so guys, I'm like kinda losing it with this insanity. its not good for my health, and clearly might even fuck my life completely by something I say or do now. Should I just try to hedge my bets and try to go back to sleep?

0  2016-09-17 by [deleted]



The single main thing we need to do, is to stop viewing ourselves as superior to others.

I keep seeing it over and over and over again in this sub; "Oh my God, guys; the majority are such brainwashed stupid sheep, and we are so intelligent and elite and awesome because we are AWAKE and know the TRUTH. However do you, my fellow martyrs for humanity, cope with the depression of this?"

Stop it. Just fucking stop it. I am not meaning to be critical of you specifically here, because I did it myself for twenty years; but it was only recently that I realised it was wrong.

Just because I know that George H.W. Bush has sex with children, and that David Rockefeller wants to enslave the planet, that does not make me inherently superior to anyone else. I am no closer to perfect than any of the rest of you, or for that matter those two men. I look at porn. I get angry with people. I wish I had the world in a controlled situation where I could feel safe. Don't tell me that none of the rest of you don't experience those things.

If you really want to know how to help yourselves, then you can start by no longer viewing anyone in politics or finance as baby eating demons and monsters. Yes, some of them are criminals, and they probably need to be locked away for the rest of their lives. Said incarceration, however, must be performed purely to prevent them from harming others, and not for retribution, revenge, or because we think of them as some sort of supernatural evil or lizard people, because they are not. They are human.

Recognise the real reason why you are angry with people like the Rothschilds, as well. The real reason why you are angry with them, is because their crimes have alerted you to the fact that we can no longer afford to let someone else clean up our mess and make the important decisions for us, while we devote our time to watching cat videos and playing Minecraft. Again, this is no criticism of you, because devoting my time to porn and Minecraft is exactly what I want to do as well.

I do not want to grow up. I do not want to be an adult, or take responsibility. I, like you, would much rather allow my uncle Jacob to keep doing the inconvenient stuff, while ignoring the fact that as far as he is concerned, he has no responsibility for my wellbeing whatsoever. He holds me in contempt because I have handed him responsibility for my life, and he thinks that that entitles him to exploit me as thoroughly as he possibly can. Mind you, that is a post-hoc rationalisation on his part, because I now know that good and evil both exist exclusively for their own sake. If Jacob Rothschild therefore thinks that my laziness entitles him to exploit and oppress me, then he is only using that idea as a hollow justification for the fact that in reality, he just wants to exploit and abuse people anyway, because that's who he is. If I wasn't lazy and irresponsible, he'd find another reason to do it.

That does not, however, detract from the fact that I have handed responsibility for my life, to a predator. I have handed my responsibility to someone who wants to do me harm, and who will use whatever justification he can find in order to do so.

As soon as you call Hillary a monster, though, you've taken the first step to becoming just like her. As soon as I fantasise about telling the CEO of Monsanto that he is an inhuman demon, and that his corporation is going to be entirely destroyed, then I lower myself to his level. The one thing the Joker wanted during The Dark Knight was for someone to kill him, because he knew that them killing him would cause them to become just like him.

They hate, and the fact that they hate is what defines them. As soon as we start to hate, ourselves, then there is no longer any difference between them and us. You can be as morally outraged by Hillary as you like, but the simple fact is that if you hate her, she has won. If you hate her, then you have allowed her to make you like her.

So don't view the rest of the population as sheep and yourself as awake. That is the single main thing that will destroy you psychologically and spiritually, more than anything else. It will make you feel special. It will make you feel elite; and as soon as you put yourself on a pedestal above anyone else, that is when you lose the ability to feel empathy or compassion for them, because you are no longer viewing yourself and them as the same. If you do not see someone else as being fundamentally the same as you, then you can not be kind to them. You can not feel compassionate to them, because all you are focused on is how they are supposedly not like you.

Do not hate Hillary. Forgive her. Pray for her. That is what she really needs. Again, she might need permanent incarceration, yes; but that must still be done compassionately.

I wasn't born like one of the elite. I wasn't born with misanthropy in my heart. Yet after studying conspiracy theories for twenty years, the fact that I started viewing myself as superior to the supposedly uneducated majority myself, has gone uncomfortably close to turning me into one of them. I need to stop gazing into the abyss, and I need to step back from the edge of it.

Maybe you do, too. Just a thought.

What a great comment

Come to think of it, this is the best comment I've read in this subreddit. You should make it a standalone post.

should I try to join the Israeli army

Now THAT'S fucked up.

it was a joke. lol. it was supposed to be fucked up.

iit was just a crazy way of getting out fast. and if you understood the context impossible, in fact if I actually needed to go, by the time I got to the airport, someone would be waiting for me, if I even made it that far.

it was a paranoid joke of, if something I said screwed me, I'm OUTTTTT. although in this case its impossible because I wouldn't know until I wasn't allowed out of the country anymore lol.

its still an insane impossible plan for a problem that doesn't exist yet and probably wont exist, that (as stated with impossible) cant even work unless I disappeared quick.

