In space of 15 years since 9/11 Iraq & Syria have been destabilised/destroyed, how long until Iran? Are there any signs yet?

37  2016-09-11 by cb75

While we all take today to discuss and review that fateful day the end result is just/more important and the execution of that plan establishing the new American empire using the new Pearl Harbor event seems be on target to a large degree.

Iran would be the obvious next target (Saudi target), however when/how will that take place? are there any signs?


You forgot Libya, Egypt and Yemen. All of Israel's enemies are being destroyed.


Maybe 20 years ago, you would have been crazy. At this late date, the corruption has become so blatant, you have to be nuts not to see it.

I heard from someone who was listening to Coast to Coast this past week and a time traveler on there mentioned (by way of selling his book) that in a few years the East Coast of the US will be nuked. He indicated it was Iran that perpetrated the attack but my guess is it will be a false flag perpetrated by Saudi/Israeli agents to start WWIII.


They tried to initiate war with Iran almost immediately after the Iraq fiasco by claiming that they were pursuing nuclear weapons, but they failed to garner the public support for conflict with Iran after the whole WMD lie - choosing a similar lie of "Iran is now trying to obtain nuclear weapons" probably did not help their cause.

Over the past decade or so the US (and Israel) have tried many times to get public support for open conflict with Iran but have failed each and every time to spark fear similar to the Iraqi WMD fear. So instead, they decided to choose the "next best" route - sanctions, shutting Iran out of the global markets and removing their ability and right to use SWIFT (the underlying system used across the world for payments between countries and banks).

More recently, these sanctions have been lifted (well, most of them) and Iran is now able to participate in the markets - most notably the oil market. However, this does not mean that the warhawks in US government (as well as other Western governments such as my own here in the UK) have failed and are stopping their efforts to get to war with Iran. Quite the opposite in-fact.

Part of the reason for the conflict in Syria (essentially started by SA, and by extension Washington, backed terrorists) was that the Syrian government is an ally of Iran and the thinking was that by overthrowing Assad and trying to install yet another puppet regime, they could start a conflict with Iran via this proxy war. Again, this has largely failed as Assad remains; personally, I don't believe that the US and allies thought that Russia would go to the lengths it has to keep Assad in place, they got blindsided in this case and utterly out-maneuvered by Russia on the geopolitical chessboard.

But, again, despite these continual failures of TPTB to get to war with Iran, they will not stop trying. We see evidence of their persistence in the media lately with mainstream outlets pushing anti-Iranian sentiment via the whole "ransom money" debacle, several cases of US ships supposedly being harassed by Iranian boats in the Strait of Hormuz and also a story pushed a few weeks ago about "German intelligence that Iran was still pursuing nuclear weapons" that failed to gain traction and was forgotten about (at least for now).

Re-post of my comment above:

I heard from someone who was listening to Coast to Coast this past week and a time traveler on there mentioned (by way of selling his book) that in a few years the East Coast of the US will be nuked. He indicated it was Iran that perpetrated the attack but my guess is it will be a false flag perpetrated by Saudi/Israeli agents to start WWIII.

It was John Titor II, a time traveling clone of John Titor, who people figured out was a fraud because nothing he predicted is coming true. Multiverse excuse was not accepted, interest was lost, a reinvention is being attempted.

Thanks for info

I think the 5-year schedule slipped a little bit though.

yeah but still that is a massive hitlist and so far they have been relatively successful?

If they take too long the Dynamics of the geopolitics will change enough to alter it. I don't have a clue what those changes might be though. Like if Iran suddenly decided to be friendly with the Western world, set up banking and the whole bit, it would mean no reason to attack them. Trouble is didn't Libya pretty much do that and it still didn't work?

the US paying out $1.7B to Iran. the Iran haters are apoplectic over this.

regarding Libya, Gaddafi got mislead by the West and gave up his chemical weapons and ballistic missiles, then he was eradicated.

that is a lesson for every country, give up your WMDs at your peril.

It was there money in the first place, all we did was return it. I don't know if we gave them any interest by the way. But it is understandable when they took our hostages we should have just taken their money and spent it. And why didn't return the money when the hostages were returned decades ago?

The Irony is that everyone thinks Iran's WMD threat is nuclear, but that really doesn't matter in a world where Israel, South Africa, Pakistan, and India are nuclear powers. The WMD of concern to Washington is Iran's dollar reserves, which they no longer need, and must be paid interest to hold. Only the interest payments can't be called that, and must be called something else.

If I was TPTB I wouldn't 'take out' Iran. I've got a great client state in the Saudi's. They pump oil for me and buy my weapons. They NEED an adversary to keep them worried, to keep needing my protection and weapons. Israel isn't that threatening anymore.

Further I want to build an anti-ballistic missile system around the world so that I can dominate even countries with nuclear weapons. I NEED a reason to do that. I need a religious leadership that is willing to be a little crazy and resort to supporting terrorists.

I could go on but to be honest, Israel wanted to take out Iran very, very badly. The US stopped that plan. It simply isn't in US interests to 'take out' Iran.

correct, we have Iran in the near/middle east, NK in the far east. handy to scare people with.

Cuba used to be used here in the Americas.

Russia has stopped them in Syria; the Ukraine diversion didn't work, and now it's a slow and agonizing war of attrition; the Iron will of Russia vs. the PCB conspiracy's money printing presses. AIPAC says fuck Syria, you can do it later; get Iran now. But the Pentagon says no, we won't.

we never won in Afghanistan, that invasion and conflict and insurrection still is happening.

Iraq went from Sunni insurrection being bribed to go quiet, then ISIL emerged. not to mention the Kurds are moving.

its just a matter of time before Turkey collapses or gets worse, Syria and Kurds etc, then Cyprus becomes an issue again. so likely war between Greece and Turkey.

we have meddled and stirred up myriad hornets nests, never peace keeping or calming.

Iran is controlled. No need to topple them.

Achmadinajad is a controlled dark freemason.


he left office in 2013, three years ago.

apparently also least popular politician in Iran

57% approval and 39% disapproval ratings

yet streets ahead of some of our glorious leaders...