Did the American government invent Cancer and AIDS?

10  2016-09-16 by EthinicPlatypus


Aids was not invented by the US government, but it was a consequence of US government policy which has given specialist agencies authority over their respective fields. The CDC issued a directive to doctors to report unusual clusters of disease. The purpose was, and is, to isolate and head off dangerous pathogens that might become epidemic.

A doctor in San Francisco noted 4 cases of a rare cancer and dutifully notified the CDC. The cancer in question is now on the list of AIDS defining diseases. All four cases were in gay men, all of whom engaged in anal sex and were users of amyl nitrate inhalants. The CDC was on the lookout for a new crisis since it's "war on cancer" went bust. It was, and is, a bloated bureaucracy needing fodder to keep it running. AIDS provided that.

There has never been a single case of a person dying from AIDS. Rather, they die from one of the many AIDS defining diseases. A person with one of those diseases has a compromised immune system. Many organisms in our bodies are opportunistic and take advantage of poor health to reproduce and so are likely to be observed in any person who happens to be sick. Retroviruses are no different. AIDS tests do not look specifically for the HIV retrovirus, because there is no way they can. Instead they detect any of 10 proteins thought to be associated with retrovirus activity.

The CDC can't retract it's alarming finding due to political reasons. AIDS has been observed in the following groups of people whose lifestyles lead to compromised immune systems: intravenous drug users, inhalant drug users, those living in poverty, and people who engage in anal sex. All other cases have been in patients who present with diseases that have strained or collapsed their immune systems.

AIDS is a result of CDC policy and it's need to justify it's own existence. Outside of AIDS, the CDC has had very little to do since it's inception. So, there's impetus to maintain the fallacy in order to maintain funding.

On cancer I would say no. I have seen medical journals from the early 1800's. They had cancer back then, thou only hand drawn illustrations and descriptions.

AIDS I would say yes. But it wasn't America. If I had to wager, I'd say it was the people that actually run America. The kind of people with enough money to own private viral research facilities.

Who runs America? The Rothschild family?

I read about something long ago that made me suspect that HIV could have been man made. I've since never been able to find any info about it or remember many specifics, but the story will be useful anyways.

A country, maybe Australia, had a explosive rodent population problem, possibly something not native to the area. They attached genes meant to make the rodents sterile to a harmless common virus and spread it among the rodent population. This had the unexpected result of severely impacting their immune system in a way that sounded similar to HIV. It caused mass die offs of the rodents.

Attaching gene therapies to harmless viruses is far from a new concept and so is the desire by some to control the populations of certain human races or social groups considered undesirable.

What was the name of the article or book?

I don't know, this was something I vaguely remembered from about 15 years ago. I thought the story was still interesting because I could still remember the cause and effect suggested by it at least, which was all that stuck with me over this time.

Cancer is something that happens, AIDS was definitely invented though. A good diet will cure any illness in the world. Look up Dr. Sebi, or if you want a youtube channel that's along the same lines RobertMorseND

So, a good diet will cure AIDS?

Or plenty of money

Ya I'm going with a bit of both. Good diet will cure it. But I'm sure they have extracted the proper compounds from various plants to create some sort of medicine that will cure it.

Yup but only royals have access

For now.

Yes it will. All illnesses are inflammatory related, remove all the congestion from your body and you will remove the illness as well. There are documented cases of people being cured of AIDS. Charlie Sheen being one of them. Everything we eat causes congestion other than a small list of foods. Eat the foods that reduce congestion and you start to heal. Keep eating them and not eating anything poisonous and it will remove everything harmful from your body including aids and cancer.

Edit: Down votes don't bother me, speaking the truth in face of ridicule is the best thing a human can do. Until you do the true research you'll never understand. Today's science treats the symptoms. I am saying an acidic body, or acidic food is the cause to EVERY ILLNESS. To down vote this opinion is fine keep going but when you guys are getting chemo and other people are eating fruit you will know who is right. You deserve what you get because I will keep saying the true information in face of ridicule I literally give less than a fuck you guys have karma coming your way and I live in heaven every day of my life because I am free from whatever society thinks. Just like when I see someone saying real facts about the world, I up vote everything in the thread they have said.

