Yesterday's conspiracy theory is today's news.

220  2016-09-12 by magnora7

It happens time and time again. Anything they don't want the public to think about, they call a conspiracy theory. This is a thought-terminating cliche, and it's been effectively weaponized to get people to stop thinking about the truth. To me, it is really nuts that so many people buy in to this programming, but nevertheless I see it weakening as time passes. People who used to think "conspiracy" = "things only lunatics believe" are now starting to realize that this word has been needlessly charged with smarm, and purposefully so by the intelligence agencies through the media starting in 1967. (link) They did this in order to convince people to stop thinking about conspiracies, for fear you might be labeled a conspiracy theorist, then you look like a tinfoil hat nutter and can lose your friends and job.

So if a big scary story comes up that a bulk of the people in power want to hide, like Hillary having bad health, then having programmed the public as they have through the media over the last 60 years, they just need to label any concerns about her health as "conspiracy theories" or "right wing conspiracy theories" and then they're immediately publicly taboo. Think about the power that.

People programmed like a computer by TV and movies, when they hear "this is a conspiracy theory" they immediately think "Then I must disregard it (or else I may be considered a conspiracy theorist which might hurt my social or financial standing)". Some smart people see through this eventually. Most people never see through it. But it's getting flimsier as it gets overused.

Now we're at a critical juncture with this. The media have been downplaying her health issues as much as possible (all except the unabashedly right-wing, like Fox News, thus fueling the idea it's a right-wing fiction), most saying any concerns are literally baseless conspiracy theorizing. But now, there is this video from the 9/11 memorial of her being unable to walk. Can they continue to call it a conspiracy theory when the whole internet has seen it?

So now the media has to choose how much to downplay this. Do they just outright ignore it, as we have seen /r/politics and /r/news delete posts about it with over 5k net upvotes? With the mainstream media largely in Hillary's corner, what are they going to do? The "This is a conspiracy theory, therefore you should ignore it" narrative is wearing out through overuse. This is a good thing, it means the strength of that word to create taboos is weakening, and thus weakening its ability to keep people from thinking about certain subjects.

This propaganda is so deep, it is literally us censoring ourselves in our own minds. We have a train of thought, and we think "I can't have this" and we don't allow ourselves to go down it. We cordon off entire regions of thought, regions which may be far bigger than we realize, and it boxes us in to old thought patterns which keeps our moral and wisdom development stagnant, which keeps us easy to manipulate. It's all there, clear as day, but so few see it for the true scope and importance it has.

With the availability to censor news stories even after evidence surfaces by using this label to create taboos, things can be denied for longer periods of time. Maintaining power while doing unpopular things is all about having as many layers of plausible deniability as possible. This "it's a conspiracy theory" is another layer of plausible deniability they can hide behind to an uninquisitive and media-trusting public. Hillary's health is one of many issues being hidden in obvious sight by applying these thought-terminating labels, absorbed in to the public consciousness.

But now there is this video. It's not just some random video, there's a couple different angles, it definitely really happened, she clearly couldn't walk, and it's timely. It happened today. "Everyone" saw it. They're censoring it on big sites like reddit and facebook to try and stem the bleeding, but it's not really working. The TV news might have to actually acknowledge this, but I'm sure it will be done in passing and dismissively, except for on fox news who will talk about it obsessively because it helps Trump. I don't say this to root for fox news, but just to point out how clearly a partisan issue this is. The left and the right not only have different opinions, they have different sets of facts they're working with! Calling the health issue a "right wing conspiracy" is convincing to many liberals because they only see it being mentioned on right-wing media, and therefore it must not be true and is a manufactured narrative. The right also has many things that are "left wing conspiracies" because they only see them on the liberal media. Facts are ignored by one partisan side because they're associated with the other side.

Certain facts are hidden as much as possible by people who don't want you to hear them, by labeling them as "conspiracy theories". They do this until they can't get away with it anymore, because too many people know it's true, and they also know that just because something is a conspiracy doesn't mean it's not true. What kind of sheep won't theorize about conspiracies when there have been so many historical examples of collusion and misleading the public? (link) Is it really any surprise people with power might cooperate with other people in power, so they all get more power? Is it really a surprise billionaires would pull tricks on the masses to make themselves more money? I mean come on. Let's get real. Behind every great fortune is a great crime, I believe is the saying.

