Fuck debt collectors.

0  2016-08-30 by LightBringerFlex

The lady calls me saying I owe money to all-state insurance from a bill I missed in 2002. I laughed and she gave me a lesson in being a responsible slave and paying up. She even attacked me when I said "dude".

I would never pay any debt collector btw since I stopped fearing them altogether which I recommend everyone to do. I am responsible but I noticed companies were abusing these collectors. This one company tricked me into signing a contract and since I decided not to move forward, they hit me with a 10K bill.

It's all a big joke.

Do yourself a favor and NEVER pay debt collectors. It fuels the elite.

I ended up telling this lady "Thanks for the cool story lady but I am not paying you a dime.

I feel so much better when I do stuff like this. They make us think we are working for our own money but they letter stop by and convince us that we have to give it away to tax collectors, bill collectors, fee collectors, ect...

I call bullshit. I see through your scam America. Remember when you got me for a DUI that cost me $20,000 while I was a starving student? Remember when you threw me into a jail full of psychotic gangsters who threatened me for 48 hours? Remember how you had me doing slave labor at ghetto parks for free for 45 days started at 4 am? Your park employees even made me clean out their trucks. They were bagging on me since I was the only white guy in the bunch.

Fuck these people man. Don't let them scare you by holding threats over your head. Fuck a credit score. Your value isn't wrapped around it. Your much more valuable than a sorry ask 450 credit score. I have a solid credit score and I still don't give a fuck about it. That score means nothing to me and my only use for it is to wipe my ass with the paper it's printed on.

Then I'm looking through the mail and I see a $10 bill from the IRS. After all I have given, they found a way to squeeze $10 more out of me. Btw, all I sent them went mostly to the elite. The elite owns the IRS.

In conclusion, I would like to give a double middle finger up to the government who tricked all you people into slavery. I don't need your credit scores, fico scores, your Dow jones bullshit, your sorry ass MSM that gives out fake news, your Obama care and it's high premiums that is always refused when I present it to a doctor, your price gouged oil, or any of your "intellectual" thinkers who sit around all day trying to find new ways to leech money out of the economy. Pack your bags and GTFO of my country you sorry sacks of shit.


I've followed this sub for a few years now...and love it, but this isn't a conspiracy. No one likes debt collectors or dui's...but if you don't pay your bills/drive drunk this type of shit happens. Basically you're just whining about the repercussions of your own actions. Gtfo with this shit

It's a conspiracy to keep us all in debt.. We could all be living like kings if excess wealth from human Labour wasn't wasted on the central banking scam and pre planned world wars. The dui thing is a conspiracy too, alcohol is pushed on us all the time in society, dui are great for the economy.

Why the down votes?

I am not sure why there are so many down votes against anyone speaking out about the financial institutions, and their evil practices. I thought individuals here would actually know who is really running this country, but maybe they need to do some more research.

That's not necessarily true. We are no longer free human beings, we are corporations via your birth certificate and SSN. When you enter into contract, you are representing that corporate identity, not your being. It's one of the biggest crimes against humanity. All thanks to the elites. This topic most certainly belongs here.

I hate this sort of attitude. It is something the elitist like to say. Everyone knows that Obama's unemployment figures are untrue. They don't even factor in the people who stopped looking for work into their reports. The real number is estimated to be around 23% of people who are unemployed. That is basically one in four people who can't find jobs, and many who have given up. This is unfortunately, but many fall into the rigged debt collection scheme set up by the financial institutions. They say they don't have debtor's prison anymore, but what they do have is far worse, a financial prison that will haunt your for many years.

For the original poster of this thread, I would advise looking up your state's statute of limitations on debt, every state is different. If it is past the number of years then a debt collector no longer has the right to sue you for payment. Basically, just ignore them. If it is within the number of years per state, then some debt collectors will serve you. If you fail to show up in court, the judge (crooked lawyer in a black cape) will automatically rule in favor of the collection agencies/banks. The credit agency/banks will then immediately ask the judge for a judgement against you, and this allows them to freeze your bank accounts and garnish wages. There is only like 5 states, maybe less, where they can't garnish wages thanks to the banks eroding away consumer protection laws across the country. Good luck.

Thats how unemployment figures have always been, they don't factor in people who stopped looking for a job

Exactly, and that doesn't give us a correct figure. Works well for political purposes though.

This is /r/conspiracy. Not /r/HugBox. Yes this is all shitty and laughable. And anyone who has been here any amount of time has told debt collectors to shove off.

God didnt do that, you did.

Hahaha. This is bat country

You do care because you pay your bills though.

Those are bills I agreed to so ya.

Yet you hate debt collectors.

Pay your bills or gtfo of my country you sorry sack of shit.

You mad bro?

Nope. I pay my bills. You're the one bitching and complaining.

Cool story bro.

u wot m8?

Yes, the family is doing great. Thank you.

bill I missed in 2002

I think they can only go after you in a real way for 7 years? Anyone know? I'm surprised they bothered. Good for you telling them to go fuck themselves.

the debt was probably resold in a different, later, lot... they are shaking up the tree, seeing what drops... I would have also laughed at a collection company looking to collect on something that's 14 years old.

I have been slacking when it comes to paying off debt. It's not a lot, its like $500. But I have so much bills right now, I'm literally left with $50 for myself each check. What's so annoying is that they call me EVERY SINGLE DAY. I explained the situation and I try to make the minimum payment but they always pressure me to pay in full. Yeah right.

Here is what you need to do. Next time they call you inform them you do not intend to pay some random company you never heard of. Then tell them if they wish to contact you further to do so by paper mail and that phone calls are harassment. They will never call you again


I've never understood how that is not considered harassment...

Edit: Out of curiousity, I checked: http://www.consumerfinance.gov/askcfpb/336/what-is-harassment-by-a-debt-collector.html.. Very interesting read for those out there..

Yes, the family is doing great. Thank you.