Fuck all this election bullshit. What have **you** been researching? fringe theory megathread?

50  2016-09-08 by [deleted]

i've been researching a broad historical narrative for sometime yet recently, i've been interested specifically on certain claims related to islam and it's inception

I stumbled upon this man Vasily Bartold

who has this to say "the many benefits the Muslim world derived from Mongol rule after the initial conquests..and whilst Soviet editors added footnotes deploring his 'bourgeois' attitudes, his prestige was such that the text was left uncensored despite not conforming to a Marxist interpretation of history"

so I started reading this; Mussulman culture


share your current fringe interests and fuck this election we all know it's a dog and pony show


I've been focusing on external events. Whenever there's a dog and pony show going on I tend to believe we are ignoring everything outside our windows.

  • War in Libya

  • War in Yemen

  • Shakeup in Turkey

  • War in Ukraine

  • Escalating tensions in Syria

Dont forget the assassination attempt against Putin.

Putin wasn't even in the country. What you talking about? He was in China at the G20.

The accident comes as Mr Putin has been in China for the G20 summit where he has had one-on-one meetings with various world leaders, including Theresa May, US President Barack Obama and Chinese president Xi Jinping.


He was scheduled to have returned that morning but detoured unexpectedly to pay his respects at a grave.

The supposed assassin would know if Putin was in the vehicle, let alone the country, well before it was on that road. Otherwise they are the most incompetent assassin out there.

It serves the message though, does it not? Get in line or else? Just a thought.

Or they are the most competent MESSENGER

but detoured unexpectedly to pay his respects at a grave.

If this is the case then he knew ;)

I definitely think it was a message.

It was a message. Are you crazy?! You have ANY idea wtf would happen if the president of Russia were killed?!?! The wraith????

The President of Russia owns wraiths?!

Yes, the ones from Starcraft :)

Badassery confirmed.

No, I'm not crazy. I'm basing my assumptions upon facts. There's no solid evidence that this was any type of message. The driver of the other car is alive and in the hospital. Do you think an assassin would allow themselves to live/be captured?

Could be that the car was hijacked/hacked and the 'driver' had no clue that his car was being used as a weapon.

What are the odds, of all the cars to get hit, its Putins car?! I mean, come on!

That looks to me.like a remote control car locked in on Putin's car.


I know what I'm seeing. That's enough for me and the other people who also feel strongly it's a remote control car.

Okay. That's fine. But not very convincing.

The Ron Paul Liberty Report and the Federal Reserve.

Nassim Haramein, holofractal theory, primer fields, ancient religion and symbology, old mason rituals, Saturn.

this stuff is why I'm here. Cheers OP. Not looking at anything specific atm but getting more of a feel for what kinds of things are out there to look at

Starchild Skull, and Lloyd Pye's research in general.

Collecting some Theosophical writings for reading later this month.

I hadn't heard of that and just looked it up, pretty interesting stuff thanks.

No problem.

Pye has a lot of interesting trails that haven't really been convincingly debunked.

J. Krishnamurti is where I'd recommend starting if the Theosophists interest you.

Thank you!

The Mandela Effect, but I'm currently taking a little break, because it's a deeeeep rabbit hole, that seriously threatens your sanity.

Have you discovered any test that would demonstrate, or at least make some type of probabilistic claim that it's anything other than just people misremembering things? I've spent some time in that rabbit hole, but never came across any way to prove the claims.

Nothing conclusive yet. The closest I've gotten is an obscure 4chan thread that was deleted by the op, who claimed to be a CERN scientist, working on the team responsible for the edits. Luckily, someone took screen shots, and uploaded here: np.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/comments/4yyz23/4chan_thread_scientist_at_cern_admits_it/

Anyone could've easily hoaxed that, and the thread is hard to follow, but there's a very strange feeling I have about it... worth checking out. I'm convinced that something profound is happening, and our reality as we know it is being edited. I once thought that it was a combination of CERN, quantum computing, and our exponential increase of personal processing power, as a civilization, but these changes aren't random, they're targeted at very specific things. So now I'm thinking that it's absolutely deliberate.

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ETs, bro. ETs.

Blue beeeeerrrrrrrrmmmmm!!!!!

Ha. Yeah. That too. I've been paying particular attention to Marine Captain Randy Cramer and the many talks he's had regarding his experiences.

All the time ETs. :)

All day 'er day ETs.

