I think the real conspiracy isn’t what happened on 911…

14  2016-09-03 by no1113

...but that it’s SOOO damn obvious that we were fucking bombed as a people and attacked BY OUR OWN FUCKING GOVERNMENT…and yet we’re still not doing anything (or nearly enough) about it.

We are sheep.

I mean look at the information in the topmost post in this sub right now for Chrissakes. How the fuck does AAAANYBODY come up with the idea that we weren't attacked from within?

So that's the real conspiracy here...that the power on this planet is so powerful that it's convinced all of us as a citizenry to allow ourselves to be murdered right in front of our very face...and KNOW IT...and yet still not to shit about it.

Yeah, yeah...I know. People have written petitions. People have written articles. People have made documentaries. Yada yada...

But we haven't done what I'm pretty sure a looot of us already know we need to do as a people: Come together and move as one AGAINST the b.s. ptb running/ruining this country and planet.

"Oh but we're not united! We're not together!"

Well...so then let's GET together! I mean whatever it is we have to do to stop from continuing to be used like the very expendable sheep stooges we keep getting used as is what we have to come together and do.

Rant over.


What's more intelligent and likely to work in our favor? Getting goaded info a fight with a prepared enemy who desires a fight or preparing defenses while refusing to engage that enemy?

Non compliance, civil disobedience while exercising your right to self defense will leave these parasitic assholes no clear win strategy. Decentralized and focused on a common goal of self determination we would be unbeatable.

That's why they spend so much time and effort in weakening our minds and dividing us by or differences.

They have unlimited financial resources and unprecedented control of information. Getting an organised "war party" assembled under those circumstances is literally impossible.

Instead the alternative community should focus on educating the common people about their rights, encourage them to be brave in their families defense, and teach them how to live without dependence on government.

We should all be leaders by example. We know what they're doing, we have that knowledge. Why are we collectively using the knowledge to produce content for ourselves to consume?

What's the point of knowing something and turning to someone who didn't bother to find that something out and saying "see I told you so, look at that"?

All I'm saying is fuck pointing this shit out to as we say "sheep" and start herding them in the right direction.

What's more intelligent and likely to work in our favor? Getting goaded info a fight with a prepared enemy who desires a fight or preparing defenses while refusing to engage that enemy?

I’d say the latter - but I’d also say that it doesn’t look like enough of us are sufficiently “preparing defenses”. Don’t misunderstand now. I am most definitely NOT advocating for any type of “violent chaos” type of scenario. That’s stupid and would most definitely not work. No way am I now nor have I ever advocated for that.

I’m talking about us coming together and simply not supporting the system, among other things.

Non compliance, civil disobedience while exercising your right to self defense will leave these parasitic assholes no clear win strategy.

We are saying exactly the same thing. This is exactly what I’m talking about. However, I’m not sure how many of us are truly doing this. I think there needs to be some solidarity in this - the citizenry communicating with each other so that ALL OF US know that we’re all doing this…and stand up for those others of us that are getting bullied by TPTB while we continue to try to stand up for our rights.

Again, we’re basically saying the same thing, and I agree w/what you said here.

Decentralized and focused on a common goal of self determination we would be unbeatable.

Yes, but we need a greater level of intelligence in the citizenry for that. Decentralization only works if the decentralized are intelligent enough to wisely manage themselves - and that requires the development of more skills, more wisdom, more intelligence amongst those interested in decentralization.

That's why they spend so much time and effort in weakening our minds and dividing us by or differences.

Correct. They’re aware of the power that lies in a movement based upon the philosophy you stated above here.

They have unlimited financial resources and unprecedented control of information. Getting an organised "war party" assembled under those circumstances is literally impossible.

Not if that war party fights by “Non compliance, civil disobedience while exercising your right to self defense”.

Instead the alternative community should focus on educating the common people about their rights, encourage them to be brave in their families defense, and teach them how to live without dependence on government.

Again, we’re saying exactly the same thing. Perhaps it was not sufficiently clear that I’m advocating for something like this as well in my OP.

We should all be leaders by example. We know what they're doing, we have that knowledge. Why are aren’t we collectively using the knowledge to produce content for ourselves to consume?

Fully agreed.

All I'm saying is fuck pointing this shit out to as we say "sheep" and start herding them in the right direction.

Agreed, but part of how you start herding them/us in the right direction is by pointing it out.

Thanks for the thoughtful response. It ultimately buoys the point that I made above in my OP.

