The Clinton Rally in Greensboro was NOT faked. Pictures included.

54  2016-09-19 by [deleted]

I thought I would debunk this conspiracy since I honestly think I may be the only person who uses Reddit and appeared at the rally. Here's the first set of pics I took that seems to have been spread around the comment sections here.

Here's my selfies for extra proof.

The selfies I did in paint in a few seconds to try and hide a bit of identity. Sorry about the white part.


I promise not to get involved with politics after this post. I thank everyone here for reminding me why I tried to stay away in the first place.

This thread is amazing, you guys go batshit insane once someone posts something that would debunk one of your fucking stupid-ass idiotic theories.

Something to cut through the crap. Thanks. I wasn't buying the whole "faked rallies" idea anyways. It's just another distraction to take away from real issues.

Fake or not... Why were you rallying for that crook/killer?

Of course r/conspiracy falls for Trump, I feel dumb for even being surprised.

What a bunch of clowns. And yea Hillary sucks too but not seeing the damage that Trump will do as President proves that you're either:

a) 15

b) have zero investments


c) your life sucks and just want to see the world burn

Funny, I see all those videos of Trump rallies and they're full of white haired men and women. 15 year olds sure age fast these days.

You must have huge investments in a portfolio of oil, gas and banking stocks! Good for you! I didn't realize when I got my 401k, I needed to vote to sell out the nation for higher returns! Knew I should've worshipped money!

[insert other personal attacks because that's all you know]

I was referring to reddit users, specifically r/conspiracy

How is she a killer

How did you come across my 1 month old comment?

Im a Hilary spy duh! I search for all negative comments on Hilary

But seriously how is Hilary a killer shes the oposite she saves childrens lives


What? If your going to respond say something constructive not just spam Memes

Apparently someone doesn't have humor

This whole thread is full of new comments with suspiciously high upvotes...

Indeed, and it's been noticed. Just sent PM.

It was x-posted to /r/subredditdrama

omg putin sends pms interesting when motivated

It was linked on /r/SubredditDrama.

Source: I saw it there. Only commenting here for your information. Good luck.

I agree with her on several issues.

You'd better damn well be joking.

Fishy as fuck. I find it hard to believe anyone truly concerned and involved with r/conspiracy would say they agree on issues, let alone openly support Hillary. The way OP repeatedly says "I don't know what you are talking about." is a huge red flag. In fact, I call bullshit OP. Faked or not, he is up to something here. Possibly the "voice of reason" that comes in to show how wrong we were as per the "black propaganda" theory.

I'm not really involved with /r/conspiracy. I heard that people were saying the rally was fake and I had proof otherwise. The reason I don't know about what you guys are talking about is because I'm an 18 year old studying Math. I don't get involved with politics much. However, when someone known nationwide shows up to the school you attend that almost nobody knows about outside of NC, you go see what all the fuss is about.

When someone whos brain washing you since 1992 shows up and uniformed people are in the area. Bam have to go

Go watch clinton cash. Do it.

Fair enough explanation. If this is true, I highly suggest you start looking for some "fringe conspiracy" YouTube videos relating to the Clinton's so you can see what all the hype here is about. Use your best judgement in sifting through what you find. It's pretty easy to see what is BS and legit, you just gotta actually look.

As an adult do you want to work for yourself or work for the government? Voting to raise taxes over 50% makes us all government servants with no opportunity to better our social position. Also know as the death of the American Dream

What? If anything, paying the government more makes the government more OUR servant...

Dude, do your servants pay you or do you pay them?

That would only work if paying taxes was optional. You can't fire the government so they don't really serve you.

I think the hos have to pay the pimp.

I'm clearly talking about the federal government not all government. Local and state governments spend money more efficiently. Obviously only the tax payers (which include everyone because the poorest people pay taxes on alcohol cigarette and lotto tickets), are the slaves to the institution that gives power over us. Where does it say in the constitution that we cannot have annual surpluses?

However, when someone known nationwide shows up to the school you attend that almost nobody knows about outside of NC, you go see what all the fuss is about.

... Fair enough. But if you're actually studying math, you won't find any common ground with her.