Dr. Steven M. Greer bro, amiright?

I don't know if this is sarcasm or not - since Stephen Greer is so maligned by so many - but he is a figure that, regardless of what one may try to say about him one way or the other, has done more for the disclosure movement than pretty much anyone. As such, he is, again, a seminal figure where disclosure is concerned. I personally greatly appreciate his efforts, and am glad he did what he did with his The Disclosure Project.

How that guy is still alive is beyond me.

As far as I know, there isn't "one group only" in charge of EVERYTHING on the planet. There are various cabals - something like 7 families or so (?) - each of which have great power, and all of which have their own, personal agenda...and some of those agendas are pretty directly conflicting with one another.

Some of those groups are pretty "service to self", and some of those groups are pretty "service to others".

I wouldn't doubt that he is protected to some extent - whether he knows it directly or not - by at least one of those groups. Otherwise he would likely have been long dead by now (as a long time business partner and collaborator of his was).

I wouldn't doubt that there is at least some extent of narcissistic undermining in him as well. I don't have the personal agenda against him that so many others seem to be fixated on. I feel I'm quite a bit more balanced toward Greer than many I've heard on here, and I think he's a very important figure and has done a lot for spreading disclosure to the masses. However, he does, of course, come across as pretty full of himself sometimes, and I acknowledge that there's a possibility that he has been undermined to perhaps some extent regardless. How and to what extent? I've no idea.

Regardless, he's disseminated a lot of valuable information w/regard to disclosure, so I appreciate greatly that he did that at least.

Who would protect him? The aliens? He mentioned that aliens have an interest in our survival. That sounds creepy to me.

Who would protect him? The aliens?

There are elites on this planet that are very powerful in their own right - at least on a global/Earth level/basis. I imagine that if some of these powerful elites don't want him dead, they can help keep it from happening. There are also certain ET groups that I imagine wouldn't have a problem w/disclosure and who wouldn't have a problem helping someone interested in moving it along.

He mentioned that aliens have an interest in our survival.

Some do. Some don't. Most I'd imagine don't care.

Some who do I would guess have an interest because they made us - or at least were partially responsible for our existence.

That sounds creepy to me.

Why? What's so creepy in some beings having an interest in our survival? Some have an interest because they see that the human species might have good potential to evolve nicely and can join a galactic family of sorts. Others might have an interest because they're mining us as a resource and don't want to see their cash cow die off. Some are interested because they helped create us and see us as family - or at least their "property".

I guess something like that can sound creepy to some. I just think it is what it is (whatever it might be).

That part about us being bred as cattle or other resources creeps me out. Sure, why not? That makes sense. I still don't like it.

Yeah. I can understand how that would creep someone out. However, if it's true, it's true. We have to acknowledge it, deal with it, and move forward toward our betterment. Getting creeped out by it is understandable. Remaining creeped out, however, is something we would need to break out of if we are to move forward.

Additionally, considering what we do to other non-human animals here on this planet, it would make sense that we would get quite a bit of that same home cooking served right back to us. Kind of serves us right, karmically speaking. It's no different than what we do to all kinds of other species of animals here on Earth ultimately.

Because he's control grid or a liar (or both). Anyone who tells you they have 'friends in the upper eschelon of military intelligence' that is 'leaking to them top secret and majik level or cosmic level clearances'...you either have to roll your eyes at them or you have to assume they have no friends because they'd all be dead by autoerotic asphyxiation in a hotel somewhere

Critical thinking skills are a useful thing to have and develop both now and in post collapse

I have to tell you, something seems really off to me about Stephen Greer, and I couldn't put my finger on it but I don't trust him for a second, nor many of the others in the disclosure projects.

There's a lot more to that field than Steven Greer. Check out Richard Dolan, Stanton T. Friedman or Stephen Bassett if you want some more investigating.

Saturn, Moloch, trickle down to public of 'advanced' technology.

JFK assassination what else? The king conspiracy. Mainly,did Lee Harvey Oswald actually have CIA ties?

In case you missed it...you might want to check out:

"Everything is a Rich Man's Trick"


I just got done watching it today, it really clarified and put together everything to say the least. Is there a next step you could recommend?

Well to someone just starting I will always recommend my favorites: How Big Oil Conquered the World and Century of Enslavement both by journalist James Corbett. Please watch these when you get the chance, my friend, in order.