A good diet will cure any illness in the world

You're suggesting all the people with HIV would be cured if they ate more fruit and vegetables?

What about CJD? It's fatal in 100% of cases.

What would you suggest as the cure? Apples, bananas, salad, steamed vegetables?

Fasting is one of the keys but I think it's more related to eating only those fruits. Gmo foods I don't know if they are as effective. The standard diet to cure cancer Robert Morse uses is herbs combined with as many grapes and lemons as you want to eat. He has cured cancer in numerous people using that method. If you look at his youtube channel he can explain it all too.

Dr Sebi's diet list is here. http://www.naturallifeenergy.com/alkaline-producing-mucus-reducing-nutrional-guide/

You'll notice it's no fast food, no preservatives, no gmo, no meat, no dairy.

Dr Morse says vegetables are hard to digest because it's hard on our body to break down. He is firm on grapes, lemons, melons, berries. He would not recommend a patient who is currently suffering from cancer to eat veggies but soon after he would suggest it. He recommends herbal supplements and getting dewormed. But yes I would almost say without a doubt that CJD is curable with this disease. I will also throw my 2 cents in because I have research that they can't speak of because it is illegal. If you get magic mushrooms those are one of the compounds that will make you grow new brain cells. Eat .2g of that a day and they will begin to repair their brains too.

Everything we eat is acidic. Eating fruits makes your body go into an alkaline state. Acidity is obviously harmful and alkaline is obviously healing. The key is knowing your body is the vessel, people have been eating acidic foods for years. It is hard to switch over to only fruit but if you do the swap you'll notice it straight away. But just like Dr Morse says, be ready when you're on this diet to come to many revelations because diet is truly the key to God consciousness. Sounds insane but everything I research proves it. People change when they begin to understand the higher consciousness.

I'll throw in 2 more cents for anyone reading this. God is all knowing and he is willing to share it with you too, fruits are high vibration. Eat fruits and be a positive individual and you will start to realize it. The farther you go down the road the more you will learn. The more fruit you eat the higher your body will vibrate getting more and more in tune with God. God vibrates at the highest frequency in the universe. Our bodies naturally vibrate very high which is why children are attacked so much. They have to take them to low vibration to believe what we are taught at school.

The reason I say 60 days is because our body only remembers 60 days per se. If you begin eating healthy and stick to it for 60 days you will notice it. If you eat only grapes and lemons for 60 days combined with herbal supplements and you will be cured. The reason it's risky though is because you can't begin to eat fruits and then suddenly cram your body with tons of food. All the food that is making us acidic is attempting to vacate the body during that time, if you begin eating acidic again it will be reabsorbed and highly concentrated into one area. If that happens you have to stick to it again and follow the diet. Alkaline body will heal anything.

I am currently swapping to a lot of these bad foods out for good ones. Dairy is the worst possible thing you can eat.

Moral of the story is swap out everything dead and trade it for something alive. If you are ill only eat grapes and lemons with some herbs you'll clean yourself very fast. Even if you do a 3 day grape and lemon fast you can so easily tell how much healthier you get. Lots of random info here.

Check out Dr Sebis list, he died not even a month ago. :(

Check out Robert Morse's youtube channel. Lots of videos on it same message on all of them he is such a great soul, been in the business for 40 years studying it and laying out the stones for our generation to come.


If you read Dr Sebis things, and then listen to Robert Morse's it's so clear they believe the same stuff. What they have taught me can't be untaught I'll be free from any bad illness for the rest of my life.

Our bodies naturally reject food when we're sick. Why? Because our bodies know we have to fast to get healthy. Fruit fasting is the way to go says Robert Morse. Dr Sebi has nothing against it.

