I am now 100% against vaccines

18  2016-09-16 by [deleted]



yeah, it's really disturbing. Jan Irving says they're being used to create a class of 'epsilons' in an engineered caste system of alphas, betas, gammas, epsilons. the epsilons will be doing the repetitive, non-social tasks.

Psychedelics & Shamanism: An Esoteric Manipulation of Human Culture

a living generation of test subjects.

Ha! A single generation? When do you think these experiments started, mate?

Polio vaccine injured hella people. So it started in like the 60s? Right?

That's so fucked up.....

can confirm, am epsilon

Pretty low for a doctor


Labeling all vaccines worse than the diseases they prevent is one of the stupidest things possible.

I agree there are some vaccines that should be shelved permanently. But if I had a kid he/she would most definitely be getting Smallpox/MMR/HepA/DTaP/Polio/Meningococcal, and be on a high vitamin C/cilantro diet for a few years after.

Your approach is akin to throwing out the baby with the bathwater.

You are at much greater risk from the shot than from those diseases. 1 in 50 kids getting autism? Show me a disease with those odds. Also measles have never killed anyone, measles shot have killed plenty.

From WHO (measles) http://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2015/02/24/toddler-dies-of-measles-in-berlin-1st-death-in-outbreak

The virus kills up to 10 percent of children infected in developing countries that have high levels of malnutrition and poor health care. Approximately 145,700 people died from measles in 2013.


Please don't spread dangerous misinformation.

I am not. Those developing countries do not have clean water and indoor plumbing for their populations. Combined with malnutrition, the lack of sanitation provided by clean water and indoor plumbing is the biggest cause of disease in those countries, not lack of vaccinations. The decline in serious diseases in the US is positively correlated with the widespread use of clean water and indoor plumbing, and the diseases were already near nonexistent before mass vaccinations for things like measles ever started. So there is no evidence vaccines eradicated these diseases.

Measles is a rash. The media scares people. Polio is caused by vaccines. Ask my step-grandmother who has lived in her bed for 15 years because she has polio from the actual vaccine. Dtap vaccine is right below MMR with injuring babies/children.

You do realize how common measles was? And it was totally normal. Children got it and would stay home and watch tv and play games. It was alike a free day with alittle rash involved!!!!

Wow the media really is scaring you people! Read the freaking ingredients and vaccine inserts before you try and preach to me.

The tabloid media is clearly scaring you " This random discredited doctor said there's a link between vaccines and autism, BE SCARED!".

You're the one acting irrationally due to fear. Get a fucking grip.


Complications occur in about 30% and may include diarrhea, blindness, inflammation of the brain, and pneumonia among others.

Yea real tame. There is a reason people developed a measles vaccine.

I'm sorry your grandmother developed Polio, but the drastic drop in polio is directly caused from the polio vaccine.

Why do you think I said to increase Vitamin C? It blocks the harmful effects of heavy metals and mercury, and chelates it out of the body.

If you don't know WTF you are talking about then please keep your dangerous opinions to yourself lest someone actually listen to your advice and have their kids become dangerously sick.

I was in the Navy and operated in 3 different regions, and have had just about every vaccination known to man. Trust me when I say the risks are very, very overstated.

In the U.S., Thiomersal has been removed from or reduced to trace amounts in all vaccines routinely recommended for children 6 years of age and younger with the exception of inactivated influenza vaccine. Vaccines with trace amounts of thiomersal contain 1 microgram(µg) or less of mercury per dose.

(US EPA) has estimated a safe daily intake level of 0.1 µg/kg body weight per day.

IOW the mercury risks from vaccines in children with healthy diets is negligible.

Polio is caused by vaccines? Are you fucking retarded?

I've had the same experience with one of my good friends, and when I tell people this, tell them what my friend is going through to this day, they dare throw it in my face that I'm uneducated or don't understand the science... Which they don't either, they just regurgitate the shit they hear on TV, as if that's a reliable source of information.

No you genuinely don't understand science.