Upon his arrival in the U. S., British intelligence reportedly told the U.S. government that they suspected he was working for German intelligence. Documents indicate he was under FBI surveillance for much of the 1940s. Mohrenschildt was hired by the Shumaker company in New York City, which also employed a man named Pierre Fraiss who had connections with French intelligence. According to Mohrenschildt, he and Fraiss, among their other duties, gathered information about people involved in "pro-German" activities, such as those bidding for U.S. oil leases on behalf of Germany before the U.S. became involved in World War II.

Mohrenschildt spent the summer of 1938 with his older brother Dimitri von Mohrenschildt on Long Island, New York. Dimitri was a staunch anti-Communist[15] and member of the OSS and one of the founders of the CIA's Radio Free Europe and Amcomlib (a.k.a., Radio Liberty) stations.

While in New York, Mohrenschildt became acquainted with the Bouvier family, including the young Jacqueline Bouvier, the future wife of John F. Kennedy. Jacqueline grew up calling Mohrenschildt "Uncle George" and would sit on his knee.

when the United States entered World War II, his application to join the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was rejected. According to a memo by former CIA director Richard Helms, Mohrenschildt "was alleged to be a Nazi espionage agent."

After the end of World War II, Mohrenschildt moved to Venezuela, where he worked for Pantepec Oil, a company owned by the family of William F. Buckley.

Mohrenschildt testified to the Warren Commission in 1964 that he had met the Oswalds through George Bouhe. When he asked “Do you think it is safe for us to help Oswald”, Bouhe said he had checked with the FBI. Mohrenschildt also stated that he believed he had discussed Oswald with Max Clark, whom he believed was connected with the FBI, and with J. Walton Moore, whom Mohrenschildt described as "a Government man — either FBI or Central Intelligence", and who had debriefed Mohrenschildt several times following his travels abroad, starting in 1957. (According to a CIA classified document, obtained by the House Select Committee on Assassinations, J. Walton Moore was an agent of the CIA's Domestic Contacts Division in Dallas.)

George de Mohrenschildt's wife and daughter would later say that it had been Mohrenschildt who secured the job at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall for Oswald.

On April 14, 1963, George de Mohrenschildt and his wife, Jeanne, visited the Oswalds' apartment. As Oswald's wife, Marina was showing Jeanne around the apartment, they discovered Oswald's rifle leaning against the wall inside a closet. Jeanne told George that Oswald had a rifle, and George joked to Oswald, "Were you the one who took a pot-shot at General Walker?" (General Edwin Walker was a conservative activist whom George de Mohrenschildt said he "knew that Oswald disliked.") When later asked by the Warren Commission about Oswald's reaction to his question, George de Mohrenschildt said that Oswald "smiled at that." In an interview with Edward Jay Epstein, Mohrenschildt claimed to have been in touch with the CIA about Oswald’s attempted assassination of General Walker. "I spoke to the CIA both before and afterwards. It was what ruined me."

During 1967, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison interviewed Jeanne and George de Mohrenschildt as part of Garrison's prosecution of Clay Shaw. Garrison said that both of the Mohrenschildts insisted that Oswald had been the scapegoat in the assassination of President Kennedy. Garrison concluded from his conversation with them that George de Mohrenschildt had been one of Oswald's unwitting "baby-sitters... assigned to protect or otherwise see to the general welfare of [Oswald].

Listen to Mae Brussell podcasts about JFK and you will be validated that you are on the right track with GdM as she discusses him at great length across several subjects

Watergates Hunt allegedly believed that a main reason JFK was assassinated for was that he was going to disclose the alien presence.

I've been researching latex/shiny porn for free on pornhub. You don't even have to be 18 to get on.

but Trump wants to audit the Federal Reserve, Ron Paul says.

He also wants to hire Rudy Guiliani as homeland security director so go figure. It sounds like bullshit lip service. He's also implied he would find out who really did 9/11 and would tell us. This guy is so full of shit man. You'll see. He's control grid, just like the rest. Don't be fooled or you'll end up shattered like a Bernie supporter come January when all your hopes dry up like a raisin in the sun and he does exactly the same as obama.

I'll give you this...all these 'trump will do' ideas make for good political masturbation material.