... Fair enough. But if you're actually studying math, you won't find any common ground with her.

Lol what does that even mean?

Stupidest comment on this thread and that's an accomplishment.

Can you please show me where you found this post?

My shill bosses included it in the daily shill briefing. I was deployed to disseminate disinfo in the comments.

Pretty please?

Yeah here

Why so salty?

Thanks for having no refutation of it.

I thought your stupidity was self-evident but if you want a "refutation":

I personally have a bachelor's degree in mathematics from an elite university. And I voted for Hillary for Senate in '06 while I was in college. And I'm voting for her for President this year. Because we have so much common ground on the issues.

This is what is called a "counterexample" in math.

So, because you have a degree in math you agree with Hillary?

I personally have a bachelor's degree in mathematics from an elite university. And I voted for Hillary for Senate in '06 while I was in college.

A degree is not an indication of mathematical knowledge. Thanks for admitting you have no mathematical knowledge.

Oh I forgot, true mathematical knowledge is only gained from shit talking online.

For all shit talk, there exists mathematical knowledge.


Trivial stuff

Haha what, that's exactly what a degree indicates, you moron.

Don't bother, these sad little children like to think they are experts in literally every field known to man because they watched some nutters on Youtube spew a bunch of bullshit. He knows better than the experts... yet when he gets sick he goes to the doctor, who has a medical degree; if he has a car, he drives on roads and bridges that were designed by civil engineers like my father, who have degrees in engineering.

when he gets sick he goes to the doctor

Nah he probably just gives himself a green tea and colloidal silver enema.

No, it isn't. You're economically illiterate if you support her.

First of all, math is not economics. So, I guess you really nailed me... by moving the goalposts to the stadium next door.

Second of all, why don't you go tell Joseph Stiglitz how economically illiterate he is. Or Martin Baily. Or Jeff Frankel. Or Paul Krugman, if he can hear you over the sound of his GOD DAMN NOBEL PRIZE IN ECONOMICS. Or any of the other prominent economists who support Clinton.

I'm blocking you now because your orangereds are raising my blood pressure. I can't deal with people this stupid.

First of all, math is not economics.

Economics is math.

✡Joseph Stiglitz✡


Martin Baily


✡Jeff Frankel✡


✡Paul Krugman✡


You were saying? None of them know a damn thing about economics. Keynesianism is a universally failed "policy". Can you even count?

if he can hear you over the sound of his GOD DAMN NOBEL PRIZE IN ECONOMICS.

Appeal to "authority", sorry.

Or any of the other prominent economists who support Clinton.

All of whom created the second great depression.

I'm blocking you now because your orangereds are raising my blood pressure. I can't deal with people this stupid.


Thanks for admitting that you are wrong and know nothing about mathematics.

Physics is also math. I studied Math in college. Am I supposed to be knowledgeable in Physics too? Surprise! I'm actually terrible at Physics!

Also, philosophy is the mother of all science. Are philosophy students supposed to know all science?

Thanks for adding in the little jew stars, now I know to never listen to a word you say!

That's antisemitic. Do you have an argument or just hate speech?

"you called me racist that means ur actually the racist one!!!111"

Wow I'm so glad I didn't block you; amazing response.

Can we play a game? You know how to play fuck/marry/kill, right? Ready? Adolf Hitler, John Maynard Keynes, Donald Trump. GO!

marry Keynes, kill Hitler, fuck Trump (yuck)

not OP


I wouldn't call your photos proof. For one you don't have a single photo of you and her together. You have no photos of her in front of the flag, and you don't have any timestamps on your photos. You could be working for her.... Since you know, you agree with her on multiple points....


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

This one is 2 hours old and has 9 upvotes, the reply has 3 downvotes. One month old thread...

Gotcha, calling people shills with no basis is totes not a personal attack.

After all, it's not like they are doing it for free

What led you and the others that suddenly brigaded this and manipulated votes here in a month old thread that was deleted long ago?

Desire to annoy you. Also MAGA

Isn't the comment that the deleted post is replying to also breaking rule 10, in that it is implying that OP could be a shill?

I don't think that one quite crosses the line... and I'm pretty tough in enforcing that rule.

