If the United States and the West were actually interested in freedom, they wouldn't be bombing places, they would be building libraries, universities and giving people access to information (unfiltered internet.)

403  2016-09-16 by FormerSuperstar


if americans are interested in being free and independant, everybody on wall st would have been executed by a fire squad already


He said Wall Street, not the Clinton Foundation.


Same beast, different tentacles.

I agree.

Look at the comments to this post. We definitely need more libraries and universities.

Yes, but libraries and universities that really do function as educational institutions that foster critical thinking and examine alternative views to neoliberalism rather than, by a substantial degree, reinforce the dominant system. That would go a long way in helping the general public to examine their state-of-affairs both critically and objectively.

And easily accessible internet and devices we aren't afraid of breaking.

We need to find out the cause of their lack of empathy for other humans.

They all can't be written off as psychopaths. It must be something bigger.

Could they be AI? Could they be another organism all together?

I have a hard time believing money can be their driving force...

Are their children groomed to be evil since birth? Surely a kind hearted soul must be among them to break their ranks?

The top cabal see themselves as harbingers of the human race. They think they are chosen to guide humanity. They believe in the greater good of a benevolent dictatorship and thus are ok with collateral damage.

I feel this is a good description, very nice.

I find it insufficient as it doesn't address the structures of power themselves, which enables the behavior of plutocrats and oligarchs. A common thing that could be noted of so-called "CT's" (for lack of a better term) is their seeming emphasis on the people in power and less on the structures of power themselves (which are in constant state of development). Suppose the "top cabal" were removed. What would be the next move to keep another "cabal" from replacing them?

Eisenhower warning about the rise of the Military-Industrial-Complex

Someone mentioned recently a study about a troup of chimps. The most dominant and violent members had access to meat because they beat the others back. The meat was tainted so the most dominant and violent member died.

They were not replaced, and the troop lived a peaceful existence afterwards.

So I think all of you are failing to find the proper name. They are the parasite class. They are soulsuckers.

If you consider the principles of self-management, wherein we can manage our own affairs quite well, perhaps "our" rulers are simply superfluous to our lives.

What are you measuring? I see no rulers. Did you mean self bougt leaders? We dont need them at all. I think if we weren't running our asses ragged for them, we would be fine. I wish more would believe.

The so-called "1%" as opposed to us, the so-called "99%." Through workers' self-management the 99% (via cooperatives or union enterprises) could manage much of its economic affairs. If they so desired they could even use alternative currencies like Ithaca Hours for example.

I think if we weren't running our asses ragged for them, we would be fine. I wish more would believe.

Many around the world do feel that way.

We don't need them is an understatement but those superfluous fuckers can kill you without remorse during their enforcement of their policies.

Kind of keeps you complying.

By self-management it's meant that we the ordinary people can manage our own affairs quite well autonomously. Of course history shows that dominant interests will fight against that. That's what the Spanish Civil War and many other conflicts were about. Self-management by the working class was briefly achieved on a wide scale but was crushed in a few short years.

Freedom is autonomous self rule.

Are we really free?

If there's any at all it seems confined, to a large extent, to hard to reach, out of the way places like Zomia and a few sporadic others.

Though what happened in Iceland has drawn some notice.

I do not like "elite class" bcause a lot of these people were born into their position. They did not earn it. There is nothing elite about them.

Born into isn't the issue. When they chose to act on selfish impulses that the psychopathy manifests.

Oh, you are totally correct. I was just pointing out that they did not earn their position.

Sad isn't it.

I find it insufficient as it doesn't address the structures of power themselves,

Sociopaths only support others like themselves. Over time this has created the structures of power that we see in place

What would be the next move to keep another "cabal" from replacing them?

Only support candidates for power that have at some point acted out of a sense of Conscience.

I don't know if someone's said it before, but someone who believes they are on the morally correct side tend to commit atrocities to get what they want.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions?

Yeah that about sums it up.

You are right. They think that they are special because they have this disease. It makes them very exclusive.


We need to find out the cause of their lack of empathy for other humans.

They all can't be written off as psychopaths. It must be something bigger.

It's a structural problem (i.e. centralized hierarchy) which simultaneously enables and compels them, both individually and as a group dynamic, to cause the problems they do. That's why decentralized, horizontal direct democracy is a good thing. It's less alienating as it puts everyone on a more equitable footing.


Okay, so the Skull & Bone-heads club has some strange rituals. And their have been some shocking revelations now and again. Is that the basis of your dissent? What about obvious things like wealth inequality, political alienation and so forth? Are you more accepting of those?

Have you ever had the thought "there's too many people on the planet, the exploding population is wreaking havoc on our resources and nature, it's completely unsustainable." or something similar? I think we all have.

