In 2011 Hillary Clinton said US can't legalize drugs because there is "too much money in it", explaining this in the most out-of-touch way, suggesting she's a liar or an idiot, but can't be neither.

193  2016-09-10 by 911bodysnatchers322

Democracy Now article in 2001 entitled, Hillary Clinton Says U.S. Can’t Legalize Drugs Because There is “Too Much Money in It” explains Hillary's out-of-touch position.

Clinton argued the United States cannot legalize drugs because there is “too much money in it.” Clinton went on to say, “You can legalize small amounts for possession, but those who are making so much money selling, they have to be stopped.

Who, Mz Clinton, do you think is 'making so much money selling'? (We know the answer)

She would have us believe that she, who has been in politics for all her adult life from the time of her legal management of Watergate[1][2] to Sentator to Secretary of State to political candidate, and who during which time has been herself a very close political and social ally with Henry Kissinger[3][4][5], could not possibly be aware of Henry "Narcotics Emperor" Kissinger's drug trafficking activities[6][7][8][9]. That somehow she's the ultimate political cuckhold, oblivious to wrongdoing in her immediate circle. Is this a strategy that's supposed to work? I mean really, does she think we're that stupid?

Or...gulible? Or forgetful? Or naive?

Yes. To all the above. Hillary Clinton thinks you're a dipshit moron half baked reject. And you are, if you buy this cuckhold story.

Some of you might argue that it's possible she really does think Kissinger is a good man and that all those facts about him are lies, somehow, even though they are numerous, mountainous in fact, longstanding, well-sourced and very well known. It's possible she's still oblivious, they say.

In which case ask yourselves: if she missed all the above and truly is a political cuckhold, is she fit to lead? I mean if she doesn't know what's going on within her own circle of friends?

No, in my mind, Clinton is not some oblivious innocent. She's a smart lady and a vicious viper. It's pretty clear to us here that Clinton is a liar, this is just more fuel for the fire. But in this case it's a hateful kind of infuriating faux-coyness that is so very palpable I want to manisfest it in front of me only to punch it to death. Lacking such conjuration abilities, I've written this instead.

Ultimately we're left choosing if Hillary is a liar, or if she's an idiot. Neither looks good for her. But she'll be our next president.

Unless we're lucky and she chokes on one of her tongue-eggs disguising itself as a cough drop. (too mean. I need to be nicer)


If she gets elected nothing will change as far as national drug policy.

I don't know why someone downvoted you. What you said is correct. Here is an upvote to nullify.

And another upvote because I do what I want

I like your Cartmanlike style

Am I granted authoritah??

Yes, God alone knows how much money landed at a small airstrip in Mena Arkansas, eh Hillary?

Ask hubby's ruddy shnoz. God I'm a dick sometimes

That isn't dick-ish, just spot on.


Sure they can. But only those they can control. Ya gotta keep them prison bux flowing. And the people controlled. No junkie ever started a revolution. To be successful in the field you just need to pay off the right folks.

Very true. There have been several spooks to speak out; as well as police investigators that were cuckholded, finding out after-the-fact of being frozen out, stonewalled by their chiefs and reassigned that they were in fact investigating spooks themselves, when they thought they were tracking drug mafia. Revelation was 'awkward'. Plenty of documentation in "politics of heroin: cia complitity in the global drug trade"

Nailed it again. Not sure but the conjuring skills required here are a bit much. Maybe this is more of a group project. You get first punch, and you may have mine.

Thank you! I think I'd hit it so hard I'd shatter every bone in my hand, but you can be assured it would be destroyed too

I have a noose already ready already. Could always make a punching bag for ease of use.

I don't really want to see anyone dead. But I do want to see them being hogtied by USMS and put into a black suv

That would be a good start. Maybe hold them all in Gitmo under the same conditions they find appropriate for all the other enemies of the state. They can even use my rope.


Believe it or not, it's not just wars and stuff that are supported by drugs. It's hollywood too. And porn. Porn is a loss leader--how could they possibly make money on stuff they put exabytes of online for free, and that is streamed at HD much more reliably than even YOUTUBE?

Yes. Porn streams better than youtube. They say 50% of the internet traffic. I had this idea of making a tube that plays normal videos split screen with porn so you could stream it better than youtube and their damn buffering problems.

Quality post. Thank you.