Rand Paul should of been president.

5  2016-09-17 by [deleted]



You spelled Ron wrong.

Either one would be great lol.

No, Rand is a neocon.

How? He is against war and neoconservatives helped promote and planned the invasion on Iraq in 2003.

Supports TPP, doesn't support borders, doesn't support repealing unconstitutional actions, doesn't believe in states' rights...

You have to be a shill lmao. Rand doesn't support TPP. And yeah he believes the state has no say in what you do with your life, your child. It's my life I shouldn't have to have the state tell me what to do with it. And borders just separate us and divide anyways. And he does support the repealing of unconstitutional acts. You are completely backwards.

Rand doesn't support TPP.

Stop worshiping a globalist.

And yeah he believes the state has no say in what you do with your life, your child.

Doesn't support repealing. Doesn't.

And borders just separate us and divide anyways.

FUCK YOUR GLOBALIST BULLSHIT. You'll be deported right alongside them. You have NOTHING.

And he does support the repealing of unconstitutional acts.

Nope. He has made no effort to do so.

You are completely backwards.

You've done no research.

Whatever makes you sleep at night

Sorry, I proved you wrong. Fuck off with your globalist bullshit.

Not really lol. I have Better things to do than argue with someone over the Internet. We aren't going to change each other opinion. Have a good life

Already proved you wrong. Get the fuck out.


Already proved you wrong. Get the fuck out.

Hahahaha hahahahah

He isn't 100% for TPP , or 100% against. He believes just presidents shouldn't be the ones who have a say, the whole senate should have a say in what is being shipped.

He voted for it. He's 100% for it.

'Should of'? Should HAVE.

You bored brah?

Oh shit it's the grammar police

I don't point out spelling mistakes, just appalling use of grammar.

No we are not. It is never too late to take your destiny into your own hands. No king or queen can change that.


...is childish.

Out of the mouth of babes...

And your opinion...

Is accurate.

No king or queen? What do you mean?


And that's why Ron & Rand would never get elected. Shit is rigged lol

Him and his supporters were treated much worse than Bernie supporters. Once again the popular candidate neutered by corporate fascism. We dodged a bullet with Comrade Sanders...Paul might have been a decent choice.

*Lol, I thought you meant Ron, Rand is a fucking moron, lol...Rand Paul as POTUS, lol, funny stuff! His implanted ball hair is going to save us all.

They are both great politicians. I hate politics too. And I can't stand most politicians but they actually speak up on real issues and give a shit about the future of this country/planet. Sadly there isn't more like him. Why do you feel that way about Rand?...

Lol thx 4 the laugh

Awh you're very welcome

Who's Rand Paul? RuPaul's brother?

Ron Pauls son.

The foot doctor guy, lol...no.

Uhhhh yeah.

Oh no, that guy is terrible.

He got some very bad advice from very stupid people, that's why he is not in the race

More like he was forced to forfeit

Rand Paul is a career politician. We don't need another career politician in the White House. Rand Paul sold out, just as his father sold out in the previous election. Sanders sold out his people, and he's another fucking career politician. We need Trump, who is a businessman and an outsider.

How is he sold out? You know the reason he dropped from the election is because his office was broke into and raided and computer were stolen. There is no way he could be president anyway the elite wouldn't let that happen. They need puppets for presidents

Career politician but he is a physician and has worked at hospitals.

Out of the mouth of babes...

And your opinion...