I wanted to address a serious media problem

36  2016-09-03 by LightBringerFlex

I studied psychology and have identified many media issues that cripple our country but I will name the big 3.

  1. Violent and other disturbing media contribute to disgraceful actions in real life. Even comedies are full of psychological violence nowadays. The Kardashians is one of the most psychologically violent and they call it a family show.

  2. Fear mongering media ruins the minds of Americans. Fear is the one thing you don't want in your life. Fear is like kryptonite to the mind. News median are constantly fear mongering.

  3. America as a whole has incorrectly taught the people to be ashamed of their own bodies. This is one of the reasons why naked bodies are blurred on TV while violence isn't. America also convinced people that sex is somehow inappropriate although sex is one of the healthiest activities for the mind.

Everything you see in life stems from the mind. This is one reason why you can't legislate morality. We are, in fact, supposed to create mind building systems across our culture starting from preschool. Stuff like awareness training, self responsibility, social skills, peace building, and many other healthy activities should be the focus point for this country. We can fit this in everywhere including movies, video games, and schools. Basically, we would have to use media responsibly. The mind is where it all starts. Fix the mind through the tools at hand and the rest will follow.

Pay attention to all media. You have games where the main character is fighting everyone. Things like this make people think life is a war and your success depends on another mans failure. Look how poorly the Kardashian family behaves. People who watch the kardashians are led to believe this to be somewhat normal and so they repeat the behavior. We are so focused on competition that we don't even consider cooperation. All these ideas are injected into children who later turn into adults and carry behaviors that lead to brutal survival instead of happy cooperation among the masses. They teach you that you are alone and that only you can help yourself. If you fail, it's your own fault. This isn't entirely true. What they don't tell you is that no man or woman is an island upon their self. We are a highly interdependent species just like an ant farm. We all have unique gifts to offer. We are ONE system across the world.

Basically what's happening here is the America is misinforming the people through sly propaganda that goes mostly untouched.

I know a lot about all this as I have studied it in university and I can tell you one thing. If I were the guy at the top doing this, it would only mean that I am trying to turn people against each other. The only other possibility is that the media giants are,simply ignorant but I doubt it. Many Ph.D. holders have presented evidence of this to the government and have always been ignored.

Cleaning up the media and propaganda in this country equates to turning a crack house into a clean, pleasant home. It would make a huge difference and it would have an amazing psychological impact on your average American. When the mind is clean, the surroundings follow. As media poisons the mind, the surroundings get worst. The one good bit of news is that Americans are beginning to feel repelled from a lot of this media but we are still in the early phases of this.

There are many systems in this country that need a serious rehaul and media for sure is one of them. The amount of damage that gets done is monumental.

Just my 2 cents but I really think this is a critical issue of our time. Just remember. Every behavior stems from the mind. What we pour into our minds influences every decision we make and poisonous information distorts us.


Unplug your TV. Dont visit any mainstream media websites.

Good article thanks.

Very well said and spot on.

Today's propaganda is based on over 100 years of research.

They know exactly what they are doing.


TPTB works better.

Our family unplugged about 5 years ago. We went to NPR radio, then quickly realized they fucking sold out as well.

While I agree with most of your points, I think its worth mentioning that religions (see the Roman Catholic church) and other similar groupings encourage distrust and conflict among people and have been doing so long before the media monster.

Good point, and great way of putting it simply.

I haven't owned or used a TV in over 6 years. I'm doing great! And I honestly secretly look down on people who watch a lot of tv. Or any tv actually.

I'm in the same boat. I stopped in the bush era and felt the effects in months.

Q: How do you know if someone doesn't own a TV? A: Don't worry, they'll tell you!


How do you know when someone has a TV? They have their head up their ass. Ha!


Any recommended material to look up regarding this?


Lost me when he started talking about Jesus.

It wasn't the Jesus talk that bothered me so much, but when people who talk on this topic go off a tangent and never be bothered to substantiate their claims as if we are expected to take everything they say at face value. To believe any of this electronic warfare claims i really want to see more about the science and tech behind it all, maybe a live demo of some sort. Not some supposed first hand witness that throws in some mumbo jumbo terminology to sound smart and expect me to buy every word. I would really love to learn more if there is any truth to this, though!

