What can I do?
27 2016-09-09 by DELETEDREDDIT
I've tried repeatedly to inform those I care about within my social sphere about the corruption happening under our noses daily and just about every time I do - it doesn't work, they don't seem to care at all. No one gives a fuck about the dnc leaks because they "already knew it was a joke anyways" or some BS along those lines... I touch on the federal reserve, Zionism, the elite, the dnc leaks, and what they revealed, tower 7, the Clinton and Bush dynasties, the red shield, and even forbidden history at times...
I get responses like...
"I provide for my family and am happy, doesn't really matter"
"I got 90% of my taxes back last year (had another kid) I think it's a decent trade"
"I dont care if they're watching - I've got nothing to hide"
"I have X amount of relatives that fought for this country, tell them that we're Israel's bitch"
"I have many freedoms, I can go to mcdonalds, I can drive to another state, I can drink at the river, I can talk to my wife, I can fish"
"Currency means jack. its a piece of paper. They want the gold and oil storages"
"What're you gonna do about it? Nothing, that's what"
and then, I'm inevitably labeled as paranoid because I express displeasure with the status quo.
I don't know, I'm starting to lose confidence in most everything. I try to inform because I give a shit about it, but I never feel like I really helped someone remotely wake up. I give links, I open dialogue, I try to present truths with sources, I try to show them the writing on the wall, I shoot shit about it, I ask penetrating questions and I do my best to frame the issues in a digestible way but they always seem to internalize it as an attack on them.
I suppose this post is sort of me venting about this but does anyone have some tips for waking someone up from the sheeple trance?
Is there another way I can help make the world a better place?
17 JTRIG_trainee 2016-09-09
'The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it.' - Einstein
15 Putin_loves_cats 2016-09-09
Plant the seeds, that's the best thing you can do. Do not preach, but propose questions. People have to be ready to learn new information. Sometimes they will never be ready because that will shatter their whole world view, and people are afraid of that and what the consequences may mean. Focus on yourself and family. Take steps to prepare, and live a self sustainable life. Doing is the best thing, once people see you doing something, intrigue will follow. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Hope that helps!
5 911bodysnatchers322 2016-09-09
I agree with Putin. I would add, create a simple, maintenance-free solar hot water situation and learn how to get a simple solar setup for the things you absolutely need. Trying to switch over to offgrid solar is difficult for everyone because the barrier to making it easy is energy storage. Batteries are the most expensive thing, and they suck, and they break, and they don't last. Solar panels however, do have quite a good longevity and require no mainenance.
You could learn to deal with having energy only when the sun shines and then focus on putting your money into more panels to get 100% required when the sun is shining. Like superinsulated hot water, Superinsulated freezer chest. One trend off grid people have is to have solar dedicated to one type of appliance alone, so each appliance is its own circuit. Like Solar powered ice chest. A solar lamp setup. Solar plus small battery for a yurt skylight fan to run continuously 24x7, etc
Also, build a covert undergound cistern for raincatch and don't tell anyone about it. (looking at you colorado)
1 DELETEDREDDIT 2016-09-09
I'm gonna to explore cistern/raincatch/filtering methods, for sure. I peeked and it looks like storage is gonna be a little pricey but I definitely see this as worth it, just gotta figure out when and where.
5 DELETEDREDDIT 2016-09-09
I guess if you're on the outside looking in, this could appear extreme but I'll go ahead and say it anyways. On some level I feel there's a near obligation to stand up and say something, at least inform others of the reliable shit - I mean - we all just get one chance here and admittedly I don't have confidence that there's anything beyond this single instance we call our life experience - I don't know, but we're here - we're now, we're whatever the fuck this is but it could be so much better. I could absolutely see where I could come off as preaching after getting a few of the more disappointing replies but genuinely, I just try to spark interest in the topic and help others catch the bug to seek the truth.
In regards to preparedness for what may come - I'm probably about like the rest of America in my age group - not prepared at all, and this is starting to get to the point politically that people are gonna have to start answering questions. I'm not confident this will all end silently but I could be wrong, fuck I hope I'm wrong. The interest in prepping has been resurrected.
The thing is, my people respond like I'm pitching a solution, like I'm attacking everything they know and that's not it - I'm just trying to outline that some very crazy shit is happening under our noses and maybe we should talk about it a little and see what some of these people have to say.
