Hello all, as the anniversary of 9/11 is tomorrow, I have a few questions about some of the conspiracy theories around it.

0  2016-09-10 by [deleted]




This will help answer your questions.

Alright I'm going to break this down for you:

.1. Building 7 was on the chopping block anyway... They had plans to demolish it and build a new building there since before 9/11. Here's a video where Larry Silverstein talks about it:


.2. I disagree with your premise. I do not think a sole attack on the pentagon would be enough. The towers were symbolic. The major centerpiece of the NY skyline. It was said by many US gov officials that the terrorists wanted to send a message by attacking the towers. They wanted to hurt our economy.

The attack on the towers also served as an epic spectacle. We watched live on the news as the second plane hit, as people jumped to their deaths, as firefighters risked and gave their lives to try to save others. We knew there were thousands of people trapped there and they would die, and we could only watch helplessly. And when the towers finally collapsed, we knew that many had died right then, live for the world to see.

It was a traumatic event for people and for the country as a whole. Afterward people were confused, and scared, angry, (and of course the root of that anger: sad). They were "proud American patriots" and out for blood. The government named their hollywood movie-style villain, Bin Laden, and the people had someone to direct their emotions toward. We were told to be "good americans" and we were told to go shopping and spend our money to strengthen the economy. They use trauma to reshape minds and attitudes. To reshape minds on a mass scale you need a trauma event that deeply effects the masses. This is scientifically sound, but is functionally not different than occult magick.

The gov seized this opportunity to quickly pass bills like the patriot act (which was written before 9/11) which basically nullify our constitution during states of emergency (which we have been under since 9/11). They began instituting sweeping domestic surveillance which had previously been illegal, and granted AT&T retroactive immunity for their domestic spying operations on American citizens. They rallied the troops for wars in the middle east which had been planned out before 9/11. These wars made Cheney's Haliburton and other MIC contractors a ton of money, they were handed no-bid contracts to work over seas. It's no wonder the state of the economy today where wealth inequality is out of control, do you think the wealthy were spending like the masses were? No, they were collecting everyone else money for themselves.

All of these events had actually been planned out before 9/11. A neocon think tank called "Project for a New American Century (PNAC)" was founded in 1997 by Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and Dick Cheney. Many other members of this group later went on to hold positions in the Bush jr administration. Their purpose was to increase military spending, increase our presence in the middle east, and retain US global hegemony. They called for "a new pearl harbor" event in order to get support from the people to enact their plans.


For all intents and purposes, 9/11/2001 was the start of the gov enacting their NWO agenda. It is no coincidence they knocked down two towers and build one in it's place, named "One World" Trade.

What actually happened to the towers on 9/11, regarding theories about how it was done (explosives inside, hologram planes, nano thermite, etc) is all largely irrelevant and serves to draw attention away from the actual perpetrators and what has been done to our country since that day that changed everything.

Very well said.

With the most amount of respect I possibly can give through a keyboard I must say that I completely disagree with your very last sentence. The theory which you have clearly thought about deeply is as relevant to the way in which it was executed. I bravo you on not being like the cliché truther idiot who just regurgitates the 'jet fuel can't melt steel beams' bullshit over and over again, but at the same time I would argue that on how it was done is relevant. If there is simply no evidence that suggests any form of 'explosives inside, hologram planes, nano thermite, etc' that could lead to physical proof of wrong doing then your theory I believe is irrelevant. Take this as an example; you can't blame someone for murder if there is no real credible evidence that they murdered another human. In the court, common coincidences don't hold up. May I also emphasise that a person is innocent until proven guilty, therefore, if no real evidence is found that the towers were purposefully brought down then your very well communicated and impressive theory can only remain as a theory.

Where's the physical proof of the official conspiracy theory?

Also, there could be multiple causes for the collapses and indeed, if 9/11 was a psy-op inside job conspiracy then the perpetrators would want to muddy the waters as much as possible.

1) Have you researched who the tenants for WTC7 were?

2) Have you researched past terrorism and attempts against the WTC?

3) I can't answer this one but for me I think focusing on the details of what happened on 9/11/2001 is a mistake and what happened the 15 years before and the 15 years after tell me all I need to know.

Yes, I didn't see anything that may suggest the building needed to be completely demolished. Is there some sort of smoking gun I am missing?

Once again, yes. I remember there was a large truck bomb placed in the underground car park by Al-Qaeda operatives in 1993. The bomb in question hoped to destroy a support column and then bring down the tower. But what has this got to do with 9/11? Surely this adds more mass to be used against so-called truthers...Since the main perpetrator also planned to attack multiple jet airlines that would have not have been counted as an attack on US soil. Therefore he was a legitimate terrorist. Are you implying that this bomb was an inside job too?

If you read what I said and understand it you will change your opinion. Ignorance is bliss man I know but if you fight the cognitive dissonance and lose yourself you'll feel much more free. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING is an inside job. Even if it's committed by the enemy they want it to happen.

I will feel more free by believing that every event is a lie? Can you elaborate? What events do you have in mind?

You can look up this sub reddits sticky and see there are at least 70 proven false flag events. That's proven with documents that it's a staged event.

