No sign of Clinton for 4 days.

30  2016-09-15 by JTRIG_trainee

She looked so healthy outside Chelsea's, and here she's talking to Anderson Cooper sounding healthy.


The skeptic in me thinks that it doesn't sound like her. I know it's a bad phone link but something seems a bit off. Whoever is talking doesn't have the same cadence or something.

it's not her

we have the tech to 'make' impersonations of someone digitally by capturing them speaking individual words and 'cutting' them into whatever configuration you need, and it's their 'voice' and 'words' but entirely fabricated in software.

and not only with voice. We can do it with video as well.

Does not sound like her at all. Apparently a "voiceprint" is as unique as a fingerprint. Maybe someone will be able to prove that the voice we just heard in the Anderson Cooper interview was NOT Hillary.

Attempting to lift a voiceprint from a tv broadcast of a telephone call would be like attempting to lift a fingerprint from a puddle of water.


i want Proof of Life.

They'll probably offer up her labia as proof.


I'll believe it when I see it. And, considering the way things have gone, even then.....

I'm watching like a hawk. No sign of her!

She's scheduled to speak at a rally at the University of North Carolina - Greensboro at 3:45 today and make a speech to the Hispanic (iirc) caucus in DC tonight. I guess we'll see soon enough.

watch, they try n pull off a Tu Pac hologram

Fitting as Hillary is really taking the following Tupac quote to heart: "My mama always used to tell me: 'If you can't find somethin' to live for, you best find somethin' to die for."

Compare with this speech she gave on 8/25:

Her voice last month was lower and more gruff.

Holy fucking fuck. Listen to what she says at around 13:50-14:20 about conspiracies. Sick cunt literally described herself...yet the livestock of an audience all cheer in blissful ignorance. Makes me absolutely sick.

yet the livestock of an audience all cheer in blissful ignorance.

So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause

There was actually a huge controversy over on the official forums when that movie came out. Some claimed their theaters copy had the line liberty, a week later people were saying it said democracy at their screening. I was then banned for videoing that single line in a screening and posting a link to it.

They were re-wiring her.

Well, she just appeared on the plane leaving for NC.

a body double !

they seek her here, they seek her there, that elusive Blue Norwegian candidate.

What I want to know is why she's laughing about not following expert advice. And why he isn't pressing her on that. Seems like a pretty bad quality for a president.

i wonder her her favorite philosopher is?

Karl Marx