16 2016-09-15 by RDS
Speaking live now in NC.
Those leaked medical notes from the other day gave me hope, but seeing her up there she looks pretty normal (crooked?).
I'm actually pretty disappointed.
13 Dhylan 2016-09-15
Thank goodness for teleprompters. Thank goodness for no shame in plagiarizing Bernie Sanders' campaign speeches. Thank goodness for pretending that jousting with a windmill is the same as jousting with a real opponent. Thank goodness for not having to debate issues with an opponent. She's showing all the skill of a 9th grader out there. How long did she manage to stand up there and read that text?
11 TriangleEye 2016-09-15
Hey OP don't trip over these SJWs.
I wish Hillary died from her stupid ailments too.
You are not alone.
1 xxTh35ky15Fa11ingxx 2016-09-15
Here, here! Upvotes for both.
6 Telenerd 2016-09-15
Whatever your stance on Clinton is, one thing is for sure. This is theatre. All of it. The reaction from the "conspiracy theory" community is exactly the same as when everyone thought Putin was missing after that supposed coup in Russia. I think she is sick ( with Parkinsons and had DBS ), but other than that everything we're seeing around her right now is untrustworthy, and maybe that's the point. Maybe the point is to make you believe something is so true that it has to turn out a certain way, and then it doesn't, so then you distrust all of the sources you believed in. Just saying, the speculation around all of this seems designed.
1 KnownEdge 2016-09-15
I think it was an act to avoid 911 questions. Pretty convenient to fall ill on that date.
2 b33tlejuice 2016-09-15
Benghazi questions.*
Think about it.. the news is all about her health instead of the largest fuck up of her career. If in a few weeks shes back on the trail full steam, the health issue will be history and the media will have passed the anniversary of Benghazi without a peep.
..but of course the Reaper doesn't care about your political chess game. If there is something major wrong with her health, she's done regardless.
-4 DaltonTookTheTrain 2016-09-15
Hey there, demoralizer! Do you REALLY think this will work? Because we see RIGHT through you.
2 RDS 2016-09-15
lol are you implying that I'm a shill?
-9 [deleted] 2016-09-15
14 DaltonTookTheTrain 2016-09-15
Grow the fuck up. The bitch committed treason and should be executed. I want her dead any way possible.
8 RDS 2016-09-15
I know... I can't say wishing death upon people is my modus operandi, but I couldn't help the disappointment I felt.
Dying was cold, you are right. But I guarantee you she is colder, and has said MUCH worse.
6 inbetweentime 2016-09-15
Can you explain how it's ignorant?
2 pemulis1 2016-09-15
Why show the slightest bit of empathy for someone who has shown not the slightest bit of empathy? If you treat people the way they treat other people, the world would be a hell of a lot nicer place.
-17 materhern 2016-09-15
Disappointed someone you don't like didn't die? Pretty shitty of you actually.
13 RDS 2016-09-15
I'm sorry, I know wishing ill upon someone is not good karma but I do not know her, I despise her, I worry what will happen to the US if she is president, I am sickened and disgusted by her corruption, and I believe she represents the epitome of the "corrupt, sociopath politician." She had a lot to do with Gaddafi's death and who knows how many more.
Her being to sick to continue (ie. Dying) was the only situation I could see her in where she wouldn't become the next president.
I was surprised at how much I got my hopes up that she was truly sick, but I can't deny how I felt.
I am actually disappointed she is fine and continuing to run, as evil as it sounds.
0 materhern 2016-09-15
Not going to matter who wins the Presidency. Everything you hate is a function of power hungry selfish greedy ass holes running the country. No one that gets elected is going to change what happens. If it wasn't her, it would have been someone else.
5 joe_fabeetz 2016-09-15
If you vote for Hillary you're voting for 4 more years of Obama plus possibly World War 3. At least Trump shows every sign of being hated by the establishment. I'm careful not to put much faith in him but surely you can realize that Jeb Bush and later Ted Cruz was supposed to be the controlled opposition this cycle. Trump represents the closest thing to a true outsider with an actual chance of winning.