Clearly you're not. That's weak as piss and you know it

What led you and the others that suddenly brigaded this and manipulated votes here in a month old thread that was deleted long ago?

Fair enough.


Thanks! It's an ongoing effort to help kill what little ego I have.

And the photo of a phone seemed more focused on the phone itself rather than HRC with a noticeable lack of screen glare than the others.

We're being down voted for questioning the story we've been given..... What happened to
r/conspiracy ?

I think this post got linked around somewhere.


I don't think you realize that this thread is a month old.

The thing I actually believe, all this hillary stuff going on is to maintain everyone's attention on her as opposed to everything else going on. Russia announcing US aiding isis (no surprise there tbh!), the very fabric of history being an absolute lie etc. There are many things going on behind the veil, where darkness conducts it's business. Of course she's corrupt, a puppet for the big players, sold herself and her country, maybe even so far to say she could be the whore of babylon, considering she's carrying out international Jewrys work. But in all honesty it's a distraction, keeping people on a little trail, dropping breadcrumbs that lead no where.

Additionally don't get caught out unawares by the 'lesser evil', the same connections and shadow government are there, after all it doesn't matter who you vote for, the government always gets in.

How could the rally be faked?

Ok then, how could the rally be faked?

So what you're saying... Is that people with views contrary to yours are obviously just shills?

Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. /s

Seriously, according to your logic, we have to take everything at face value because we might offend someone. That is even more moronic than assuming literally everyone is a shill.

we have to take everything at face value

Given this is peoples opinions were talking about, yeah you kinda have to.

because we might offend someone

If I cared about not offending, then I wouldn't be so popular.

I'd recommend caution, in regards to engaging with that user.....

Thanks, duly noted. I avoided calling them out as a shill as not to violate rules, but I'm definitely suspicious. Best case, it's just someone attempting to play devil's advocate in a game they don't understand. Not only that, but I'm pretty satisfied with OP's response as to why they supported Hillary, and don't believe he is actively shilling. u/Rockran on the other hand...

I avoided calling them out as a shill as not to violate rules

I have a sub for that.

Best case, it's just someone attempting to play devil's advocate in a game they don't understand.

There's no devils advocate about it, it's quite common on this sub for people to be incapable of understanding other people might hold different views to their own, and not be a shill.

Sure, people can have "different views". Another way of phrasing that is "being wrong". Pardon me that I can still tell the difference. Or are you one of those people that believe "all things are true, depending how you look at it". Have fun defending nonsense for the sake of being PC.

lol my fans will tell you that i'm not PC, and most certainly not of the opinion that "all things are true, depending how you look at it"

You couldn't be more wrong in your assumptions.

my fans will tell you

Now I understand.

Me too, people get enraged when they come up against my tip top brilliance.

Obviously, any dissenting opinion is wrong and a shill!

Which are? Does not killing Vince Foster, or peddling crack cocaine to blacks and whites via Mena, Arkansas not bother you? What about hubby riding on Epstein's pedophile plane, going to pedophile island?

This is why no one takes Trump seriously - his followers are the dumbest conspiracy fucks ever.


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

No offense but you have to see the contradiction there. He calls a group of us dumb conspiracy fucks and that's cool but I call him a dumb fuck and it ban time.

Could it be that you guys might be dumb conspiracy fucks? I'm not saying you are, but is it a possibility? It's just that about 1% of conspiracy shit on YouTube is probably real. So if you're buying into more than that, and you're not a paranoid schizophrenic, you fall into a category most people would label pejoratively.

I think affordable healthcare and climate change are major issues. I agree with Hillary's stance on both these issues. I don't know what you're talking about.

That's funny considering Clinton is in the pocket of fracking industries.

The problem with fracking isn't climate change, natural gas has reduced CO2 emissions greatly, the problem is potential ground water contamination. These options are not necessarily at odds with each other.

Potential ground water contamination is the obvious one everybody can not deny thanks to the earthquakes and tap water you can light on fire.

But the study saying natural gas reduced CO2 emissions is based solely on it being acquired with no leaks and spills. Further more that study was also found to be funded by the same industries tied to fracking.

