I'll never think that again lmao

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Also /r/politics no longer follows their own rules. If you try to submit an independent news report that you created... a video that contains US news that has happened in the last 31 days, they will take it down, even though video, US news and 31 days follow their explicit rules. They absolutely allow video, but they also don't allow it unless it's some compromised corporate company.

They do not allow news sources that are independent of companies. They have their shit so locked down that, if they're reading this right now, they think I'm wrong. They're so off track from what /r/politics should be, that they've convinced themselves that people saying things like I just said are just a tiny minority that must be delusional, when in reality they are the ones who are in the wrong.

Most /r/politics Mods are Hillary "Planted Super PAC" supporters! They'll ban you if you question the rules. Too much fun!

I'm permanently banned from /r/politics for no reason. I knew they were banning dissenters, so I went out of my way to always follow the rules and never question the bullshit so as to avoid getting censored. However, I also went out of my way to talk about election fraud and exit polls at every opportunity.

You say:

never question the bullshit

then say

However, I also went out of my way to talk about election fraud and exit polls at every opportunity.

To them, that is you questioning the bullshit, so I don't know why you are surprised.

/r/Politics banned me and couldn't even give me a reason why. They said I was a novelty account at first, then changed the reason to spam. Then after calling them out on their lying, they muted me and had the admins suspend me for 3 days. They said I could appeal my ban in 3 months which just happens to be after the election.

That's cool, in my permanent ban notice, the mod who did it lied and said it was for "violence/death". I'm a pacifist and I would never advocate for anything of the sort. Why don't they just make it a rule that they'll ban for any reason they want, then cite that rule when they want to ban a dissenter? When they gaslight like this, they're basically just admitting to the banned user that they're full of shit when it would be VERY easy for them to be honest and intellectually consistent just by adding a rule that they'll ban you if they don't like the content of your post.

And when you check controversial on r/politics, it's completely different. Anti-Hillary articles, pro-stein articles, etc...

And a lot of comments are anti-stein whenever she gets brought up. They always try to make her views seem more extreme than they actually are

And a lot of comments are anti-stein whenever she gets brought up. They always try to make her views seem more extreme than they actually are

Yep. HRC people always lambaste Stein for being "anti-vaxx" when Stein just said that vaccines need to be regulated and consistently monitored to ensure that they keep working, not that we shouldn't get vaccinated.

Hell, in 2008, Obama and Hillary made comments about vaccines potentially being connected to autism despite that claim proven false a few years before.

Otherwise known as what the front page looked like pre-6 million.

May of 2015?

Stein is a joke. I don't like Hillary, but she's pretty terrible.

that's ok. i don't like hillary either, but i would vote for her over Johnson and Trump.

I think the rest of the candidates are a joke. Pro TPP? Pro private prisons? pro wall?

what the absolute fuck.

at-least stein is taking on the banks and fed.

Use google search site:reddit.com/r/politics ctr and limit search to past few days or month and the stuff will show up. Reddit search sucks and I don't use it any more. The individual subs can't influence the search

Just did it, set it to the last month and got "About 2,420 results." So debunked.

Google will still index reddit posts after they're deleted from the sub.

The first few I checked weren't deleted with the exception of one where they weren't following title conventions.

We should aim to have topics like this reach /r/all once in a while, so that there is a higher level of awareness. Similar to /r/the_donald, but minus the childish attention whoring. Thoughts?

Well we already do make it to the front page fairly often, but what this sub really excels in is the grassroots effort. I see posts start in /r/conspiracy that get reposted to other subs pretty often with even more upvotes. It would be nice for us to get the action, but I'm just happy the info is getting out there.

There is no shilling on /r/politics. You're all crazy.




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isn't it obvious? it did an entire 180 and went from anti-hillary, pro-sanders/pro-trump to pro-hillary, anti-sanders and anti-trump.

near the death days of s4p you'd see SO many shills trying to "convert" people with concern trolling. it's insane. fuck /r/politics, fuck CTR and fuck reddit for allowing this crap to go on

Concern trolling.... I like the term.

Haha holy shit, I just went to /r/politics for the first time in a long time and it literally is anti donald trump for the entire first page.

Who reads this shit? Why would anyone sub to a subreddit that is that narrow when it's supposed to cover all politics?

It annoys me that I can no longer use Reddit as a source of news/information, it used to be a fairly balanced platform and self regulating since the comments would point out why something was bullshit or whatever. Now it's just CTR shit wrecking it. Pretty infuriating.

