A Comfortable Generation: A Teacher's Reflection

28  2016-09-04 by [deleted]



Water first!

If the well spring is tainted, nature or dire straights will plot your course!

Education on Tribal lands are being subsidized by Tribal Leaders that Sell Out to Water, Air, Mineral and Fire rights to the BLM and Your Tribal Leaders Fail to Disclose how you, the land and this Nation, your Heritage and mine are being plundered!

I agree. Give me more information.

Water is paramount.

Clean. Water is integral.

This is the warrior that plunges head long into the Headwaters of Toxic Aquifers across the Americas or ignores the warning.

You can Educate from a computer or from a field.

Most fields will tell you the water is so polluted, be it from Toxic Rain Pollutants and Live Stock Slaughter engineered!

Any act of Governance is a Stock Market Tick on the Chicago Exchange!

Lines the pockets of the Politicians, Insurance Brokers and thus, hangs the poor souls you wish to educate out to dry.

Good write up.

I'm guessing you've seen this but if not watch it. Explains how we went from teaching how to think to what to think.


Actually I haven't! Thanks for sharing and reading.


I just want to tell you that a treasured lifetime friend of mine who taught elementary school most of her life passed away two years ago. I was devastated, still am.

I remember when she was a bright young teacher early in her career. I helped her haul all of her classroom decorations and education stuff to decorate her classroom the weeks before school started so everything would be just right when the kids walked through her door for the first time. She was probably right about 27 at that time. She spent her own money and unpaid time to make that happen.

She used to bring home tall stacks of papers to grade _every_day, the tan pulp tablet paper with 3 big lines that little kids use to learn to write their letters. She'd divide the papers up into manageable loads and give all of us roommates red pencils to grade the papers. Each paper got a happy red star and a nice comment for the student. We did this nearly every night.

Later she went on to become a teacher in the gifted and talented program. (Why do they always give the best teachers to the best students? They should give the best teachers to the struggling students).

In later years she became the principal of her school. I'm sure she was the best principal any school ever had.

She was a beautiful woman of 6' tall with a fine shape, long blonde hair, and a fabulous smile. I adored her completely.

When she passed at 71 two years ago I was sure that education would never recover from the loss and that schooling in general was doomed without her.

But here you are. At 27. Doing it again. Maybe you are my friend reincarnated come to save the children she loved so much.

Thanks for posting.

That was touching. Thank you for sharing.

Thanks very much for your write up. Personally, I value highly the perspective of teachers such as yourself since you are able to see the progression and annual variance of young minds at an intimate level.

Recently, I've been attempting to shift my thinking towards solutions for the many astute and troubling observations we see in this sub. So allow me to try to answer your points with suggested direct actions.

Food at our fingertips:

We should stop buying manufactured foods. Do not purchase anything that you would not find available on a farm or homestead. Of course there can be occasional exceptions but they should be exceptions and not part of a family's regular shopping list.

Everything is a legal issue now:

Kids will get hurt. In the end this is nobody's responsibility except the parents and kids themselves. If a kid falls out of tree and breaks their arm, they should learn how to climb trees better, or the parents should tell them not to climb trees. If they still climb a tree, then it's the kid's fault.

Putting too much trust in our children:

All adults need to actively play their roles as leaders, educators, and protectors of children. This includes holding the assumption that kids don't know what they're doing, so we need to show them the right way to do things. Currently, adults are dodging this responsibility by assuming that "children know best".

Comfort trumps all:

Adults have made comfort their priority, so children have adopted this same attitude. Adults need to man up and show them that comfort is not a ruling factor. Stop buying and using creature comforts. Use a fan not an AC. Sleep on a basic mat not a "Comfort-pedic" bed. Don't use an electric appliance when some elbow grease will do.

We are being entertained to death:

Throw out the fucking TV. Allow young kids access to books but not computers, phones, or tablets. Seriously, they don't need those things.

Why are we only teaching academic skills?

Academic skills are only being taught because these are the skills that lead to money. Adults need to learn and then teach that money should not be a primary motivator in life. Character, personal relationships, and intellectual and spiritual enlightenment are the priorities. These are the things that lead to happiness and progress.

The Illusion of Intelligence:

Critical thinking and evaluation is the framework in which "knowledge" functions. Logic, philosophy, discussion, and analysis need to be a teacher's priorities rather than rote memorization and regurgitation of facts.


Ironically, I think what we all need to do is forget about "the bigger picture". Starving kids in Africa and rebel fighting in Syria have about zero pertinence to a regular American's every day world. This isn't to say individuals can't influence larger issues, but what's happening is the larger issues distract everyone from the local issues where they can really affect change. Feed the poor who live across the street, not the ones living across the ocean.

We don't believe in God, but we worship ourselves

This is a big issue, and I think its solution lies in some of the previous points. Self-comfort promotes self-worship. Social media promotes self-idolatry. Modern entertainment promotes self-absorption. Basically, everyone - including adults - has lost the sense of human interrelationship and community. This is a tough one, but throwing out the TV and getting off social media is a good start.