Natural gas is actually NOT a great substitute for energy. And people saying it is should really get a good understanding that we are purposefully not being allowed to pursue cleaner energies that are cheap and practical.

Burning coal killed 20k Americans every year thanks to the pollutants it releases. Now that number is 7k thanks to decreased demand due to fracking.

And how does it go from releasing pollutants one year to being no longer polluted the next year?

I would like to see the source of claiming people died from burning coal killing 20k to 7k

Here is mounting evidence we will be saying the same about fracking in a decade

And here is more proof of fracking 'worse then previously estimated' source

Because these pollutants are a lot more short term than something like co2 or methane that don't kill for years and years through climate change. Things like so2 and NOx that get filtered through the environment faster but are far more deadly. Also the numbers were a bit bigger than I said.

This article says

"Our 2004 study showed that power plant impacts exceeded 24,000 deaths a year, but by 2010 that had been reduced to roughly 13,000 deaths due to the impact that state and federal actions were beginning to have. The updated study shows that strong regulations that require stringent emission controls can have a dramatic impact in reducing air pollution across the country, saving lives, and avoiding a host of other adverse health impacts. The study also shows regrettably that some areas of the country still suffer from unnecessary levels of pollution from power plants that could be cleaned up with the application of proven emission control technologies."

This article says the reason this happened was because state and federal laws required power plant companies to have better emission control technologies in place, not fracking that reduced the pollutants . In fact they are finding out that fracking is much more dangerous then previously thought

Coal is dying because of a combination of the two. Under Clinton fracking would be more regulated and under trump there wouldn't be any more regulations. Bottom line coal kills more people fracking is more deadly "than we thought" but still worlds better than coal

I guess I'm missing your point.

"Coal kills more people. And fracking is more deadly then we thought.

No shit. Now shut up. you sound like a moron defending a valid less claim

There is actually no proven link between flammable tap water and fracking.

Most of the places that have that occur have a history of that occurring that predates fracking and it even occurs in places that have never been fracked

Please provide source?

please provide a (reliable) source linking the tap water to fracking.

what can be claimed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

here is proof.

Where is your proof people could light their tap water on fire before hydraulic fracking

Also that she doesn't support universal healthcare, and manipulatively references "universal coverage" so that people assume she's on their side.

Edit - for the quick downvoters, would love an explanation or counterpoint

She did support universal healthcare... til the health care industry threw a few million at her and she conveniently dropped her support. How progressive!

I think affordable healthcare and climate change are major issues.

So, support a person who doesn't care about either, and participated in murder, drug smuggling, money laundering, rape, child sexual abuse, and more..? Logic at [10]. BTW, Global warming is a scam and we have affordable healthcare if the government GTFO. Obama care is a failure. Open insurance across state lines, and boom, affordable. No one is talking about that. You want single payer, move to Canada or Europe and see how it is...

Canadian here, it's fucking awesome.

been to the hospital 3 times in the last 3 months, got 3 x-rays and a walking boot.

zero dollars spent and i'm back to mobile.

Am American, broke my ankle, foot and a few toes in one go, couldn't afford to go to the hospital.

Im from Europe and I can tell you its fucking awesome. I have to pay the first 100 euros and after that all healthcare is free. Do you even know how Europ and Canada do health care XD

I'm in the UK and it's totally free except prescriptions which are about £8.40 or $10 for one course of about £100 for a year of as many as you need but it's all free if you're a kid, pensioner or on benefits.

I'm in the UK and it's totally free except prescriptions which are about £8.40

That's actually just England. For the rest of the UK (Scotland, Wales, N.Ireland) prescriptions have no upfront cost whatsoever.

You robbing bar stewards, it's us English and specifically London and the South East who are paying for it.

Did this one month old thread get linked somewhere? We're having a confused time trying to figure out why we're suddenly getting reports about it.

Ah thanks, that makes a lot more sense then.

It was but I can't find the original link it was something like "what happens when a Clinton supporter starts on about conspiracies". It could have been /r/The_Donald, /r/SubredditDrama, /r/HillaryForPrison

Sorry I can't nail it down any more.

Thanks man, it was an SRD thread apparently, mystery solved.

It's like the biggest topminds thread ever.