You're entitled to your own opinion. When you have kids and you're the one responsible for their well being up until they can take care of themselves it will be on your conscience if anything happens to them when you inject them with mercury, aluminum and other toxic and poisonous substances, which the CDC classifies as poisonous, unless they are inside a vaccine... Because that makes sense.

And when you graduate high school and understand basic chemistry I'll take your opinion into account.

You don't need to take my opinion into account, but I love how butthurt you are, so you're either shilling or the media has you brainwashed so bad you're fighting to hang on to your beliefs, I could give a shit what you think, go ahead pump your kid full of them, make them big and strong.

You're why this sub reddit isn't respected. I disagree with your unbacked claim so I'm a shill or brainwashed. Maybe you just don't understand chemistry? Doesn't that make more Sense. Conspiracy has a bad reputation on this site and people like you make a mockery of this sub.

When you stop talking like a shill, you won't be called one. This is exactly a shills modus operandi. Instead of an intellectual conversation, you spew personal attacks and try to make the sub seem unreliable. But this goes beyond this sub, this is about personal freedoms of choice and education. All I said is I have close friends who's kid was normal one day, and not normal the next, now you can say what you want, but that's empirical proof to at least question the media and governments very aggressive stance on the topic.

Yes go through my History and See how it all relates to shilling. How I've attacked the US government and foreign policy and status quo time and time again. But the moment I say vaccines are safe I'm a shill! And that's not empirical proof. How did you measure the change in the child? What units did you use? Again please use legitimate science and not your fringe bullshit.

You're so mature? Fuck off? How about you fuck off, you messaged me to tell me how I'm a high school student. Why don't you just keep your all knowing closed mind to yourself. I don't give a shit about you or your autistic kids. Hope you get to experience what many parents have had to learn first hand, then come back here and tell me all about your empirical science and how that will matter for your kids health. Loser

I have no kids. I'm just someone who actually knows basic science and correlation does not equal causation. You've shown your true colors as a whiny, angst fool. I'm trying to save your kids and you wish autism upon mine. Great minds of reddit.

If you are not a shill, then you should at least try to see it from both sides, if you are a shill, waste someone else's time. http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5328gr/vaxxed_full_documentary_get_it_before_its/d7plq7w

I'm supposed to See a completely made up argument from your side? Fuck off.

Don't need to know chemistry to know if you inject aluminum and mercury in your body bad things can result.

I guess that poisonous chlorine and explosive sodium on table salt are dangerous? Or oxygen you breath was killing you instantly? I can go on. It's basic chemistry misunderstood, not some conspiracy. Big pharma is fucked up but this isn't an instance. Would you rather smallpox came back? Or was that a coincidence that vaccines eradicated it?

Are you seriously comparing mercury with table salt? Vaccines didn't eradicate shit, indoor plumbing and clean water sanitation did. Smallpox was already largely gone when mass vaccination programs started in the 60's. Thank your local water sanitation worker for that, not your needle jabbing doctor.

Yes. If you understood chemistry you would know sodium is explosive with moisture and chlorine is poisonous. Yet when elements react or are in different compounds they aren't harmful anymore. Am I really explaining this to an adult? And if you think the smallpox eradication wasn't due to vaccines I would love to know why they only brought vaccinations to India (which still has poor sanitation) and eradicated it there? The disease was suppressed via ring vaccinations, they vaccinated around heavily infected areas and closed in on it. Maps by government and nonprofit organizations show it.

Apple seeds have cyanide. People eat apple seeds all the time. Maybe cyanide isn't bad for you then. Hell, just inject it in your body, why not, it is done thimerisol (Mercury). i don't know about the study you are referring to, but I do know Bill and Melinda Gates vaccine programs in India paralyzed 50 thousand children there, which I assume all died since neither India or their families would be able to care for them. btw Bill Gates said on Ted that vaccines were intended to reduce populations, and lo and behold, that's exactly what he did. He is a mass murderer and in a just society would be hanged by the neck until dead for killing all those children.

