I will bitcoin someone 500 dollars to find out extensive background information on Badselfeater

37  2016-09-15 by 911bodysnatchers322



I prefer my exact state of income below the poverty level & thus do not want your generous offer of bitcoin. I love to dig, sift, & share.

T. Russell Hunter


Wow. Thank you. Going to dig up gold for you. It's not real money so you can stay humble. Also, I like his logo

I thank you for the reddit gold, as I did not reply quick enough & it was already gifted, but ask kindly that you do not give this Condé Nast site any money for things I may share in the future. I share simply because I care.

The sign he uses between the A & ∀ seems to be a caesura meaning literally "a cutting". used in verse such as poetry & also musical notation. What I like more than his design is that you cut it & used your mind to attempt to probe deeper ;)

I understand that and i agree in spirit, but gilding is not just a way to reward you but to make your comment prominent in the gilding tab, which it rightly deserves to be. I understand and respect your opinion though, so I ask anyone else to kindly not gild Meso any additional gold.

A caesura? Isn't it just AHA? Abolish Human Abortion?

I wrote in postulation:

seems to be

I simply interpreted what I see & know about the symbol shape, but I also enjoyed reading what you pose with AHA as Abolish Human Abortion interpretations, whilst knowing most things including symbols often have more than one explanation. I also fully see & agree the symbol also has a tilted H shape. Thanks for sharing ;)

So he's an intelligent designer trying to bridge darwinism. In other words he is a person trying to bring religion back into a science discussion (theology in evolutionary biology, etc). Conclusion: Jesuit. The original counter-reformationists, anti-enlightenment folk

What was your methodology for finding him?

I did not watch all of his video, but noticed him say something about abolitionist. I then searched google for abortion abolitionist & sifted a bit until I found a visual ID of his face. Once had his name I dug a bit more to find the page with his educational info. For me google images showed his education page as the third image in image search results ;)

Very well done.

Image searches are sometimes much better than web searches. I use this tool as well, but clearly not as well as you did in this case. Again, thanks and good job.

This anti abortion thing seems like a shill move.

Plus why is it always men who are on the soapboxes against abortion?

Also: why did they specifically target conspiracy theorists AND with occult stuff with nearly-perfect timing, when our culture is at it's most psychologically fragile in the wake of several cases of unpunished injustices?

Because (and I really don't want to come off as a crazy SJW) the men who bitch and complain about abortion are the kind of men who want full control over women in every way. They aren't happy holding control over just their wives and daughters. They want to control every woman everywhere.

Most of these anti-abortion nuts are highly religious men who were brought up to believe that women are inferior in every way because Eve was a dumbass and ate the fruit, therefore every woman must pay for her sin and must scrape and bow to their every whim.

Edit: and because I'm getting downvoted, I'm NOT saying every man is this way. I know they aren't. But I can say from experience that the big time anti-abortion men aren't protesting because they believe in God. They're protesting because they want to put women in their place. I stopped going to church because I had to deal with too many of them. In the end it's not about God, it's not about what Jesus would do, it's about what's between a woman's legs and the fact that some men, ONLY SOME, want to control that.

Sin, sinfulness and guilt are the main tools of social contol used in priestcraft, because it's a lot harder to herd happy, independent, free people than those who are psychologically abused, vulnerable and shut down. It's a thing called 'psychocivilzing' people, from the ghoulish imaginations of nazi dr sidney gottleib, except the original imagineers were from ancient babylon, perhaps even beyond that to some kind of fish people from sirius, judging by the popes funny fishhat and freeman fly.

But to lead happy people, one would have to be an example of excellence. And that's too hard for priests, who are generally social outcast weirdos that can't do anything else...people who have some functional spiritual disorder that causes them to be creepy and touchy with kids like Biden, happy to take your money for a god that doesn't empirically exist and therefore doesn't empirically need more money than is needed to keep his agents humble livelihood afloat...and yet this god received far more than that and still continues to tell the world it's doing the wrong thing when it could easily use that excess to fix it in ways it sees fit---but it doesn't. And that's the W0rD. (take that colbert, mic drop)

They're already in mid-doxx over at BSE.

I'm sorry can you explain that a little more? Who is they?

The members of r/badselfeater are in the process of posting all of his personal information.

Damn I need to get over there. Thank you.

Thank you for the gold, friend. :)

I read that as 500 bitcoins and was so puzzled for about five minutes.

Sorry for the irrelevant comment.

Watching this guy now and WTF.

haha no I'm not made of money. 500US in bitcoin, but it looks like I don't have to pay (dodged a bullet on that), as people are crowdsourcing his downfall in /r/badselfeaters They are doxxing him and he's fucked now.

which is wonderful. I'm very likely going to FOIA for information as an investigative journalist. I want to know his ties if any to jesuits freemasons or to obama administration and cass sunstein i want to know who gave him his checks since 2013

I came across a petition he filed in Oklahoma (https://www.sos.ok.gov/documents/questions/782.pdf). In case anybody's interested, page 2 lists a P.O. box he may still be using...