Linked from /r/subredditdrama

Yes somebody said, thanks though.

But supporting Democrats is so hip and progressive!

Yay! Farts and lollipops for everyone!!!!!

What do you think about the likelihood that she may be complicit and partially or even directly responsible for war crimes in Libya and dozens of other countries during her time as Sec of State?

Should we vote for psychopaths just because they say some things we like?

Should we vote for psychopaths just because they say some things we like?

That's literally what politics is these days.

I don't know about any of those things. I don't think we should opt out voting because of these reasons even if they are true. Everyone talks about all the bad that Clinton has done, but nobody ever talks about the good. What about the State Children's Health Insurance Program?

In my humble opinion Clinton (and Trump for that matter) are most definitely part of the problem with US governance.

I'm not prepared to vote for a warmonger and doubt I ever will be, especially one with a track record of actually participating in waging illegal wars/conflicts/rebellions/assassinations. I'll vote for anyone on the ticket in my state who meets that bar, and it won't be Clinton.

Further reading:

Have you seen George Carlins stance on this? When someone tells him if you don't vote, you can't complain, he says, if I don't vote, it's not my fault those people are in charge, so I'm the only one who gets to complain.

Every time something bad is brought up about her or her people you just say I don't know. Stop participating in anything political if you aren't going to take the time to inform yourself. Why should anyone listen to an uniformed voter regardless of age, you don't know why you're voting other than the topics you think she agrees with you on.

New flash: If they're for the TPP, they're against you.

I'm not voting for her anymore after today. I'm switching to Jill Stein. And no, I have the right to be as politically active as I want. If that's an issue, you're in the wrong country.

Kudos for better informing your vote!

And good job maturely handling the animosity you've been subjected to in this thread.

Congrats! You just stopped believing everything you are told. Keep it up, you will become wiser for this.

Seriously, don't believe the news. Research everything for yourself, then decide who to trust.

Ignorance is bliss.

You should research the bad with the good before making all adult decisions.

That sounds like an insult, but I'll take it as advice.

It's honestly not meant to be!

Ignorance is defined as a lack of knowledge or information, which seems to be correct in your case, in regards to the negatives about H. You're choosing the leader of your world for the next 4+ years, its a huge decision. Like all adult decision (again, no insult here, adult meaning important life decisions like cars/homes/careers/marriage/etc), all sides should be taken into account.

I'll be the first to say I know ignorance is bliss firsthand! I loooove eating meat. Chicken, beef, bring it all on. Because of this, I refuse to ever watch documentaries like Food Inc. I'd rather be ignorant and continue eating my McDs.

My best friend is married to a serial cheater. She knows, and is devastated every time. He claims he's changed, but she knows he can't. She loves him to the point where she flat out told me she'd rather be ignorant to whatever is happening. If she doesn't catch him she can keep believing her lie that he's changed.

Hopefully it sounds like less of an insult now, although I probably didn't use the best examples hehehe.

They should raise the voting age to 21.

These kids are too easy to brainwash with the koolaid.

I agree. I'm not experienced well enough to know much about politics. That being said there's no need to throw insults. And while you're at it, lower the drinking age to 18.

Im not trying to insult you. I just think its sad that people of voting age have such a shallow view of the people they are willing to support. You'll vote in another Hitler or Stalin if their "platform" sounds frilly enough for you, and like sheep believe that all that nasty bad stuff about them is just some partisan "conspiracy theory" that you should ignore. Their whole personas are fake, concocted by PR firms and "image" consultants, and people like you eat it up.

You aren't even old enough to witness how people like these monsters have corrupted and destroyed this country and its economy and you cheer them like they're fucking saviors. It's really fucking sad.

25, when the brain fully develops...

That's just her public face. She says whatever she thinks will garner her the most votes at that particular moment. If you follow her 'evolving stances', you will quickly find that that's exactly why they 'evolve'.

There are alot of these smaller issues you guys bring up. Yes, if true they are terrible. But at some point I am not voting for how good or bad of a person the president is on these small scale issues. They could be bought, they could be a murderer, they could be helping facilitate foreign wars. That sucks, but none of those things come close to the large scale issues I care about.

