It is heartbreaking to imagine how good life can be

139  2016-09-06 by LightBringerFlex

Without people rigging economies, running schemes to milk the population, and holding back progress from the people.

Honestly, this is so shameless it's not even funny. There are good Americans all over the place who are confused and frustrated and many have young children who suffer as well. Don't forget about the drug addicts who are desperate for an escape or the criminals who are left with no way out so they turn to crime and often end up in torture prisons.

90% of problems stem from this catastrophe where a bunch of hateful old people are bending over the world and fucking it from behind only to feel superior than the masses which is NOT true as no man or woman is superior or inferior to anyone.

This here is caveman style thinking. The elite are ancient like cavemen using money as clubs and they hire people to club the general population for them. They beat humanity into submission.

And don't discount the general population. Until the general population stands up for themselves, this will continue on and on forever. Do you want this? Who could want this outside the 1%. There are even people in the 1% who don't want this. Please folks, stand up for your rights. Let us hold hands without any judgement towards each other and push forward. Forget all the petty beefs you have with others. Forget the inferiority or superiority complexes that have been fed into society. We are all equal.

We really need to come together and plan. Planning and goal setting is a must. We need a vision. Without a vision, we are just letting life stay on idle which can backfire. For example, we need to envision a world income caps of 25 million a year. That is plenty for any one person and it would prevent people like Soros from rising up and squandering our people. Who needs more than 2 million a month? Imagine if Soros didn't have the extra 50 billion. It would circulate in the economy right now. Or maybe a tax system where all money is spent and whatever left over goes to taxes.

The entire planet is full of abuses on the people and it's being done by a handful of families that have bought out the planet. Every single time you adhere to their abuse, you kiss their asses which fuels their growth and power.

The secret technique of the elite is threats of jail or prison. They want you to be a slave and back in the day, if you ran away they cut off an ear. Run away twice and lose both ears. Run away three times and they cut off both ears and your balls. What would you recommend a slave do? Keep working for free forever?

We need a comprehensive approach here. We need bold action. Enough is enough. Seriously, enough is enough. I don't want to partake in anymore of this. We can do much better than this and who are these people trying to stop us? What authority do they have for their abuses? None. None at all. Nobody has the right to enslave and torture mankind.

Please, please, please focus on yourself. If you can prepare your own mind for action, you will seriously help us all. The fastest way to world peace is working on the self. The effects spread to others naturally.

Good luck all. We need each other more than ever. God speed.


I consider this, (how life could be) all the time. Thanks for your thoughts.

Ephesians 6:12

12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Which is ironic, if you consider what the Catholic Church (and Christianity as a whole, with a few exceptions) has become.

If by "ironic" you mean exactly as it is expected:

Matthew 7:15

15 “Watch out for false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are voracious wolves."

I hear that.

There is a nationwide prison strike happening on September 9th demanding they change the 13th amendment. Lincoln never abolished slavery, he privatized the industry in our prison system. The American people are going to stand up in 3 days. Become a part of it.

Stttteeeerrrrike! I love it. Thanks for the info. There is no excuse to treat criminals the way they have.

It is very telling, that after all the blatant criminality that we've seen over the last 20 years, only the incarcerated are willing to strike.

Awesome. This might start a trend. General strikes are effective, but almost unknown to the average person. "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." - Frederick Douglass

Click "events" on the link. It is trending. Good quote btw.

Thank you. It's good to know something might finally be forming. It's sad that we're now heading into winter though. I really expected summer to bring out protesting.

Protests only matter when corporations lose money. It's easiest to defeat the purpose of the actions you protest by removing the profit margin from the action. That's my view on it anyway.

This haunts me every damn day... I think about how much cleaner our world could be, if free energy / zero point tech wasn't suppressed into oblivion. Our physical planet would slowly begin to heal, and that would extend outwards, towards the physical and mental healing of ourselves. This toxic layer we live within keeps us trapped in a perpetual state of sickness, division, and unclear thinking, which makes us easier to control.

I could go on and on about all the different layers... such as the manufactured foods we eat, which desensitizes our taste buds with flavors created in a lab, instead of craving actual nutrition... the fact that ancient plants are being made illegal, because they threaten the pharmaceutical infrastructure, and synthetic counterparts are being created for profit, etc etc etc.

But back to my point, I focus a lot on energy suppression. Real energy. The infinite source that we're surrounded by. It's painful, thinking about these things.