Essential truths are hidden from us, truths that might make us wake up to the games being played on us. One of the last layers of hiding something is by labeling it a conspiracy theory to scare people away from being associated with the idea once it's clearly out there. Remember when the NSA storing all our phone calls and internet data was a "conspiracy theory"? Now it's a conspiracy fact. Yesterday's conspiracy theory is today's news.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi

Calling an idea a "conspiracy theory" is them fighting the idea, while trying to laugh at it. They just wish they could ignore it, but too many people are talking, so they have to fight because few people are laughing anymore. With this Hillary health scandal, I somewhat expect this video will be the motivator to push the media from "laughing" to "fighting" on this particular subject. I expect the media to do a million debunkings of this video, and try and to take it back to a place of laughter at the mere suggestion she is ill. But we may be past that now. The public is only so gullible.

"You can fool all the people some of the time, you can fool some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln


3 minutes after I post this someone tries to intimidate me in a PM:

Guess I'm on to something here.

I got the same thing from the same user! I'll upload screenshot.


After you made a post about Hillary?

I got it after I commented about her in one of those 5K threads about her health

Ah. Damn they're being so aggressive, literally trying to intimidate people in to silence. Looking forward to your screenshot.

LOL "Further active will be monitored." I guess he corrected the text by the time he got to me. Does this person even speak English? Did CTR hire a bunch of people in India to intimidate people online who mention Hillary today? Pretty bizarre and hilarious. If anyone else has the same happen to them, I hope they share. Thanks for the screenshot!

Well, I got perma-banned from /r/news today for trying to post news about one of our Presidential nominees collapsing. No reason given. My appeals have been met with silence. LOL

Be proud guys. At least you know it's working now.

Glad to share

I just wanted to reply and add that I got a PM from someone saying they had been harassed by this same user, but they only sent them sets of numbers. Like fake GPS coordinates or something.

So that's 3 people who have encountered this 1-day-old account

It's an obvious troll

Yeah, the guy can't even spell 'activity' properly. Disregard.

Any idea what those numbers meant?

The numbers mason, what do they mean?

Probably location coordinates

Not sure why there would be a third coordinate than. No idea how to even mark 1.01 as an altitude. But the other ones correspond to a spot in the Atlantic off the coast of South America. So probably some idiot just trying to intimidate.

Be careful man. I used to get those.

If they progress to SMS PM me.

You got text messaged?


What did it say?

Threats mostly.

Are you part of the scare tactics?

Excuse me?

Well, you certainly aren't calming anyone's fears with comments suggesting they can get my phone number, which I don't think is true

I'm just telling you what happened to me my man.

Fair enough, but I doubt I've been so careless as to leave that much information laying around.

You probably didn't. I reddit exclusively on mobile. I figured it was only a matter of time.

My job here isn't to calm fears anyway. I don't know what gave you that impression.

You should report it to the reddit admins. Last time I let it slide I ended up stalked and harassed for months by someone that made more than 10 accounts:

The admins intervened after I reported him and the stalker got a total site ban across all his accounts.

2 other users end up with the same result.

Report it to the admins, show them that you are not the only one being harassed and keep records of it. The admins are against this behavior so if they see something is wrong they will take care of it.

Holly crap!!! Scary as fuck.

Not really that scary. Probably some idiot who is paid to try and scare people in to silence.

I hope so. This whole election cycle has been a race to the bottom.

Molon Labe my brother.

Conspiracy theory is part of the genesis of the next path of humanity.

Brilliant comment. I think you may be right, in more ways than one.

Thanks. Part of our shift in consciousness is addressing to authority. And also very importantly we redefine our terms about what humanity is, and reality is, what everything is.

Conspiracy is really just bringing out what is hidden. What tptb hide from us. And everything we hide from ourselves(the more spiritual knowledge). Secrets are very entwined with religion as well. Overall I view it as a part of the orchestration which slowly moves the symphony to a crescendo.

It's amazing how many times this happens, from Saudi Arabia helping with 9/11 to the NSA spying on everyone, conspiracy theorists are more accurate than mainstream news. I made a video on this for both Hillary and Soros + #BlackLivesMatter.

Indeed. Good thing we have people, like you, with skills to make media, that aren't corporatewhores. But even some of the mainstream is starting to have a hard time keeping a straight face, even the white House press secretary couldn't get the word transparency out without giggling. I don't even think they are putting forth the same level of effort. Thank you for your time and efforts

That clip was as funny as it was frustrating..

Thanks btw.

Please feel free to visit /r/magnora7 for more information like this

NOTE: Angles 2 and 3 are not new angles. Angle 2 is a mirror image of the video we have. Angle 3 is that same video, recorded off television from the side.

Oh okay, thank you for helping clarify that, I didn't realize that. I appreciate it. I modified the original post to reflect this new information.

because conspiracy theorist is akin to being called antisemite may is better to say something like fringe speculator?

I still like "free thinker".


Threats mostly.