Why do you watch television? I don't even know what a kardashian looks like. Try not to open with "our country" on the internet. It's not just an American audience here.

This sub is poisoning minds inducing a sense of paranoia from the mixing of disinformation with real information.

Possibly, but it could be said at every other sub and form of social media--not to mention your cable news networks are a one way conversation.


The news anchors are CIA agents for a reason. Master persuaders.

Edit: Down votes?? Do your research people I only speak facts.

Violent and other disturbing media contribute to disgraceful actions in real life. Even comedies are full of psychological violence nowadays. The Kardashians is one of the most psychologically violent and they call it a family show.

Ever wonder why The Walking Dead goes out of its way to show graphic violence?

That show is truly fucked. I watched 1 season and I already started having some of the worst and graphic nightmares. I had to stop because nobody with a right frame of mind would constitute entertainment with that amount of gore.

I agree with the general sentiment. However the idealism around having "everything" be mental is dubious, because it ignores the physical environment that plays a role in peoples mental states. Also it's not simply media doing this, it's also a lack of critical discussion among media consumers.

There is no way violent, fear mongering and body shaming media is going to be eliminated by attacking it head on legislatively, not that the efforts should cease though. It's too profitable of a method of increasing consumption. We can however greatly increase the discussions we have on these topics.

People aren't simply vessels that parrot whatever they experience, people also don't want censorship. These are the primary defenses of mass media lawyers. The reality of the situation is that we are essentially trained to be parrots through our heavy media saturation, lacking critical discussion.

Regardless of the level of your saturation, critical discussion about media and life in general, undoes this training and enables people to create their own experience.

Yes. The media is to blame for the problems we have in our society. The media isn't going to change unless we stop watching so much and critically discuss it at least equally. Ratings need to drop across the entire media spectrum for mass media to even think about changing. It's not fair but that's the reality of the situation.

the minions of the elite caste are heavily into psycho analysis, its their way of coping with the 'bad' programming that is fed to society.


I think the elite and their minions don't consume much media, as they have more modes of entertainment available because of their socioeconomic status.

You don't watch the same things on a screen in the same way when you have the money or ability to fly to a new continent for every meal.

It's so rigged. A few people control media instead of the masses only because they have more money.

Of course it's rigged.

More important than money, mainstream mass media entities share the same ideology with those in power. Yes they get rich off what they do but they continue because they truly believe what they are doing is beneficial.

ther possibility is that the media giants are,simply ignorant

these are billion dollar orgs with many many university trained peoples working in them.

evil for profit not ignorance is the norm for MSM and big orgs.

Solidarity, brother.

Just a thought but remember if society collapses at least 90% of people are caught in the trance so you have to be ready for primal instincts. I suggest fasting for like 14 days while everyone else kills each other for food. Good luck. This is under speculation that Babylon is falling soon.

Or just keep 2 weeks of food on hand?

Fasting is really good for you, but difficult under normal circumstances. Fasting while in "fight or flight" mode might be especially challenging. I'd keep some snacks around for those two weeks. The point of keeping your cool and metacognition while everyone else panics is well taken though.

Keeping 2 weeks of food would be good and all, currently I'm super broke though. Research things people, wildlife that grows in your lawn is edible and some of it is actually better for you than anything sold in stores, I was shocked when I learned that too.

Once these people who have been eating chemicals for years start fasting they will die. As sad as it is, their bodies won't be able to cope and nothing will be able to remove all the toxins. All the toxins will be reabsorbed and make them very sick.

To my knowledge, from listening to chemists, they say to eat fruits for a day of fasting, break the fast with fruit and then you can add veggies based on how healthy you are. If you are healthy do whatever you want, but if you're sick always fast and lean off it with fruit.

I have been researching fasting and how long people can last and I'm really beginning to think you'll live longer and healthier if you starve yourself every single day you live. Your body takes a lot of resources to digest anything that is not fruit. Veggies are not even homo sapien food. I'll get smashed with down votes for saying that but I don't care.

