Anybody ever read 'Farhenheit 451'?

4  2016-09-09 by throwawsysingleguy

Remember that scene where the murderer runs from the public televised killing, and is killed by like a bot on live TV?

So that was the story coming to life in this Orlando-killings murder, right?

Or what?



Yes I've read it. And no I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

I know the book. I have know idea what you are talking about in orlando.

Maybe op meant Texas with the robot killing that shooter? Honestly that's what I thought was meant.

Let me know when it's one of these

Check out the link I posted earlier then.

No, let me know when someone gets killed by one of those

Sure white chicken, you'll get the memo pfft

I got news for you. There is no free market.

Here's some news for you. I know that. My username does not mean what you think it means pale chicken...

Neither does mine. The caucasian eagle was sent by zeus to eat the liver of prometheus everyday.

My name doesn't mean much but I am same poster as OP.

Anybody ever read Brave New World? Remember how all the people are given a chemical to keep them complacent in life and death??

Good thing that'll never happen

Interestingly enough though Aldous Huxley is supposed to have requested intravenous injection of LSD in his final moments.

Read his other book Island if you want a little hope in your life.

Yeah I know what you're talking about op. The robo dog with the injector mouth that the main character fears and cowers from at the firehouse.

Reading these other replies so far is like the books message coming to life smh... The level of reading comprehension has fallen dramatically in the last few decades.

And now that you mention it, the Orlando situation is eerily similar to that part of the book. Damn.


Well if it's anything like the book it's probably not much longer till the mods ban me.

Edit: and for a second the comments made me doubt whether I was remembering the right book. Yikes!

Nah I doubt it

Or what?

They banned him! AHHHHH!!!!!

Really!? Dafuq for?

Farienhiet 451 was about burning books. Not murderers..

I'm pretty sure it was actually about TV distracting us.

Uhm no. It was about how without our own knowledge the government can control us. So if you get out there and learn you can make decisions for yourself. In the book they have TVs! Called 'Parlors'. It was about the technology growing and us not having the knowledge to control the situation. Give it another read

"The thing is, according to Bradbury, you know, the guy who wrote the book in the first place, it isn’t about censorship, like at all. Though Bradbury did indeed write the book during an era when actual book burnings were a thing that totally could have happened at any moment, he has always insisted that the main theme of the book is the role of the mass media and its effect on the populace, in particular television and how it makes people less able to digest more complex forms of media, like books."

Sooo...yeah like I said... Television distracting us...?

how it makes people less able to digest more complex forms of media, like books.

This is what I'm talking about. It's about to being able to comprend books. Because if they did they would be so much smarter!

The president is just a person on the TV and everyone listens in via Electric bugs, just like Hillary!!

I think there was even a rigged election in the book, wasn't there?