Thanks for the info. Keep sharing it so people are aware. It would help.

Get away from the angst now and then and consider the lyrics of Peter Gabriel: When things get so big, I don't trust them at all, You want some control, you've got to keep it small.

Thanks for the reminder man, it's so easy to lose yourself when raging against the bigger sinister picture. Indeed, small personal changes is where it's at.

Trust me I understand the occasional trip into the abyss. Apparently human lives are designed to be filled with many moments of loss, emptiness, loneliness and questions of why. I guess in the end it comes down to what Shakespeare wrote "to be or not to be" that's really our only option. Since none of us know if there's a next or what the nature of that might be, we cling to this crazy world. It's good to find sanctuary from the constant bombardment of the real world, some small victory like Mr. Gabriel sang.

But I have a feeling it all works out... Here's something interesting which I consider now and then. You're having an experience. That experience exists. And yet I am not privy to it at all. That alone tells me that more exists than is perceivable by my own experience. There's no way I die and simply never get to experience what you're experiencing. Which leads me to the conclusion that we're all the same thing, and we're all each other somehow. And now you're going to read this and experience the text that I wrote. I don't know, there's something funny going on. Self reflects and feels ridiculous. Maybe it's all that damn ego. Sow how about enter favorite sports team here

"Everyone is only everyone else" Marillion Lyric which I agree with. As far as more existing I agree with you.

So, give up your home and live in a pup tent!

On what land?? Everywhere is private property. Even resources like water are hard to utilize because they become polluted by all the excess housing.

Hahaha, right on! Things are so insane...

Yeah but life is good (knock on wood).

I always comfort myself with the thought that the greatest conspiracy is really that the elite have no clue what's really going on. Even though Trump and Hil are most likely Satanic aliens from a post-singularity future, they still are just watching the wave of the "eschaton" like the rest of us schlubs.

The world is crazy, but rest assured that ultimately Karma is in control of the show.

That being said, read your Bible, or Bhagavad-Gita, or Qur-an, etc and know that the wicked always come to ruin. Doesn't matter what culture or time period, Justice and Injustice cannot coexist on the same planet.

What does it stay in the Bible? The stone that the builders rejected is destined to be the head cornerstone.

No matter where you live, how rich you are, how loved or unloved, famous or obscure, nobody goes through life without the accumulation of craters both physical and emotional.

So...when are you moving into a pup tent? Pics, or you live in a house like the rest of us.

Sorry Adolf, no photos of my Eagles Nest

How about your Arbeitslager? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ༼

What I don't understand about energy suppression, which I want to believe in, is if it's so easy, why have detailed schematics for such a device not been open sourced? It's that simple...

Well, it's anything but easy. The information is definitely out there, but scattered, and hard to find. Stan Meyer's water car patents are floating around. This is the most comprehensive document I've found so far, detailing the construction of many different over-unity engines. Just wish I had more of a mathematical / engineering mind, to actually build one of them. I think that's one of the problems... so few minds out there are truly able to create a device from specs, and those who succeed, are either bought out, marginalized, character assassinated, or actually assassinated.

Also, when I downloaded that pdf in the past, it had 2,914 pages. Today, when I re-downloaded, it had 3,130 pages. So the author keeps expanding upon it, which is pretty awesome.

manufactured foods we eat, which desensitizes our taste buds with flavors created in a lab, i

like this peanut butter I am eating right now?

I agree.

All this stuff about coming together and fighting the power and standing up for yourself, that's all idealistic and great. But you're preaching to the choir posting that here. Besides all of the Hillary and Trump shills that have infested this place, everyone who comes here is at least partially curious about the "whys" of the world, if not flat out rejecting of all of our preconceived notions. When you guys post things about coming together and "doing" something about it," shit. That's the exact reason we congregated here in the first place. I'm not trying to be an ass. But we aren't the people that you need to convince.

The fact is that the general populous is not going to come together and fight back when the vast majority of that populous doesn't think there is anything inherently wrong with the system in place. They either fall on one side or the other, red team or blue team, or maybe they are somewhere in between and, get this, have moderate views on things. But you can't have those people do what you want when they don't feel the system is rigged against them. They feel that a certain party is against, but not the whole system. And it is really, really difficult to break that mentality. They have to be de-programmed in a sense.