I'm actually pretty impressed you grasped my argument and then immediately lost it. It's safe eat cyanide in apples because it's not pure cyanide, it's bonded in a form that's not dangerous. Guess how the mercury in vaccines are? And your argument doesn't make Sense, case studies on children with mercury poisoning don't have instances of autism. Also the India thing didn't happen unless you believe Alex Jones. https://www.truthorfiction.com/bill-and-melinda-gates-polio-efforts-paralyzed-47500-kids/

Like I said. People won't fucking believe it until it actually happens to them. Some people have vaccine injured kids and don't even know it. Some people know it but still believe vaccines saved/save lives.. So frustrating. All those poor babies who won't even get a chance at life... They'll be injured or have vaccine induced autism before they can even really start their lives :(

I'm sorry but if you really think a child can be born perfectly healthy, hitting all milestones, walking, even speaking words and one day just randomly stop all that and be labeled autistic and think it's genetic you're so brainwashed. Yes children can be born with mental disabilities but you'll notice when they're slow and not learning things. You'll notice if they are behind in hitting milestones. But when a child is progressing perfectly until a round of shots, it's pretty fucking clear what happened.

Also, SIDS is a cover up for vaccine-induced death. Research is your friend. Vaccines aren't :) You will never catch me injecting my perfectly healthy child with foreign crap and metals.

They are fucking up people's pets with that shit too. Had a great cat, got leukemia vac, killed her dead.

Dude people think I'm crazy when I say pet vaccines are bad too!

Have a 9 year old doberman which are known for having lots of health problems. Never had any vaccinations and has always been completely healthy and still is. I don't like the idea of putting toxic chemicals into my body or my pet/family members body.

If I ever get an animal no way and I vaccinating them. I've read stories about animals having seizures afterwards and getting sick. Like I said. People don't believe it till it personally happens to them.

If people wanna get vaccinated, be my guest. Not me though.


Mainstream media isn't gonna tell you everyday that kids are injured and Lille don't vaccines. Open your damn mind and research. Shit won't just come to you.

I was replying to the doggie vaccine comments.. I don't need to open my damn mind.

Oh y'all have never seen anyone die or seriously injured from vaccines? Well here's about 300! :)

album dedicated to deaths/injuries from vaccinations

And before you discredit this, please go read every photo description and comments. And then message the family to these children and tell them vaccines don't harm.

Symptoms of autism don't start appearing until around 1.5- 2.5 years, roughly when most get the MMR shot. This is just pure coincidence, as has been proven many times.

So a kid is gonna start talking and everything just randomly stop? Lol no... It doesn't work that way.

Yeah because it totally happened like that.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about..... I was talking about my friend Natalie and her vaccine induced autistic son. That is actually exactly what happened to him and it happens to other children all the time. Do you want me to send you to Natalie? She's a huge vaccine advocate after they basically disable her son. She loves to share her story and educate other. Well she doesn't love sharing it, but she's always happy to share it to help people see the light

This is the age of knowledge. We have the Internet. There is so much information out there and so many people choose to ignore it and blindly follow the masses and believe all the bullshit the government and politicians are shoving down our throats. Even trump knows vaccines are a fraud and I don't like trump but that's one damn good thing about him. Toxic metals aren't made to inject into your bodies

Sorry y'all thought this was an open minded sub Reddit. Lol

your mind is clearly closed.

Whatever makes you sleep at night.

What makes me sleep at night is knowing my child will not get seriously ill from rubella, mumps or measles due to my utter ignorance of basic science.

If basic science was used dumbasses wouldn't be pumping babies and children full of chemicals and over loading their bodies. This is why so many children have cancer and are sick af. Y'all are more afraid of a rash rather than your kid becoming forever disabled because of toxic metals. Autism isn't a gift. Believe what you want but when you personally know people who have lost children to vaccines, it's kind of hard to sit back and listen to people talk about how godly vaccines are.

Christ, did you read any of the sources I linked you? The brick wall around your common sense needs to come down love.