These people have been thinking this for a long time. They're using their power to act on it.

But the thing is, it's not true. There isn't too many people on this planet. It's just that a large group of people is harder to control and manipulate than a small group.

It is interesting to think about. Every generation has its Kissinger.

I think there is a huge lack of life experience currently in the halls of power.

It seems quite reasonable that a lot of the people making these decisions that have such disastrous effects on so many have no relatable way to understand the suffering they're causing.

They all can't be written off as psychopaths.

I think they can, by definition.

How many have a discernible conscience?

the people that reach the top are the most corrupt and greedy, since they are the ones who are willing to do the most to reach the top. most people have empathy, but empathy doesn't help you gain power

Only the naivest of the naive believe the US wants to spread freedom. The US wants to keep potential regional powers from developing, and they do this by destabilizing those regions.

Yes! This.

If 1/120 of the military budget was spent providing satellite TV and Internet for free to the middle East there'd by half asich terrorism.

If we were interested in freedom, we would stay uninvolved and let those people determine their own path. They may not want libraries and open information (SA/CHINA) and it is not our place to impose.

We guys would have been going good if your govt guys wouldn't have been pulling strings from up. and the very same people Orchestrated 26/11.

It is not all it seems, is it?

Communist China is also one of our largest trade partners, yet we harp about bringing Democracy to Iraq and other Middle Eastern countries.

Yep. If we took half the money they waste on defense and spent it on education and research, we would not have half the problems that we do.

That is a dumb statement. Wasting money on defense? Do you hear yourself? The biggest thing we spend money on is Medicaid and Social Security. If people want free things, why don't they ask Sweden?

'Love freedom and (mock) democracy or I'll kill you'. is the psychopathic leadership's message.

Most of us don't even know what freedom is, so we have no idea whether we have it or not.

Freedom is freedom from government intrusion into our personal lives. We once had a little but that's long gone.

There is no trace of democracy in the U.S except the vote, and that's rigged.

Don't forget free education, taxes and regulation for the wealthy, worker cooperatives, single payer healthcare, local banks, alternative currencies, popular assemblies, grass roots organized labor, direct democracy and so on...

yeah tell this to everyone.

The United States government serves the elite exclusively. Concepts, like freedom and democracy, were rendered obsolete 30 years ago.

Voting day would be a federal holiday.

They're both bombing places and building libraries universities and giving people access to the internet. Allow some complexity into your thinking brah.

Why don't we start a world government?

Yep, that's how we defeat ISIS, build some library (that will either be filled with radical Islamist literature or bombed out).

you people r fucking stupid. i am not writing the obvious.

So you're saying that we're covertly stupid? I'm not sure I understand.

My 6 year old self would ask if you're looking in a mirror, but I wouldn't do that now that I'm all grown up.

You just typed the word "are" as an r and called other people stupid in the same sentence, heh.

and that means what exactly? hurr durr u used r instead of are, u r stoopid LMFAO

Ah yes, lets build libraries so the secret police can arrest anybody borrowing a book, detaining everybody visiting websites criticizing the regime and for them to have a bonfire with all the books not acknowledging the supreme leader as god himself. (if the place is not bombed during construction as a propaganda tool for the West)

You can't just go into a dictatorially-controlled country and start building shit. You have to kill the bad people first dumbass

Who is a dictator? Assad? You do realize that Assad is more popular in Syria than any President has ever been in America, right? You do know that he is beloved by his people, and that there is no civil war, right? That it is a proxy war funded by America and Israel and Britain, right? Because when you call him a dictator, my mind automatically ignores everything else you say because I know that you are an idiot, and that you have not done your research. Assuming of course you were talking about Syria, maybe you were talking about Libya? In which case, neither was Gaddafi, in fact, Gaddafi was about to release a pan-African currency backed by GOLD and he was going to nationalize his oil to help his people! That is, of course, before we Americans illegally entered his country under false pretenses, and literally assassinated him, and then had his body mutilated on the streets for all to see. That was a message. A message to Assad, and to any other leaders planning on fucking over the Dollar. That is what you get for trying to help your people, so you fucking Trump fans who I see all over this sub who shit all over the Middle East, HOW ARE THEY SUPPOSED TO MODERNIZE WHEN THE CIA WON'T LET THEM???? Does that sound like something a dictator would do to you? Because it doesn't to me. Take your head out of your ass, and turn off your television, your upper lip will thank you.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Lol haven't seen that one in awhile. I personally like the new castle version.

I thought about changing it up to be all about dictators but got too lazy

Are you 6?

How could a 6 year old be in the Navy Seals? Fucking retard


If our so-called "scientists" could figure out bombs that didn't have to kill everything around it this wouldn't be a problem

You guys deserve Trump?

Yeah that about sums it up.