4 materhern 2016-09-15
I'm not voting for Hillary. Maybe thats why I was downvoted. People think that not cheering for someones death means you are voting for them. I'm voting for Gary Johnson because I don't vote for criminals and crazy people.
2 joe_fabeetz 2016-09-15
Gary Johnson is a fucking retarded SJW dude. I can understand not liking Trump but preventing a Hillary presidency should be top priority for everyone who doesn't want to see their children sold into endless displacement and war.
4 materhern 2016-09-15
I don't believe for one minute Trump is going to end any of those things. He's spent his entire life looking out for number one, and even giving money and supporting the Clintons when it benefitted him. People who believe he suddenly will change his spots are completely naive. He's "different" because it is to his benefit. When in power, he'll be who he's always been. A man who looks after his own benefit first. How is that any different than the Clintons?
I'm pretty anti-sjw. Not a chance in hell Johnson is an SJW.
3 joe_fabeetz 2016-09-15
You're wise to have that skepticism of Trump, and I'll definitely be his biggest critic when/if he gets elected. But he's not openly advocating for third-world takeover of America and nuclear belligerence with Russia.
This Gary Johnson behavior can only be described as SJW-like:
1 materhern 2016-09-15
He's trying to get votes, nothing else. Just like Trump and Clinton. Trump isn't going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. His stated views of affirmative action make it difficult at best to make him into an SJW.
1 joe_fabeetz 2016-09-15
Oh he will build the wall. If he doesn't there will be a mutiny. Making Mexico pay for it is easily done and clearly outlined on the Trump website. Even if he didn't do it, having someone shifting the Overton window to the right is worth voting for him for that principle alone. Hillary represents nothing but years of corruption and evil globalist schemes.
1 materhern 2016-09-15
I think people are going to be sorely disappointed if he gets elected. To much money is wrapped up in Mexico from business. But hey, if you believe him, go for it. I became jaded a long time ago. I don't believe people when they say they will do something. I don't believe a leopard can change its spots. Just like Bush used 9/11 as a jump off for the security state, and Obama swore he'd roll it back, and merely expanded it, so too will the next president firmly establish the power of the state and expand it if possible.
0 joe_fabeetz 2016-09-15
There are huge, obvious differences between Obama/Bush and Trump though.
1 materhern 2016-09-15
The only difference is Trump hasn't had the chance to fuck us yet. I'm reminded of all the Bush policies Obama promised to role back that he, in the end, expanded. I see no reason to believe Trump will change his spots or be different than any of the previous few presidents. They all promise the world and deliver a pile of crap.
2 zotakul 2016-09-15
Yo but he climbed a mountain and is the most fit presidential candidate.
1 RDS 2016-09-15
I agree. Her being sick was like this little glimmer of light, a small chance at hope that maybe Bernie would get in.
The machine is too powerful.
10 DaltonTookTheTrain 2016-09-15
Hey there, narrative. The bitch committed treason and should be executed. I want her dead any way possible.
-2 materhern 2016-09-15
Exactly. What this country needs is to do away with the justice system and execute people we think have done something wrong. Sound advice.
3 DaltonTookTheTrain 2016-09-15
Try again.
1 materhern 2016-09-15
You first.
6 DaltonTookTheTrain 2016-09-15
Nah, try the fuck again. Either read posts or don't reply to them.
0 materhern 2016-09-15
The fact that you are now looking for my posts represents, yet again, a problem with you. Your ability to think reasonably is clearly damaged.
2 DaltonTookTheTrain 2016-09-15
Thanks for admitting you were wrong.
1 materhern 2016-09-15
Lol so how long should i expect you to keep trolling my posts? Any love interests that might pull you away for something of value? Perhaps a new game, or movie you might be into? Surely trolling my comments can't be the only thing you do. I mean, besides get upset and insulting when people don't view things in the same way you do, of course.
0 DaltonTookTheTrain 2016-09-15
Thanks for admitting you were wrong.
If you were right, you would have been able to refute the contents of the post.
1 materhern 2016-09-15
I wouldn't bother explaining shit to you.
1 DaltonTookTheTrain 2016-09-15
Again, thanks for admitting you were wrong. You have nothing to explain.