The human body works like this, if you eat fruit and fast you need nearly 0 resources to keep your body running. The second those veggies touch your digestive system your body needs to work way harder, berries, melon and other fruits digest easily and need nearly nothing to digest. Everything is already broken down. Veggies on the other hand are nutrient dense but are very hard on your digestive system taking a lot of resources. If you have only been eating fruit your body will need nearly no energy to run, since your digestion is not going, the glucose for your brain, over time your body will become more and more efficient. Break your fast with a bunch of fruit and only add minor amounts of veggies if any at all.

It's almost fall so the dandelions will be out in full force soon, LPT: Dandelion leaves are more nutrient dense than any leaf you can BUY in stores.

I currently eat sugar, meat, coffee and alcohol. With that said I believe the perfect human diet could very well be a fruit diet with the addition of other easily digestible herbs.

Marijuana, fruits, turmeric, all natural drugs. People will say we need protein and such and others but to them I will ask the same question that changed my opinion. (You can also get protein from hemp and other herbs but I don't even think it's worth it to look out for that anymore.)

A wild horse a steed, it's stronger than normal horses at the stable, very muscular horses. You don't want to mess with one of those, but what do they eat? Grass. How do they get so big with such large muscles then?

Exactly. There are things science can't explain. The human body is one of those things. I suggest everyone checks out this guy on youtube, I just found him and I love him. I have a quality where I don't dismiss people until I take the time to understand, for that sake I understand a lot of people, this man knows his shit.

This turned into a massive write up lmfao. If everyone smoked weed and everyone devoted all this love and knowledge into things they did man this place would turn around very fast. I can't explain it perfectly, but I can send you to the man. I think of everyone I listen to on youtube I like him the most. What a great man.

Edit: Buy a stock of food. Something like rice or other bulk food should be good, above all make sure you have water.

Your point on fasting reminded me of a study about people who lived longer supposedly due to constantly eating a calorie deficiency. Something about keeping their bodies in a fight or flight state. Now I have to go look that up.

Yep, we have seen the same documentary. I saw it about 6 months ago and upon further research I think eating a calorie deficit is the way to go.

Ramen and canned vegetables/meat are super cheap.

You were good till the last sentence. And why the hell is Babylon falling soon. You know dam well throwing that goofy shit out there was gonna get people riled up so what's the point? Know something everyone don't? Then just spill it to begin with.

The bible says Babylon will fall at the end. The united states is babylon. When it will happen who knows but it's not far, someone said 10/4, one month exactly might be the start. Who knows, I think something big will happen soon.

our economy is fcuked, industry is slow, oil price are really low, dollars are being printed just because.

they have all the dials cranked over to one side, if things got back to normal the system would break.

Well that I agree with. But the biblical crap is too out there for me.

I havent watched tv going on 8 years now. All i do is read books, learn new things, and surf the internet. I dont think anyone in their right mind trusts the mainstream media anymore

Almost every movie / tv series is about people handling things the wrong way, making bad decisions, and so on.

If all the characters would deal with scenario's in the most sensible/rational/logical way possible, there wouldn't be a plot left :P And people just love drama.

But you are absolutely right, looking at these things repeatedly shapes our view of reality. A lot of bad traits/behaviors are being normalized this way.

Good point. I know if I brought this up to the country, they would argue that it's what people want to see but then I would argue of the extreme consequences. I firmly believe we can make great tv shows and movies the right way.

Excellent post. You should try /r/media_criticism too!

Will do thanks.


how often do they admit confusion and anger over news items, outrage over BLM and other oddities in the news, stock markets and 401K disasters.

life is confusing for peoples who fail to read, or soak up details and do the math.

media are

So you're not American.

This is one of the reasons why naked bodies are blurred on TV while violence isn't.

Moral crusader

I know a lot about all this as I have studied it in university

Appeal to authority.

We've got issues, but the last thing we need is some feminist "free teh nipple!!1!1!!|" nonsense.

Any recommended material to look up regarding this?

TPTB works better.

The bible says Babylon will fall at the end. The united states is babylon. When it will happen who knows but it's not far, someone said 10/4, one month exactly might be the start. Who knows, I think something big will happen soon.