People who haven't given up on /r/politics yet just sort by "controversial" now. Apparently the way it works is by sorting the topics with the highest ratio of comments to downvotes or something like that. Not sure exactly how it works, but it seems to be effective at filtering out CTR's vote manipulation. Any subs you like that are affected by their brigading can probably be improved by sorting like this.

I don't visit any of the political subs any more, it's pointless. A bunch of Trump bashing (yes, he's an idiot, we know) and appologism for Clinton. Literally no real discussion or facts. And when someone says something ludicrous (like Clinton isn't corrupt that's just right wing blah blah blah) coming forward with verifiable facts, not even weird conspiracy shit, no offense to you gents, gets you downvoted or ignored.

CTR won those subs are effectively neuteured.

CTR won

true, but to be fair, it's easy to win when the mods are in the tank and banning people to censor dissent

Yeah, check out these blatantly obvious bot names that just happen to be spamming the same articles right when the "investigators" are watching.

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And, if you call a shill account out.....your account is shadow banned while the shill account lives on.

I got a one week ban for saying "they're just trying to correct the record" day account that kept replying "Show me any physical proof Hilary lied". Fuck r/politics.

Next time try adding to the discussion then

Wait, you mean spamming "shill!" isn't constructive?

Where's my shill money. I can't be the only one hating Trump for free

CTR won't return my calls. I've been shilling since July.

Is it really that hard to believe most people on reddit are 18-24 year old white males who hate Donald Trump?

yes because if you'd been reading r/politics comment sections over the election cycle it went from EXTREMELY Anti-Hillary and somewhat Anti-Trump to fall on 100% Anti-Trump everything even before Bernie endorsed Hillary.

Reddit has, historically, always had it in for what they consider to be corrupt politicians and have always loved Assange/Snowden types for bringing truth to light with a lot of them. then all of a sudden the only person talked about for over a month is Trump. this is not a coincidence. Reddit for years has hated Hillary and would jump on any article talking down on her and send them to the top of all. Not anymore. CTR is why.

yes because if you'd been reading r/politics comment sections over the election cycle it went from EXTREMELY Anti-Hillary and somewhat Anti-Trump to fall on 100% Anti-Trump everything even before Bernie endorsed Hillary.

Well no shit, because there was a close primary run between Clinton and Sanders in the beginning. Reddit's demographic fits very well with Sanders so it is not surprising that during the primary race the focus in the main political subs would be more anti-Clinton.

Now Sanders is out and his supporters are obviously going to lose/shift their focus. And as the general election comes closer and closer that shift is towards keeping Trump out of the WH. Without the pro-Sanders voice being the dominant one the anti-Trump one is rising up.

That's because Bernie supporters have no were to go except to attack Trump.

Bernie supporters hated Trump even back before he dropped out.

Bernie supporters aren't going to upvote a pro-Hillary piece but they're sure as hell going to upvote an anti-Donald piece.

I think it's safe to say that the vast majority of reddit users are Bernie supporters.

Notice how anything remotely related to Sanders instantly hits the front page

CTR got a 5 million dollar boost in their budget. Right around that time.

Bernie supporter were pissed as hell during the convention in no small part to her actions.

A complete 180 in that sub is absolutely bullshit. It's practically heresy to say anything negative about her. That's not natural.

But it's not a complete 180

A complete 180 would be Pro-Hillary stories rising to the top.

There weren't pro-Donald pieces before and there aren't any now. (there was a small amount before but I assume that's been stopped based on the action of the_donald)

It also doesn't help that in that time frame you mention, the_donald has become almost a parody of itself with just a bunch of ignorant retards really pushing reddit to hate them

She's never really focused on the pro's of a Clinton presidency recently. She has been just attacking him and keeping her mouth shut.

She knows that most people believe this race to be a binary choice and that's all she needs to focus on.

My point still stands. Nothing has changed.

People hated Donald Trump and his blind supporters before and people hate them now.

Easily 75% of people on /r/politics are Bernie supporters

Correct the record is making me more a trump supporter with all the worthless over the top drama spam they keep posting. Because if the content they post is the "worst" they can get on trump it's still far better than the HRC/DNC corruption and rigging. They have literally stolen our democracy and denied people the right to vote and are selling the presidency to the highest bidder.

I agree. Those wretched people have done more to make me hate Hillary than Hillary has, which is really saying something.

Right? Why is there a team actively built to destroy America?

Are they ALL getting paid off for this? Who would volunteer to completely fuck our future?