I sure did. But I guess your right. I've seen what vaccines cause. Ain't changing my mind. When do you ever meet an antivaxxer who goes back to being pro-vax? Lol never. But you meet a hell of a lot of anti-vax people who were once provaccine.

What you don't realize is I've been on the fence. I never wanted to believe vaccines were bad. I tried finding things that proved vaccines work, but way more bad in them than good. Seriously what makes you think injecting that crap into our bodies helps? Especially such small humans who haven't even fully developed yet!! They haven't even done any studies on vaccines during pregnancy but push it on pregnant women and try to scare them into it causing women to actually have miscarriages... My step-sister was 36 weeks pregnant and accepted vaccines from the doctor. Next time she went in her little babies heart was no longer beating. She had to give birth to an almost full term DEAD baby. doctors don't know why the baby died. I have a damn good idea and so does she.

There's actually no reason to inject vaccines at all. You can acquire immunization simply by inhaling or ingesting a pathogen, your immune system still gets exposure. The only reason for injecting is because they want to bypass body defenses for toxins, when the heavy metals and toxins are in your circulatory system they are very hard for your body to get rid of, most of it gets absorbed by fatty tissue where they remain for life.

You know what else you can acquire from inhaling or ingesting a pathogen? Diseases. The word pathogen literally means "that which generates illness." If your immune system was 100% flawless, we wouldn't have had to create vaccines in the first place.

This is true at initial exposure, but it can be deactivated in the same way those same pathogens in injectable vaccines are.

Vaccines for viruses are often nothing more than the protein shell of a virus without any of its genetic material. They are not the "same pathogens." This myth needs to fucking die already. If you can't understand the basic function of a vaccine, how can you expect anyone to take you seriously?

The point made by me was perfectly clear from the onset. Viruses are pathogens, and what you are describing is a deactivated pathogen. That you don't like it worded that way does not disparage my point that injectable vaccines are completely unnecessary and reveals much about motivations of a eugenics, profit driven industry.

You seem to be missing the critical difference between your "deactivated pathogen" and the whole, fully replicating virus. My problem isn't with your wording, it's the fact that you understand neither the human immune defense, viruses, nor vaccines, which you have now proven.

That's a pretty poor attempt at straw man, but hardly worth bantering with you over.

Dude goto your local pharmacy and ask for a vaccine insert for like the MMR.. Not the paper they print out with information.. The vaccine insert that comes in the box with the actual vaccines. Read that shit.

Kk just wondering because they use aborted fetal tissue in vaccines.

You are the reason they put instructions on shampoo bottles.

Awh thank you sm

If you can watch the full episode it's worth a watch. Also I think it's fucking stupid people think vaccines cause autism. https://youtu.be/RfdZTZQvuCo

If You're gonna be on YouTube. Please watch the videos on the page "Hear This Well" from parents who have autistic children from vaccines. These children are suffering and poisoned. Also, I'll gladly point you in the direction of my friend Natalie, who's son is severely autistic due to the MMR vaccine. She a huge vaccine advocate now and was once pro vaccine. And she spends a lot of time trying to educate other parents. No one believe it until it actually happens to them.

While your at it. Research the MMR vaccine fraud.

Vaccines do cause autism.

Yeah man. That study that was discredited by every other medical team by a doctor who lost his license is totally legit. Your anecdotal evidence with your kid clearly proves vaccines are bad. And that chemical list, whoo.

Fuck I thought there were still rational people in this sub. This is not the scientific method.

Ikr, why does the anti-vax crowd keep polluting this sub :( make us all look like idiots.

Because this sub has a lot of non-rational elements to it...surpringly.

Are you pro life? Or pro choice?

Pro-choice, like any other sane being.

You know how many doctors know vaccines are bad but don't speak out publicly because it could risk their career or even their lives? Y'all have no idea how much the government is lying to you.