Thanks for writing out your thoughts. I read them all.

:) You seem like a very conscientious teacher. Best of luck. You have my good wishes for you and your students.

Fantastic write up. Couldn't agree more.

I think every child should have to spend one month a year on a farm. Feeding and caring for animals, hauling water from a well, no tv or internet, making their own fun in their off hours…and at the end…helping to slaughter an animal for food.

We live in a world where, right now, there's a kid somewhere in North America, who has no idea that milk comes from cows. They have lost all connection to their humanity.

Yes, I am finding more and more even miss out on the experience of getting jobs as teens or young adults. This may be hard to explain, but I was one of the few of my friends who had to work in high school to pay for my phone and stuff. Then there was a point where I no longer had support from my parents and had to work shifty waitress jobs.

I find even the poor don't appreciate that type of work anymore. I've gone out to eat with some of my poor friends, and they make a huge mess and say, "Don't worry the waitress will clean it up." I'm saying poor because I live in a poor area and that's the correct label for them.

I can go a lot of directions with this and it's 2 am so I'm probably not writing clearly, but my students have no idea what hard work means.

Well, in fairness, in the future no one will know what hard work is. Those jobs will be increasingly done (and much sooner than we think) by machines/robotics.

Humanity will have to decide what it means to be human in a world where hard work is no longer even a concept.

Yes, I feel my post is pretty basic but this is something most of us are not even thinking about.

Your write up is quite spot on. Every day I see young children using smart phones and tablets, as young as three.

What are your thoughts as to the detrimental effects on imagination due to the overuse of technology?

I ask, because, as one who deals with many children, I think you might have some first hand input.

I have no doubt it hinders creativity. Students are just not as curious. They don't have to be curious anymore.

It's like when you have everything and there isn't more they want...

I'd say for parents to place limits on the use at least up until a certain age. But it's probably too late for that suggestion.

You look at these CEO's from the best colleges and you wonder where they got the idea that giving away the natural resources of countries for short lived gain was a good idea. Have they never learned that everything has consequences? Not when the teachers themselves are afraid to show them any.

Very interesting.

I definitely see certain students get away with more. It has nothing to really do with race or anything like that. It's a family/wealth connection

I'm reading "crimes of our educators" you should check it out. This has all been planned out for a long time.

Absolutely. This didn't happen accidentally.

Appreciate the post and the education of our children is a very worthy topic! In my experience people who have escaped the system tend to educate their children differently. Those fortunate enough use home schooling while others simply add on additional instruction to counteract revised histories and such taught in public schools. It would be great if a curriculum that included many of the issues you mentioned along with a more balanced history was developed and available. Education is a tool of the elite to produce the citizens they want. It needs to be devolved back to parents because the government will never provide the education people deserve.

Education needs so much change in N. America. The Finns are doing some great work actually and getting lots of international attention for their system. Still an elite controlled system thou.

I will admit that the level of misanthropy that I have at times felt towards most Americans born after around 1990 that I have seen, has had detrimental effects on my physical health. At the same time, if people my own age are giving their children poor education, placing iPhones in their cots, and raising them on junk food, then said children themselves can hardly be held responsible.

For me the five main areas are probably literacy, numeracy, logic, ethics, and a wide appreciation for music.






A good grounding in the basic principles of hermetics will also do a lot of good, provided, of course, that said grounding does not include the white supremacist rubbish which often threatens to choke it these days. These are foundational; but said foundation can be used for the comprehension of any other subject, and that is the main thing which the corporate psychopaths and their predominantly Marxist servants wish to confiscate from the majority, and which they largely have.

I'd say that your perspective is slightly skewed due to where you are and the kids you are around. If you worked in an adult setting, you might have a slightly different take on things.


I think after we live in a place for while, it comes to be real. Our worlds are our worlds, but it does not mean that there are not other worlds that are just as real, we just forget about them, or never knew them in some cases. I am not meaning to judge you or complain, I am jus saying...

Yeah definitely truth to that. I visit home though and see a lot of problems...just different ones.

"Person unable to understand 5 sentences in a row rants about what is wrong with the world," should be the title of this post.

Stop following me around and if you don't like it, write something better.

Stop following me around and if you don't like it, write something better.

Wow, not following you around. Persecution complex much? I respond to things I find stupid. You've demonstrated an inability to understand a simple sentence. If you don't like being called out, stop writing such stupid shit. Not my fault you lack an education yet are continuously espousing the value of your own idiotic opinion. It's really quite simple, stop being stupid and shortly thereafter you'll stop being paranoid that people think you're stupid.

edit: I write something better every day, because I have the ability to take accountability for my own actions and have a sense of ethics, you lack both, therefore you're content to ramble on reddit thinking you're doing something productive.

You are an ugly human being.

You are an ugly human being.