I don't think most of the people doing the "grunt" work really realize the damage they're doing. Many HRC supporters out there are fanatics who absolutely disregard all the evidence of corruption associated with her and the DNC. They'll do anything to make sure she becomes President and probably don't realize what lines they're crossing to do so.

Or you are being trolled by people who make their usernames like CTR

What exactly made CTR newsworthy this month? I'm a little confused by your standards of newsworthiness. Suggesting that no one mentioned a topic that's been addressed hundreds of times over is maybe just proof that the topic has been thoroughly burned out, but for whatever reason you're insisting that it's proof of a conspiracy. Then you go on to talk about all the same aspects of CTR that have been addressed literally hundreds of times before, as if it's news. Maybe the problem isn't the sub, maybe the problem is you're late to the party.

They also like to ban you for pointing out the poster is a CTR twat because you apparently need evidence before you can say that....even though one look at their post history and account age make it blatantly obvious.

One thing I noticed with /r/politics is that some users unnecessarily break up their replies into multiple messages. Like if they write a multi-paragraph response, each paragraph is it's own individual post, for no explicable reason.

I have suspicion that people who post in such an odd way are being paid to do so. When people are paid to post comments they are often paid by the post and sometimes even have quotas to meet, if the reports of Russian and Chinese paid posters are to be believed.

That is because /r/politics only accepts from their "approved list of MSM" websites and only from within the last 30 days or the post gets auto deleted. There has been no articles written about CTR from their approved list of MSM sites with in the past month. Reason why we haven't seen anything. Plus they are overrun by CTR.

Protip: don't visit /r/politics or /r/conspiracy if you want neutral political discussions.

Actually, to be honest, I feel like /r/conspiracy is going in a similar direction but instead with enormous amounts of "HITLERY" "CLINTON BODY COUNT RISING" "OMG HILLARY CLINTON IS THE ILLUMINATI HAIL TRUMP".

Edit: grammar

Anyone interested in this problem should check out r/therecordcorrected. It's a subreddit devoted to combating the deception.

Perhaps accounts should be 30 days old before posting something in a primarily discussion-based sub. I mean, yeah on funny, or wtf, or photoshop battles I wouldn't find it to be necessary. Or maybe a minimum karma requirement.

It wouldn't stop it but possibly slow it down a bit.

/r/politics is so corrupt and bias it's fitting of its name.

Can you guys not be so dense? CTR isn't the issue because CTR isn't the only company doing anything. I've been posting about this for months. Every single major political party and tons of major corporations use paid accounts, via interns or CTR like companies to control conversations.

I posted about this in /r/politics months ago.



We know the left uses CTR, but we only knew that because reddit hates HRC. Most Sanders supporters didn't understand that Revolution Marketing handled a ton of their online organization, including live accounts.

The GOP has been doing this for years (see commenters on Yahoo, CNN, and of course, Fox), and the Russians are doing it on US sites.


The Chinese have been doing it so long and so publicly that there is a name for it: wumao, which roughly translates to 50 Center, as they get paid 50 cents RMB per post.

Stop running around with the "Hillary is trying to change the online narrative" and realize she is just following suit. This is far worse and much further along than you think... just keep going and bring attention to the fact that more than a few people in the conversation are paid to be there in hopes of changing minds.

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Its amazing how quickly things get downvoted into oblivion on that sub.

Anything that is even remotely perceived as anti-Hillary, even if its not necessarily pro-Trump and only mildly anti-Hillary gets downvoted so fast it makes your head spin.

In general there is definately some sort of narative control going on over there.

If Hillary has enough support to take over a sub of 3,000,000 why does /hillaryclinton have 25k subs and /the_donald have 200k?

It does not add up in the slightest. You could say that people are anti-Trump not pro-Hillary but even /EnoughTrumpSpam isn't popular either...

/r/politics has ALWAYS been a Democratic party spam sub. It was founded to support the Democratic party.

In fact, its bias was so obvious it was taken off of the default sub list because it was making reddit look bad.

When it was a second Sanders sub it was probably 70% pro Sanders, 20% anti Hillary, 10% anti Trump. The day after the DNC it turned into 100% anti Trump. Did all the Berners disappear? I kinda doubt this robust Hillary support network sprung up organically.

And leading up to the convention it was very anti-Hillary.

They used to have a bunch of Ron Paul supporters too, but when it's time to toe the DNC line, dissenters get banned.

/r/politics has been around since the beginning - this isn't the first election this has happened.