We're already all on the same team, even if we don't agree on all issues. Are we going to go out and hang our officials in the town square for all to see? No, we're not. But we know the system is broken and we have been lied to for many, many years. But other people refuse to believe that. And if you can't even get people to question the narratives they've been given, then how can you expect them to get to the point of actually going out and making a change? You have to change the public consciousness before anything else. If people don't see that there's something wrong, then they aren't going to leave their team for our team, plain and simple. They'll just continue to squabble over inconsequential things and buy into whichever side is telling them what they want to hear.

I agree but look how many people woke up this year. It's a huge difference. Even common folk I talk to know what's up. Heck, I woke up this year. Before this, I thought all was dandy.

Also we need to keep talking about uniting and fixing this ourselves to maintain high awareness. Everyone is waiting for someone with an awesome idea to pop in and share. Oddly, there are sometimes very simple solutions to huge problems. That or a sleeping hero will awaken and lead the people.

I think it's going to happen from a lot of different angles at once. For me personally, my angle is decentralization, specifically blockchain technology; target the financial structure which underlies how our entire society works, and once you have an honest and fair medium of exchange and store of value, the true natural abundance that has been held back for so long will finally break free and overwhelm humanity.

But I figure there's many other approaches too, true untainted love, art, meditation/spiritual initiatives, technology... I think it's all going to come together to create ultimate harmony. There's just so many different perspectives, and they're all just as valid. Literally the events of all history led to their existence in this very moment.

Yup. A multi approach is great.

I'd just like to not be poisoned at least. Stop with the shit in my water, air, and food.

American tap water is among the cleanest on Earth, gimme a break.

K. I should have a say whether my water gets fluoride or not, especially with all the controversy surrounding it, the fact some experts say it isn't good, and the fact most other civilized countries don't do it.

Anything is toxic in large amounts. Fluoride in small amounts does help prevent cavities, ask any dentist.

Yeah that's the thing. Not every dentist agrees with that. Just because you're taught something at school doesn't mean it's correct.

99% do. They also use the public water system, you know.

  1. Buy Land

  2. Acquire some sort of stirling engine

  3. Acquire all the tools to build new tools and keep it all running...

ya but we are an interdependent species. We need to form a system to work naturally where we work with each other.

Therein lies the problem.

This is literally what I'm working towards. The fiance is in agreement.

Barter? Communism? Doesn't work for long. Natural leaders and/or psychopaths will always step to the front to run things their way.

BS. That's because the system allows it to happen. Create a system backed by true decentralization and no one single entity will be able to overwhelm the consensus of the masses.

The 'system' is a myth perpetuated by losers. My life is pretty great.

It's simple. The thing that underlies all of society (human experience, consciousness, and other esoteric stuff aside) is money. That's literally what drives the day to day lives of almost every one of us. So take a look at money - what is it? Well it's a corrupt system controlled by a small elite that suck the wealth out of the common people playing in their system. So stop using their system. Enter distributed consensus systems, blockchain technology, that no single entity controls. It's the world's first global, decentralized, electronic, money system. The potential really can't be overstated.

True. I personally lost all faith in money since I read sacred economics which doesn't use any. Money can be hoarded and elite have stolen it for thousands of years. Only solution is dumping it and move to a gifting and sharing society.

Very interesting. I like a lot of what he has to say.

You mean like the Davidians in Waco? Sorry could not resist. I'm so disillusioned.

now imagine building your own smelter.

Stop working shitty jobs. Get rid of your possessions for the most part and strive to live simply in whatever circumstances you can find.

I hate TV. Somebody get rid of TV.

[Get rid of the internet too. Reddit sucks. No good conspiracies to read about anymore anyway. We'll borrow a saying from a potential psy-op of the 70s: when you get the message, hang up the phone.]

I totally agree with you I wrote this while ago

"I was telling my daughter how I wished I could afford a huge island for a bunch of people or if there was a state that was Sovereign and not part of any country just sits on little space, a state for granola people/hippies, where you can go there with your family live off the fat of the land, conserve nature wear everybody grows their own food, there's farmers markets , people build their own things there's no greed and bullshit all the kids are home-schooled , happy & play outside, we collect rainwater, solar power & live off the grid and away from all the bullshit and the crazyness...Seriously I wish there was someplace like that, that people could go to and just check out and be like "you know what I don't want to be part of this fucked-up civilization if that's what you want to call it because this is hardly civilized".. and just have a decent life happy, productive & peaceful & free somewhere. That's all I would ask for for myself and my children and everyone's children"

It's not that the American people don't want to do anything about it or we're not pissed off enough it's that we are being controlled either through the media,through the fluoride the EMFs... we are zombies.