The sky is still somewhat blue and the birds are still chirping. Chances are that where you are things are still pretty normal. The big picture is what's ugly so concentrate on what's OK about where you are. Are you somewhat comfortable?

All in all I'd say this isn't the place you need to be. We'll keep fighting the fight but you are probably better served by leaving that to others and trusting that so many are working on the problems. Self destruction is not a good answer.

I'm worried mainly that the things I'm saying/doing will have me jailed/killed/tortured.

I kind of say extremely dangerous radical things that are very illegal sometimes. shit that, if your not aware of how bad stuff is, youd think I was the bad guy. the terrorist, the evil one.

I kind of espouse the opposite of popular culture/opinion (god = real, our leaders are tyrants bent on murder who control the media and want the internet illegal,etc)

this is destroying my life as it is, even if it hasn't happened yet.

it WILL. someday the wrong person will overhear me if they haven't. or they will misunderstand me.

or any number of possibilities.

its kind of way too obvious that under certain circumstances, I will go full radical and do absolutely anything to resist. absolutely. anything.

that's the scariest part to me. I don't sit considering consequences half the time, especially when I feel this passionate, and also when my mental instability refuses to let me accept a double bind (the lies of society, I cannot accept them period and will become violent or persistently aggressively argumentative over the truth)

so its not even the end game itself I'm worried about. we are all in that together when it happens. if I die then or go to a camp, that's what happens to all of us.

I'm mainly worried about all this destroying my life now, and taking all my progress to shit with a one way trip in a black party van.

before I even got a chance to actively, peacefully rebel,.

I mean, even if I go for the statement I made here I don't care, because I believe in free speech unto my death.

but it would really suck to have it cripple me and put me at their mercy in a locked cage now over something far less meaningful, to an audience who did not understand. I wouldn't be able to say no to shit that way and at least now I'm free.

and if my mind continues to deteriorate I might even die or start using drugs to run.

What you say is your right to do. It's what you do that causes shit to come down. I'm thinking you have a high energy level. That would be a good thing if not misdirected.

Your energy can't be just kept in storage it has to do something. You should decide to have it do something less threatening.

Don't worry so much about what you say. That's fairly safe to do. The only law that might be a problem is if you are making 'terroristic threats' and then only if someone complains about it.

Self destruction, Suicide is always a permanent solution to a temporary problem . It takes the pressure from one individual and spreads it to many.

dude. your mind is everwhere you need to train it. youtube meditation and actually try. seriously try.

what are you eating? sugar & carbs? Dont.

When ready youtube Teal Swan. you think your fucked up? She was worse guaranteed. Do her guided meditations.

remember crazy people either kill themselves or get better so make a choice and I'll support you.

I was on the Hollywood diet for a long time lol, but lately I eat just very little and no drugs.

I know I can get better. I will get better again soon, as long as something Ive done hasn't literally already fucked me bad enough where I end up in a prison over literally nothing,

I mean, a little better of course, its not like I wasn't managing my life. its just I realized how srerious of a threat its becoming to me. I don't think I can ever get rid of it, but I could certainly stop being self sabotaging.

literally you need to chill bro. no one here can help you and you seem manic. channel that shit and stream a chill documentary.

You worry too much. Acting like a victim will not help you. In fact, it will lead you towards predators ready to victimize the weak. Perhaps if you held back on worrying about the self and concentrated on the overwhelming beauty that is undeniable in this world you would realize that everything has a purpose.

lol that's hilarious

There is no shame in running away from your problems but it needs to lead to real positive change in your life.

if you can, take a break and get out to see some nature. Climb a mountain or something. Sit next to a waterfall and just meditate there for a while. seriously. But you need to take care of yourself, if you care about that sort of thing.

I'm trying to. honestly a lot of the time I can manage to ignore it and live relatively normally, its just since its getting so crazy its affecting me badly.

If I can manage to be lucky enough about shit where nothing happens to me personally about it, I can probably overcome shit and be fine after awhile when I'm desensitized to it.

I just hope I can make it to that point, because a small slip up is enough to end me. Ive already slipped up far more than is acceptable, and am relying on luck as it is.

No easy answers, I'm afraid.

For what it's worth there are many people that have awoken to the fraud of modern life that are feeling precisely the same way as you. Couples splitting up, estrangement from children, fired from jobs. It's truly frightening.