1 Vitalogy0107 2016-09-09
You keep speaking up, and never stop, I know your pain and one day you will help someone so immensely that they will not know how to thank you, and we will continue doing this until the entire world is awake and these parasite zionists cannot hide behind the ignorance of the many. We will be victorious, but I know your pain and I admire you for caring so much. Hang in there, friend.
2 smashton89 2016-09-09
This is so incredibly accurate it is not even funny. The majority of people I know whom I've discussed these things with will not refute anything. They know deep down that things like Hillary, 9/11, Terrorism / War in the Middle East, this coming election, Trump etc. are all lies. They know deep down that they are being lied to, manipulated, monitored.
But they refuse to acknowledge it. It "upsets" them. As long as their world of football, beer, starbucks and iPhones exist, they don't really care. They are willing to live in an illusion.
Blame it on conditioning and consumerism if you want. It's that whole "once you lose your ignorance you cannot reclaim it" adage.
Some people just want to live their lives and be left alone and so long as their immediate lives are uninterrupted, they don't really care.
1 DELETEDREDDIT 2016-09-09
You're both very right, but that in itself is frightening -
It seems to be common around here at least. I know I can't make someone believe one thing or another, they need to do it on their own. I know that and I respect it, I even try to acknowledge that at times but the disinterest and near intentional apathy towards these topics is a bit disappointing.
7 CaucasianEagle 2016-09-09
Your timetable is wrong. You are expecting immediate results when they take years.
1 serumvisions_go_ 2016-09-09
show them hundreds of Ron Paul videos until they hate you and accept the veil is real... works every other time almost
2 DELETEDREDDIT 2016-09-09
I wish Ron was in the 2016 race... Maybe I'm delusional for thinking this but it probably would've been a very good thing to be in the race while these leaks surfaced, fuckin shame IMHO - I'd love to see what Ron's America would look like after 4 years.
1 DELETEDREDDIT 2016-09-09
I'm hopeful they'll turn around as time passes and more is publicly known. I've been pretty vocal within my circle so they're absolutely aware that it's at least caught my attention.
5 [deleted] 2016-09-09
Yeah it's a joke you have to accumulate knowledge. One day hopefully the people in the know stand above the ones who don't and we can make a clear cut choice on who is real and deserves power and who deserves to not be worth listening to. The poor will become rich and the rich will become poor. You have no idea how true that will become in the future.
5 awareness1111 2016-09-09
From personal experience, here's how I deal with that...
I understand that I have a certain level of awareness that not everyone is supposed to have this time around, and that's fine.
I also understand that it's a lot to handle & live with. Not everyone is capable of taking on that kind of knowledge.
I'm also fully aware that I, personally, can't really change anyone. Everyone is on their own trip, and the only thing I can do is be a good tour guide while they're in my life.
That being said, here's my suggestion to you, OP.
Lead by example - be the best possible person you can be.
If there's work that needs to be done on yourself to make you better (whether it be emotional, physical or spiritual), do it.
When you grow & change, everything changes.
Best of luck on your own Trip.
2 ItsaWykydtron 2016-09-09
The more I work on myself, the more rewarding my life becomes. The more I feel fulfilled in my life, the more people notice. The more people notice, the more they want to talk about the changes I've made and how they want to do it too.
Being happy and healthy is something most people want. If more and more people focus on removing the poison from the mind, body and spirit change will happen.
I'm not perfect. I still don't like my job most of the time. I still find myself judging others or being critical. But everyday I make a little bit of progress in relating the darkness in myself to the darkness in others and forgiving myself a long with them.
Quitting alcohol and learning to be present in every moment was a huge step. The ultimate conspiracy is the one that limits our amazing potential on this planet.
4 911bodysnatchers322 2016-09-09
We've all been there so vent away. That's why this sub is here. I can't speak for everyone but I can be your support group. There's coffee and donuts in the back but we're not going to go in a circle: I hate that.
This is a simple question with a complex answer. There will always be people who are searching for the truth of our past and use that to guide their future, or our future in aggregate. You could go that route--the search for truth. This would involve deep research into an area of life that is not much explored, or just going deeper than those before, borrowing against expert knowledge.