If you eat only grapes and lemons for 60 days combined with herbal supplements and you will be cured.

There you go folks, he said it so it must be true.

That's a standard cure that Robert Morse has used and cured numerous people so... Ya if you RESEARCH you can learn things. If you try to make me look like an idiot. it's clear you're one.

No proof, no sources, just hate speech vs proof, sources and love to all of humanity. Your call people.

You sound stressed, maybe some grapes and lemon would help with that.

Not stressed at all, just about to eat a lemon though. I just want to prove to everyone how dumb they really are so they can also see the light. If you eat a proper diet you'll soon realize a couple things.

  1. Everything in the universe vibrates.

  2. Based on what you eat you vibrate higher/lower

  3. Bad things dwell in the lower vibration.

  4. God and all knowing dwells in the upper. Raise your vibration and you'll see what I'm talking about.

  5. You can't tell me nothing. I could run circles around you so fast your fuckin head'll spin dawg. Now I know what Em was talking about. Eat the diet pursue truth the world is simple not hard you guys are retarded ass slaves who believe only LIES.

I just want to prove to everyone how dumb they really are so they can also see the light.

Why would anyone listen to you when you call them dumb, retarded slaves? You don't want to help people you want to tell them you are smarter and better than them.

Oh and anyone can make up a magic list like that... doesn't make it true. The only evidence you provided is a youtube channel and a website, anyone can make either of those. If you want to be takes seriously, try explaining how your evidence proves your points. For example, you say everything in the universe vibrates. Unless you can measure everything in the universe then you don't know that. You can think and believe it but it is not a fact. Do you understand the difference between fact and beliefs? instead of saying "this is true and if you don't believe it you are retarded" try saying "this is true because of this evidence". Another little hint for you... if you can't find evidence, it might not be true.

We have known that for literally ever. Google it it's a fact that everything vibrates. Literally a retard can use google and figure it out. https://www.google.ca/search?q=does+everything+in+the+universe+vibrate&oq=does+everything+in+the+universe+vibrate&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i60l4j69i61.4665j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

They have already measured everything that vibrates. It's hard not to call you dumb when I have so much evidence proving what I say and all you do is act skeptical. There is nothing you have said to prove contrary to what I'm saying. I am literally trying to wake you up to higher levels of understanding and you are just skeptical of everything I say with 0 proof to the contrary. Sorry but in my books that's dumb. What a smart person would do is look around for other information to hold what I am saying up. You can look anywhere cause it's literally everywhere around us. The elite know God is real, I know it because reality is perceivable 2 ways and I left the first way and entered the second. The world was made so that it could be perceived both ways. Eat good you will get what I am saying. Until then don't say anything I am saying is untrue. You are just skeptical of everything I say meanwhile it fits into every paradigm the world has ever created.

Everyone is a dumb retarded slave hate to break it to you, I am hoping to pave the way so that we don't have to be slaves anymore and we can enjoy the freedom this world is meant to have. It's why I've been incarnated here. I have only but love for you from the bottom of my heart but one day I had to wake up and see I myself was dumb and everything I believed was a fugazi. Once you do that you can find the higher truths in life. Until then don't bash them because one day I will be the one showing you the light.

The elite know God is real, I know it because reality is perceivable 2 ways and I left the first way and entered the second. The world was made so that it could be perceived both ways.

Again, you provide no evidence.... you word is not proof.

Ya you have to try it for yourself. Read the shit I am saying and see if it works. It's very simple the laws of the universe are easy as fuck. Vibrate your being high and see what you can learn. Follow whatever comes your way that's the route of God. Eat good and vibrate high God vibrates the highest in the universe and he's all knowing. Now you can keep acting ignorant or get to know him yourself. I am saved literally 0000000 can touch me for the rest of my life. If you do what I am saying and follow your instincts you'll feel the same. Until then you guys are all slaves and God is the only thing that can save you. 90% of you will be caught in hell because you don't know how to get to heaven. I found heaven I am spreading how to get there. Idiots like you don't stand in God's way. God will get everyone he wishes to get.

