New information popping up surrounding HRC's aggravating Health, and possibly passing away.

133  2016-09-14 by [deleted]



Ay dios mio, this is deep. The most telling aspects that I find most interesting:

-The obvious differences between herself and her purported body double

-The part about the fake secret service van that's actually an ambulance

-How she was in a terrible state at the 9/11 memorial, ditched her NYPD escort and went to, "her daughters" house, which apparently is a blacksite hospital, complete with a simulated hospital room for her treatment

-When this person came out of her daughter's house, her security detail was absent, and after just being diagnosed with pneumonia, hugged a supporter, (we all know the real Hillary would never do that), and said something to the effect of, "it's a beautiful day in New York City", which is bizarre into itself considering the tone was obviously somber in remembrance of whatever you want to call 9/11.

LOL! CBS livestream just said they hoped to talk to her tomorrow, something tells me that's not going to happen.

Without a shadow of doubt in my mind, there's some shady stuff going on here. I guarantee it.

I've been posting about on Facebook and it's the only thing I have had people call me out in... after all these years... people think I'm being 'ridiculous' and telling me, 'you're better than this'. Totally weird bullshit... I think it's making people insane. I feel like I am taking crazy pills, but every time I analyze the information I can see something is definitely going on.

No, you're not taking crazy pills; rational, sense-loving people everywhere are pieceing it together. Everyone's had just about enough of the deception and being made to feel stupid.

Hillary bungled the lie so bad, they can't dismiss it as 'conspiracy theory' any more... Shit's real as it gets.

A lot of people are waking up. More abruptly now with all these careless lies.

Of course, let me tell you right now, IT'S NOT YOU!

Dems, (Repubs, too, for that matter), will do anything to keep the band together and will fiercely support and defend their respective candidate to the bitter end. These types of attacks and emotional responses are always going to show their ugly head in the face of logic and facts.

I've experienced it as well, I've learned that FB may not be the best channel for these types of discussions. The sad part is, it doesn't matter anymore who it is; hearkening back to the first Civil War in this country, these vastly polarizing candidates, policies and politics have destroyed whatever closeness existed between ourselves and our family/neighbors.

I say fuck the haters. My advice would be to find better, more appropriate channels to start these conversations and never let anyone stop you from critical thinking and connecting the dots.

Cheers. I have plenty of people sharing and discussing and listening. Thanks for the friendly support.

you are correct, don't mind them

My most-vocally-anti-Clinton FB friend from six months ago really "went off" on Monday, berating anybody for perpetuating "stupid conspiracy theories" like the body-double idea.

Just goes to show the power of the media spike some story angles. Something that friend read made her rabidly opposed to this very idea, but four full days later without one more Clinton sighting, I'm convinced that wasn't the real Hillary.

same thing happened to me. Ha! People do not like being woken up.

The pushback I'm seeing from some people I thought were a little more smart than they're acting makes me think either people are going insane or more people I know are bought and paid for than I ever imagined.

Or they using people's accounts...

-The part about the fake secret service van that's actually an ambulance

Why can't it be both?

Well mainly because have you seen a secret service vehicle used in this capacity to drive around anyone that's used secret service protection? Weird, because either have I.

The idea is if she's so fucked up that she needs an ambulance on deck to drive her around, perhaps she's a bit more fuck up health wise than she's led the American people to believe.

If she's breaking down on the campaign trail, pretty sure she's not fit to do the job.

Poll conducted by politico came out yesterday yesterday and 50% said they thought she hasn't be honest about her health stuff; meanwhile, 30% polled say they believe she's going to die by 2020, (before the conclusion of her 1st term).

There is absolutely at one ambulance in the presidential motorcade, I am pretty sure the Secret Service has at least one as well.

Every time there is a old president or sick president running for office, I think of who do they have set up for the VP? That might be how someone really bad gets in right under our noses.

Right, the key words you said were "presidential motorcade".

She is not the president, she is a former Gov and sec of state that's running for office. Big difference.

She is not the president, she is a former Gov and sec of state that's running for office. Big difference.

She has plenty of money to make her own blacked out Clintambulance. She is more of the do it yourself type person anyway, rather then using the secure provided assets by our federal goverment. She will probably delete the Clintablulance when shes done with it too.

Ok, but the point is it's been unprecedented up to this point in time.

When this person came out of her daughter's house, her security detail was absent

If they were trying to trick everyone, wouldn't they use the full group? The more people they have hustling around, the less focus would be on the "double."