Life never fails to surprise me, when I see a tv show or a film and I realize that the person who wrote the screenplay is at least several steps ahead of me in terms of understanding of our cultural evolution; through their use of symbols, they are revealing their knowledge. A good example would be the Matrix. You could step through that film frame by frame and discuss the history of human civilization in that context. In the beginning, Neo is holding a book 'simulacra and simulation by jean baudrillard and it's open to a chapter entitled 'on nihilism'. You see this flashed for about 2.5 sec and that's it. And yet, it says SO much in that 2.5 sec
You could also go into a savior/survivor mode, and try to help the community. But you know,those people you mention OP are acting like they don't need your help. Rejecting your fears, not wanting to take the red pill of conpiracy. Are those people worth saving? I mean, isn't it enough that you tried and they didn't listen? I wouldn't say any more--it will only be taken as harassment. Hate to say it, but they all deserve what's coming. Because they sat around listening to itunes and calling us crazy when we demanded justice for 9/11. Their inability to resist mind control and think for themselves is going to make them the perfect test subjects for the hunger games that are likely inevitable. They'll be the first ones to push the wheel in bartertown. Meanwhile, you've made arrangements to survive in your cabin in the woods.
Because the neoliberal finance capitalists have basically ruined everything for us. As Michael Parenti says, there's column A people and column B people: column A folks live off their investments' interest and secondary earnings, column B people have to get a job (or 2 / 3). The column A people are rapidly depleting the planet of all its last drops of value while everyone else suffers. This scenario is not likely to change unless there is some violent counter swing of the pendulum.
Possibilities 1) a revolution by the underclass that steals back all that wealth and kills all the bankers, 2) totalcollapse (severe depression) which actually hurts column A people the least (see MR> ROBOT), but if they want to put society back together they'll have to rebuild it because column B cannot, 3) Annexation by another 'messianic' society (China is the only candidate, or China/Russia, or BRICS), 4) UFOs save us, 5) One world gov emerges (ie: US+Russia, 'frenemy'--'pretend enemy' Russia), 6) a VERY unlikely scenario in which a coup de'etat of white hat intelligence people (the "6th column") undoes ALL the problems created by the fascist, antinationalist corporatist fifth column (ie: bush + cheney + rumsfeld) coupdetat that occurred in the wake of 9/11 when the COG was initiated; they do this by immediately impeaching and removing from office hillary clinton on january first, ending the state of emergency, ending the perennial war, bringing everyone home immediately, and starting to arrest hundreds of people involved in 9/11 under RICO, and the government;s executive is temporarily suspended or being run by this temporary junta until all the arrests are made, 9/11 is reinvestigated and the elections are re-run; 7) an equally less likely scenario is Clinton dies before the election and then Trump is elected, but the fifth-column run CIA will end up killing him because he will refuse to be controlled and/or will go off script in some way.
Regardless of wheter there will be a collapse or the possibilty of the suspension of the gov again next year, it's a good idea to prep.
2 texasfan00 2016-09-09
Same here OP. I've tried too many times to speak the truth with my family. And all I get is " Your fucking crazy". Don't know if they're that controlled or if they're too scared to believe it. Oh and they're Clinton supporters. They're really believing in the shit she's telling them.
2 Lb3pHj 2016-09-09
Whew lad, glad I'm not the only one.
2 Vitalogy0107 2016-09-09
Damn man, that's got to be pretty awful. My parents are blind but not Clinton-support level blindness. That is some stage 10 blindness, I don't think any videos or any proof you could possibly show them will change that. The most important thing, I believe, is to get people to stop watching television. Every single show, no matter what channel or program, has embedded in it millions of signals and pressures that tell you to follow along and to listen to the official story. Fuck, even Adult Swim (a cartoon channel) does -- I turned off the television and I have felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. No more propaganda.
1 urfina9 2016-09-09
Amen brother!
2 Lb3pHj 2016-09-09
Just practice your "I told you so" in the mirror.
So when shit hits the fan in the next month you can use it. Then when your stocked and ready to survive, let them know it's too late for them and they shouldn't have thought it was a joke.
That's where I'm at.
2 noelabelle 2016-09-09
What do you think is going to happen next month, I am asking genuinely.