  1. You can't tell me nothing. I could run circles around you so fast your fuckin head'll spin dawg. Now I know what Em was talking about. Eat the diet pursue truth the world is simple not hard you guys are retarded ass slaves who believe only LIES.

Not sure if pasta...

Part of it is song lyrics. The truth blows what we were taught in school out of water. I suggest you watch "There are no trees on flat earth" The earth is likely concave for the record. Definitely not a sphere. There are many things about the universe 99% of the public is completely ignorant of.

But yes I would almost say without a doubt that CJD is curable with this disease

You're going to be as famous as Louis Pasteur! You're going to cure one of the world's most fatal and incurable diseases.

When are you going to publish your results?

Check out Dr Sebis list, he died not even a month ago

Is he your guru who cures all known diseases with diet?

I just looked him up... he died of pneumonia.

I guess he must have cheated on his diet that morning and had a fried breakfast.

Actually no he was locked inside of a prison cell when he died. He most likely would have cured himself, just could not because he was locked in prison for a few days before his death. Good job jumping to conclusions though.



Edit: He was also on pharmaceuticals which he was obviously forced to take because he obviously does not believe in them. Wow funny how much you can learn if you do a little RESEARCH.

He most likely would have cured himself, just could not because he was locked in prison for a few days before his death

Was he on hunger strike then?

You'd have thought he'd always have at least a piece of fruit handy to maintain his invincibility from all known diseases.

He's in jail dude he got thrown in jail they probably purposely deprived him of food so that he would die. The man was 82 years old.

"Upon relocating to the United States, Sebi developed various chronic illnesses including asthma, diabetes and obesity." He was not aware of the perfect diet his whole life so his body probably had some extra years on it he wish he could get off.

"The health of the 82-year-old holistic healer began to deteriorate while incarcerated in the Honduran prison system, which has been described as "desperately overcrowded, unsanitary, seething with tension and violence."

Dr. Sebi was reportedly diagnosed with pneumonia and placed on pharmaceutical drugs. His health quickly went downhill while his family worked against the clock to get him released."

So obvious everyone who opposes me does literally no research. Quit talking and research a little Jesus Christ please save me.

You're so quick to jump to conclusions it's pitiful. I would say sad but I'm not sad because I already know the world. I pity you.

"Though it is likely that unsanitary jail conditions played a role in his death, a recent wave of unexplained deaths in the natural health community has sparked rumors that Dr. Sebi may have been killed due to his impact as a natural healer."

does this answer your questions? Now quit saying dumb bullshit like "oh you'd think he'd bring fruit to prison with him hurdurdurdurdur"

they probably purposely deprived him of food so that he would die.

Of course. That'll be it. He didn't eat his vegetables for a couple of days and lost his invincibility.

So obvious everyone who opposes me does literally no research.

You could easily prove your claims by finding people with incurable diseases and cooking them a plate of vegetables.

The world would erect statues in your honour. The man who eradicated every disease in the world. And cured everyone who was ill.

You could start a catering a business and get just one hospital contract. The world would soon know who you were when nobody in that hospital ever died again.

I always wondered why vegetarians never die from diseases - it's so obvious now that you've explained it to me.

LOL I love how you don't read anything I just said.

A) He was forced to take pharmaceuticals so, no it wasn't that he was deprived of food it was that he was forced to take toxic compounds.

B) Just like Sebi they would off me, but I can share it on the internet.

C) I have already said Vegetables are not as good for you as fruit. I said berries, Melon, grapes mainly are the best. I also said break down any herbs/veggies you eat so that they are simple to digest.

Thanks for smearing everything I said though. I would honestly bet money you're a paid shill based on how hard you're attempting to smear my words.