You know I honestly misinterpreted your OP, my apologies for ranting on your post.

Well...Although you may have meant it as a rant, I didn't really so much interpret it as that so much as it seemed like a statement that goes along with the general idea of what I initially posted.

I just read what you posted and was like "Yeah. Exactly. This is what I'm talking about." - or close enough to it.

Okay, cool that was what I was going for. It sorta got away from though haha. The misinterpretation on my end came from thinking you were advocating armed revolution or something.

The misinterpretation on my end came from thinking you were advocating armed revolution or something.

I'm advocating, as you are advocating: Non compliance, civil disobedience while exercising your right to self defense

The first part of that statement means that the main goal is to peacefully become a free people that aren't getting manipulated by a nefarious covert force. The second part of that statement, however, means that if the antagonizing force does not stop antagonizing, then it must be MADE to stop antagonizing - by any means necessary.

Very well said my friend, I agree 100%.

Non compliance, civil disobedience while exercising your right to self defense will leave these parasitic assholes no clear win strategy. Decentralized and focused on a common goal of self determination we would be unbeatable. That's why they spend so much time and effort in weakening our minds and dividing us by or differences.

very very true Freedom fighter marketeer ... your name is growing

We are engineered to be submissive.

Read a brave new world by Huxley.

We are engineered to be submissive.

That's called taking the lazy route. Break your shackles, and stop being what you were engineered to be. Be a god damn human for once.

Don't tell me, broke away from conventional thinkING long ago.

Perhaps you may be right. However, this doesn't mean that we must stay that way - especially if we have the knowledge of the fact that A) we were/might have been engineered to be submissive and B) our being this way makes it very easy to manipulate us and take advantage of us at great cost to our lives.

If we wish to not continue to be taken advantage of (and I imagine many of us don't like to be taken advantage of), then it would seem that we should take the necessary steps to break OUT of this "engineered submissiveness".

I agree with you. Mass protests, im talking 30% of the population, would cause a big enough stir to make some real changes.

Yes. Correct. We have to come together and organize sufficiently to make mass, collective protests happen that actually WORK and aren't chaotic cesspools of moronic violence. We have to be concerted, strong enough, and organized enough so that we can stand against the ptb goons' police's eventual/inevitable decent into violence against the citizenry in the face of a mass protest. It will happen - the batons and the water canons will come out - because that's what they do. We can't let that keep a mass protest from still moving forward, however.

Problem with protests: agent provocateur causing mayhem. America is far too divided to hold any sort of large protest without he'll breaking loose

Problem with protests: agent provocateur causing mayhem.

Correct. This is why solidarity and communication amongst those moving forward is very important.

America is far too divided to hold any sort of large protest without he'll breaking loose

I wouldn't disagree with the idea that American citizens would have definite problems in all coming together. Yes. However, as far as "hell breaking loose"? I wouldn't say that that's any sort of "inevitable" consequence of American citizens coming together.

I understand that this country is very divided. Yes. TPTB have definitely made sure to foment all kinds of racial dissent, etc in order to keep us separated and apart from one another. However, it seems that many of us have a very common ground in that we are all expendable subjects of a manipulative financial elite.

We are manipulated and kept apart and at each other's throats - racially and otherwise. The more we realize that this is the case, the more we can fight against it and move forward as the united people we indeed are.

I'm not pretending it's easy, but the alternative is to continue getting taken advantage of as we have been.

Well to me the major problem is stupidity. America is full of dumb stubborn cunts.

Well yeah. Most definitely. I said in a few paragraphs what you just said in a few, terse words.

We need to stop being such dumb, stubborn cunts because it's our being dumb, stubborn cunts that's ensuring that we keep being led astray and keep getting massively taken advantage of.

We're definitely not disagreeing here.


You are preaching to a massive choir

Perhaps...but if so...well, we're a choir that's kind of stuck sitting on our pews. I understand that actually getting up and doing something is very not easy, takes a lot of character, a lot of strength, and a lot of courage - especially when you might not know if others will stand up and support you and be with you in your efforts - but, well...it seems the time is pretty much nigh for people to stop "wondering if 911 was an inside job" or not. It's time to stop trying to come up with more and more "damning evidence".

The shit is known. It most definitely was an inside job. 100%. We have to move past the "was it an inside job or not?" stage and go into the stage that says "now that we all know that it most definitely was an inside job and that our very own government and institutions don't care about us and kill us, what the hell do we need to start doing about it together so that we can start keeping this shit from continuing to happen?"