Edit: There are many reasons it makes you free, one for me is that everything or nearly everything is a staged event so there is really nothing to fear. Once you understand there is nothing to fear except letting the system get you you're a free soul to do whatever you want, fear is an illusion emotion. The average person rates their lives on how successful they were within the system. There are some sweet sweet things you can learn to put yourself ahead of others, things they also fail to believe.

The call of the wild....

It doesn't seem like your eyes are open at all. Truthers don't try to make their arguments better. By definition they seek the truth. You seem to be on the other side.

Okay thanks.

Maybe building 7 was supposed to get hit with a plane.

Once again, why? Would destroying two American icons not be enough for a dark agenda to work?

It was meant to bring about the "war on terror", never-ending war for the military industrial complex and to fight and destroy the enemies of Israel, to bring about "greater Israel".

There was many reasons for the destruction that day. It was also a giant scam to destroy the Worldcom and Enron evidence, the missing 2.3 trillion, as well as a money making insurance fraud scheme.

There were dozens of reasons to commit this crime, and when you follow the money, it all points to Israel and the Bush administration.

No, I'm asking why WTC 7 specifically was destroyed. And would you not agree there would have been easier ways for your theory to be achieved?

WTC7 held a lot of the evidence I previously mentioned. It also was part of the insurance fraud for Larry Silverstein, who happens to be a very close friend of Netanyahu.

And would you not agree there would have been easier ways for your theory to be achieved?

No. TPTB knew they would have to whip up anger and nationalism in order to achieve their end goals. They are only in power because of our tacit approval for what they do. They realize that if found out, revolution would happen and they want to avoid that.

PNAC, "project for a new american century" put it pretty clearly: "Rebuilding America's Defenses[edit] Written before the September 11 attacks, and during political debates of the War in Iraq, a section of Rebuilding America's Defenses entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" became the subject of considerable controversy. The passage suggested that the transformation of American armed forces through "new technologies and operational concepts" was likely to be a long one, "absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor."[45] Journalist John Pilger pointed to this passage when he argued that Bush administration had used the events of September 11 as an opportunity to capitalize on long-desired plans.[48]- wikipedia

So then are you saying that WTC 7 was the main target for the attacks?

It was a target, not the main target. They all needed to come down to destroy a lot of evidence that was conveniently held within those 3 buildings. That's why they had to come up with a bullshit story about office furniture causing a perfect collapse exactly like a controlled demolition. NIST is a ridiculous cover story, and can only be believed if you think physics could be ignored for that one particular day. Flight 93 was supposed to hit WTC7, but something happened to prevent it from doing so.

There are many layers to this story and massive fraud. Watch the Christopher Bollyn I linked, or any of his videos on youtube.

and LS said PULL IT

you sound to me like you have done hardly anything to research this yourself-the answers you seek are obvious to anyone who has had time to look into the details of bldg7-tons of evidence destroyed and assets stolen in the aftermath. Look into it yourself others opinions may very well be dis or misinformation.Good luck and I hope you find the truth-pnac-dancing Israelis-put options-uss liberty.


Watch this, study the sources.

for your questions about motivations: none of us can answer that. They probably range from banal, big insurance payouts, distraction, to the esoteric weird secret society stuff shit.

the generally discredited stuff? space lasers etc i guess. the question you have to ask is, is this meant to be discredited?

WTC7 contained the backup records of the 2.3 trillion dollars that were missing from Pentagon funds. All of the other records at the Pentagon were destroyed along with the personnel who were looking into the missing money that Rumsfeld had announced the previous day. The Pentagon victims were overwhelmingly accountants and their supervisors.

Cases against some powerful people had to be dismissed also because of the demise of building 7.

Here's the most complete information I have about WTC7 as it was before and soon after the demolition. You'll note that even though the building 'burned down' the tens of thousands of gallons of diesel fuel spilled into the street without burning.


Be sure to see the entry at the bottom of the page.

The WTC had major issues and was probably the reason the entire attack was orchestrated. It had massive corrosion of the interconnecting materials between the aluminum faces of the towers and the steel framing members. The faces of the buildings were in danger of falling off onto the expensive heads and suits on the ground.That would have been a worldwide embarrassment for our construction and engineering.

The WTC also had 40 floors in each building with loose asbestos material in the ceilings.

The asbestos.


Galvanic corrosion

WTC already doomed.

That grandiose Titanic called the World Trade Center, which had been planned to last for at least a century, soon revealed itself to be an engineering stupidity and technological embarrassment. The facade, made of cast aluminum, had been directly connected to the steel superstructure. This caused a battery-like electric flow between the two metals resulting in what's known as galvanic corrosion. This problem had been text-book predictable in the marine-air environment of lower Manhattan, hence the embarrassment.


An eyewitness account of the galvanic corrosion by a long term email acquaintance. See the second part.


The result of the galvanic corrosion was visible after the collapses..


Apparently these problems were discussed at the CFR and a solution was planned that would make the wildest wishes of the majority of its membership come true. Many of them made millions, some made billions of dollars.

Some of my strongest opinions are not popular with this community. We're not an echo chamber by any means but we're almost unanimous that the official story is a completely false impossibility.

Is this what you believe?

9/11 in 5 minutes


Do you believe that is the sole reason or one of many reasons for a so called inside job?

The main reason was an occult mega ritual. It was designed and built to be destroyed.


What is this?

The entire wet dream of the ultra rich was granted by the attacks. That's plenty of reason.