So Wells Fargo

37  2016-09-11 by LittleDidUNo

How is this being ignored by so many people? They opened accounts and credit cards for customers without their permission, and are now getting fined. What the FUCK go to jail! Go directly to fucking jail! Don't pass Go, and don't even think about touching my $200 you fucking crooks, get locked up where you all should have been after 2008.

r/personalfinance has a whole thread on the subject, I highly recommend it. This is why the middle class is so repressed. They actually don't control their finances anymore.


Definitely one of those "nothing to see here, move along", stories that just shows that unlike movies, the bad guy just always seem to win no matter what anymore.

they've been doing this for atleast fifteen years, its how you get raises and promotions at wells fargo. the smart employees would call everyone they know and ask a favor to give them permission to open a second account in there name then ask theme to just close the account a week later.

My mother left wells fargo because of this. She was a teller and was under constant pressure from management to make 'sales.' They had quotas for opening accounts for people.


Definitely read the comments on the personal finance thread, stranger. Apparently this is common practice at Wells Fargo.

thanks stranger

I have 6 or 7 posts on WFC over on /r/NoCorporations

I shall check them out! Thanks stranger, have an upvote!