We need to start moving to step two now, and even this choir here needs reminding of that because even we - with all the information we have and with all we supposedly (and actually) know - even we aren't moving forward with the information we have toward the next steps that need to be taken if we are to keep ourselves from continuing to be the horribly expendable fodder tptb most definitely see us as.

Why dont you make a thread and get people who are willing to join you to sign it, contact the major 9/11 sites and movements, do them same there. Exchange information and set a meeting point, bring signs, march on washington or whatever and make your voices heard like occupy but have a direct goal. Make sure you have detailed lists of your main points so that politicians cant derail you so easily.

Not bad suggestions. Thanks.

-"Be the change you want to see" Gandhi.

Most definitely. Been working on that very thing for quite a while now.

I wish I could do more in my life. I know a good way to wake up a lot of people, and to stop a lot of this madness, but it would require me to make a sacrifice, to let go of my own life. But I get treated like shit by every asshole around me. Life has turned to garbage, the American people are garbage. So I have almost no motivation to enact any of my plans. The only people that give a shit are digital strangers on obscure forums and websites. I can't find a single soul with a revolutionary spirit, everyone I'm surrounded by makes money or is reliant on the military complex and the police state to live. This country is shit. I know how to stop this all but I would have to die and I'm not willing to die for worthless assholes that likely wouldn't notice and would have a huge chance of my death meaning nothing and them continuing to fall off the cliff like the stupid beasts they are.

Maybe we deserve this. I'm so sorry.

I can’t say I don’t entirely understand what you’re saying here.

I see a lot of this ranting going on, but no one ever suggesting what we do after.

You don't have a plan by any chance do you? What system are we moving to in your mind? What system are you going to put in place after we've successfully unshackled ourselves?

Or are we all just gonna sit and gloat in the ashes til we starve to death?

Open Source Direct Democracy. Panarchy. I refuse to be the useful idiot who's righteous fury is burnt out, all just to consolidate the power for our next overlords.

I see a lot of this ranting going on, but no one ever suggesting what we do after.

How about us putting down the faux racist indoctrination that’s been brainwashed into us and all coming together and moving against the manipulation that’s been put over our heads?

How’s that for a suggestion?

You don't have a plan by any chance do you?

Of course I do. To have a plan and to have a few million people willing to implement it are two different things, however.

What system are we moving to in your mind?

We’re moving into a shit system. Same one we’ve been in for a long time now. What system I’d like us to move into is quite a different one altogether, however.

What system are you going to put in place after we've successfully unshackled ourselves?

You don’t have any idea of that? Nothing comes to your mind? You don’t know the first thing about the manipulation and the theft and fraud that’s overcome this country and planet that needs to be done away with? Really?

Or are we all just gonna sit and gloat in the ashes til we starve to death?

What ashes?

I refuse to be the useful idiot who's righteous fury is burnt out, all just to consolidate the power for our next overlords.

What are you doing now though? So long as you (and me and the rest of us) stay in this system as it stands, you most definitely are being the useful idiot…but with zero “righteous fury” to burn out one way or the other. You’re just sitting there…like me, like so many of us (all of us, it seems)…doing either nothing, or not nearly enough.

So I come on here and post an OP that’s at least trying to invite some sort of ideas that can possibly spark some possibilities, but your idea is to respond with critical vitriol that does all of nothing to contribute.

So which one of us is at least trying to help, and which one of us is coming here shooting things down? Which one is ultimately helping more here?

I'll just point you back to my original response. You see the only bit you didn't copy paste back to me?

The Open Source Direct Democracy. The Panarchy. The viable solutions that I gave that are far more useful than your platitudes and weeping for togetherness.

But to be honest, I'm just hitting you with some Cunningham's law. Don't give me your moaning, answer my questions.

You mistook what I was trying to do, and the attempt at pining to Cunningham's law looks more like a cop out than anything else. Regardless, the fact that you ignored what I clearly posted as some answers readily illustrates that you're interested in simply attempting to be antagonistic, which is something not worth continuing to respond to.

Of course, you'll likely misinterpret that too.

Eh, I'm currently two-thirds of my way through a politics degree so that not only can I actually understand the way in which our current systems of governance/societal structure operate, I can also take part in the creation of the direct democracy OS's, app's, etc. that I hope to help supplant them with.