1 materhern 2016-09-15
Get a life and stop following me troll.
0 DaltonTookTheTrain 2016-09-15
Again, thanks for admitting you were wrong. You have nothing to explain.
1 materhern 2016-09-15
0 DaltonTookTheTrain 2016-09-15
Look where you're replying, dipshit.
1 materhern 2016-09-15
Sorry that being in the same post compelled you to post something deliberately inflammatory to me.
1 DaltonTookTheTrain 2016-09-15
Not sorry that you're still wrong.
3 materhern 2016-09-15
Funny how your six day old account is a stereotypical Trump supporter. Its like you are literally here to confirm every Hillary supporters view and make Trump hated more. Since, you know, I don't really care if you think I'm wrong, but you keep saying stuff and, I imagine, if I look at your post history, you are pretty much a dick to anyone who disagrees with you. Hard to believe you are really such a stereotypical Trump supporter coming on reddit just six days ago to be a loud mouths ass to people who disagree with you. Sounds more like a person that benefits hillary much more than Trump....
1 DaltonTookTheTrain 2016-09-15
Funny how you STILL don't have an actual reply to what was stated.
Not a word you said was true. No one gives a fuck about you whoring yourself out for the bitch queen.
3 materhern 2016-09-15
Lol why would I be voting for Hillary you shill? I answered you, you didn't like my answer, so you continued your Hillary shill routine. Lol so obvious.
1 DaltonTookTheTrain 2016-09-15
Your answer was wrong. You were wrong. Pick your shattered ass up off the floor and move on with your life.
2 materhern 2016-09-15
1 IsThisADream2 2016-09-15
Lmao yeah they're a shill. 7 day old Reddit page and every comment they posts they are trying to argue with people and making up a bunch of bullshit lol
1 C2Bkennedy 2016-09-15
says the 29 days old Reddit page who's reddit history is mostly arguing with people.
1 IsThisADream2 2016-09-15
Funny because I actually have an old account that's like a year old just dot get on it anymore.
1 C2Bkennedy 2016-09-15
says my throwaway page that I log into once a month. :)
8 inbetweentime 2016-09-15
Does the fact that many other people are going to die if she becomes president come into play here? I'd argue OP is actually into saving lives.
-4 materhern 2016-09-15
Name the last president in which many other people didn't die because of their actions?
You are delusional if you believe voting for Trump is saving lives. Neither Hillary nor Trump are going to change our foreign policies in a way that stop the shedding of blood.
4 inbetweentime 2016-09-15
Wow. Trump? What are you even talking about?
And that means we are to value them as people? I don't follow your logic.
-1 materhern 2016-09-15
You said if she becomes president many more lives will be lost. So, you think if she dies Trump or who ever takes her place will do better? Are you kidding? No possible way her dying changes how this government treats lives. Her dying saves no one.
3 inbetweentime 2016-09-15
No, Trump will not do better. Why are we talking about Trump? Smh.
1 materhern 2016-09-15
Because you said her dying saves lives. I'm asking HOW it saves lives if who ever takes her place will be doing the same thing. Trump is just the logical person who would win if she dies so I used him.
2 RDS 2016-09-15
You're completely right about Trump/Clinton.
I was hoping that with Clinton out of the race, Bernie would be nominated, but I was half expecting to see them just pick someone they want instead.
1 pemulis1 2016-09-15
I wonder how the folks living in the ruins she was instrumental in creating as Sec of State feel about it?
1 materhern 2016-09-15
Probably similar to how they feel about Bush and Obama.
2 b33tlejuice 2016-09-15
Benghazi questions.*
Think about it.. the news is all about her health instead of the largest fuck up of her career. If in a few weeks shes back on the trail full steam, the health issue will be history and the media will have passed the anniversary of Benghazi without a peep.
..but of course the Reaper doesn't care about your political chess game. If there is something major wrong with her health, she's done regardless.
1 materhern 2016-09-15
Sorry that being in the same post compelled you to post something deliberately inflammatory to me.
1 DaltonTookTheTrain 2016-09-15
Not sorry that you're still wrong.