This is insane. She's back on the campaign trail and speaking right now in Greensboro, NC. It just doesn't make sense to go from being 70 and being diagnosed publicly with pneumonia to speaking in front of a large crowd 3 days later. Fairly certain she's a manchurian candidate.

She did an interview over the phone with Anderson Pooper and it definitely wasn't her. Voice was off, sounded like a man and even things she said didn't really fit the bill. I think she's recovering and one of her doubles is holding it down. Still waiting for a staged mass shooting this week to take the focus off her

It almost sounded pre recorded.

They are tricky little bastards

The aspect ratio was changed on the 'skinny' one regular photo is normal looking.

It does look that way.

looks that way, doesn't it

If she is dead already they'll try to make a meal of it, and fake an "assassination" blaming alt-righters. No way would they allow HRC's true death reason to come out, and vindicate us.

If she is dead already they'll try to make a meal of it, and fake an "assassination" blaming alt-righters.

It's already being floated that she's been poisoned.

Lol half of the hits there are pointing fingers at Putin. Convenient

"Never let a crisis go to waste."

Exemplary post. Good form.

Upvoted for that alone.

Complete with the damning side-by-side and the ultra sketchy medical records posted via pastebin. Spot on, mate, spot on.

she is dead

I want to believe this.

i choose to believe it where has she been since 9/11

someone else not me posted that she was shot at the same exact time as the second tower fell....was she? would tie into how their deal their own out and the juxtaposition is stunning to say the least

Maybe that was a bullet casing that fell out of her pants. It was very close to the timing of the second tower.

Bullets don't travel with their casings you fucking morons.


Well then, I guess that settles that. i should have thought about that, I'm can go full retard at times.

Don't worry. I'm can too.


exactly what this person indicated and it made so much sense to me...its how they roll [who knows maybe for laughin and being a psycho over gadaffi where are any of the clintons today this is the height of the election season ...they loves them their campaigning...pushed everyone else rightful outta their way for it....where are they all

Maybe this will be the new 9/11. They seem to be getting itchy to fire up the war machine a little more. She saw the writing on the wall that she has a fight on her hands with this election is bowing out without a loss. She's not dead; she's on an island somewhere far far away. I have no idea what the hell is going on, but my brain needs a break from this. It's all so bizarre!

i dont feel the heartbeat

she was shot

Like with a gun?! If she received a fatal gunshot wound, there would have been blood visible SOMEWHERE when she had to be carried into that undercover ambulance.

she could hve been shot right there and thrown in the van thereafter where is she i don't feel her heartbeat deep coma?

I'm doubting that was actually her in the 'faint/tossed in van' video

I suspect THAT was the body-double

All the rest is media

Real Hillary went to ground prior

Real Hillary went to ground prior

do you think she died in 2012 like some?

Bill Clinton appeared on Charlie Rose, and gave an interview one day AFTER the 9/11 memorial -- on the 12th.

IF Hillary never regained consciousness, Bill did an amazing job of pretending she was still alive.

/just sayin' - I think she is still alive - unless she has died SINCE the interview. (But my sense is that Bill believed that his "spouse" was still very much alive.)

Bill would be ecstatic if she was dead. There would be a harem of hookers lined up down the street.

As if her existence has ever stopped him before?

But he can see them more than once, now when he is spent, hillary kills and eats them.

Lol! Holy shit that turned wierd quickly

True story

I don't think they give two solitary fucks about each others personal lives. They probably don't see each other unless they have to appear in public, and even then, they are told what to say.

Bill is an empty vessel, his soul able to shift gears on a dime because he has none.

We live in hope.

Well they did with Paul McCartney years ago so I'm sure they could do iy with her now

But the body double looks very, very little like her. There is no way she could pass for even a few moments as HRC.

Hair line is wrong at the front.

Her hair colour is different

It's at least plausible that she is incapacitated or dead and it is being kept a secret from the public, especially given the fact that it's been done before (Woodrow Wilson anybody?!).

As entertaining as those medical details are, I can't imagine any medical professional being paid what they would be getting paid for this actually violating HIPPAA and ethics, and the law of not wanting to end up Arkancided to actually post something like this.

It also goes on about cnn interviews etc, why would a doctor write about that?

If we don't get some kind of photos or video beyond what was staged outside of Chelsea's apartment, people are going to start whispering. Every minute this passes gets worse for the optics; her most stalwart apologists are going to have a great deal of difficulty explaining away a fourth day with nothing more than a canned interview.

Can you ELI5 some of the medical terms there? I don't want to jump to any conclusions from this... If needed, I'm happy to ask better questions :)

Right, I'd like to understand why they can't fight sepsis at a top of the line care facility. Expected death by 02Oct seems kind of far out, if it's sepsis.