Stop looking for saviors and save yourself and your family. Plan for collapse. And/or UFOs

wow some poetry.

collapse... UFOs? seriously? how are you going to be any good for the family if they siege your house using M2 brownings or AT-4s or mortar shells?

even that sound somewhat like an overkill.

you dont need drones for most of the part, really.

nah, we better stick with trump.

the Kybalion - Hermetic texts


or to download like a podcast:


  • The Draco (reptile dudes) who've been running this shit show forever and created what we call the cabal or Illuminati or whatevs and that they left Earth last year.

  • How they were the glue that kept the cabal/Illuminati working towards their goals and without them the cabal has fractured into like 5 factions who are now fighting each other in the power vacuum.

  • The fight for control of the global collateral accounts, estimated $93,000 trillion in off leger hard assets, that is the actual base for all finance.

  • The supposed good guys on our side fighting the factions behind the scenes. Some are not from this planet.

Typical /r/greenlight shit

$90,000 trillion ???

Derivative markets.

No, real actual physical assets. A literal treasure trove.

Yeah, apparently most of it is from the days of the old silk toad and before. This is why the eastern faction is claiming they own like 85% of it. All the gold went east...

they got the gold back by selling opium in china and india.

what are these 5 factions?

Tommy described them like this I think...

  • Nazis
  • Zionists
  • Jesuits
  • Secret Societies (Freemasons and such)
  • Eastern (China/asia)
  • Russia may now also be like a 6th faction

Ha ha brilliant, I would love to read more about this. Where's the best place to start?

Check out Joseph p Farrell. Book covert wars and breakaway civilizations. He also has his own reddit sub

If you're interested in the global collateral accounts then follow Neil Keenan.

For the parts about ET and shit listen to Thomas Williams.

Other than that you gotta piece together everything from reading between the lines of all the other BS out there because most stuff on these topics is disinfo or scammers.

I accidentally became a watcher when the fake news became completely divorced from the reality we live with.

I mostly wonder why they are trying to get us to believe this or that.

And notice which direction they are pushing us and wonder why.

*rmv wrd

World war iii caused by seperating hong kong from china, NWO via the Communist takeover of the US, Europe and Japan, Marxist Degeneracy and Western Army weakness.

Rudolf Steiner and the Ahriman as I do think we're on the brink of something astonishing.

such as?

Well if I knew exactly it wouldn't be astonishing. But... If I had to guess. Spirit world and this world coming together. There's been so much strange phenomena happening. Lights on comets, water on planets etc... Leaders of this world trying to keep us distracted by such trivial and material things. Our bodies are changing. We can all feel a disturbance or change occurring.

How to play Classical Guitar.

Year-round navigation of the Arctic reveals massive resources. If limiting refreezing were possible, would they do it?

Researching alternate explanations of the weather and seismic events, as well as the geomagnetic anomalies occuring on our planet and throughout the sol system.

The research is tying directly into other research ive done on (recently scientifically vetted) trans neptunian bodies...

Its foreboding

thermal dynamics recently.

That shit has class.

Has anyone read any of the Russian news outlets, if they are calling the car crash an assignation attempt/message to Putin?

Global currency reset, mass arrests of globalist bankers and politicians, and ET disclosure.

Trying to disentangle the spy vs spy of jesuits versus sabbateans versus freemasons of Jesuit's original protocols of elders of zion...allegedly called "The Secrets of the Elders of Bourg-Fontaine". Of course, all I can find is blogs repeating each other and no primary source document of the text of this, leading me to believe this is yet-more-misdirection--a nice 'story', similar to some misdirections of dan brown or umberto eco or anyone fakewhistleblowing the occult.

Henry Ford was a freemason who published many copies of Protocols, and did so with anonymous authorship, which means he published propaganda on behalf of Freemasonry. Sorry, but we have to pin that on freemason.

The Jesuit 'original' source is a nice 'story' until we can get some confirmation that this document actually ever existed, such as 1) the textual contents, 2) a picture of the document or location of the document in a museum (ie: vatican library or buried off the books in a vault somewhere), 3) a statement from the vatican, from a monarch, or from a vatican or monarch or jesuit endorsed 'authority' that can confirm it as extant

Why are Americans so obsessed with buying shit they don't need? It is like a sickness that keeps worse and worse.

people don't buy what they need, they buy what they want. americans are made to want everything except themselves

I'm going over the history of the Annunaki. I'm also making my own Pyramids out of wood copying Dr. Alexander Golod, PhD. Duckduckgo him

Duckduckgo him

Never gonna catch on, pal.