Thomas R. Hunter P.O. Box 68 Noble, OK, 73068


Bad self eater in the video is the artist that put out the beast bills that had all the occult symbolism and created hysteria about something really bad happening with a countdown. With all the conpsiracy and crazy social instability and injustice going on, some people (a friend of mine and others here and on cst) were really scared, but it turned out to be an antiabortion snuff film that was flagged as NSFW/inappropriate on youtube and will likely get taken down soon.

First he starts out telling the audience that we're all idiots. did you figure it out? no because you're asleep. Violence happens every day...queue dead baby being wrapped up in butcher paper like grassfed beef from whole foods and into the trash. (or something like that...i actually watched about 3 sec of it and shut it off).

So this guy created a terror campaign to abuse conspiracy theorists. It was all a harmful mental abuse that smacks of cass sunstein planning.

It's my belief that no one, short of a psychotic individual with infinite spare time and lots of money, would be that dedicated to this kind of strange activism but the US Government itself, trying to find a unique way to "shut down the conspiracy theoriests"

I did not fall for it, but I was curious what it was about. It actually worked out in a very similar way than I thought. I thought it was going to be some kind of live action game, but it was really just a psychotic agent provocateur who is committing treason.


The above link requires no sign in.

Note for future use: Adding "nsfw" before the word "youtube.com" side steps need for login ;)


Rule 1. Final warning.

Trauma based mindcontrol at its best. I just watched threads not the video, I was a bit late, and when I went there nothing at all happened. People were and still are having some very cool conversations right now. And have been. What ever this was is still rippling. All the oddness in the bill, mostly still true.

Was teh real plan something else?

as in maybe their true mission failed and so they used their backup plan to use an agent provocateur to harass people? maybe. We'll never know.

What the fuck? I went to view this on youtube and got this screen. Never seen this before.

edit: Oh.

I've never heard of him before. From what I understand is that he pulled some pranks only to culminate in an anti-abortion message? Is that the gist of it? Please don't downvote.

he made it seem like a possible leak or financial crash. then he just ends up yelling that abortion is murder.

Thank you. How did he amass such a, presumably, large following?

dedicated maybe 500 people max? probably less actually. few thousand that saw it. so it was actually not that large of a following. the badselfeater subreddit usually had 15-25 active people until today

He is a fucking patsy dude. Think. Bro, you are above this.

I don't think you understand. I want to know his connections affiliations and paycheck writers. Patsies have connections. If he has any I want to know. If it turns out he's a random psychopath Christer, well good luck him finding work again when people know T Russell Hunter is that abortion snuff film person. Also, interesting coincidence, 13 hrs later, this post is at 33 and so is my other one from cst, being actively controlled by 2 mason tylers

I think you posted the wrong links on those, either way I agree with you in part, but this seems to be going into that Godwin's Law category without examining the idea of and character of Hitler himself.

You watch a THC snippet and it gives you this impression of how the fuck did anyone buy this? but then you start digging. Pictures paint themselves for the most part and this one is painting faster than AI Gangster Computer God but gets all the fucking colours wrong.

Yes, of course this pawn is a clue, but do you think for a second that this elaborate setup has left anything other than monographed handkerchiefs? Smoke signals mate. You know hitlet was about as in charge of shit as son-of-the-great-beast dubyuh (dub you, confound you) Bush. How did that dopey cunt ever make pres? Maybe he knows something we don't: fool me twice, can't get fooled again.

And for all of my ego, but of course, I am but a fool. But honestly, what a fucking great time to be alive. I'm alive for it. I know you are too, one day we will eat yiros, or perhaps from your garden, maybe even from mine, but no one comes here: maps won't work here. That is how I found it.

These lapdogs, they are poor beaten, mistreated dregs of their own lost intentions. They get used time and again. Do not focus on the dogs at the doors, moreso instead the suits in the shadows. They know us yet remain ever shadowy figures, like Joseph K's charges.

I used to draw, and I want to draw something. If there is any redditor reading with time and inclination, I request the following: a sheep, anthropomorphised, standing on hind legs, arms outstretched and hands open, and draped in the still-bleeding complete pelt of a skinned wolf. If I get a decent image out of this, I will tattoo it on my body and post it here.

Bodysnatcher I respect you, give the first 20 mins of his rape exception video a watch, I'd like to hear your thoughts. Everyone is leaning so hard one way I like to at least look the other way with an open mind. And I get that people are upset at the "letdown", we wanted to see bombs or at least the power go out or something. But this guy makes one of the better anti-abortion presentations that I've seen, yet the vitriol headed his way seems "corrected"? a bit, no?

I should correct that to say one of the *only anti-abortion arguments that I've heard

yea good correction, cuz i was gonna say that was not a good presentation. he used stillbirth videos to pose as an abortion (apparently), belittled people for believing in conspiracies, and yelled like anyone who can't debate

Oh look /r/atheism is leaking out. So Doxxing is now the thing to do on this subreddit? Read rule 5. Moderators, am I wrong here?

show me evidence of your bitcoin wallet

The members of r/badselfeater are in the process of posting all of his personal information.

I should correct that to say one of the *only anti-abortion arguments that I've heard

Very well done.

Image searches are sometimes much better than web searches. I use this tool as well, but clearly not as well as you did in this case. Again, thanks and good job.