If the body can't fight the infection with the aid of antibiotics, the body is failing at a systemwide level.

I think I have to back off the conspiracy sub.

I mean, I am having a lot of fun getting these glimmers of hope that Hillary will have to step down and Bernie will somehow get in, but then reality always hits at some point, and damn. I can't keep doing this to myself.

Hillary is fine, she'll be cackling again by next week, raising millions for her personal slush fund, ignoring Flint now that she figures Michigan is in the bag for her, deciding which country she wants to bomb first. We'll probably have a mass shooting so people can talk about that instead of her wobble aka full body rigid seizure, and I just can't take it anymore.

I have to ignore it for my personal mental health.

Take care. Be outside. Be with family.

These aren't any type of legit medical records so there is nothing to ELI5 about.. let alone anything being medical in them other than theories that anyone can find in the news recently.

What do you need help understanding?

possibly immortal - who the fuck knows???

it's all shills and guesswork boys, shills and guesswork...

The leaked report says she's bed ridden and non responsive unless to loud noises but then says she did the Anderson Cooper interview... I don't get it. Also what is this sepsis thing? Is it fatal?

I haven't seen those leaked medical reports.

What are your thoughts on the telephone interview she allegedly did with Anderson Cooper a couple days ago? I haven't listened to it myself, but people who've listened said she does not sound well at all. If HRC was on her death bed, I dunno, could she have done that interview?

Good information here. Thanks.

She sounded fine. She did not sound like Hillary Clinton though.

The first picture is just really bad photoshop...

But stupid people vote this shit up

Pretty sure i saw her in Philly on tuesday.

Saddam Hussein had FOUR body doubles. What makes you think Clinton's only got one?

She's got a rally cheduled at the University of North Carolina - Greensboro at 3:45. Anyone in the area want to go and take some video?

Those aren't medical records those are bullshit and biased theory notes saying shit like..

  • "Audio is the spoken voice of Hillary Rodham Clinton. However the quick chat with Anderson Cooper was scripted and rehearsed which is why it sounds canned.
    Remember, "This is CNN."


  • "Dr. Drew" says he is "gravely concerned" about Hillary Clinton's health and her healthcare on his recently canceled television show. Physicians don't use the word "gravely" lightly. When doctors use the word "grave" or "gravely" they mean "death" is most likely outcome." Yeah because Dr. Drew is the authority here and has given Hillary a thorough medical examination! lol you guys..

and then goes on to list shit like coughing, fatigue, and narcissism as some of the core symptoms of her imminent death from Sepsis. Holy hell you can't make this shit up. This has absolutely been the worst read I have undertaken all week.

Oh yeah.. those two picture comparisons are obviously edited with one being blurred while the other sharpened to show minor differences. Also you can't say she is taller in one of the pictures because its impossible to tell just by looking at a picture not to mentions shoes can add like 3-5 inches depending on what kind you wear.

Try harder r/conspiracy you are failing hard with your hillary hate and you should feel bad about clinging to this bat shit asinine information that's obviously biased.


I do think something is seriously wrong with HRC's health, but I totally agree with your points and was about to comment to the OP with similar examples when I thought, "Surely someone has said this.... Oh wait, this is r/conspiracy, someone pointing this out would be downvoted." Sure enough, here's what I am looking for at the bottom.

To add to your notes: No medical record contains links to stories and videos. The way they're used is juvenile. They're using links to advance conspiracy theories!!! WHAT?!?! Yes, because that's what medical professionals do, they offer conspiracy theories in medical notes that they know with 99.9% certainty won't be released.

You're right, this is just an awful read; a really bad attempt.

Lol u mad

Not mad, just disappointed in the sub.

Y r u dissappintment. U learned what a limited hangout is

I think I have to back off the conspiracy sub.

I mean, I am having a lot of fun getting these glimmers of hope that Hillary will have to step down and Bernie will somehow get in, but then reality always hits at some point, and damn. I can't keep doing this to myself.

Hillary is fine, she'll be cackling again by next week, raising millions for her personal slush fund, ignoring Flint now that she figures Michigan is in the bag for her, deciding which country she wants to bomb first. We'll probably have a mass shooting so people can talk about that instead of her wobble aka full body rigid seizure, and I just can't take it anymore.

I have to ignore it for my personal mental health.

She is not the president, she is a former Gov and sec of state that's running for office. Big difference.

She has plenty of money to make her own blacked out Clintambulance. She is more of the do it yourself type person anyway, rather then using the secure provided assets by our federal goverment. She will probably delete the Clintablulance when shes done with it too.