Did a helicopter drop some kind of bomb on the South Tower just a couple of seconds before its collapse?

7  2016-09-01 by [deleted]



I've always wondered about this.

And thank you for doing so.


Whether it was a bomb, or detonated a charge, clearly the video shows some causal action taken by the Choppa that resulted in a series of linearly oriented detonations. How much more obvious can it get?


no. The near freefall speed at which all 3 building fells mean that the bottom, middle and impact areas were all detonated at nearly the same time. What we are talking about here is premeditated set up through controlled demolition. that ensured the bottom was already collapsing when the top hit it. The craziest thing of all is WTC-7, not impacted by anything, yet fully collapsed for no apparent reason

I know it's called a collapse but the buildings were dust by the time they hit the ground. How do you destabilize everything beyond the melting point to just make everything ash, instantly, but control it at the same time to not nuke the whole island?

Thermite, there is a type of thermite than can cause "dustification"

if you want to go deep down the rabbit hole: look into Black Eagle Trust - where the money came from, who kept track of it and where their records were located.

Interesting, thanks.

i'm getting a lot of negative feedback in the 9/11 sub so I'm deleting this. I don't want to be That Guy.

Knight is this the footage from THAT link at 3;50 you can hear at least 3 pops or so i think .....[shouldnt delete these folks gotta know even if they decide to disagree]

also what do you think happened to the top of the twinpins? not the antenae but the top that held the columns in place ... and why do you think there was so much thermal heat so many days later .... were we beamed or was it nukes in the basement? and all those beams cut on v angles and 45 degrees what a coincidence...

lastly what melts steel to be molten [which of course they would never admit to] and there was definitely ash when i finally got back to nyc the next day i was on the first ferry with 3 girls who still had the ash all over them they had not yet been decontamiated [tho they had to go somewhere i think to be cleaned up ] and it was easily25 hours after the event and collaspse well 9ish in the morning they were covered the ferry ride was very somber ...

They're too biased against the information and it doesn't really matter.

why do you think there was so much thermal heat so many days later.

Actually my thoughts on that are non conspiracy. When each beam hit the ground, it rubbed against the others already there causing friction to heat the pile more than anyone had ever seen before because that much metal had never fallen all at once before.

. Thousands of beams added heat to each other because of the friction among the beams and the total was enough to melt metal underground.

Some kind of secret weaponry disassociated millions of the metal fastenings such as welds and bolts, all at one time, while it dissolved the concrete to dust.

I'm thinking the 3 girls you mention are probably dead by now.

Some kind of secret weaponry disassociated millions of the metal fastenings such as welds and bolts, all at one time, while it dissolved the concrete to dust.

this is what i think ... they beamed the towers from space that is why the top probably disintergrated

I'm thinking the 3 girls you mention are probably dead by now.

this would be so sad they were just young twenty somethings who got caught up in you hafta come with us so they took them to new jersey [alot of folks it seems got evacuated to jersey but they would not evacuate me back to ny...so then in jersey they were kinda in a holding thing and then they were suppose to get decontaminated but that didnt work out so they were heading back to ny to go back downtown to get decontaminated sad all aroound that site smoldered for weeks ... we sat on the roof at port newark and watched all the activity from across the river but the winds tg were blowing over brooklyn [where all the hipsters are killing themselves to pay high rents ] for three days it blew south then it changed and blew north and went thru my apartment even on the east side you could smell the air was so bad ...

I'm glad to be talking to a witness.

that site smoldered for weeks.

It was exactly 100 days before the fire was out. even though a continuous lake of water was poured on it.


im glad to be talkin the the Knight... keeper of the koolest links

and even thereafter the 100 days there were building sites where like the financial center i think when they were doing the structual repairs certain floors would start blazing [spontaneous combustion thats always their code to my thinking] where workers would still be dealing with fires even months and almost years later

plus the thing was we were on lockdown in newark see cuz that was THAT airport shipping area and my stupid boss decided that it would be better to grind the lemon grass and fill the order then leave when they said get out or you are on lock down til sunset.... so as these girls were covered in dust so was my boss and his two gringos covered in lemon grass honest truth [he was a spice dealer as the towers fell and this girl cheryl who i had only just met that day her mom called to tell us what was happenin i was doin a bank statement in like 5 different currencies andi was like half way thru i just screened all the shit out to finish that sucker [it was like 5 pages] so menawhile this other guy came in from parking and was like one of the towers just had a plane fly in he was suppose to have been there earlier but he got distracted [yeah id say]] so then him and my boss went on the roof til the second tower collapsed they say the whole thing at that point i just wanted to go back to ny so cheryl and me were driving around honking the horn to get their attention meanwhile they were under a shoot to kill order right so like when they stopped us we were like i gotta get back to the city air vac me and they were like ladies you are lucky to be alive right get back to your biuilding and sit tight why didny your boss evacuate with everyone else.... it was horrible sad tragic and martial restictive and i knew immediately this was us on us...

I was far away, yelling at my TV, shouting "This isn't real, this is some kind of cartoon, This doesn't happen" over and over.