Its not pro Hillary, its only even pro hillary relative to being anti trump eg. poll numbers supporting hillary over trump. I havent seen a pro hillary article stand only on pro hillary get upvoted there. Her nomination was I think 100 upvotes, heavily downvoted.

It is anti Trump, but even many Sanders supporters would take a stand against Trump, he has incredibly high unfavourable ratings amongst the youth and due to Reddit's demographics this is reflected in /r/politics after Bernie officially and completely dropped out and endorsed Hillary.

Bernie Sanders either jumped ship (following the endorsement, either due to partisanship (democrats should win) or because Hillary is the last remaining candidate that can win that reflects their views), or they remained but now are outnumbered. You really dont see many Bernie supporters only previous Bernie supporters since there isnt much to talk about in many of the threads regarding Bernie. We do crawl out in force whenever a Bernie related thread rises up (eg. that healthcare one recently). Or a Bernie related anti Clinton one rises up (eg. that CF article by the Associated Press).

Many of the more active Bernies moved onto PoliticalRevolution. But the majority I think end up supporting Hillary by default as the last progressive with a realistic chance at winning (sorry Stein). Pragmatism vs idealism, and many are taking the pragmatic approach and supporting Hillary. /r/politics has always leaned left, you didnt see pro romney shit there last election either. This is more or less a return to the status quo as the Bernie fever dies down/changes to the politicalrevolution

It's not r/politics. It's r/welovehillary.

Is it not possible to hate Trump instead of loving Hillary?

That's funny, I just had this conversation yesterday.

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Well, I do remember Hillary saying something about how they had to "correct" people on internet commentary/social media platforms....

R/politics is what made me install RES to hide that stupid subreddit.

Some recent accounts have obvious names, equating Trump to Hitler in all caps, or with capitalized "C T R" in their names.

You're surprised that usernames are being created within the last few months that directly relate the biggest topics of discussions on Reddit within the last few months?

That's like being surprised there's a large number of Rocket League related usernames after the release of Rocket League.

What I find most ironic is that you're account is literally 7 months old. When your account was 1 month old, your entire comment history exclusively consisted of 1 post in /r/HomeTheatre and every single other comment was in /r/SandersForPresident. Maybe you're a retired shill account?

I posted in a new thread at r/politics that had at least 9 brand new accounts with that thread being their post.

I'm not exactly sure how you expect me to respond to a comment like that, but I did my own digging in that thread you're talking about.

I found 8 accounts that are less than a few hours old in the same thread you're talking about. Maybe I just missed the other one or their comment was removed? Anywho, sure enough, these 8 accounts are less than a few hours old and all only had 1-2 comments in their comment history. So, I did the only reasonable thing I think there is to do, and I sent all 8 of them this PM...

"Hello! A user in /r/Conspiracy thinks you're a robot created for the sole purpose of bad-mouthing Donald Trump. I'm PMing you to make you aware and so you can respond to his claims or not."

Maybe you'll hear back from them? Maybe you won't?


You have got to admit it is strange that 8 brand new reddit accounts show up to post in a new thread at r/politics. Especially one that was not that popular.

All subs are compromised to a degree. Given the fact that any shill can create an account, it's really a matter of degrees to which a sub is compromised. Then you'd have to define compromise. I don't know to what degree, but I guarantee you /r/conspiracy is compromised by various shills with various stakeholder interests - be it corporate, government propaganda, activist etc. And yes I realize the irony of my observation in this sub.

How are these tactics used on /r/HailCorporate?

Alright, what exactly do people hate about CTR? I'm not trying to be a naysayer or anything I'm genuinely curious as to why people are so upset about it.

As I see it, it is no different than what political parties have been doing for decades with boots on the ground and other campaigning efforts. It's 2016, of course political parties are going to engage with citizens online. Of course those political parties are going to spread their message and seek to minimize misinformation about their candidate.

I can totally understand if you disagree with the CTR message if that disagreement is on substance but to be against them in principle confuses me. Are you against people making phone calls or holding community engagements to talk about their candidate?

My fear is that the outrage won't be large enough and this propoganda will continue to overwhelm the subreddit through crucial election times when everyone just wants it to be a place where all political opinions can be expressed.

I called the sub out when the r/politics was going to go completely under anti-Trump hysteria and circle-jerking. Predictably I got down-voted to all hell, even though I mentioned I was voting third party (Sanders supporter). The Justice Department briefly graced us with the Clinton Foundation inquest, then it just turned into a frenzy. If Assange dumps the promised files, it will register for awhile and then go back to the same editorial spam r/politics isn't worth visiting at present.

