Something strange is brewing with the upcoming elections...

27  2016-08-30 by colordrops

The top news story at the moment is of hacks of various election systems by foreign actors:


FBI Warns of Cyberattacks on Voter Records

Stealing Voter Files Was Shockingly Easy for These Hackers

What's going on? Is it a legitimate hack? Is someone trying to cover up for previous shadiness? Are we being prepared for a "false flag" on an upcoming election? Or is this a cover to send in agents to muck with voting systems around the country under the cover of an investigation?


Probably different plans in place.

If trump wins they will blame Russia and try to cause as much ruckus as possible.

If Hillary wins they will find another reason to war with Russia. It's probably the only way they can save themselves from the central bank QE clusterfuck that's happening.

If they give Trump the election, there will be riots, martial law, etc.

If they give Hillary the election, it will just stall the inevitable a bit longer and cause further political divide. That divide might also result in race riots, martial law, etc.

Both cases will be blamed on a hacked/rigged election.

If they give Trump the election, there will be riots, martial law, etc.

I really doubt Black lives matter will riot and go crazy if Trump wins, because their Soros pay will have stopped. But THEY are trying everything in their power to stop him and rig in their pick.

What the hell are you smoking?

I'm not American, but I can see from here that shit is seriously going to hit the fan in America pretty soon. The election has been rigged and people can see it. It's a recipe for unrest, riots and mayhem, it really is.

Just a matter of time now.

im from canada and I see this as well. I only hope trump wins because hilLIARy Killtons must not win, she a liar, a hawk, a killer, mass murderer, she must not win, anyone must win over this bitch. I dont care who it is, but it must not be hillary who wins 2016.

Y'think? (/s)

The bat-shit level of insanity right now, in general, is above and beyond anything I've ever experienced.

Reality has become a funhouse mirror of itself.

Yeah. Certainly seems like it. I could be wrong, but I think what's going on is that there actually is some real change looming on the horizon - not just politically, but globally and in terms of ET disclosure, etc - and TPTB are possibly feeling that they may not have as much control over everything as they'd like to have.

i like you


I haven't really read up on it but my guess is they (our wonderful government) had the voting machines compromised so that they could get in there and do what they want with the votes. But knowing how incompetent they tend to be (or appear), either some foreign government was able to poke around and find their way in or they had spies or a domestic source of information that allowed them to get in. Assuming the premise (systems compromised by foreign gov) is true, of course, which it may or may not be.

It's so when our supposed leaders and politicians get busted rigging the vote, since they know we have all caught on, they can blame it on Russia like everything else nowadays.

It's priming to accept that some foreign entity was the cause, and not our own worthless piece of shit government which is who we all know is doing this shit.

All a coincidence, I don't think so.

That looks shady as fuck.

We will set the world a blaze with fear from all sides. This will allow us to use blue beam and give you all a central fear. Then we can line the useless feeders up and begin the cull. What is left will be used like the surfs they are. Mostly cleaners and servicers of the systems we use.

The division from within is so easy. Look at the fighting amongst man over politicians we prop up. Mean while we softly kill you with our gmo foods, meds, water, air. notice most of us are vegan and vegetarian? Gates spend a lot of money on food, meds, and ? We have time and will wait till chaos is across the globe, then we will be your saviors as we unity to defeat the holograms that scared our precious flock.:.

if i had to bet on it, its the DNC and clinton people hacking it and then blaming a "foreign entity".

its called 'blame shifing' hillary's...suckdaddy saul alinsky practiced and preached it

I agree. We already know Hillary pretty much stole the democrat nomination. So if anyone is going to be tampering with the polls come November it will be them. Yet they want to pretend their victims of a vast Russian conspiracy lol.

The FBI continues to run interference for HRC. This time it's a preemptive cover-story red-scare boogieman to explain away the upcoming wikileaks reveal that will provide further proof of widespread fraud on the part of HRC & DNC.