1 911bodysnatchers322 2016-09-09
1 sobertruth 2016-09-09
I was at that phase and still boince off it myself. That's not how I will be though if things go that way. I've been wrong about many things and being unable to show compassion or forgiveness to others I feel also hinders one from doing the same for themselves. Recommend listening to Tool "The Grudge" or better yet just read the lyrics.
2 MrZexyz 2016-09-09
The only way to make people accept an idea in this toxic, cynical world of ours is inception: make them think they came up with it themselves. It's basically what the bad guys do, but do you want a fight or what?
Instead of flat-out telling people that something seems fishy, or that some thing else can be traced to a specific person, see if you can lead them there. I don't have time for a good example, but like:
"Nutritionally there's no difference between HCFC and Sugar." "But isn't sugar mostly glucose not fructose?" "There's no real difference." "Then why do they have different names?" "I dunno."
And stop there. Let them have the last word and let that be "I don't know." The only way to make them want to learn more is to make them uncertain, and the best way to do that is to make them face their own lack of information.
ADDED 9/17: (Bonus, and yet this the important part, their social pay-off is reduced. I.E. They don't feel as sharp/cool/etc.)
It's actually the self-informed, rather than the ill-informed which is hard to cure. "Global Warming is a conspiracy! All them liberals who hate cars and freedom are running a scam to get grant money." I mean, Socratic Method only works under certain assumptions.
1 Vitalogy0107 2016-09-09
I like this a lot, my friend! I wish people were more inquisitive, I attempt this a lot, I make many hints and they fall upon deaf ears. I am surrounded by dopey, sleepy Americans who love Israel and the federal reserve.
1 dejeneration 2016-09-09
Putin_loves_cats is right here. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. You say something, they think a little, they see something else mentioned somewhere else, and maybe, just maybe, they come around. It's kind of neat when they do, I've seen it happen.
But dang, it does get frustrating and I feel you. Sometimes I feel like whatever I tell people, they believe the opposite. "Don't drink that water, it's poison!" will get 'em guzzling.
1 paganmanintruth 2016-09-09
Stay in your truth at all times regardless, with no expectations of anyone coming around. When one stands in ones truth, others must do likewise to meet in that common ground.
It is difficult at first but does get easier. Even with loved ones.
As Putinlovescats says, people have to be ready for new information and we have no way of knowing that level of readiness.
Know you are not alone in this mate and more awake all the time.
Don't give up!
1 Sabremesh 2016-09-09
It's extremely irritating when relatives/friends refuse to believe the overwhelming evidence that the elites are corrupt. But worse, far worse, is when someone says they believe you (eg that Hillary is completely corrupt) but that they "don't care". It makes you realise we're doomed.
3 CelineHagbard 2016-09-09
I agree, but I think the "I don't care" response usually or often means "I know, but I don't think there's anything I can do about it. If I cared, then I would be overwhelmed by the helplessness of my situation, and would not be able to go on."
That is, I don't think it's apathy per se as much as it is a psychological defense mechanism. It's still troubling, but a bit more understandable.
1 o0squirrel0o 2016-09-09
I feel your frustration. Try to remember that it's not your job to convince anyone of the dangers and/or injustices facing them. What you can do is prepare yourself for being there to help your friends and loved ones when that-batshit-crazy-conspiracy-thing-you've-been-crying-about-forever finally happens and leaves everyone out in the cold. I had to do that with my own family. I finally gave up trying to convince them of anything. Then I went about making plans to protect myself. Whenever I had an opportunity to comment on some situation that was being presented incorrectly--propagandized news segment, etc.--I would make a prediction about how it would play out and why. Even better, I'd tie in some other seemingly unrelated event that would happen as a result. After a year or so of doing this, my family has finally started to accept that the official story may not always be correct. They haven't made the flip, but they're at least starting to feel the truth being hidden.
1 [deleted] 2016-09-09
1 [deleted] 2016-09-09
1 537311 2016-09-09
join the bitcoin movement.
1 ShadeOverwatch 2016-09-09
Keep trying brother, never surrender !
1 meantartarsauce 2016-09-09
you are not alone, my friend
1 [deleted] 2016-09-09
1 Vitalogy0107 2016-09-09
I like this a lot, my friend! I wish people were more inquisitive, I attempt this a lot, I make many hints and they fall upon deaf ears. I am surrounded by dopey, sleepy Americans who love Israel and the federal reserve.