I'd just like to point out that the districts reporting 100% of votes for Obama in 2008 and 2012 were universally poor, inner-city districts with high minority populations. Or, exactly the demographic Obama absolutely crushes. I don't think it at all unlikely that zero people living in such districts would vote for the party of big corporate shills (or rather, what was the party of big corporate shills. Now it's both of them).

Idk why this is even on r/conspiracy - it's true, and completely obvious to anyone who frequents Reddit and has been paying attention for the past year. That sub completely flipped from being Bernie heaven to being "shit on Trump 24/7" in a very, very short period of time.

Forget CTR, I can't even remember the last time I saw a post on that sub about Clinton at all. I remember when posts critical of the DNC and Clinton were impossible to avoid on Reddit. Now literally every post is deriding a candidate that everybody already knows has no chance of winning. How are these tactics not noticed by people?

Also pay attention to the deep downvotes. Sure as shit it is in the mid fifty ranges. That is how many shills there are and they are actively brigading. Check reddit via archive and downvotes from a year ago had been a tenth of that for differing opinion content

Say anything negative about Hillary and your comment will be downvoted off the screen in minutes. It is crazy over there.

This is not a witch hunt. I do not think this qualifies as such, though, because these are all obviously fake accounts not run by individuals, but organizations.

You feel that this is the case because they're repeatedly pushing a clear agenda in-line with the broad talking points? Problem is that defines a huge swath of actual redditors...

I feel like you guys are getting trolled. That or your favorite multi-million dollar budget astroturfing organization has a bunch of obvious idiots working for it. I mean, capitalizing C T R?

Some recent accounts have obvious names, equating Trump to Hitler in all caps, or with capitalized "C T R" in their names.

ah yes you've cracked the case, friendo

these people with names like "CTR_Disinfo_Agent" aren't making fun of you or anything

no that's because they actually literally are part of a giant Hillary Clinton shill campaign but deliberately announce it in their usernames, on the sly

jesus fuck you people are so fucking stupid it hurts

Your account is 7 months old, before this post you have only posted in no mans sky. So we should look at you with some distrust, we should if we are using this same logic.

I'm having a hard time with /r/conspiracy supporting Trump. Like, guys, he's as much part of the whole thing as anyone else. He's not some magic freedom fairy who will deliver us from darkness. He's just a different shade of darkness. Probably not even that different.

This sub is not supporting Donald trump, it's against the propaganda that is occurring in a supposedly open political sub.

Collusion with MSNBC, shilling on Reddit.

I sure love that our next President is proven to be actively and totally keeping us in the dark!

Don't forget that recently propaganda against the American people was legalized. Shilling is a way of life now.

You do realize Reddit search algorithm is shit right

I am only allowed to post there once every ten minutes. It is a big ole circle jerk. It obviously infested with CTR but I am willing to bet it is infested with a lot of Bernie Supporters.

I just witnessed five brand new accounts show up in a thread I posted in at r/politics. All of them their first post.

fuck that im calling out all shills i just had to delete my 2 year old account because the cock-monkeys over at r/the_donald couldnt handle me asking questions about their superpac and net neutrality. Different party same tactics to quell uprising. All shills will get a shotgun 2 the dick

Is it like a requirement for posts in this subreddit to have no evidence? Certainly seems that way.

Meh, id bet good money theres more putinbots shilling for trump on reddit than there are ctr people shilling for hillary. It goes both ways.

You may be right and they may all be shills, but when they provide actual links to actual articles again and again and again that point out Trump's serious failings, and the points in those articles can also be sourced from multiple other sites, you have to say that is one well organised conspiracy.

this was our chance to organize and we failed. you can bet by next election we will have no voice on the internet.

Hillary only got the nomination through fraud and media collusion. She'll likely only win the general thanks to the same. It's not like the people failed to stop her, she cheated and was propped up by the corrupt system the whole way. The people organized well, but when the media is controlled by the DNC, they block thousands from their right to vote, and literally flip votes electronically as well, there's not much we can do about it.

for sure, im just saying the power to organize via the internet is not going to last. correct the record nearly killed it this election cycle, just wait til everyone else utilizes similar strategies.

People who say "open your eyes, maaaaaaan" are the blindest of all. That goes for pretty much everybody here, jerking each other off into infinity. Have a nice day.

What is your hypothesis here? You can't find a particular phrase used so a sub is full of bots? This post makes no sense.

