Has Hillary Clinton been seen since leaving Chelsea's apartment building? I can't find anywhere that she has made another public appearance.

69  2016-09-13 by ToddMcNab


She's already dead

fair enough, but surely her double will make another appearance unless they just announce it

People are suspicious about there being a double, they wont use her for a while.

i agree

She was dead before they got her in the car. Did you see how she fell. That was lifeless. 3rd strokes the charm.

She called in to anderson cooper last night

Oh well if she called..

That's too easy to fake.

The CIA's favorite white-headed stepchild.

But he's gay and socially accepted! How dare you criticize him! (Sarcasm)

Exactly. Pre-recorded responses with pre-planned questions.

Or just someone who can mimic her voice. If we're going along the line of reasoning that she's unable to call in herself, then I think we'd also be guessing that the person that came out of Chelsea's apartment really was a body double. If they used a body double then, why wouldn't they use a sound-alike later?

that was definitely NOT her

that was her

dream on that was her she wishes she was that thin ears dont match nor the teeth but nice try

wow ok thanks i guess its confirmed now because you said so

yep case closed!

I heard she did some sort of audio call. Do you have a source? I would be interested to listen to the voice.

I posted yesterday, and it didn't get to far up, but listen to when she speaks, there is a crackle...very strange.


Not to mention, I didn't hear any indication of her being sick and also she refers to going to her daughters house and hat didn't look like her that came out. Not to mention when she came out the big black man was not with her like has been foe awhile now.

theres a geriatric clinic in the same building, likely a private one exclusively for the Clintons use.

This is when we find out if there really are clones. She is dead or on life support.

Teresa Barnwell, HRC actor and likely body double.

her IMDB is empty from 2000 onwards.

Npr says she's home today resting...

What reason do you have to trust them?

Why wouldn't you trust a news source whose funding is derived from distributed tax payer money?

Find one positive story on NPR about Trump. I don't support him, but polls show a great many of those tax payers support him.

You won't because NPR has a set agenda, as most media organizations do, and that agenda includes pleasing the people that give them money - and it's not on taxpayers but large donations from organizations like Carnegie. Educate yourself before spreading this type of misinformation.

They hardly even acknowledge that any third party exists. Definitely don't mention them by name. At least not on morning edition.

NPR was biased against Sanders during the primaries.


Why wouldn't you trust a news source whose funding is derived from distributed tax payer money?

Only a minority of the funding for NPR comes from public funding, whether through individual donations or from government funding. The majority of the funding comes from privately-owned corporations. National Public Radio is a misnomer.

They're just as biased as the rest of the mainstream corporate media. Because they're actually a part of the corporate media. They just have a unique business structure to distribute their content to local stations.

I'm looking forward to another public appearance of her.

never gonna happen her heart stopped

I'll take the double, we need more angles

take for what a fool? good live the delussion like thats not what is exactly wrong with this entire country at this point delusional

Delusion* No take as in I want to see the fake again you idiot.

why would you want to see FAKE havent we been fucked over enuf with FAKE exceptionalism bullshit geez hillary is so great that we now want a lookalike as long as history sez its her ... good luck with that thats delussional you still have not explained why you would want to see the fake again and you called me something i would not call you so take your smug somewhere out of my mailbox ok

because you idiot we had like two angles of her potentially fake double. jesus christ someone rubbed you the wrong way today

Totes, just like when Watson appeared on Jeopardy! It would be quite a day for their race.


The debates will not happen.

Trump vs ELIZA, courtesy of some clever CGI and video conferencing.

Resting? But she was fine! Just fine!

'resting' as only a Norwegian Blue can

Because she died on the 11th and her double is the one who left. The chick even posted a tweet that she was in my and the picture was right outside of Chelsea's house . Hilary never left there , alive anyway . She may have died right there on the street. They threw her in the van so fast they left her shoe behind

Mainstream media now claims that she will continue to campaign starting tomorrow

As you already know, she's a robot and they're just doing routine maintenance, but because of that she'll be in the shop for a couple of days.

theres a geriatric clinic in the same building, likely a private one exclusively for the Clintons use.