Then everybody everywhere decided they were extremely patriotic. "I'm more of a patriot than you are," "no you're not I am."

I didn't dare start looking into it for a couple of months but when I did a lot of the best info was still fresh. I went to Google Images, which was pretty new at the time and did a search for images of the Pentagon. I got a lot of the 9/11 movements best images for them from that search and made sure people saw them. Here's one very few have seen though.

Look for a line across the lawn on this satellite image made on September the 7th 2001.4 days before the attack.

The Pentagon lawn marking

Original http://imgur.com/cYz2L

Lawn marking close up http://imgur.com/e4gFq

The coverup of the mark the next morning


they hit the very wall becktel built that cost millions so it could cost millions again and all the audit trails papers all the fbi paper all of cantor and fitzgerald the entire dining room of windows on the world [that rat fucker silverstein set everyone in that room up] and then the part about rumsfeld i couldnt help it but i laughed he looked so rediculous on that front lawn stalling to what 11 am ... when i got back to one of my jobs where they manufactured designer suits right i was talking with my boss and they all had flags all over the place right [it was so contrived!] and he was like chick we got attacked and i was like we did this to ourselves and he was like do you understand the implications of what you are saying and im like unfortunately yeah!! [it was very republican they would raise 100,000 donors and stuff but i was always just myself [even tho some said you have to be careful what you say here but 25 years later they were gone i was still there closing the shop down ... ] if you walk straight thru the coals you dont get burnt... i had no visual for 911 our internet was down which is why we just hang on the roof watchin and at 6 they let us leave [allkevin had to do was make a right but he made a left and after that they would not let you hook aright again so we kept having to go the wrong way to get outta where we were and then his car broke down and we had to wait for his wife to come i think wewalked into their home in hoboken at 11:45 and i saw my first plane fly into my first tower ....when i hit nyc there was military on every single street corner and it felt awful total police state

Wow, a close up where you couldn't actually see.

exactly ground zero in new jersey but still in total military panic mode ... and kevin in total lemon grass greed mode ... world does turn i know so many folks were glued to their sets but for me i saw more watchin your link than ever.... my dad and me started lookin into the why of it like within two weeks and i remember that the french aviators society published this article that they beleived it was drones that were piloted from the ground [wtc 7] and they even showed the black planes flying and stuff and i remember i did not know what a drone was until then and my dad was interested cuz he was in the airforce in ww2 then like a year later everything got scrubbed

The DOD was testing computer flight control of full size airliners a couple of years before. I have video somewhere of one of their first attempts. The plane crashed into some woods. But by 9/11 their remote piloting had become better than real pilots could do.

I haven't heard the term grind the lemon grass. Sounds cool. can you tell me what it means?

I get that it means push on through a hard patch of work to get that greedy dollar. Right?

no silly Knight literally means he was a spice man someone wanted poundage so they put on hazmats suits and grind actual lemon grass into powder ... so they were literally covered in lemongrass as others were covered in melted cement and asbestos especially [my grandfather hated the asbestos very bad on the lungs and by the time they were building wtc they knew better they just didnt care [probably part of some longer term soft kill program they had waiting for themselves a decade hence yeah?]


I'd never heard of lemon grass. That link was very useful Thank you.


i know its very healthy my sister is into all sorts of holistic remedies and stuff like that they say dandelions also a cure for cance which is why monsantos tries to wipe them out like a weed

personally Knight i think the mind can cure almost anything if we havent been like completely poisoned [ i know this borderlines very sensative stuff for you ....<3]

I'm fine but someone close, not so much.

i'm sorry to hear that ...hopefully they will be ok and find remission within

i know this [will sound foolish to you but] if they are wearing green stones [emeralds jade touramaline tsavorites [ooh] ] they should take off immediately ... i learned this the hard way [even tho i really knew better but stones are compelling ]

Knight you should give this a watch today is particularly interesting in terms of bankin obuse and copyright infringement and freedom of speech and freedom


I get that it means push on through a hard patch of work to get that greedy dollar. Right?

i guess one could interpret this way ...quite colorful well done Knight

this link is so much fun did you check out the side bar ? all the otherstories from 12/01 like the shoe bomber .... wtc of course.... alqueda as boogey man [now they are allies again right ... its like rockerfellars and rothschilds i do confuse]

The pentagon invited an alQaeda leader to a party at the pentagon a few months after 9/11

: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/10/20/al-qaeda-terror-leader-dined-pentagon-months/#ixzz1StsQ2Yh3

We used them as mercenaries in Bosnia


So both before and after 9/11 they were our buddies.

of course they werent even the enemy on 911 we were! [funny how when you accept this truth the rest of everything they do all makes sense .... ty Knight i am gonna check out your links as soon as i make a cup of coffee

There's not much to learn past the descriptions.

didnt they kill him and his son with drones i think or am i confusing names yet again Knight?

Yes he was. And to confuse the issue even further,I seem to remember he wrote at least one speech for G.W. Bush.

I'd never heard of lemon grass. That link was very useful Thank you.
