Any of Hilary's leaked emails show an ounce of good? Like anything that demonstrated she cared about me (avg Joe America)?

34  2016-09-01 by andredawson

I know the answer. Fuck this bullshit.


What a loaded question. I can't believe she is going to win. I lose faith in my fellow Americans. :(

I am actually gaining some faith in my fellow Americans. As her poll numbers drop, you start to see that more people are waking up to how awful she is, despite the media desperately cheering for her every minute of every day.

If she wins, it's not the people I will blame. It's the broken/rigged system itself!

i don't think its a loaded question.

and i am not convinced she will win, either ;)

I'm so scared to claim she will win, because most people think everyone is voting for who they think will win (and they would mistake me for voting for Hillary), instead of voting for whomever they agree with the most.

I don't want her to win, but I think she is corrupt enough to turn the right knobs and dials behind the scenes to win it.

i will vote for Jill Stein, until Hillary is arrested.

if/once hillary is arrested, bernie sanders will be next in line on the DNC ticket -- in which case i will vote for sanders.

if hillary isn't arrested, she will be elected installed -- doesn' tmatter how popular drumpf may get -- hillary had this election bought and paid for 6 years ago. there is nothing (apart from arrest) that can derail that train.

She used fraud and literal vote tampering to beat Sanders in the primaries. She'll just do the same to beat Trump if that's what it takes. She'll be the next president, even if Trump wins the popular vote.

Yes. Actually. There were a few emails that were actually promoting good. The one that comes to mind most is this one:

Very last paragraph.

Wut? Is that real? Moloch?

It's a real email, but the person was clearly being facetious.

"With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . ."

Haha what

Wait until you google Moloch.

Right. Forgot about the sacrifices. Sacrifices are good.

That's an email from W Lewis Anselm to "Task Force Honduras". The email was forwarded to Cheryl Mills, who then forwarded it to Clinton.

No. The MSM would've plastered any positive emails all over the TV & web if they could actually find one. Her email style is very robotic. Even emails to Chelsea lack any humanism. It's just a lot of the same ol' power broking. Although, it's possible Assange could've filtered out anything positive.

The same people that voted for Tapeface will vote for a Clinton or a Trump. Why pick a moderate when you can pick someone who could potentially light this candle? Right guys?

What is Tapeface?

"with fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch"

It seems like a joke, but why are politicians joking about such satanic stuff? I don't even joke to my friends about that type of satanic shit and I listen to punk rock and hang out with metal heads

Why the fuck would an American millionaire politician give a fuck about you? Why would anyone but you give a fuck about you? Get real.

Wow. You are a sad sack. Almost everyone I know cares about people, even people they don't know. I have a feeling less people care about you though. You sound like a bummer.

Sure bro, stay delusional. I guess it's a fun way to live, thinking everyone cares so much about you. Have a good one.

"That guys a douche, he only ever thinks about himself!" -Everyone you've ever met, probably

Spin harder little hamster. I'm not talking about the things you perceive. All I was saying boils down to this: at the end of the day, each one of you goes to bed and thinks of thousands of things. Guess how many of these actually concern others than your precious little ass? Yeah.. 0.


That's a real thing that really exists^^^

Some people lack it, particularly the sociopaths in government, but empathy is totally a thing for most people.

Someone's on their period

You're on r/conspiracy. What do you want me to say? Slowly clap at the things I do not agree with while carefully choosing my words as not to get downvoted?

I am actually gaining some faith in my fellow Americans. As her poll numbers drop, you start to see that more people are waking up to how awful she is, despite the media desperately cheering for her every minute of every day.

If she wins, it's not the people I will blame. It's the broken/rigged system itself!

i don't think its a loaded question.

and i am not convinced she will win, either ;)