Because I don't desperately cling to my ignorance in the few places it would be validated? It seems as though you've fallen into the typical American trap of being comfortable with your ignorance rather than having it challenged. The fact that you're somehow responsible for the education of others makes me incredibly worried for their futures.


Yes, I'm sure you are so concerned with the future of our children, yet you seem to have little to no empathy for others, unless they agree with you.

You can disagree with people without insulting them.

But I'm seriously laughing.

Yes, I'm sure you are so concerned with the future of our children, yet you seem to have little to no empathy for others, unless they agree with you.

I have more empathy than you could possibly imagine. Just because I challenge people to do something other than wallow in their own ignorance in echo chambers on the internet doesn't mean that I lack empathy. The fact that I can understand why you are so comfortable in your willful ignorance is actually a demonstration of that very empathy.

Disagreeing with the way somebody lives their life when it has a damaging impact on society isn't unempathetic.

You can disagree with people without insulting them.

I was merely pointing out facts, if somebody is stupid or ignorant I have no qualms with telling them so.

But I'm seriously laughing.

Of course you are, because you're somehow satisfied with the shell of a life you've created for yourself.

No, you are cruel. I've read through your post history. You're only somewhat OK if you agree with somebody. Otherwise you are insulting and harsh.

If you want to reach people, I'd say try a different approach. Otherwise, you're not as empathetic as you claim.

If you want to reach people, I'd say try a different approach. Otherwise, you're not as empathetic as you claim.

Just because you've been failed by everybody in the world who has tried to educate you in the past doesn't mean that it's somebody else's responsibility to "reach you". You could try to educate yourself rather than regurgitating absurdities in echo chambers where you know they'll be accepted in order to feel comfortable in your ignorance.

Yup you're so empathetic. :)

And this is a pointless conversation. You clearly are set in your viewpoints. Goodnight.

Yup you're so empathetic. :)

Maybe you're confusing the ideas of sympathy and empathy?

And this is a pointless conversation. You clearly are set in your viewpoints. Goodnight.

Use your words to convince me otherwise.

No, I was being sarcastic. Sympathy means you feel bad for somebody. Empathy means you can put yourself in another's shoes.

Let's say I really am as ignorant and stupid as you claim I am. Then, if you had sympathy, you'd probably just feel bad for me and maybe be a little nicer. If you had empathy, you would put yourself in my shoes and appeal to how I feel.

If you truly had empathy, you'd realize insulting me would not benefit me or change my mind. Rather, you'd appeal to something that might work with my mindset.

It is not fun debating you because you are very harsh and insulting. There is no purpose.

No, I was being sarcastic. Sympathy means you feel bad for somebody. Empathy means you can put yourself in another's shoes.

I don't feel bad for you, it's absolutely your own fault that you're in the position you're in.

Let's say I really am as ignorant and stupid as you claim I am. Then, if you had sympathy, you'd probably just feel bad for me and maybe be a little nicer. If you had empathy, you would put yourself in my shoes and appeal to how I feel.

Exactly. It's because I have empathy that I feel the need to vigorously shake you out of your stupidity. There is no other way to get through to people like you. You don't even have the ability to read a paragraph of an article before forcing it to conform to your own biases, you deserve to be called out, and should take that as a reason to improve yourself.

If you truly had empathy, you'd realize insulting me would not benefit me or change my mind. Rather, you'd appeal to something that might work with my mindset.

Your mind is unchangeable, you believe that the universe has changed around you in order to avoid admitting mistake. You basically believe you are omnipotent, living an existence of things you'll never forget or misremember. Why would I try to appeal to your kind of mindset, all you believe is that you're infallible.

It is not fun debating you because you are very harsh and insulting. There is no purpose.

This isn't a debate, the fact that you consider it to be once again speaks to your arrogance of assumption. I'm simply telling you that you are ignorant, there is no debate about that.

No, your mind is unchangeable. I already said I didn't believe the universe has changed around me....millions of times. I said I am skeptical of the Mandela effect. Millions of times.

You refuse to listen. I honestly feel you are one of the most disgusting people I have encountered online. You are completely stuck in your ways.

Goodbye forever.

No, your mind is unchangeable. I already said I didn't believe the universe has changed around me....millions of times. I said I am skeptical of the Mandela effect. Millions of times.

Omg it's back now?!? I specifically looked it up to see it was "we've"

My bad, I thought you were capable of remembering your own words, must be "Mandela Effect".

You refuse to listen. I honestly feel you are one of the most disgusting people I have encountered online. You are completely stuck in your ways.

Say something worth listening to. Seriously, anything that is beyond your perfection of ignorance I'll be happy to listen to. So far all you've done is prove how much of a victim of a failed education system you are.

Goodbye forever.

More arrogant ignorance, your idea of forever is rooted in stupidity.

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Absolutely. This didn't happen accidentally.

Yup you're so empathetic. :)

And this is a pointless conversation. You clearly are set in your viewpoints. Goodnight.