Dude, come on, you really think you can correct this record here? This is literally a topic about how we all know /r/politics is overrun with deceptive assholes, and you actually think you can fool anyone here by being a deceptive asshole? Why even bother trying? And especially in such a combative tone! If you were more subtle in concern trolling, you might actually succeed in tricking someone into thinking you're posting in good faith, but you're just too terse and direct.

It's sad that you think everyone who disagrees with you is being paid to do so.

its sad that you think your deceptive bullshit will trick anyone in this sub of all places ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Well you guys are being pretty clearly tricked by the_donald trolls on a daily basis so...

More people support Hillary than Trump. Once I decided I wanted to support her (even after considering corruption i.e. Rajiv Fernando and dishonesty i.e. 'no classified emails were sent') I had to think long and hard about whether or not I wanted to create a new account to do so.

I'm sure some are shills... but many are not. I have been accused of it more than once (thankfully mods removed the accusations) and I'd be willing to bet my life that if I made a new account before posting in support of her, I'd have likely been called out here.

I had to think long and hard about whether or not I wanted to create a new account to do so.

Why would you create a new account?




Rules 10 and 5. Consider this a final warning.


Anything you say.

Oh interesting, didn't know Pascal was a subset.

I didn't down vote you by the way.

Hello it must be your first day on the internet. There are millions of trolls who are not getting paid by anyone but mom and dad or Burger King

Wait, you mean spamming "shill!" isn't constructive?

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with np.reddit.com.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Just stop commenting

responding two hours later

Alright, well thanks for confirming the fact that you only deem things which agree with you worthy of being counted.

And by the way, guess what shills just got caught?

Nailed it.

I have far too many educated friends that fail to see this. "Better than Trump" shouldn't be a de facto reason to vote for Hillary.

Rules 10 and 5. Consider this a final warning.

Your post fits the shill handbook perfectly. Let me make this very clear so you can understand. I don't care if you think I'm lying and I don't have to prove anything to a random stranger on the internet. Judging from your comment history it is blatantly obvious to me that you are paid to make these idiotic comments. My account is 2 days old because my main account with over 10k karma was perma banned for implying that someone like yourself was a shill. Let's go over your points now.

"A "die hard" liberal wouldn't throw away their vote by voting Stein, which is the equivalent of voting for Trump."

A "die hard" liberal is more likely to vote for Jill Stein because her policy positions line up closer to Bernie Sanders. A vote for Stein is not a vote for Trump. A vote for Stein is a vote for Stein.

" I suggest you learn how to think objectively if you actually care. "

I suggest you do some actual research into your candidate for once.

"Stein has zero chance of winning, so for every one vote that otherwise would have went to Hillary, it increases their difference between her and Trump by 1."

The people that are voting for Stein would have never voted for Clinton anyway, so it doesn't increase or decrease her chances. The fact that this race is so close should tell you that your candidate is terrible.

" For every two liberals who don't vote for Hillary, that is the equivalent of one full vote for Trump making the vote difference between them two votes."

Clinton's not a liberal so I don't fault others for voting for a true liberal. If Hillary loses that is her fault, she's not even reaching out to progressives.

"I don't get how any "die hard" liberal can mindlessly contribute to the creation of a Conservative Supreme Court in this way. Nothing would be worse for progressive policy than to have conservative for the next two decades(this next president could appoint 2-3 Justices)."

I don't see how any rational human being could vote for Clinton after seeing that the primary was rigged against Sanders. I'm not going to vote for someone when they are not the legitimate nominee. Plus she has huge corruption scandals going on in the background that if exposed could sink her campaign.

"If people are still calling you a Bernie bro it is probably because you are being hard headed and in denial of what is the best course of action"

You sound like a programmed robot. Voting for Clinton is in no way the best course of action. If Trump wins, maybe next time the Democrats will put a real liberal on the ticket.

"Her "corrupt agenda" was BASICALLY the same as Sanders' before he even decided to run, she didn't have to move left on much. "

Her "corrupt agenda" is in no way shape or form the same as Sanders and to suggest that is absolutely hilarious. Her corrupt agenda is gaining as much capital as possible into the Clinton foundation to buy off power people and even place them in power all across the globe.

Ah yes, let's talk about her voting record. She has nearly flip-flopped on every single issue. Clinton goes where the wind blows politically. She is not a leader but a follower. Bernie Sanders is a true leader because he actually holds his positions and doesn't change them.

"I recommend you get your head out of the sand and educate yourself on the importance of the Supreme Court."

I recommend that you go screw yourself. I'm tired of getting into shitty arguments with robots.

Did you seriously just link me the dailykos? Jesus