It will. You just have to believe in yourself.

Fring theory mega thread...I remember when his stuff was purely paranormal/occult/fringe/alternative/outside of the box theories. Now it is a alt-political forum that shits on people who actually bring up non-USA election conspriacies.

For me:

  • Global Warming being a good thing - listen to Randall Carlson on how this is a natural process and through history humanity has significantly progressed during times of warming.
  • Antartica/South Pole - what could really be there and what is hiding there
  • Niribu/Planet X - the implications are really interesting and definitely one I like to ponder about
  • Advanced Eygpt - combing theories from Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock, Egypt was actually an advanced civilization, possibly even more so than us. Tey were able to harness forms of power and other secrets that governments have supressed over time.

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Election bullshit? Like there is nothing at stake... so let's focus on other things?

In case you missed it...you might want to check out:

"Everything is a Rich Man's Trick"



Upon his arrival in the U. S., British intelligence reportedly told the U.S. government that they suspected he was working for German intelligence. Documents indicate he was under FBI surveillance for much of the 1940s. Mohrenschildt was hired by the Shumaker company in New York City, which also employed a man named Pierre Fraiss who had connections with French intelligence. According to Mohrenschildt, he and Fraiss, among their other duties, gathered information about people involved in "pro-German" activities, such as those bidding for U.S. oil leases on behalf of Germany before the U.S. became involved in World War II.

Mohrenschildt spent the summer of 1938 with his older brother Dimitri von Mohrenschildt on Long Island, New York. Dimitri was a staunch anti-Communist[15] and member of the OSS and one of the founders of the CIA's Radio Free Europe and Amcomlib (a.k.a., Radio Liberty) stations.

While in New York, Mohrenschildt became acquainted with the Bouvier family, including the young Jacqueline Bouvier, the future wife of John F. Kennedy. Jacqueline grew up calling Mohrenschildt "Uncle George" and would sit on his knee.

when the United States entered World War II, his application to join the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was rejected. According to a memo by former CIA director Richard Helms, Mohrenschildt "was alleged to be a Nazi espionage agent."

After the end of World War II, Mohrenschildt moved to Venezuela, where he worked for Pantepec Oil, a company owned by the family of William F. Buckley.

Mohrenschildt testified to the Warren Commission in 1964 that he had met the Oswalds through George Bouhe. When he asked “Do you think it is safe for us to help Oswald”, Bouhe said he had checked with the FBI. Mohrenschildt also stated that he believed he had discussed Oswald with Max Clark, whom he believed was connected with the FBI, and with J. Walton Moore, whom Mohrenschildt described as "a Government man — either FBI or Central Intelligence", and who had debriefed Mohrenschildt several times following his travels abroad, starting in 1957. (According to a CIA classified document, obtained by the House Select Committee on Assassinations, J. Walton Moore was an agent of the CIA's Domestic Contacts Division in Dallas.)

George de Mohrenschildt's wife and daughter would later say that it had been Mohrenschildt who secured the job at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall for Oswald.

On April 14, 1963, George de Mohrenschildt and his wife, Jeanne, visited the Oswalds' apartment. As Oswald's wife, Marina was showing Jeanne around the apartment, they discovered Oswald's rifle leaning against the wall inside a closet. Jeanne told George that Oswald had a rifle, and George joked to Oswald, "Were you the one who took a pot-shot at General Walker?" (General Edwin Walker was a conservative activist whom George de Mohrenschildt said he "knew that Oswald disliked.") When later asked by the Warren Commission about Oswald's reaction to his question, George de Mohrenschildt said that Oswald "smiled at that." In an interview with Edward Jay Epstein, Mohrenschildt claimed to have been in touch with the CIA about Oswald’s attempted assassination of General Walker. "I spoke to the CIA both before and afterwards. It was what ruined me."

During 1967, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison interviewed Jeanne and George de Mohrenschildt as part of Garrison's prosecution of Clay Shaw. Garrison said that both of the Mohrenschildts insisted that Oswald had been the scapegoat in the assassination of President Kennedy. Garrison concluded from his conversation with them that George de Mohrenschildt had been one of Oswald's unwitting "baby-sitters... assigned to protect or otherwise see to the general welfare of [Oswald].

Watergates Hunt allegedly believed that a main reason JFK was assassinated for was that he was going to disclose the alien presence.