I have been studying or conducting research in Economics for the past decade. I know Trump is going to do everything he can for lower taxes across the board. It so overwhelmingly agreed upon in my field of how dangerous lowering taxes is at a time like this when the developed world is on the brink of massive automation. We already have mountains of evidence of how well many European countries are doing with high tax rates and very socialist policies. We also have mountains of evidence of how dangerous cutting taxes can be right now. Take a look at what happened in Kansas. Their economy has been absolutely obliterated since their cuts.

Low taxes works well in a very capitalist society, which we were for a long time. That time is over. Capitalism can't survive alone with automation. It has to work in tandem with many socialist policies. This is not even a debate among those who spend their lives researching economics. Economic policies will have a far larger effect on us than anything else being brought up, bar maybe climate change. Which Trump is also on the wrong side of. I can't vote for someone who just ignores science and research. I rather have a criminal in office than someone who is literally running in the opposite direction of what science and research tells us.

Do you agree with her public or private views on the issues?

Please watch Clinton Cash. Please. It is a worthy hour of your time, especially if you really think you want to vote for her. Please inform yourself. You can find it all over the internet for free.

She doesn't care what you or any of her other few supporters care about, she isn't going to fulfill any of her promises and will lead us into a world war, her and any other career politician don't care about us

Of course it wasn't fake. The greenscreen narrative is pushed by her cronies.

Pushed by her close companions? Or do you not know what 'cronies' means?

He's claiming is a false-flag conspiracy theory. That Clinton's camp is pushing an absurd theory in some sort of attempt to discredit people who are pushing other conspiracy theories about her.

I fail to see your point. Sorry!

I think he meant something like lackeys.

They always push a crazier conspiracy than the real one, so the real one is tossed too -- baby w/ bathwater.

9/11: "There were no planes" is an example.

Seems that way to me. No one in their right mind would upvote transparent nonsense like that. Could CTR be employing tactical upvotes to poison the "conspiracy theory" well?

Thanks for sharing.

This particular Clinton "conspiracy theory" smells a lot like a black propaganda psyop to me. You'd have to be really naive to believe the show of incredulity put on in that ranting guy video which is currently topping the sub.

The video you're talking about is an Infowars video isn't it? I hardly think Alex Jones is suddenly in Team Clinton.

This particular conspiracy theory is no more absurd than many others that are posted here regularly.

Although to be honest I'm a little surprised that Dahboo7 hasn't jumped on this one yet.

found him in the video does not show his face

Hey OP, I also went to a Hillary rally. Did anybody shout anything or do anything goofy? Also, did they have you go through metal detectors? Just curious.

You should consider helping your local campaign office to garner votes. They typically do the phone lines, door-to-door voter registration, and personal email-wipes (jk).

Its a fun way to meet a lot of crazy people during this election time. Tell me you'll at least try the phone lines out!!

I did go through a metal detector. Some people had to be pat down because of necklaces etc. One guy got turned away for a pocket knife. During the speech there was one guy yelling "you suck" while holding a Benghazi sign. There was another guy who was really close to where I was that shouted "Hillary! Imma let you finish, BUT FUCK DONALD TRUMP!" Everyone got mad at him for trying to interrupt the speech. One ladies eyeballs looked like they popped out of her head while she was telling him to be quiet. I did sign up to register people to vote but I had to turn them down because of all the exams I've got this week.

I don't appreciate your support for a career criminal politician, but I do appreciate your efforts to quell the flood of posts claiming her rally was a fake. I wasn't buying it either and I was getting tired of seeing all of the distracting posts. Cheers!


I think that's just something on her phone. Looks like it's standing out too much to be a part of the picture. Like an app or phone shortcut or something.


I have a few, but they're a bit ugly. I have a shitty iphone 4 camera. I'll upload them shortly.



Sounds like a camera angle problem. That and that thread earlier here to day explaining camera zoom. I didn't lead with those because I made that album for the clinton subreddit and they were my best pics. I didn't want to show the nasty looking ones.

Look at the initial photos from OP: the flag is behind Hillary, OPs shots are from off to the side.