If it is causing you so much angst it might be best to at least try and back away. Unfortunately it is not possible to un-ring a bell. Once you "know"…you "know"…and there's no way I know of to un-know.

Stop watching tv if you can…especially the news.

Get out in nature if possible, as often as possible. Just walk around in the woods…sit by a river…whatever.

Exercise everyday if possible. Preferably outside.

Try and find some like minds with whom to share your feelings…like you're doing here. You're not alone in how you're feeling…I promise you.

Take some deep breaths and remind yourself…you're just one person…you can only do so much.

"With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful, strive to be happy."

Tldr but don't loose it, then they have won. Pick yourself up. Start eating right - Animal fat like real butter is what makes us healthy. They don' t want you to know that. Start exercising. Do things you want to do. Good luck friend. Don't curse the darkness. Light a candle.

lol, I'm going to create the lard butter diet. phat mugs of lard and melted butter, with warmed bacon grease and whole milk and mayonnaise.

fat is actually good for you, but this is funny.

Well I view it as their biggest conspiracy. Low fat or vegetable fat makes us sick and depressed and thus easier to control. Flour and sugar is also bad. Main calories should come from animal fat

it is one of the bigger dietary conspiracies, they started fuckign with us with margarine, which is basically plastic lol and cant be used by the body at all. its literal poison.

sugar causes heart attack risk increase greater than fats.

some vegetable fats are good, but they are pretty rare (marijuana oil is a good one -- it contains all amino acids found in meats!!! pot could keep you totally healthy)

personally I think there were many plants like pot once upon a time that were intentionally brought to extinction to force reliance and domestication.

another issue is the pasteurization of milk, organic foods etc. I didn't want to believe in that stuff for a long time, but the evidence doesn't lie when you look at REAL studies and real info that wasn't biased propaganda.

I mean there is a reason the communists and our own government lord over tiny organic farms for themselves, while trying to do their damndest to ensure as many of us eat the GMOs as possible.

if it were REALLY up to free market, organic would win. they have to stack the deck to force us to eat it.

which is a clear and obvious sign of extreme danger.

although at this point, anyone with eyes should be able to see that everything happening in the world is an absolute code red alert for world tyranny and unnecessary war and suffering. but apparently I'm just crazy and dark according to some people.

Right on the money and this is one of the most serious conspiracies because of the effects it has on us

I think maybe some perspective would help. Remember that reality as we know it is only the blink of an eye on a longer scale. In a very real way this is all an illusion. It's based on perception and it won't last forever. You can't change people's minds that are not ready, and getting in their faces to demand they list to the truth isn't really going to work. We might all get smashed by an asteroid while you're mad about whatever.
Take a break. Enjoy the good things in life. Remember that even if "they" seem to have increasing control over everything they don't own your thoughts, so don't let them destroy you. Do some good for someone. Set an example. Live in a noble way. Arguing won't work but you can support those who are reaching out for understanding and trying to make change.
To me I have to look at it on a spiritual and philosophical level or I couldn't handle it. That's all I can recommend. Step back and see that someday this is all going to be forgotten dust.

You need to find some balance. You are focusing solely on the bad, and ignoring all the beauty.

Instead of trying to wake people up with your forceful rants, try instead to change yourself in a positive way. If you have your shit together, people will be much more receptive to your ideas. They will happily come and listen to you. But that's the key, forget about them and just work on bettering yourself for now.

Maybe keep your shitty morale to yourself and have a salad?

I encountered this a while back. You have to say "if all this shit is true, if we are totally fuck and have no chance, then bring it on. I'll survive. I'll see to it those around me will. If things are so bad, then there is nothing I could do about it anyway."

"but I'm not psychotic" said by every psychotic person ever

but they didn't have hard evidence in reality to support the claims they were paranoid over.

being paranoid over possible totalitarian world government is not only logical, but probably beneficial at this point seeing as pretty much all the evidence leans in favor of the fact that this is what is happening here.

I mean today in communist china, opposition is illegal and anyone who opposes is crazy and paranoid, but there was a time before they won that this was a mainstream view and not considered that at all.

so were those people who feared losing their freedom and way of life all insane? I mean history kind of shows they lost, the threat was real and it did happen. so therefore, it is not illogical in a world like this, where every state is insane control freaks bent on world domination, for this actually to be the case.

I really think people actually believe we live in a society based off advancement, not domination. it has ALWAYS been about world domination since the idea of states first came about. what else is war for expansion and control?

"im Kinda losing it with this insanity" these are your words do?, you yourself admit their is a problem with your current mental health status, so why are you trying to convince me that you are fine? while simultaneously stating that you are not fine.

I could ruin my entire life because I'm losing my mind and have such insane feelings towards all that's happening I cant even control what I do or say anymore.