Oh I do know how much it is. But vaccines aren't one of their control methods. They're not highly dangerous and if they were supposed to breed obedience why on Earth are we all disobedient?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOzyC6x-EJE You Will Never Want To Get Another Vaccine After Watching This Video

I learned this the hard way, dont fucking argue with people who are pro-vax, its waste of time, let them get shots, and the same for childrens and all their family in 1-2 generation they will start to see the consequence and they will have a family tree of autism folks and retard people, its nature selection, let em do. This guy I know get all the shots he can get every year same for his childrens. The kid is like 5 and he gotlike 60 vax, so crazy poor kid have problem at school now.

I wouldn't and haven't vaccinated, myself. I wouldn't say I'm 100% against, but I'm pro choice and personal research/transparency. For the most part, they are sinister in nature, imo...

I have a 3 year old who is not vaccinated. She is super healthy. Every kid I know her age who is fully vaccinated is ALWAYS sick. Well not Always but at least once a month or so. Especially every winter.. Yet my daughter doesn't get but a runny nose and cough. These kids get strep, RSV, and other crap. Having to be hospitalized and crap. These antibiotics are ruining these kids bodies too. When will people realize big pharma isn't trying to help us stay healthy...

Absolute moron. I hope for your childs sake it doesn't get sick because of your ignorance.

Lmfao. Dude my kid is healthy. Never really been sick. All of my friends with vaccinated kids around my daughters age(3) ? They've already been hospitalized for RSV. Many have already had strep. Always runny noses and coughing everywhere. Sit back and observe. You're ridiculous.

Your kid is healthy this instant... but never say never. Prepare for the worst, because if it comes your way (hopefully not) your kid wont be ready for it.

She's fine.

God forbid some of us live a healthy natural life. Breast milk is a natural immunization. Do some research instead of listening to everything your corrupt government says. And all your doctors are just taught a bunch of bullcrap. All they know is prescribing pills to people and thinking that will fix it. Na.

Your one child is not enough to prove your hypothesis that vaccinations are bad for you.

What are your sources that doctors are taught bullcrap? I'm from the UK, where there's a 95% vaccination rate. The top 5 healthiest countries in the world (Iceland, Sweden, Finland, Germany and Switzerland) all also have similar rates of vaccination. So its hardly like vaccination ultimately makes people sickly, as you suggest. In fact, all the data shows the exact opposite. There are plenty of sources showing examples where ignorant parents have believed the vaccine -> autism link, which has resulted in their children's death. Here's just a few of countless thousands of articles which discredit the anti-vac movement:

http://www.publichealth.org/public-awareness/understanding-vaccines/vaccine-myths-debunked/ http://www.onlinemastersinpublichealth.com/vaccination/ http://reverbpress.com/news/boy-dies-parents-antivaxxers-tricked-us/ http://lawnewz.com/crazy/after-toddler-dies-anti-vaccination-parents-are-now-on-trial/

Don't believe the work of a universally discredited doctor. Do YOUR research, for the sake of your kid.

How does not vaccinating affect where she can go to daycare, school, etc? Just curious.

there are exemptions. if i lived in california tho, no. they made a law that you have to be upto date to get into school. SB277 was the bill. soon it will be everywhere. we will have to homeschool. i want to homeschool anyway..

The only thing you've said so far that isn't bullshit is the last statement.

How so?

People gotta stop trying to fuck with Mother Nature. Along with circumsicion. Other countries only do it to females and it's terrifying to see what they do to these little babies.


Doesn't take a rocket scientist to notice your totally normal, healthy child regressing after a round of shots. It doesn't take one round either.. Keep taking them in every month for a round and soon they're either dead or mental. It's called the slow kill. No not every child gets diagnosed autism. Not every child has bad effects from vaccines. But I can promise you if you sit back and observe, you'll notice how much more sickly vaccinated kids are compared to unvaccinated

Please take this shit out of /r conspiracy, you discredit us all.

You're a fucking idiot. :)

you, my poor, misinformed American, are the idiot here.

I know right lol.

Think it might be time to abandon this sub

I thin you're looking at this the wrong way. Ok so the kid might not turn out how the father might have planned but there was a good chance he would grow to become a cog. No offense.