Here's a couple of higher-angle wide shots that show the staging layout pretty clearly. OP is obviously standing to stage left somewhat, photographing toward the audience riser behind the stage to the right. We can see the people in that riser.

Ignoring the fact that the white square in question is clearly a part of the phone's UI -- what would this prove?

What is this white square proving? Everything else in the picture is consistent - what strange "reality" do you propose which would be given away by this white square?

Here, I wrote this earlier to summarize how silly this theory is...


Are you being serious? It's just some camera control icon.

"gimmegimmegimmegimmegimme" -crowd

Entertaining either way.

It was never a conspiracy to begin with, read the definition of the word over there >>>

g xlr

Nice try. How much were you paid to write this? /s

Wow you guys are ignorant

/s is used to indicate sarcasm

Oh lol came from r/subredditdrama

No shortage of that around here

ITT: No reddiquette.

Pretty sure they closed down.


I'm already knee deep in college loan debt. I really wish you were right.

I believe you. Sorry you're getting attacked so hard here. You just gotta understand, shilling is a very real thing here, and because of it, most of us are extremely skeptical.

More so that this place has a serious case of

You're knee deep in college loan debt but you're only 18 studying math?

And you're possibly the only one on reddit that went to the rally?

Something smells fishy.

Irrelevant, proof is proof. Hopefully will help quiet the nonsense to do with the glitchy video.

Picture #4 in this set ( ) by Realist_Trap is the same as the last picture in this set ( ) by thinkmorebetter.

I noticed most of these pics were posted on prior threads (some of which from this subreddit). A little credit would be appreciated but it's just a single picture.

Hey sorry - I would have credited but the link I had was to the Imgur (which I hyperlinked) and I don't think there was any username associated. I think that album had been linked in a comment on one of the threads here.

They are my pictures but it's seriously no big deal. It's not like you're showing my face or anything.

I've added an attribution. Thanks for posting them :)

Because I took the photo from that Imgur album. Which I even hyperlinked on immediately above the image.

Retroactive correction.

For myself, I don't pay any attention to the 'muddy the water' posts in /r/conspiracy. That generally means anything that includes a bunch arrows or discussions about CIA codespeak in some wikileaks email that really means someone put out a hit on someone else or whatever.

It's not that I don't think they are possibly true, it's just beyond my personal ability to sift through all the crap and know if the person is a nut job.

I scan /r/conspiracy for things like early news about stuff that later comes out on /r/all, /r/news, /r/worldnews, /r/politics etc...

Right now /r/conspiracy is having a HUGE boost in credibility due to the wikileaks exposures, especially concerning the DNC emails/podesta. That's great. I love it.

But... it also means that a bunch of CTR and other shills are going to be coming here to talk up patently schizoid BS and try to put the subreddit back in it's place. Can't have the general public thinking there are critical thinkers here, that wouldn't do at all.

So, did you get paid to be there? Or maybe held at gun point? I do hope it was something other then just to support the devil in disguise.

Sure, people can have "different views". Another way of phrasing that is "being wrong". Pardon me that I can still tell the difference. Or are you one of those people that believe "all things are true, depending how you look at it". Have fun defending nonsense for the sake of being PC.

lol my fans will tell you that i'm not PC, and most certainly not of the opinion that "all things are true, depending how you look at it"

You couldn't be more wrong in your assumptions.

Because these pollutants are a lot more short term than something like co2 or methane that don't kill for years and years through climate change. Things like so2 and NOx that get filtered through the environment faster but are far more deadly. Also the numbers were a bit bigger than I said.

I'm in the UK and it's totally free except prescriptions which are about £8.40

That's actually just England. For the rest of the UK (Scotland, Wales, N.Ireland) prescriptions have no upfront cost whatsoever.

/s is used to indicate sarcasm

Funny, I see all those videos of Trump rallies and they're full of white haired men and women. 15 year olds sure age fast these days.

You must have huge investments in a portfolio of oil, gas and banking stocks! Good for you! I didn't realize when I got my 401k, I needed to vote to sell out the nation for higher returns! Knew I should've worshipped money!

[insert other personal attacks because that's all you know]

No shortage of that around here

What? If your going to respond say something constructive not just spam Memes