Compared to the uprisings in Europe, they laugh at us

It's the same with the law enforcement of this counytry are being controlled too. They're being programmed to abuse and kill, guilty or innocent, the very citizens they were sworn to protect. Never in the history of the United States have you ever seen such killing or culling or control or abuse or flagrant disregard for the lives of American citizens or for the oath that all these people swore to uphold and protect.... or who knows maybe its being done just for more money.. well we definitely know it's that way for the government not so sure about law enforcement.

It's systemic concentration style camp tactics & of physical, financial, mental, spiritual and emotional etc abuse & ruin & control, MK Ultra style, not only by law enforcement but the government, where do you think law enforcement get such ideas? They're thoroughly being trained and programmed on physical, psychological warfare, torture & control techniques..

I mean look at all the that DARPA has came up with for the supposed military but mostly for law enforcement to use against CITIZENS for crowd control.. During protest and what not.. It was handed over to them by the government.

Would you think they would hand over such Weaponry without training or conditioning? I believe you don't only have to receive physical training to use them but mental and emotional training as well.

Crazy futuristic weapons to use against citizens.... Sad thing is they might not even know they're being controlled or programmed, they've been programmed into becoming an army of Manchurian Candidates.

Watching videos of law enforcement abusing and killing people, they don't don't even act human anymore, they act like fucking robots on a mission. I'm telling you what's going on is not's all by Design.

I mean cops are military what's the difference oh yeah the difference is the military is Ulta attack American citizens.. Well there they go the police force isn't, the police, sheriffs or law enforcement weren't included in that law so it makes perfect sense that these weapons would end up in law enforcement hands.

There's articles explaining that they're making law enforcement robots. Look at this article right here, they're pretty much admitting that what I'm saying is true.

Thank you for the uplifting post. With ideas, empathy and love, it's totally possible to turn it around. I love the part about starting with oneself. That's something we all can try to do. And subsequently, it's a harder path for many, after so many years of living on the other side.

It's like when you simply smile at someone, and they smile back. At some point, I'd hope, the 100 th monkey effect or something else would do the rest.

Thank you. Love is the key to world peace. There is no other way.

Beautifully put.

and they smile back.

or punch you for coming on to them.

Did that happened to you? If so, would you mind sharing the context?

Fairfax VA, about 17 years ago. I...never smiled again.

Back when I was a criminal drug addict, I had options, I just didn't wanna work like some square sucker. And so it was with my buddies. Most criminals have choices, they just wanna do their own thing and don't care for morals or laws.

Imagine if we took the entire defense budget and used to work on our actual problems instead of constructed boogie men. We could solve all of our problems in a few years to decades.

umm, we need a defense budget, Ace.

Yup. The elite know they can. They just don't want to.

Much better to keep the slaves enslaved, amiright?

It will backfire. Travesty always backfires.

Seems to be working pretty good for the past 500 years or so...

Probably thousands but I think we are the age that's going to actually change course. We finally repeated the same mistakes often enough to learn. We are all linked on the internet which is our new town hall. This is like a social evolution. Something will happen within 20 years but it can happen much quicker. The whole world could be cleaned up in 60 days with all the resources and technology. All we are missing is the will of the people.

All of human history says that you are wrong.

I hope that you are right.

We shall see.

They are the same as we. Humans need some hefty guided evolution before they could be able to govern their own affairs properly. So basically: we're boned.

But I have a feeling it all works out... Here's something interesting which I consider now and then. You're having an experience. That experience exists. And yet I am not privy to it at all. That alone tells me that more exists than is perceivable by my own experience. There's no way I die and simply never get to experience what you're experiencing. Which leads me to the conclusion that we're all the same thing, and we're all each other somehow. And now you're going to read this and experience the text that I wrote. I don't know, there's something funny going on. Self reflects and feels ridiculous. Maybe it's all that damn ego. Sow how about enter favorite sports team here

Did that happened to you? If so, would you mind sharing the context?

Anything is toxic in large amounts. Fluoride in small amounts does help prevent cavities, ask any dentist.