But please carry on telling everyone to get out in the streets and yell at the sky. The topside noobs thinking they're freedom fighters are helping the rest of us learn how to stay covert.

Chill out kid, there's still 3 or 4 years 'til it all kicks off. Learn a skill or something.

But please carry on telling everyone to get out in the streets and yell at the sky.

If you think that's what I'm even suggesting, then what you need is a reading comprehension and a critical thinking course a LOT more than anything else you might be taking.

Ultimately, you just made yourself look extremely stupid. Thanks for showing your hand, though. I see a really good future for you as the next, garden variety CNN propaganda-pushing puppet.

Mmmokay, lively debate.

You carry on advocating for... Whatever it was that you were advocating. I believe it was 'GET' together and 'DO' 'SOMETHING' about 'TPTB'? Sounds like it'll be a success.

I'll carry on advocating for an Open Source Direct Democracy, which is like... a tangible idea.

The reading comprehension just continues to plummet and plummet. How exactly do you plan to be able to actually function in the world - professionally or otherwise - when you are so myopically misguided? Is it on purpose that you do it or are you just that clueless?

There's nothing to comprehend because you're saying absolutely nothing. You haven't put forth a single idea in either your OP, any of your responses to me or any responses to any of the other people in this thread. Some buzzwords like 'civil disobedience' and 'coming together'.

You're just repeating over and over 'we need to do something'. What is that something little kid? We're gonna protest... or something... until all the bad guys that did a 9/11 just leave government. And then like... Something'll happen and suddenly all the corruption in the world will also go away and the only people who'll be in government will be pleasant good guys?

We win by creating the new system that we move on to, not by fighting the old system on their home turf while they hold all the cards. Paraphrasing Buckminster, but you get the point.

I get that you're all upset coz my responses haven't been pleasantly jerking you off for being the edgy anti-hero we all need, but you need to read a fucking book and chill out.

Maybe start with some French Revolution and see what happens when you've got the guns, the numbers and the will but you don't have any sort of plan for afterwards.

Chill out sweet child, the adults are handling it.

Hope you enjoyed typing out all that out and thinking it was going to get read.

I'll give you a hint: It wasn't.

Eh, kinda. It's all practice for writing while assuming different characters/personality traits. I argued my point, stuck to my message and repeatedly highlighted the flaw in your op and responses... It's all training.

Hope you enjoyed the other thread I linked you. A lot of good conversation in there, not just specifically the comment I paged on.

I'm all for textual communication - I can tend to do it a lot - but mostly when it's under circumstances that aren't unnecessarily antagonistic. I much prefer idea-sharing under the auspices of respectful communication rather than anyone trying to "one up" each other.

I honestly didn't really pay much attention to the other posts in the thread you linked. The one comment you did link me to, however, was quite appreciated, and echoed some of my own sentiments on the issue. I responded to that user letting him/her know that much as well.

9/11 was TREASON, say this simple truth and let the sheeple work out the grisly details themselves.

don't waste time and energy explaining minute technical details to people who are hostile to news or just plain dumbmofos..

Agreed, but it seems we're long passed the point of just saying it's treason or trying to explain to others that that's what it was.

Are we not at the point where we need to begin ACTING upon the fact that we are ruled and governed by a treasonous bunch of vipers that care not for the well-being of the people they're supposed to help?

Should we not begin helping each other INDEPENDENT of these political, governmental, corporate monoliths?

We're never going to find out what happened on 9/11--mostly because the insiders who planned it don't play by the rules...they will blackmail, they will kill to keep their secret. If need be, they will even order another False Flag against the USA--just so they can keep their power.

And we the sheep won’t do anything about it? We know this is what they do, yet we let them do it? We let them keep being the evil criminals you just correctly called them out as being?


So then what are you saying? What can your statement be interpreted as saying?

“Look. We’re sheep. We can’t do anything. They’re wolves. They’re evil. They’re badass. We suck. We can’t do anything but just sit here and keep taking it.”

Fuck that, man. Don’t be like that or say that or think like that.

I personally think it’s ultimately much better to be the frog than to just lie down and take the obvious ass punishment we’re getting.

Well yeah. Most definitely. I said in a few paragraphs what you just said in a few, terse words.

We need to stop being such dumb, stubborn cunts because it's our being dumb, stubborn cunts that's ensuring that we keep being led astray and keep getting massively taken advantage of.

We're definitely not disagreeing here.