Theory: James Gandolfini killed because he knew about flat earth. Or he knew something about Antarctica.

0  2016-08-26 by andredawson



Nick Johnson committed suicide. Gandolfini wasn't exactly known for taking care of himself.

So the story goes. You repeating it doesn't make it true.

Any evidence to the contrary?

Not really. But I recently went down the flat earth rabbit hole and am totally convinced. And I believe that people that poke their nose into Antarctica get killed. Basically it's a working theory.


Go on.

They don't let people explore Antarctica. At all. Because it isn't an island contenent at the south pole like they say. It's the edge of a flat disk. An ice wall at the edge of the world. The north pole is the center of the flat disk.


Check on Eric Dubay. You might be the crazy one here.

lol fuck you. Flat earth is one of the most heavily shilled topics on the internet why? If it's so crazy that the earth is flat why shill so hard that is not?

16 comments and this post will never get above 0 hmmmmmmmm


lol k

I think it's far more likely that he was killed shortly after the series ended because of higher sales. Those that control Hollywood did him in to profit.

Fat fuck dies from being an unhealthy fat fuck. No conspiracy.

Since the Flat Earth 'theory' is a big disinformation campaign to see how many stupid ideas they can get us to believe, I'd say he didn't 'know' anything about the Flat Earth.

I think most of the "flat earthers" are spreading dis-info to make flat earthers look stupid.

I'd be far more inclined to believe in Antarctic Alien bases than flat earth, like ayone who's actually left their basement and taken a flight.

The horizon is flat. Look at weather balloon footage. Look again next time you fly. Flat.

I'm not sure how you think this is going to convince me. If I'm saying globe earth is a is one picture going to convince me? There are mountains and mountains of globe earth lies.

It's a spheroid so large you can't comprehend it, but the rest of us can.

Globe earth is dying. I believed it for 35 years, but I went down the rabbit hole. It's a lie man. Go look for yourself. Check out Eric Dubay's videos.

I did. I flew up and saw that the Earth wasn't flat. It was pretty cool.

Also, common sense.

Common sense? I think that you might want to rethink that argument. You would never believe in globe earth, not in 1,000,000 years, if it wasn't brainfucked into you from the first day of kindergarten.

Arguments from Ignorance aren't the greatest. FYI.

Here is the thing, one of us is right and one of us is wrong. One of us has only heard one side and one of us has explored the possibility that globe earth is a lie. You are the ignorant one. You are also the one that isn't using common sense.

I also know monkies don't fly out of my butt, though I haven't done any scientific inquisition into it. However, I am schooled in Astronomy, Physical Science, Geology, and Chemistry, and somewhat understand how oblate spheroids form in the vastness of space due to accretion disks, so I feel that the burden of proof is on you.

Show me a picture of Earth from space.

Oh no, are you playing the 'Everything NASA does is a lie' card? However will I counter that?

Well, since any actual physical evidence fails to dissuade you I guess I'll just have to ask the fairies. Because they always know.

The globe lie depends on everything NASA does is a lie. NASA is the vehicle that makes the lie possible. So yeah, all flat earthers believe that everything NASA does is a lie.

So, since the burden of proof is on your side, to prove the Flat Earth theory, how was the Flat Earth created?

That's not an argument.

What's not?

I don't know.

I'm an engineer. I don't think that matters, but just wanted to let you know I'm not uneducated.

I don't think you're uneducated. This ploy doesn't affect the uneducated because they blindly believe anything. You've been taught to think, then fed BS that SOUNDS plausible, unless you realize that the premises are based on fallacies.

They named an island right off Antarctica 'Deception Island' in early 1800s I believe. The earth is not a globe. Flat earth is not a disinformation campaign. It is the real deal. Lots of ppl at work I believe trying to control it spreading. Globe is doomed though ultimately.


I don't think you're uneducated. This ploy doesn't affect the uneducated because they blindly believe anything. You've been taught to think, then fed BS that SOUNDS plausible, unless you realize that the premises are based on fallacies.

The globe lie depends on everything NASA does is a lie. NASA is the vehicle that makes the lie possible. So yeah, all flat earthers believe that everything NASA does is a lie.