My take. You got a test baby. Document data, and try stuff. Give the kid some marijuana when he turns maybe three. Maybe now. See if you can turn this baby into a genius.

If the baby is damaged really bad, consider going all in. Try turning it into a genus or break it. 40 years with a poop smearing kid is a life sentence. Darwinism, start over with an adopted kid. You have a golden ticket for child experimentation. Maybe flood in vitamin C. My friend beat his sickle cell by flooding himself with Vitamin C.

funny thing is she actually has been giving him CBD oil and a proper diet with proper nutrients and real food and he is getting alittle better. making eye contact and trying to speak

She might want to try giving the baby chlorella. It's a blue algae that have been shown in animal studies to bind to heavy metals and flush them out. I've started taking them recently and I'm really enjoying watching my skin clear up, my body odor decrease, my digestive track work smoothly and a my general feeling of health increase.

Is this some kind of sick joke? Lol...

No and I'm not sure why you'd ask that. It was just a suggestion and I'd be so happy if it could help. At the very least the baby will get tons of nutrients.

I'll look into Chlorella first ;)

YEA! WOO! Can you give monthly updates? It takes a community on the internet to raise a child.

Lol bye


So, you're okay with these ingredients? And how much more they're injecting this stuff into kids?

I don't think you understand chemistry at all if you think they're putting pure mercury in vaccines. Your lack of education will cost lives.

Aluminum and Mercury bud. Look at the ingredients.

No shit. But you're not taking it in a pure form. Otherwise every child would have heavy metal poisoning which is far more severe than autism. Also, how do those two cause autism out of curiosity? You genuinely don't know what you're talking about.

They should give 100x more vaccines to the kids... That would solve alot of problems... Think about how great it would be if everyone just stopped having kids for a decade.... Wow... Amazing

Lol nice

Maybe you'll be comforted to know your logic lines up perfectly with the new world orders. The world is far too populated in their eyes. However, you're Probably going on the disposal list along with the other 90%

Yeah the NWO wants to depopulate the planet. Because governments can't control people now and less people would grant them more power. /s

Sweet.. I'm fairly excited..

Excited to die? Fortunately you don't have to wait for the NWO to experience that. What are you waiting for?

I'm waiting for jesus.. He's so holy i need him to guide me..

Troll confirmed lol.

You gonna be the first to put the bullet to your dick/vag? Put up or shut up.

Dude wutttttt

Not you, that person's comment:

People should stop being breeders..

I suggest he/she rid themselves of procreating. Lost in forum translation?

Excited to die? Fortunately you don't have to wait for the NWO to experience that. What are you waiting for?

Polio vaccine injured hella people. So it started in like the 60s? Right?

Dude wutttttt

YEA! WOO! Can you give monthly updates? It takes a community on the internet to raise a child.

Pretty low for a doctor

Measles is a rash. The media scares people. Polio is caused by vaccines. Ask my step-grandmother who has lived in her bed for 15 years because she has polio from the actual vaccine. Dtap vaccine is right below MMR with injuring babies/children.

You do realize how common measles was? And it was totally normal. Children got it and would stay home and watch tv and play games. It was alike a free day with alittle rash involved!!!!

Wow the media really is scaring you people! Read the freaking ingredients and vaccine inserts before you try and preach to me.

She might want to try giving the baby chlorella. It's a blue algae that have been shown in animal studies to bind to heavy metals and flush them out. I've started taking them recently and I'm really enjoying watching my skin clear up, my body odor decrease, my digestive track work smoothly and a my general feeling of health increase.

Is this some kind of sick joke? Lol...

I'll look into Chlorella first ;)

You are at much greater risk from the shot than from those diseases. 1 in 50 kids getting autism? Show me a disease with those odds. Also measles have never killed anyone, measles shot have killed plenty.

You seem to be missing the critical difference between your "deactivated pathogen" and the whole, fully replicating virus. My problem isn't with your wording, it's the fact that you understand neither the human immune defense, viruses, nor vaccines, which you have now proven.