You mean, you can't self-censor yourself anymore, and might blurt out the truth? Good.

I never really censored myself, but before I chose my words and audiences more carefully.

I just really have to be careful who I make threats of action to. Saying stuff like i'll definitely rebel and become a possibly violent rebel with intentions of learning to carry out cyber attacks against international government is not necessarily the safest, or wisest thing to proclaim loudly to people you don't really know that well. especially since I do not even yet possess any relevant skills or ability to follow up on it. it would really suck if an angry outburst that meant little fucked me

even a in a what if scenario on the loss of free speech or rights, in todays world this is not called patriotism but terrorism. even though the terrorists, historically speaking, were the good guys in this type of scenario. we just don't view them that way since they... won the war.

but I agree on self censorship being bad. just not about this. the line really was drawn for me and I'm sure if my side doesn't end on top of this, I'm going down for something soon anyway.

I just really think it scares a lot of people when you can identify with the idea of a domestic terrorist and actually view that as good under certain circumstances.

plus there are all those neighborhood watch type, anti-free speech communist groups.

I clearly obviously have no intent of obeying, and every intent of doing whatever it takes to alter/damage the system in the event that free speech is lost.

but I also don't trust brainwashed people with my safety and I really have to tone that shit down.

I mean I make some strides in getting people awake, they still think I'm crazy but they cant argue with my facts.

but going off the deep end and stating intent to resist directly is never a wise idea.

Unless youd like to go walk up to homeland security and warn them ahead of time you might try to muck up their plans and directly expose/get in their way.

I mean of course I never have any ill intent towards local government, real people, anything like that, but I'm sure id be misrepresented if it ever came up.

like I said I don't have the skills to do much, but I'm a good learner and I am studying a relevant things.

and in my experience, even when people listen to the truth they turn away fast. they cant bear to stand to see that they just bore children into a world of nightmarish war, fear, and slavery.

its really a tough one, when you have to accept there is nothing you can do for your family other than fearmonger the inevitable, and be ridiculed til it happens because of how social control works.

only people like me with absolutely nothing, who stand to gain the world in a regime change are eager for its coming, and willing to accept it as reality without a fight.

even if someone has very little, but something, to hold on to In the now, I can understand why they don't want to accept it or worry.

but most of the time telling them how it is doesn't help.

how can you reach people who are absolutely convinced of their own volition that Christians are evil and need to die and lose control. People who have accepted the narratives of history and reality so strongly, that they cannot separate human groups like the Vatican, with concepts like Christianity.

the Christians didn't carry out the crusades, just as much as jesus never spoke out against the jews but their false leaders the Pharisees. it was entirely the secular organization of the catholic church, which used the religion of jesus, in a manipulated propagandized form lacking most of the real spiritual meat of the religion before roman takeover, to control its subjects socially, spiritually, and legally.

how can you get people to accept that everything that was hammered in their head was a lie? that half the 'demons' in history were the good guys, and the good guys were almost always at the least, dark shades of gray if not just as bad as the bad guys.

I mean, even with all the evidence of communist takeover these people are STILL denying it. even though there were SEVERAL SPECIFIC QUOTES AND PLAYBOOKS from nobel prize winners, government officials, captains of industry and royalty which directly state what was happening.

the evidence can mount to the sky, but people have been brainwashed to think lifestyle choice, good/bad is all an opinion. everything and everyone is evil period, and anything that goes against their view has to be discarded to keep the view safe.

even if you get into a heated discussion that interests them, and show them evidence and get them into reading about it, they will quickly drop whatever knowledge they have gained and dismiss it because it is uncomfortable.

especially when it hits so close to home it explains your failures, lack of health/performance, and other things that are dark and scary to look at,.

I mean, what we ask people to do in waking up is accept that they were fed poisons by a shadow government that was behind hitler mao and stalin, who fed their ideologies and twisted their minds.

its kind of dark scary shit, and everyone really believes we live in a modern, democratic society and that these social justice tirades are actually out here to improve our lives and freedoms. and 'liberate' us from evil.

even though these are the same old forces of evil trying to liberate us from good as since the beginning. that old serpent in the garden. giving us just enough knowledge to tempt our desires, and using that temptation to drive us into horrific evil.

the lie is a communist state, an evolution of mankind and a free world where nobody goes without. the reality is totalitarian technocratic corporate fascism.

I'm not sure the ones who aren't awake at this point can be woken up, so I'm really not sure if all I'm doing is endangering myself. and I might actually end up being useful since I have some glimmer of whats actually happening, and enough reasoning and critical thinking capability to act fast and effectively, and to unite people rather then divide.

so wasting my energy/time/life being locked up over not being able to control myself is entirely foolish and stupid.