The more i looked at the moon the more i see its..

0  2016-09-17 by HangoutUnlimited

A light.

A cool light.

Not the sun's reflection.

Anyone else get that feeling?


This is the shit my gf says when she's baked.


Dude, you do understand that your feelings don't really measure up to a thousand years of recorded scientific consensus, right? Especially now that you've revealed yourself to be a top-tier mushbrain

Why so salty?

I was smiling from ear to ear as I called out your obvious stupidity. I did it with glee, not malice, because I fucking love laughing at people who can't think their way out of a paper bag but somehow have confidence befitting the greatest thinkers

Please, keep us posted on every scintillating thought you come up with, you are clearly going to be a great source of joy if you do

Okay grandpa.

Stfu hoe, eat a fatass dick

It's past your bedtime grandpa . Dont forget your meds.


Still didn't take your meds Gramps?

Alright bro. One of us is a normal productive member of society, free from paranoid delusions and schizophrenic thinking patterns, with a job and a girlfriend. That's me.

Then theres the other side of the coin. This simpleton is legendary for the lows he has sunk to, in fact, he once thought he could use his feels to determine if the moon was real or a mind control satellite based on how the light looked to him. This pathetic wretch is a neckbeard, has no girlfriend or romantic prospects, and hasn't for as long as he can remember. He is wracked with paranoid conspiracies that he is regularly ridiculed for at every turn. He has no job and society has essentially told him he is unneeded and useless. He can't even compose an original thought, so he turns to repeating some tired line about meds. That's you, you chubby troglodyte mouth breather.

Which one of us is in the better position in your opinion?

I make 6 figures.

My girlfriend is beautiful.

I can think critically.

Your a shitty human.


PS: Take your meds Gramps.

You're a shitty human, short for you are. You're an incredible intellect, you just can't remember which version of a word (containing five letters) to use.

Sure, I suppose a lot of people make 100k+ but fail to write at a 3rd grade level, believe the moon is fake or sun is flat or some retarded shit, and cannot summon an insult to save their lives no matter how desperately they might want to. A lot of power-players are posted up here, barely literate, with the verbal acumen and wit of a fucking cuttlefish.

I totally believe you. You've given me no indication that you are a gap-toothed fat neckbeard with delusions of grandeur, you are totally a hedgefund wiz kid

Off your meds again Gramps?

Your teeth are in the bathroom.


Explain that guy with girlfriend and job. LOL. HAHAHA.

No, we don't have brain damage.

Oh. Gotcha.

Just wondering then what you think a celestial object illuminated by the sun would look like.

I think he's "feeling," not "thinking" that its not sunlight.

I think it might really be made up of belly button lint. What do you think, OP?

What i can add to this discussion, is that for a long time the moon was thought to produce its own light. Its only fairly recently that the consensus is that its reflected light from the sun. Since the moon is totally dark during a eclipse ur theory is toast. You might want to look into the moon being a mind control spaceship, a lot more evidence for that.

You might want to look into the moon being a mind control spaceship, a lot more evidence for that.

lol, no there isn't buddy

lol, i didn't say it was totally convincing but there IS evidence, just look into the physics of the moon there are some serious anomalies

So is every moon in our solar system billion year old spaceship according to you, or just ours?

If you knew anything about physics you would realize how easily planetnoids can just break off their orbits and fly away becoming rogue planets. So the alignment of our planets and moons might not be totally natural

If you knew anything about physics you'd know that an objects orbit remains constant unless acted on by another force

actually i know tons about physics and have first hand seen through a numerical simulation how easily the earth could become a rouge planet if minimally nudged. There are other forces all the times with asteroids/comets and gravitational tugs from other planets/solar-systems

also that simulation used the leapfrog algorithm FYI

A 'minimal nudge' will make the earth become a rogue planet that escapes the suns gravitational field? Unless to you 'minimal' means something larger than the impact of a Mars sized planet (like that which formed the moon) then that can't be correct or the Earth would have said Auf Wiedersehen to the Sun hundreds of millions of years ago.

You'll be warmer under a tree, rather than the moon ;). Don't take my word for it, test it.... Curious....

"Next on News at 11:

Stoned guy writes Haiku that disproves thousands of years of science and critical thinking"

Can you point me in the direction if the science?


That is exactly what it looks like, yeah. It's got a whole different temp. and hue to it than sunlight does. I'm not sure if that happens due to its surface, or if my perception is even accurate though.

If I look at a wall that's been painted blue it has a different hue to the sunlight it's reflecting, that doesn't mean it's producing its own light. And the Earth has a different surface temp to the sun, are we glowing?

So are eclipses programmed by the operator of the light or...?

I don't know. But when I see something like this:

It raises questions about what we know.

Didn't he explain in the video how it's happening?

He didn't seem to know. Do you?

Yep. Earths atmosphere can bend light and make the sun seem like it's in a position it's not. This is called atmospheric refraction. The event itself is called a selenelion.

Well this is stupid...There's no such thing as glow in the dark cheese silly!

It's a leftover piece of Tiamat


What are your thoughts on what the moon actually is...

That's no Moon...

What it is?

colder in moonlight then zero moonlight = I'm a fucker.

Yea I just looked at the tests. Very interesting.

Why these fed niggaz lying.

You are right. Flat earth is real. People will be here shortly to call me retarded though. NASA believers are dumber than Hilldog supporters.

I'm with you bruh. When I first was told that by my best friend I thought he was fucking nuts.

The more I researched it, the more I realized HOLY SHIT, it's true.

The thing that got me started on the road to truth is when my boy told me that you couldn't go into space unless you were a 33rd degree mason.

That allowed everything else to unfold. Bubbles in space and fake space also made me realize all the shit they lie about.

Stay vigilant.

Do you have any life goals? I'm curious because now the world is upside down. I feel compelled to find truth. But that don't pay the bills.

You need the beast system to survive.

So I know the feels.

I too have to work within the matrix.