No forests on flat earth. Even sphere earthers should watch this.

0  2016-09-15 by [deleted]

One of the greatest videos put out to date. A whole new set of ideals will be laid out. Watch it and keep and open mind. This man is a prophet.


Saw this a little bit ago, and I must say, it was definitely an interesting watch. Not sure why he added FE in the title, though.

I think he's being sarcastic. Saying if you believe mainstream geologies explanation for these rocks you may as well think the earth is flat. Eastern Europeans have a weird sense of humor

That's true, good point. lol, know from experience...

I keep coming back to it. There are some very interesting response videos to it as well. I think it holds the keys to what the bible is talking about. The giants are the destroyers, but not how we perceive a destroyer today. A destroyer of the old world to build a new better world in it's place. I pray to God something comes and destroys this planet we need a fresh start. Seems like this theory holds the key to why the elite DGAF about the environment.

I've entertained FE theory, I think hollow or concave has more to it, imo. But the video is definitely thought provoking!


You have to look at the grand scale of things. Look at evidence and stop disputing it there is so much flat earth proof it's ridiculous. The Elite know what they are doing. They are trashing the place because they know it's almost time. Time for what? Read the proof and watch all videos in order. The video is 80 minutes long and you'll see what I am talking about.

The earth is flat and here are the proof for anyone to look. It's flat or concave. I just argue the flat earth because it's easiest to smash this stupid sphere earth theory.

I'm going to copy paste this comment all over it is going to be the master comment of irrefutable proof.

Point 1. This video clearly shows that the sun is a spotlight that spins around the earth.

If the sun was farther away than they claim this would not happen and the sun would set how you previously thought it did. AKA the sun does not get any smaller and it falls right over the edge of the earth.

Point 2. You can clearly see in pictures that the clouds go behind the sun and the moon. Do a google search look around and use your senses. Here are 2 videos proving the case.

Point 3. When you go higher and higher in the air the horizon always stays at eye level. That means as you go higher up your point of view goes farther and farther revealing more land and never making you look down. IF the earth was a sphere you would have to. Since it is always at eye level the earth is flat or concave. This argument is for flat but I do agree concave earth could also be possible.

Point 4. If we live on a sphere then there would always be an equal and opposite amount of sunlight 6 months apart. There is no other possible circumstance. If you have a ball spinning around the ball would have to always have an opposite amount of sunlight. Take the north pole for example that you can see the sun for 24 hours some parts of the year. Yet there is no opposite where there is no sunlight for 24 hours a year. Therefore it is not a ball because there is no opposite. I must remind you it would be impossible to not have the reverse effect because while the north pole sees sun the south pole won't. Next the south pole should see 24 hours sunlight and the north pole should see none. That is not the case because the earth is flat.

Now that I've broken down literally numerous holes in the sphere earth theory you can look at this documentary that will open your eyes to the real world we live in.

Watch all videos and do not dispute anything I have said by bringing up facts about stars, do not bring up fake CGI photos, do not bring up untrue information about the sun and the earth. I hope this has been extremely eye opening because what has been seen cannot be unseen.


I believe in the flat earth because it's true. This is not a debate if you watch the videos there is no other possible explanation.

Can anyone give a bit of a tl;dw?

Honestly, it would be better if you just watched it. It's got some mind blowing info in it, that you have to see to "believe". You will not unsee though, so be warned.. It really doesn't have anything to do with FE, and I think if he did not associate that with what he is presenting it would get better recognition/viewership, just my opinion.

edit: here is a English voice over: OP's link is a Russian native speaking English I believe, kind dicey to understand.

Honestly, I tried. I gave 12 whole minutes and none of them made sense.

Around the 5:30 mark I got pretty confused. How does 1% = 1/20000? Am I missing something?

Then I kept watching for a few minutes and it progressively made less and less sense. I finally stopped it when they brilliantly determined that trees aren't made of pure silicon (because they don't snap saw blades...).

*If nobody can summarize the video is that because the whole thing doesn't make sense? I just can't sit through another hour of that unless somebody rekindles my interest.

There is no tl;dw because you truly have to see what he is talking about. I could write it out, but without visuals, you will probably dismiss me as a lunatic (I'm not). It's the speech and visuals that does it. Seeing is "believing". I'll be one to say, this is maybe one of the only presentations that made me think: "Holy.fuckin'.shit". And, I've been down a lot of rabbit holes...

Okay fair enough. I don't think you're a lunatic, which is why I was hoping someone could give me some hints about what's compelling here. I'm sure there's something but for me it was a very disappointing first 12 minutes.

Ok, so I will try to ELI5 the main hypothesis. What do these two images have in common?


Do you really think that the first one was created by tectonic plates/volcanoes/erosion?

If organic material decays over time, do you think this is possible?


Due to high heats, lava, and being buried?

Thanks. So if I'm understanding correctly, the hypothesis is that trees used to be much, much larger?

As for the 2nd part, I'm really not sure, I don't know enough about the chemistry or biology. Is he suggesting that it isn't possible?

You're welcome. I'm not an expert or him, but I'm trying to ELI5 a ~1+ hour doc, packed with info.

Thanks. So if I'm understanding correctly, the hypothesis is that trees used to be much, much larger?

Yes, and made of different compounds. True giants/forests compared to that which we call "forests" today, and these were chopped down for mining purposes for one reason or another by a more advance civilization, of sorts.

Is he suggesting that it isn't possible?

Yes, because logic says it isn't. Heat organic material up, and it burns. Leave it, it decays. Freeze it, will preserve some what, but eventually it will thaw and decay.

that was interesting.

I tried th watch it but it never got to a point, I ffwd a few times, still couldn't make heads or tails of it

You got to watch it from start to finish to understand fully. It's a tough watch, but was worth it for me. Got me thinking, I like that.

Watch it all he goes over so much information. After you are done watch response videos and you will see what people are saying. Takes the meaning of the bible and other ancient texts in a whole new direction.

Welp, took the red pill, and fell down a different rabbit hole than I was expecting...

Great video. Not sure why it has to relate to flat earth though.

As a nature lover I find this pretty interesting.

Some mountains look like trees there are 0 facts in this video just wild speculation.

We'll ignore the fact the second most common substance on earth is silicone and we have no idea where it came from.


I'm a hollow earther, I'll watch it too. :)

Hollow earth completely fits into the theory too I might add.


Read a great book at an influential age, it has stuck with me, and until I go to the poles to check it out for myself, i am going with it as being possible.

Will read.

I was also under a fantastic amount of lsd back then.. so who knows, but... i love the idea and wish it is true. Good luck. It is one of those books that, actually fell off the shelf of a used book store as i was walking by that aisle, for what it is worth.

You are not LSD crazy. Trust me. I have done mushrooms 2 times and that's all it took for me to open my mind to these idea's. Has been a year since I have and every belief I find outside the main stream holds up way better than main stream. So many questions they can't answer, so many questions we can.

edit: I think all the hieroglyph are hinting that they were also possibly taught incorrect information and they took drugs to alter their belief systems into the true thing. God is working in us for all I care and he's showing us the truth. One day we will have enough truth we will be able to see how this universe really works. Once that day comes we will hold the key to everything. I already think we do but I believe in the future there will be 0 questions, we will know free energy, we will know everything about the planet, we will know what the pyramids are for, we will have giants here on earth with us reshaping the land.