B) Just like Sebi they would off me, but I can share it on the internet.

You can cure all known diseases but you won't, because 'they' will kill you?

You would be killed for promoting healthy eating?

I'm surprised there are any dietitians in the world - why aren't they all being killed?

I would honestly bet money you're a paid shill

That's right. I'm being paid by the kebab and bacon sandwich industry to help eradicate salad consumption.

lol so you think the documents I've sent proving Dr. Sebi cured aids isn't enough? You don't think the proven cases of Robert Morse curing it isn't enough? I don't know the legalities behind these things. I am a truth seeker, I am only 21 years old. If life leads me to a place where I will cure everyone sure I will do it. Until then sharing the knowledge on how to cure everything is good enough for me.

I would not be cured for healthy eating I would be cured because healthy eating, or better yet never eating anything other than what we were meant for makes us able to live for a very long time. Dr Sebi wasn't in control of his being and I believe they killed him. He was 82 and I bet along with the other people hidden away in the mountains he was capable of living well past 100.

I believe protein from animals is bad, all dairy is bad, the medical industry assures us those are parts of our diet. I am sharing the knowledge and you still are ridiculing me because I am not running around outside curing everyone I can find. There shouldn't be any dietitians the only reason there is is because school taught everyone the wrong stuff. All the kebab and sandwich businesses would go out of business. I would say that people would cheat sometimes but if they knew the true capabilities of this diet no one would cheat and everyone would live illness free for a very very long time.

lol so you think the documents I've sent proving Dr. Sebi cured aids isn't enough?

I think the fact that millions of people still have AIDS is proof it hasn't been cured.

If life leads me to a place where I will cure everyone sure I will do it.

It sounds like you could do it easily.

Go to the farmers market. Buy a big bag of healthy food. Go to the nearest hospice. Cook them all dinner. You can bet when all those dying people are cured they will tell people about the miracle.

You could even wear a disguise - that way nobody would know it was you and your life wouldn't be in danger.

First, I don't believe in cooking the veggies because they aren't as good for you.

Second, I can't force people to cut out foods. I am not saying to eat veggies I am saying NOT TO eat dairy, not to eat meat, not to eat preservatives, not to eat candy of any sort. I can't force people to do that and giving them fruit is not enough they are addicted to those foods so I won't be able to cure them. They are addicted to what makes them sick I can't make them change I can only offer people the information to change themselves.

I do go to the farmers market and buy a big bag of healthy food, all for myself though. I share the knowledge with people it's their call if they choose to use it or not. I don't even charge to heal people.

I don't even charge to heal people.

You do miracles for free?

You could be so rich though. People would pay a lot of money to be cured of deadly diseases.

I'm pretty sure millionaires and billionaires get terminal illnesses too - if you just cured one or two of them, you'd be set for life.

Except people have been doing it for like decades and they aren't famous or rich. Check out the youtube channel and dr sebi. No joke he won court cases in USA proving he cured aids with herbal supplements and diet.

Except people have been doing it for like decades and they aren't famous or rich

Honestly, you should cure all the dying rich people and make some serious money.

Think of all the good you could do in the world when you are both the wealthiest and most famous person on the planet.

I reckon a billionaire would give you at least $100 million if you cured them of a terminal illness.

You could do a lot of good with $100 million - and that's just from doing one miracle.

Don't give a shit because people have been doing it, you're just trying to get a rise out of me. Please go away you're a waste.

TL:DR Believe me I slapped everyone in the thread.

Cancer is caused by vitamin B deficiency and is cured by eating apricot seeds, which are rich in amygdalin.

AIDS is caused by starvation, recreational drug use and chemotherapy. It is cured by eating a good diet. The AZT drugs are toxic and poisonous.

The elite know God is real, I know it because reality is perceivable 2 ways and I left the first way and entered the second. The world was made so that it could be perceived both ways.

Again, you provide no evidence.... you word is not proof.