Neil Degrasse Tyson is full of shit.

1  2016-09-17 by HangoutUnlimited



yeah, fuck michio kaku right in his disinfo hole

'who was behind 9/11? are you a conspiracy theorist??'

fuck that guy!

Word. Maku kaku I call him.

On TV to make you feel insignificant.

A satanist no doubt.

Well he talks about the kardashev scale like it's actual science instead of science fiction and he is a self-proclaimed "genius". He's an idiot.

Well Im convinced!

I too am drunk posting.

I don't drink or drug.

Bad for you.

Bad for you? Maybe... but still such a good excuse for shitposting... What's yours?

Yea I like postin about dem fake science shit hedz.

cannabis is not bad for you (as long as you don't smoke it)

I got nothing against it.

I just can't do it. It leads to other shit for me.

leads to other shit? like harder drugs? or anxiety or depression? what do you mean?

Like if I get high... Next thing you know I'm trying to get drunk and high off other drugs.

For me 1 is too many 1000 is never enough.

is this from experience? or you are just guessing based off of how you know yourself?


thats good that you are clean. going to try to quit vaping? carcinogens in there

Well.. nicotine is supposedly a carcinogen.

I think most of the data out there is funded by big tobacco.

Trying to get people back on the cancer sticks.

the carcinogens are way less than a cigarette, but still there. many studies have shown. if anything big tobacco is behind vapes - cig sales declining over past decades and they needed to hook young people on something

True. Didn't think of it that way.

nice chat we had, have a good one man!

Same bro.

Makes all the other troll, shill and shit posts worth it.


Are you an addict for 15 years or are you 13 years old?

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The only deception here is from you, considering you are a hypocrite who lies about his age and can't provide any proof to back up your bullshit claims.

Rule 10. Removed.

Thank you sir.

Rule 10. Removed.

You dont English either I see.

Good sir, what ever are you speaking of?


Try harder "Steve" in customer service.

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

Sorry, English is my 4th language.

Oh, Im sorry. Its my 10th.

12th I meant.

Sorry, I forgot a zero. I meant 100th.

Did I say 12th language? I meant I was 12 when I learned my 101st language, English.

Were we talking about speaking languages? Im sorry, I thought we were talking about inventing languages.

Correct. They are ignorant gatekeepers who do nothing but constantly spout memorized lines. Not one of them have ever made a single contribution to science and all they do is spread disinformation and engage in story telling.


Honest question, who do you consider to not be spreading disinformation?

Dr. Anthony Peratt, Dr. Ari Brynjolfsson, Dr. Donald Scott, Wallace Thornhill, Stephen Crothers, Dr. Eric Lerner, Dr. Pierre Robitaille, /r/PlasmaCosmology


That's fuckin pure comedy genius!


Eric Dubay = CIA.

He's what you call 2nd farm.

Tells some truth on that farm. But promotes Hitler as the solution. Clearly if your woke you know Hitler was controlled op.

He flashes more satanic symbols than I know what to do with ..

I'm with you on the movement though.


I spoke to Eric .

He argues that there is no way Hitler was controlled.

It's just not true.

Then check out his Rap, and him dressing like a tranny.

That combined with his pro Hitler view makes me question his motives.

wow eric dubay? that guy is fucking nuts

Well apparently, a lot of people think a lot. I don't, but some do. Icecream sandwiches bitches!

Wow dude, i'm sold. How do we stop these treacherous bastard?! They can't keep getting away with it!

Wait, what exactly are they BS about again?

Nice! Thanks

Here is one:

Also Zuckerberg, Gates, Musk, Einstein, the fake wheelchair guy

Don't forget Darwin...

DARWIN in gematria = 33

A freemason. Boom!

Hawking is harmless. I think he is severely overrated, and I don't always agree with what he says, but apart from that I consider him completely inconsequential. He's fine.

He's an impostor though. Died decades ago and was replaced.

Cool evidence bro

I think he's Japanese

Yea dat Chinese nigga. What I said yo


Ya mato Baku dats him.

I lold

Thanks g.


Lold again

I view Tyson as the heir of Carl Sagan, personally. I don't know whether he tells the truth or not, but it's largely irrelevant either way, because that is not what he is there for.

Men like Tyson and Bill Nye are the atheists' equivalent of Jimmy Swaggart or Benny Hinn; as was Sagan before them. They are atheistic televangelists. I also view Mythbusters as the atheistic equivalent of Sunday School. That isn't to say that I feel hostility towards Tyson; he comes across as a genuinely sincere and decent guy, and who knows? He might actually mean what he says. The atheists don't have Gods, so they tend to want people like Sagan, Tyson, Dawkins, Asimov, or most especially Darwin to fill the void.

I am in no way inclined to worship any of these men myself, but I've openly sat in front of my monitor and cried reverent, ecstatic buckets while watching videos about Nikola Tesla before, so I can't accuse anyone else of a lack of objectivity. The idea of feeling like that about Dawkins in particular makes me want to projectile vomit to be honest, but different strokes for different folks.

The "I Fucking Love Science" demographic can be safely ignored, as far as I am concerned. They used to make me angry, but these days I feel secure enough about what science means to me, that not only do I not need them to tell me, but I am no longer offended when they try and tell anyone else. Scientism is ultimately self-defeating. That particular clown already has its' shoelaces tied together, and will very predictably fall head first down a flight of stairs, given enough time. Not only do I not need to give it a push, but I really don't want to. That would be malicious, and I don't want to be malicious any more.

Let Mr. Tyson do what he wants to. He most likely isn't hurting you, anyway.

tyson is so full of himself its pretty annoying. bill is a saint

Bill is a good guy. Just a liar. But, I may lie too for a fat ass paycheck.

Would you?


no i would not, but many would.
but what has bill lied about?

Theyre just closed minded, like most other people

Holy shit, delete your account.

Maku kaku fan I presume?

Interesting. With the overwhelming amount of sound evidence and witness testimony that has been fully corroborated you have change my opinion of the three you mention.

Good show ol'chap.

Tanx kid I spread dat heata troof

Good sir, what ever are you speaking of?


Maku kaku fan I presume?

I got nothing against it.

I just can't do it. It leads to other shit for me.